30 research outputs found

    Модель использования остатков средств на текущих клиентских счетах в качестве ресурсной базы банка

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    В работе предлагается методический подход к прогнозному моделированию процесса частичного использования остатков средств на текущих клиентских счетах в качестве ресурсной базы для краткосрочного кредитования на основе свечного анализа.У роботі пропонується методичний підхід до прогнозного моделювання процеса часткового використання залишків коштів на поточних клієнтських рахунках в вигляді ресурсної бази для короткострокового кредитування на основі свічкового аналізу.The work suggests a technique of forecast modelling based on candle analysis of the process of partial utilization of remaining money on clients' accounts as a resource of short-term crediting

    Продвижение программного продукта в Интернет

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    Рассмотрены файловые архивы и поисковые системы как основные рычаги продвижения программного продукта на виртуальном рынке. Описан продукт, с помощью которого проводился эксперимент. Анализ полученных статистических данных показал значимость рассматриваемых методов для увеличение аудитории пользователей созданного программного продукта.Розглядані файлові архіви та пошукові системи як грунтівні важелі просування програмного продукту на віртуальному ринці. Описан продукт, за допомогою якого проводився експеримент. Аналіз отриманих статистичних даних виявив вагомість розгляданих методів для збільшення аудиторії користувачів програмного продукту, який був розроблений.The research of file archives and search engines as main means of promotion of a software product into electronic market was studied. The software for experiment was described. The analysis of the gathered data proved valuability of studied methods for increase of the product users number

    Dominant bidding strategy in Mobile App advertising auction

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    The widespread use of intelligent mobile phone has promoted prosperity of mobile App advertising in recent years. Based on existing bidding status, this paper presents the dominant bidding strategy for mobile advertising auction. Firstly, our study characterizes multiple Nash Equilibria resulting from different bidding strategies in wGSP (weighted Generalized Second-Price) auction. Further more, we prove that advertiser’s rank and utility will not decrease by using the dominant bidding strategy. We also consider the situation where the reserve price is set by the mobile advertising platform. It turns out that that advertiser’s payment will be no less than reserve price. Finally, a practical implementation for a virtual market simulates the dynamic bidding process in real world environments.published_or_final_versio

    Born to trade: a genetically evolved keyword bidder for sponsored search

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    In sponsored search auctions, advertisers choose a set of keywords based on products they wish to market. They bid for advertising slots that will be displayed on the search results page when a user submits a query containing the keywords that the advertiser selected. Deciding how much to bid is a real challenge: if the bid is too low with respect to the bids of other advertisers, the ad might not get displayed in a favorable position; a bid that is too high on the other hand might not be profitable either, since the attracted number of conversions might not be enough to compensate for the high cost per click. In this paper we propose a genetically evolved keyword bidding strategy that decides how much to bid for each query based on historical data such as the position obtained on the previous day. In light of the fact that our approach does not implement any particular expert knowledge on keyword auctions, it did remarkably well in the Trading Agent Competition at IJCAI2009

    Designing a successful adaptive agent for TAC Ad auction

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    This paper describes the design and evaluation of Aston-TAC, the runner-up in the Ad Auction Game of 2009 International Trading Agent Competition. In particular, we focus on how Aston-TAC generates adaptive bid prices according to the Market-based Value Per Click and how it selects a set of keyword queries to bid on to maximise the expected profit under limited conversion capacity. Through evaluation experiments, we show that AstonTAC performs well and stably not only in the competition but also across a broad range of environments

    Whose Click Fraud Data Do You Trust? Effect Of Click Fraud On Advertiser’s Trust And Sponsored Search Advertising Decisions

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    Online sponsored search has emerged as a dominant business model for majority of search engines and as a popular advertising mechanism for online retailers. However, sponsored search advertising is being negatively impacted by click fraud which involves the intentional clicking on sponsored links with the purpose of gaining undue monetary returns for the search engine or harming a particular advertiser by depleting its advertising budget. While search engines tend to compensate advertisers to an extent for click frauds, it still leaves an element of uncertainty in the minds of advertisers whether search engine is being faithful in reporting the click fraud numbers. Armed with additional data available from third party click fraud audit companies, advertisers may have more reasons to suspect click fraud numbers reported by search engines if there is a discrepancy between the numbers reported by two sources (search engines and third party click fraud audit companies). While the phenomenon of click fraud has been acknowledged to exist, its effect on sponsored search advertisers’ trust and their decision to advertise with a particular search engine has not been given sufficient attention in the literature. As an initial step, in this research in progress study, we develop a theoretical model to examine the effect of click fraud on advertiser’s trust in search engine and its subsequent impact on advertiser’s decision to adjust advertising spend for different search engines. In this paper, we also outline the proposed experimental design to validate the theoretical model subsequently in future. Broadly, the research suggests that sponsored search advertisers are likely to adjust their advertising spend based on level of trust they have in search engine, click fraud numbers discrepancy, and return on investment obtained from advertising on that particular search engine

    Search Engine Advertising (SEA) Or Organic Links: Do Customers See The Difference?

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    This study seeks to investigate the perceptions and attitudes of internet users toward the sponsored link. In light of this study, respondents do not express greater bias with sponsored links in comparison with traditional advertising media, as well as in comparison with organic links. Among factors that mostly affect searchers’ attitudes, the informativeness is the critical factor; however, no specific category of information will significantly increase the respondent’s likelihood to explore a sponsored link. It is rather text relevance to the keyword typed by the searcher that makes a link attractive. Results also indicate that business students recognize a great value and potential benefits of using search engine advertising as a marketing tool