1,001 research outputs found

    Towards flexibility trading at TSO-DSO-customer levels : a review

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    The serious problem of climate change has led the energy sector to modify its generation resources from fuel-based power plants to environmentally friendly renewable resources. However, these green resources are highly intermittent due to weather dependency and they produce increased risks of stability issues in power systems. The deployment of different flexible resources can help the system to become more resilient and secure against uncertainties caused by renewables. Flexible resources can be located at different levels in power systems like, for example, at the transmission-level (TSO), distribution-level (DSO) and customer-level. Each of these levels may have different structures of flexibility trading as well. This paper conducts a comprehensive review from the recent research related to flexible resources at various system levels in smart grids and assesses the trading structures of these resources. Finally, it analyzes the application of a newly emerged ICT technology, blockchain, in the context of flexibility trading.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Towards Flexibility Trading at TSO-DSO-Customer Levels: A Review

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    The serious problem of climate change has led the energy sector to modify its generation resources from fuel-based power plants to environmentally friendly renewable resources. However, these green resources are highly intermittent due to weather dependency and they produce increased risks of stability issues in power systems. The deployment of different flexible resources can help the system to become more resilient and secure against uncertainties caused by renewables. Flexible resources can be located at different levels in power systems like, for example, at the transmission-level (TSO), distribution-level (DSO) and customer-level. Each of these levels may have different structures of flexibility trading as well. This paper conducts a comprehensive review from the recent research related to flexible resources at various system levels in smart grids and assesses the trading structures of these resources. Finally, it analyzes the application of a newly emerged ICT technology, blockchain, in the context of flexibility trading

    Participation of Electric Vehicle Aggregators in Wholesale Electricity Markets: Recent Works and Future Directions

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    Electric Vehicles are key to reducing carbon emissions while bringing a revolution to the transportation sector. With the massive increase of EVs in road networks and the growing demand for charging services, the electric power grid faces enormous system reliability and operation stability challenges. Demand and supply disparities create inconsistency in the smooth delivery of electrical power. As a potential solution, EVs and their charging infrastructure can be aggregated to prevent the unwanted effects on power systems and also facilitate ancillary services to the power grid. When not need for transportation purposes, EVs can leverage their batteries for power grid services by participating in the electricity market via mechanisms coordinated by system operators. Hence, the market participation of EV infrastructure can help alleviate the power grid stress during peak periods. However, further research is needed to demonstrate the multiple benefits to both EV owners and power grid operators. This paper briefly overviews the existing literature on market participation of EV aggregators, discuss associated challenges and needs, and propose research directions for future research

    A Framework for Flexible Loads Aggregation

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    Heuristic optimization of clusters of heat pumps: A simulation and case study of residential frequency reserve

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    The technological challenges of adapting energy systems to the addition of more renewables are intricately interrelated with the ways in which markets incentivize their development and deployment. Households with own onsite distributed generation augmented by electrical and thermal storage capacities (prosumers), can adjust energy use based on the current needs of the electricity grid. Heat pumps, as an established technology for enhancing energy efficiency, are increasingly seen as having potential for shifting electricity use and contributing to Demand Response (DR). Using a model developed and validated with monitoring data of a household in a plus-energy neighborhood in southern Germany, the technical and financial viability of utilizing household heat pumps to provide power in the market for Frequency Restoration Reserve (FRR) are studied. The research aims to evaluate the flexible electrical load offered by a cluster of buildings whose heat pumps are activated depending on selected rule-based participation strategies. Given the prevailing prices for FRR in Germany, the modelled cluster was unable to reduce overall electricity costs and thus was unable to show that DR participation as a cluster with the heat pumps is financially viable. Five strategies that differed in the respective contractual requirements that would need to be agreed upon between the cluster manager and the aggregator were studied. The relatively high degree of flexibility necessary for the heat pumps to participate in FRR activations could be provided to varying extents in all strategies, but the minimum running time of the heat pumps turned out to be the primary limiting physical (and financial) factor. The frequency, price and duration of the activation calls from the FRR are also vital to compensate the increase of the heat pumps’ energy use. With respect to thermal comfort and self-sufficiency constraints, the buildings were only able to accept up to 34% of the activation calls while remaining within set comfort parameters. This, however, also depends on the characteristics of the buildings. Finally, a sensitivity analysis showed that if the FRR market changed and the energy prices were more advantageous, the proposed approaches could become financially viable. This work suggests the need for further study of the role of heat pumps in flexibility markets and research questions concerning the aggregation of local clusters of such flexible technologies.Comisión Europea 69596

