596 research outputs found

    Sensing and Signal Processing in Smart Healthcare

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    In the last decade, we have witnessed the rapid development of electronic technologies that are transforming our daily lives. Such technologies are often integrated with various sensors that facilitate the collection of human motion and physiological data and are equipped with wireless communication modules such as Bluetooth, radio frequency identification, and near-field communication. In smart healthcare applications, designing ergonomic and intuitive human–computer interfaces is crucial because a system that is not easy to use will create a huge obstacle to adoption and may significantly reduce the efficacy of the solution. Signal and data processing is another important consideration in smart healthcare applications because it must ensure high accuracy with a high level of confidence in order for the applications to be useful for clinicians in making diagnosis and treatment decisions. This Special Issue is a collection of 10 articles selected from a total of 26 contributions. These contributions span the areas of signal processing and smart healthcare systems mostly contributed by authors from Europe, including Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, and Netherlands. Authors from China, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Ecuador are also included

    Recent Advances in Indoor Localization: A Survey on Theoretical Approaches and Applications

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    Nowadays, the availability of the location information becomes a key factor in today’s communications systems for allowing location based services. In outdoor scenarios, the Mobile Terminal (MT) position is obtained with high accuracy thanks to the Global Positioning System (GPS) or to the standalone cellular systems. However, the main problem of GPS or cellular systems resides in the indoor environment and in scenarios with deep shadowing effect where the satellite or cellular signals are broken. In this paper, we will present a review over different technologies and concepts used to improve indoor localization. Additionally, we will discuss different applications based on different localization approaches. Finally, comprehensive challenges in terms of accuracy, cost, complexity, security, scalability, etc. are presente

    Cooperative localisation in underwater robotic swarms for ocean bottom seismic imaging.

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    Spatial information must be collected alongside the data modality of interest in wide variety of sub-sea applications, such as deep sea exploration, environmental monitoring, geological and ecological research, and samples collection. Ocean-bottom seismic surveys are vital for oil and gas exploration, and for productivity enhancement of an existing production facility. Ocean-bottom seismic sensors are deployed on the seabed to acquire those surveys. Node deployment methods used in industry today are costly, time-consuming and unusable in deep oceans. This study proposes the autonomous deployment of ocean-bottom seismic nodes, implemented by a swarm of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs). In autonomous deployment of ocean-bottom seismic nodes, a swarm of sensor-equipped AUVs are deployed to achieve ocean-bottom seismic imaging through collaboration and communication. However, the severely limited bandwidth of underwater acoustic communications and the high cost of maritime assets limit the number of AUVs that can be deployed for experiments. A holistic fuzzy-based localisation framework for large underwater robotic swarms (i.e. with hundreds of AUVs) to dynamically fuse multiple position estimates of an autonomous underwater vehicle is proposed. Simplicity, exibility and scalability are the main three advantages inherent in the proposed localisation framework, when compared to other traditional and commonly adopted underwater localisation methods, such as the Extended Kalman Filter. The proposed fuzzy-based localisation algorithm improves the entire swarm mean localisation error and standard deviation (by 16.53% and 35.17% respectively) at a swarm size of 150 AUVs when compared to the Extended Kalman Filter based localisation with round-robin scheduling. The proposed fuzzy based localisation method requires fuzzy rules and fuzzy set parameters tuning, if the deployment scenario is changed. Therefore a cooperative localisation scheme that relies on a scalar localisation confidence value is proposed. A swarm subset is navigationally aided by ultra-short baseline and a swarm subset (i.e. navigation beacons) is configured to broadcast navigation aids (i.e. range-only), once their confidence values are higher than a predetermined confidence threshold. The confidence value and navigation beacons subset size are two key parameters for the proposed algorithm, so that they are optimised using the evolutionary multi-objective optimisation algorithm NSGA-II to enhance its localisation performance. Confidence value-based localisation is proposed to control the cooperation dynamics among the swarm agents, in terms of aiding acoustic exteroceptive sensors. Given the error characteristics of a commercially available ultra-short baseline system and the covariance matrix of a trilaterated underwater vehicle position, dead reckoning navigation - aided by Extended Kalman Filter-based acoustic exteroceptive sensors - is performed and controlled by the vehicle's confidence value. The proposed confidence-based localisation algorithm has significantly improved the entire swarm mean localisation error when compared to the fuzzy-based and round-robin Extended Kalman Filter-based localisation methods (by 67.10% and 59.28% respectively, at a swarm size of 150 AUVs). The proposed fuzzy-based and confidence-based localisation algorithms for cooperative underwater robotic swarms are validated on a co-simulation platform. A physics-based co-simulation platform that considers an environment's hydrodynamics, industrial grade inertial measurement unit and underwater acoustic communications characteristics is implemented for validation and optimisation purposes

    Towards Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle Systems

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    As an emerging technology, autonomous Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS) have found not only many military applications, but also various civil applications. For example, Google, Amazon and Facebook are developing their UVS plans to explore new markets. However, there are still a lot of challenging problems which deter the UVS’s development. We study two important and challenging problems in this dissertation, i.e. localization and 3D reconstruction. Specifically, most GPS based localization systems are not very accurate and can have problems in areas where no GPS signals are available. Based on the Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) and Inertial Navigation System (INS), we propose a new hybrid localization system, which is very efficient and can account for dynamic communication environments. Extensive simulation results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed localization system. Besides, 3D reconstruction is a key problem in autonomous navigation and hence very important for UVS.With the help of high-speed Internet and powerful cloud servers, the light-weight computers on the UVS can now execute computationally expensive computer vision based algorithms. We develop a 3D reconstruction scheme which employs cloud computing to perform realtime 3D reconstruction. Simulations and experiments show the efficacy and efficiency of our scheme

    Design and theoretical analysis of advanced power based positioning in RF system

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    Accurate locating and tracking of people and resources has become a fundamental requirement for many applications. The global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) is widely used. But its accuracy suffers from signal obstruction by buildings, multipath fading, and disruption due to jamming and spoof. Hence, it is required to supplement GPS with inertial sensors and indoor localization schemes that make use of WiFi APs or beacon nodes. In the GPS-challenging or fault scenario, radio-frequency (RF) infrastructure based localization schemes can be a fallback solution for robust navigation. For the indoor/outdoor transition scenario, we propose hypothesis test based fusion method to integrate multi-modal localization sensors. In the first paper, a ubiquitous tracking using motion and location sensor (UTMLS) is proposed. As a fallback approach, power-based schemes are cost-effective when compared with the existing ToA or AoA schemes. However, traditional power-based positioning methods suffer from low accuracy and are vulnerable to environmental fading. Also, the expected accuracy of power-based localization is not well understood but is needed to derive the hypothesis test for the fusion scheme. Hence, in paper 2-5, we focus on developing more accurate power-based localization schemes. The second paper improves the power-based range estimation accuracy by estimating the LoS component. The ranging error model in fading channel is derived. The third paper introduces the LoS-based positioning method with corresponding theoretical limits and error models. In the fourth and fifth paper, a novel antenna radiation-pattern-aware power-based positioning (ARPAP) system and power contour circle fitting (PCCF) algorithm are proposed to address antenna directivity effect on power-based localization. Overall, a complete LoS signal power based positioning system has been developed that can be included in the fusion scheme --Abstract, page iv
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