6 research outputs found

    Time-Optimal Tree Computations on Sparse Meshes

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    The main goal of this work is to fathom the suitability of the mesh with multiple broadcasting architecture (MMB) for some tree-related computations. We view our contribution at two levels: on the one hand, we exhibit time lower bounds for a number of tree-related problems on the MMB. On the other hand, we show that these lower bounds are tight by exhibiting time-optimal tree algorithms on the MMB. Specifically, we show that the task of encoding and/or decoding n-node binary and ordered trees cannot be solved faster than Ω(log n) time even if the MMB has an infinite number of processors. We then go on to show that this lower bound is tight. We also show that the task of reconstructing n-node binary trees and ordered trees from their traversais can be performed in O(1) time on the same architecture. Our algorithms rely on novel time-optimal algorithms on sequences of parentheses that we also develop

    Geometric modeling for computer aided design

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    The primary goal of this grant has been the design and implementation of software to be used in the conceptual design of aerospace vehicles particularly focused on the elements of geometric design, graphical user interfaces, and the interaction of the multitude of software typically used in this engineering environment. This has resulted in the development of several analysis packages and design studies. These include two major software systems currently used in the conceptual level design of aerospace vehicles. These tools are SMART, the Solid Modeling Aerospace Research Tool, and EASIE, the Environment for Software Integration and Execution. Additional software tools were designed and implemented to address the needs of the engineer working in the conceptual design environment. SMART provides conceptual designers with a rapid prototyping capability and several engineering analysis capabilities. In addition, SMART has a carefully engineered user interface that makes it easy to learn and use. Finally, a number of specialty characteristics have been built into SMART which allow it to be used efficiently as a front end geometry processor for other analysis packages. EASIE provides a set of interactive utilities that simplify the task of building and executing computer aided design systems consisting of diverse, stand-alone, analysis codes. Resulting in a streamlining of the exchange of data between programs reducing errors and improving the efficiency. EASIE provides both a methodology and a collection of software tools to ease the task of coordinating engineering design and analysis codes

    Visibility-Related Problems on Parallel Computational Models

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    Visibility-related problems find applications in seemingly unrelated and diverse fields such as computer graphics, scene analysis, robotics and VLSI design. While there are common threads running through these problems, most existing solutions do not exploit these commonalities. With this in mind, this thesis identifies these common threads and provides a unified approach to solve these problems and develops solutions that can be viewed as template algorithms for an abstract computational model. A template algorithm provides an architecture independent solution for a problem, from which solutions can be generated for diverse computational models. In particular, the template algorithms presented in this work lead to optimal solutions to various visibility-related problems on fine-grain mesh connected computers such as meshes with multiple broadcasting and reconfigurable meshes, and also on coarse-grain multicomputers. Visibility-related problems studied in this thesis can be broadly classified into Object Visibility and Triangulation problems. To demonstrate the practical relevance of these algorithms, two of the fundamental template algorithms identified as powerful tools in almost every algorithm designed in this work were implemented on an IBM-SP2. The code was developed in the C language, using MPI, and can easily be ported to many commercially available parallel computers

    A Computational Paradigm on Network-Based Models of Computation

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    The maturation of computer science has strengthened the need to consolidate isolated algorithms and techniques into general computational paradigms. The main goal of this dissertation is to provide a unifying framework which captures the essence of a number of problems in seemingly unrelated contexts in database design, pattern recognition, image processing, VLSI design, computer vision, and robot navigation. The main contribution of this work is to provide a computational paradigm which involves the unifying framework, referred to as the multiple Query problem, along with a generic solution to the Multiple Query problem. To demonstrate the applicability of the paradigm, a number of problems from different areas of computer science are solved by formulating them in this framework. Also, to show practical relevance, two fundamental problems were implemented in the C language using MPI. The code can be ported onto many commercially available parallel computers; in particular, the code was tested on an IBM-SP2 and on a network of workstations

    Parallel Algorithms for Constructing Convex Hulls.

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    For a given set of planar points S, the convex hull of S, CH(S), is defined to be a list of ordered points which represents the smallest convex polygon that contains all of the points. The convex hull problem, one of the most important problems in computational geometry, has many applications in areas such as computer graphics, simulation and pattern recognition. There are two strategies used in designing parallel convex hull algorithms. One strategy is the divide-and-conquer paradigm. The disadvantage to this strategy is that the recursive merge step is complicated and difficult to implement on current parallel machines. The second strategy is to parallelize sequential convex hull algorithms. The algorithms designed using the second strategy are often iterative algorithms which can be more easily implemented on the current parallel machines. This research focuses on designing parallel convex hull algorithms using the second strategy because we intend to facilitate the implementation of the newly designed algorithms on massively parallel machines. We first design a sequential algorithm for constructing a convex hull of a simple polygon, which is a special case of a set of planar points. This optimal algorithm is extended to handle a set of planar points without increasing the time complexity. Next, the sequential algorithm is converted for linear array and two or more dimensional mesh-array architectures. The algorithms for the case where the number of points is greater than the number of processors is also addressed. Each of the algorithms developed is optimal. To analyze the performance of the algorithms compared to previous algorithms, a system called the Parallel Convex Hull Simulation System was developed. The results of the analysis indicate that the new algorithms exhibit better performance than previous algorithms