    Coordination of specialised energy aggregators for balancing service provision

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    In the present context of evolution of the power and energy systems, more flexibility is required on the generation and demand side, to cope with the increasing uncertainty mostly introduced by variable renewable energy resources. This paper presents a conceptual framework that encompasses different types of aggregators, including local network aggregators, demand-side general aggregators, specialised energy aggregators (SEAs), and energy community aggregators. In this framework, this paper focuses on the coordination of SEAs to provide balancing services to the system operator. Each SEA manages a specific type of load, so that these loads can be managed by exploiting their control capabilities in a detailed way considering response time, dynamics and available flexibility. Moreover, the presence of the SEAs increases the privacy protection of the users, as only the information on a specific type of user's load is sent to the SEA. The SEA Coordinator interacts with the Balancing Service Provider aimed at procuring frequency containment, frequency restoration and replacement reserve services. This paper contains the SEA Coordinator formulation, information exchange and control operation strategies. Case study applications are presented by using SEAs for three specific types of loads (thermoelectric refrigerator, water booster pressure systems and electric vehicle charging stations). The results show how the control algorithm of the SEA Coordinator is effective in providing balancing services at different timings with the different types of loads. Various scenarios are considered, comparing an ideal situation without command propagation delays with realistic situations that take into account the command propagation delays

    Opening of Ancillary Service Markets to Distributed Energy Resources: A Review

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    Electric power systems are moving toward more decentralized models, where energy generation is performed by small and distributed power plants, often from renewables. With the gradual phase out from fossil fuels, however, Distribution Energy Resources (DERs) are expected to take over in the provision of all regulation services required to operate the grid. To this purpose, the opening of national Ancillary Service Markets (ASMs) to DERs is considered an essential passage. In order to allow this transition to happen, current opportunities and barriers to market participation of DERs must be clearly identified. In this work, a comprehensive review is provided of the state-of-the-art of research on DER integration into ASMs. The topic at hand is analyzed from different perspectives. First, the current situation and main trends regarding the reformation processes of national ASMs are analyzed to get a clear picture of the evolutions expected and adjustment required in the future, according to the scientific community. Then, the focus is moved to the strategies to be adopted by aggregators for the effective control and coordination of DERs, exploring the challenges posed by the uncertainties affecting the problem. Coordination schemes between transmission and distribution system operators, and the implications on the grid infrastructure operation and planning, are also investigated. Finally, the review deepens the control capabilities required for DER technologies to perform the needed control actions

    Renewable energy sources offering flexibility through electricity markets

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    Market design for a reliable ~100% renewable electricity system: Deliverable D3.5

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    Project TradeRES - New Markets Design & Models for 100% Renewable Power Systems: https://traderes.eu/about/ABSTRACT: The goal of this report is to identify in which respects the design and regulation of electricity markets needs to be improved in order facilitate a (nearly) completely decarbonized electricity system. It provides a basis for scoping the modeling analyses that are to be performed in subsequent work packages in the TradeRES project. These simulations will provide the basis for an update of this deliverable in the form of a more precise description of an all-renewable electricity market design. In this first iteration1 of deliverable 3.5, we analyze how the current design of electricity markets may fall short of future needs. Where there is a lack of certainty about the best market design choices, we identify alternative choices. Alternatives may concern a choice between policy intervention and no intervention or different intervention options. Section 2 outlines current European electricity market design and the key pieces of European legislation that underlie it. The European target model is zonal pricing with bidding zones that are defined as geographic areas within the internal market without structural congestion. That implies that within one bidding zone electricity can be traded without considering grid constraints and there are uniform wholesale prices in each zone. The main European markets are Nordpool, EPEX and MIBEL. Trading between zones in the European Price Coupling Region occurs through an implicit auction where price and quantity are computed for every hour of the next day, using EUPHEMIA, a hybrid algorithm for flowbased market coupling that is considered the best practice in Europe at this time.N/
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