148 research outputs found

    A comparison of phase unwrapping methods in velocity-encoded MRI for aortic flows

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    Purpose: The phase of a MRI signal is used to encode the velocity of blood flow. Phase unwrapping artifacts may appear when aiming to improve the velocity-to-noise ratio (VNR) of the measured velocity field. This study aims to compare various unwrapping algorithms on ground-truth synthetic data generated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Methods: We compare four different phase unwrapping algorithms on two different synthetic datasets of four-dimensional flow MRI and 26 datasets of 2D PC-MRI acquisitions including the ascending and descending aorta. The synthetic datasets are constructed using CFD simulations of an aorta with a coarctation, with different levels of spatiotemporal resolutions and noise. The error of the unwrapped images was assessed by comparison against the ground truth velocity field in the synthetic data and dual-VENC reconstructions in the in vivo data. Results: Using the unwrapping algorithms, we were able to remove aliased voxels in the data almost entirely, reducing the L2-error compared to the ground truth by 50%–80%. Results indicated that the best choice of algorithm depend on the spatiotemporal resolution and noise level of the dataset. Temporal unwrapping is most successful with a high temporal and low spatial resolution ((Figure presented.) ms, (Figure presented.) mm), reducing the L2-error by 70%–85%, while Laplacian unwrapping performs better with a lower temporal or better spatial resolution ((Figure presented.) ms, (Figure presented.) mm), especially for signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) 12 as opposed to SNR 15, with an error reduction of 55%–85% compared to the 50%–75% achieved by the Temporal method. The differences in performance between the methods are statistically significant. Conclusions: The temporal method and spatiotemporal Laplacian method provide the best results, with the spatiotemporal Laplacian being more robust. However, single- (Figure presented.) methods only situationally and not generally reach the performance of dual- (Figure presented.) unwrapping methods.</p

    4D Flow cardiovascular magnetic resonance consensus statement: 2023 update

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    4D Flow MRI; Hemodynamics; RecommendationsRessonància magnètica de flux 4D; Hemodinàmica; RecomanacionsResonancia magnética de flujo 4D; Hemodinámica; RecomendacionesHemodynamic assessment is an integral part of the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disease. Four-dimensional cardiovascular magnetic resonance flow imaging (4D Flow CMR) allows comprehensive and accurate assessment of flow in a single acquisition. This consensus paper is an update from the 2015 ‘4D Flow CMR Consensus Statement’. We elaborate on 4D Flow CMR sequence options and imaging considerations. The document aims to assist centers starting out with 4D Flow CMR of the heart and great vessels with advice on acquisition parameters, post-processing workflows and integration into clinical practice. Furthermore, we define minimum quality assurance and validation standards for clinical centers. We also address the challenges faced in quality assurance and validation in the research setting. We also include a checklist for recommended publication standards, specifically for 4D Flow CMR. Finally, we discuss the current limitations and the future of 4D Flow CMR. This updated consensus paper will further facilitate widespread adoption of 4D Flow CMR in the clinical workflow across the globe and aid consistently high-quality publication standards.1R01HL149787-01A1 (S. Schnell, M. Markl), 1R21NS122511-01 (S. Schnell), 1R01CA233878-01 (J.Collins) J.Sotelo thanks to ANID–Millennium Science Initiative Program–ICN2021_004 and FONDECYT de iniciación en investigación #11200481. Dr. Oechtering receives funding from the German Research Foundation (OE 746/1-1)

    4D Flow cardiovascular magnetic resonance consensus statement: 2023 update

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    Hemodynamic assessment is an integral part of the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disease. Four-dimensional cardiovascular magnetic resonance flow imaging (4D Flow CMR) allows comprehensive and accurate assessment of flow in a single acquisition. This consensus paper is an update from the 2015 '4D Flow CMR Consensus Statement'. We elaborate on 4D Flow CMR sequence options and imaging considerations. The document aims to assist centers starting out with 4D Flow CMR of the heart and great vessels with advice on acquisition parameters, post-processing workflows and integration into clinical practice. Furthermore, we define minimum quality assurance and validation standards for clinical centers. We also address the challenges faced in quality assurance and validation in the research setting. We also include a checklist for recommended publication standards, specifically for 4D Flow CMR. Finally, we discuss the current limitations and the future of 4D Flow CMR. This updated consensus paper will further facilitate widespread adoption of 4D Flow CMR in the clinical workflow across the globe and aid consistently high-quality publication standards

    Multiple motion encoding in Phase-Contrast MRI:A general theory and application to elastography imaging

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    While MRI allows to encode the motion of tissue in the magnetization’s phase, it remains yet a challenge to obtain high fidelity motion images due to wraps in the phase for high encoding efficiencies. Therefore, we propose an optimal multiple motion encoding method (OMME) and exemplify it in Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) data. OMME is formulated as a non-convex least-squares problem for the motion using an arbitrary number of phase-contrast measurements with different motion encoding gradients (MEGs). The mathematical properties of OMME are proved in terms of standard deviation and dynamic range of the motion’s estimate for arbitrary MEGs combination which are confirmed using synthetically generated data. OMME’s performance is assessed on MRE data from in vivo human brain experiments and compared to dual encoding strategies. The unwrapped images are further used to reconstruct stiffness maps and compared to the ones obtained using conventional unwrapping methods. OMME allowed to successfully combine several MRE phase images with different MEGs, outperforming dual encoding strategies in either motion-to-noise ratio (MNR) or number of successfully reconstructed voxels with good noise stability. This lead to stiffness maps with greater resolution of details than obtained with conventional unwrapping methods. The proposed OMME method allows for a flexible and noise robust increase in the dynamic range and thus provides wrap-free phase images with high MNR. In MRE, the method may be especially suitable when high resolution images with high MNR are needed

