
Project TradeRES - New Markets Design & Models for 100% Renewable Power Systems: https://traderes.eu/about/ABSTRACT: The goal of this report is to identify in which respects the design and regulation of electricity markets needs to be improved in order facilitate a (nearly) completely decarbonized electricity system. It provides a basis for scoping the modeling analyses that are to be performed in subsequent work packages in the TradeRES project. These simulations will provide the basis for an update of this deliverable in the form of a more precise description of an all-renewable electricity market design. In this first iteration1 of deliverable 3.5, we analyze how the current design of electricity markets may fall short of future needs. Where there is a lack of certainty about the best market design choices, we identify alternative choices. Alternatives may concern a choice between policy intervention and no intervention or different intervention options. Section 2 outlines current European electricity market design and the key pieces of European legislation that underlie it. The European target model is zonal pricing with bidding zones that are defined as geographic areas within the internal market without structural congestion. That implies that within one bidding zone electricity can be traded without considering grid constraints and there are uniform wholesale prices in each zone. The main European markets are Nordpool, EPEX and MIBEL. Trading between zones in the European Price Coupling Region occurs through an implicit auction where price and quantity are computed for every hour of the next day, using EUPHEMIA, a hybrid algorithm for flowbased market coupling that is considered the best practice in Europe at this time.N/

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