    Hemodynamic Measurement Using Four-Dimensional Phase-Contrast MRI: Quantification of Hemodynamic Parameters and Clinical Applications

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    Recent improvements have been made to the use of time-resolved, three-dimensional phase-contrast (PC) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is also named four-dimensional (4D) PC-MRI or 4D flow MRI, in the investigation of spatial and temporal variations in hemodynamic features in cardiovascular blood flow. The present article reviews the principle and analytical procedures of 4D PC-MRI. Various fluid dynamic biomarkers for possible clinical usage are also described, including wall shear stress, turbulent kinetic energy, and relative pressure. Lastly, this article provides an overview of the clinical applications of 4D PC-MRI in various cardiovascular regions.113Ysciescopuskc

    Rapid 3D Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Angiography through High-Moment Velocity Encoding and 3D Parallel Imaging

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    abstract: Phase contrast magnetic resonance angiography (PCMRA) is a non-invasive imaging modality that is capable of producing quantitative vascular flow velocity information. The encoding of velocity information can significantly increase the imaging acquisition and reconstruction durations associated with this technique. The purpose of this work is to provide mechanisms for reducing the scan time of a 3D phase contrast exam, so that hemodynamic velocity data may be acquired robustly and with a high sensitivity. The methods developed in this work focus on the reduction of scan duration and reconstruction computation of a neurovascular PCMRA exam. The reductions in scan duration are made through a combination of advances in imaging and velocity encoding methods. The imaging improvements are explored using rapid 3D imaging techniques such as spiral projection imaging (SPI), Fermat looped orthogonally encoded trajectories (FLORET), stack of spirals and stack of cones trajectories. Scan durations are also shortened through the use and development of a novel parallel imaging technique called Pretty Easy Parallel Imaging (PEPI). Improvements in the computational efficiency of PEPI and in general MRI reconstruction are made in the area of sample density estimation and correction of 3D trajectories. A new method of velocity encoding is demonstrated to provide more efficient signal to noise ratio (SNR) gains than current state of the art methods. The proposed velocity encoding achieves improved SNR through the use of high gradient moments and by resolving phase aliasing through the use measurement geometry and non-linear constraints.Dissertation/ThesisPh.D. Bioengineering 201

    Novel Algorithms for Merging Computational Fluid Dynamics and 4D Flow MRI

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    Time-resolved three-dimensional spatial encoding combined with three-directional velocity-encoded phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging (termed as 4D flow MRI), can provide valuable information for diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of vascular diseases. The accuracy of this technique, however, is limited by errors in flow estimation due to acquisition noise as well as systematic errors. Furthermore, available spatial resolution is limited to 1.5mm - 3mm and temporal resolution is limited to 30-40ms. This is often grossly inadequate to resolve flow details in small arteries, such as those in cerebral circulation. Recently, there have been efforts to address the limitations of the spatial and temporal resolution of MR flow imaging through the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). While CFD is capable of providing essentially unlimited spatial and temporal resolution, numerical results are very sensitive to errors in estimation of the flow boundary conditions. In this work, we present three novel techniques that combine CFD with 4D flow MRI measurements in order to address the resolution and noise issues. The first technique is a variant of the Kalman Filter state estimator called the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). In this technique, an ensemble of patient-specific CFD solutions are used to compute filter gains. These gains are then used in a predictor-corrector scheme to not only denoise the data but also increase its temporal and spatial resolution. The second technique is based on proper orthogonal decomposition and ridge regression (POD-rr). The POD method is typically used to generate reduced order models (ROMs) in closed control applications of large degree of freedom systems that result from discretization of governing partial differential equations (PDE). The POD-rr process results in a set of basis functions (vectors), that capture the local space of solutions of the PDE in question. In our application, the basis functions are generated from an ensemble of patient-specific CFD solutions whose boundary conditions are estimated from 4D flow MRI data. The CFD solution that should be most closely representing the actual flow is generated by projecting 4D flow MRI data onto the basis vectors followed by reconstruction in both MRI and CFD resolution. The rr algorithm was used for between resolution mapping. Despite the accuracy of using rr as the mapping step, due to manual adjustment of a coefficient in the algorithm we developed the third algorithm. In this step, the rr algorithm was substituded with a dynamic mode decomposition algorithm to preserve the robustness. These algorithms have been implemented and tested using a numerical model of the flow in a cerebral aneurysm. Solutions at time intervals corresponding to the 4D flow MRI temporal resolution were collected and downsampled to the spatial resolution of the imaging data. A simulated acquisition noise was then added in k-space. Finally, the simulated data affected by noise were used as an input to the merging algorithms. Rigorous comparison to state-of-the-art techniques were conducted to assess the accuracy and performance of the proposed method. The results provided denoised flow fields with less than 1\% overall error for different signal-to-noise ratios. At the end, a small cohort of three patients were corrected and the data were reconstructed using different methods, the wall shear stress (WSS) was calculated using different reconstructed data and the results were compared. As it has been shown in chapter 5, the calculated WSS using different methods results in mutual high and low shear stress regions, however, the exact value and patterns are significantly different

    Multi-echo radial FLASH techniques for real-time MRI

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    Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2015von Markus Untenberge