31 research outputs found

    Adaptive structure tensors and their applications

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    The structure tensor, also known as second moment matrix or Förstner interest operator, is a very popular tool in image processing. Its purpose is the estimation of orientation and the local analysis of structure in general. It is based on the integration of data from a local neighborhood. Normally, this neighborhood is defined by a Gaussian window function and the structure tensor is computed by the weighted sum within this window. Some recently proposed methods, however, adapt the computation of the structure tensor to the image data. There are several ways how to do that. This article wants to give an overview of the different approaches, whereas the focus lies on the methods based on robust statistics and nonlinear diffusion. Furthermore, the dataadaptive structure tensors are evaluated in some applications. Here the main focus lies on optic flow estimation, but also texture analysis and corner detection are considered

    Pareto Meets Huber: Efficiently Avoiding Poor Minima in Robust Estimation

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    International audienceRobust cost optimization is the task of fitting parameters to data points containing outliers. In particular, we focus on large-scale computer vision problems, such as bundle adjustment , where Non-Linear Least Square (NLLS) solvers are the current workhorse. In this context, NLLS-based state of the art algorithms have been designed either to quickly improve the target objective and find a local minimum close to the initial value of the parameters, or to have a strong ability to avoid poor local minima. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm relying on multi-objective optimization which allows to match those two properties. We experimentally demonstrate that our algorithm has an ability to avoid poor local minima that is on par with the best performing algorithms with a faster decrease of the target objective

    Building and Interpreting Deep Similarity Models

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    Locating moving objects in car-driving sequences

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    Towards Adversarial Robustness of Deep Vision Algorithms

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    Deep learning methods have achieved great success in solving computer vision tasks, and they have been widely utilized in artificially intelligent systems for image processing, analysis, and understanding. However, deep neural networks have been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial perturbations in input data. The security issues of deep neural networks have thus come to the fore. It is imperative to study the adversarial robustness of deep vision algorithms comprehensively. This talk focuses on the adversarial robustness of image classification models and image denoisers. We will discuss the robustness of deep vision algorithms from three perspectives: 1) robustness evaluation (we propose the ObsAtk to evaluate the robustness of denoisers), 2) robustness improvement (HAT, TisODE, and CIFS are developed to robustify vision models), and 3) the connection between adversarial robustness and generalization capability to new domains (we find that adversarially robust denoisers can deal with unseen types of real-world noise).Comment: PhD thesi

    Learning Inference Models for Computer Vision

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    Computer vision can be understood as the ability to perform 'inference' on image data. Breakthroughs in computer vision technology are often marked by advances in inference techniques, as even the model design is often dictated by the complexity of inference in them. This thesis proposes learning based inference schemes and demonstrates applications in computer vision. We propose techniques for inference in both generative and discriminative computer vision models. Despite their intuitive appeal, the use of generative models in vision is hampered by the difficulty of posterior inference, which is often too complex or too slow to be practical. We propose techniques for improving inference in two widely used techniques: Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling and message-passing inference. Our inference strategy is to learn separate discriminative models that assist Bayesian inference in a generative model. Experiments on a range of generative vision models show that the proposed techniques accelerate the inference process and/or converge to better solutions. A main complication in the design of discriminative models is the inclusion of prior knowledge in a principled way. For better inference in discriminative models, we propose techniques that modify the original model itself, as inference is simple evaluation of the model. We concentrate on convolutional neural network (CNN) models and propose a generalization of standard spatial convolutions, which are the basic building blocks of CNN architectures, to bilateral convolutions. First, we generalize the existing use of bilateral filters and then propose new neural network architectures with learnable bilateral filters, which we call `Bilateral Neural Networks'. We show how the bilateral filtering modules can be used for modifying existing CNN architectures for better image segmentation and propose a neural network approach for temporal information propagation in videos. Experiments demonstrate the potential of the proposed bilateral networks on a wide range of vision tasks and datasets. In summary, we propose learning based techniques for better inference in several computer vision models ranging from inverse graphics to freely parameterized neural networks. In generative vision models, our inference techniques alleviate some of the crucial hurdles in Bayesian posterior inference, paving new ways for the use of model based machine learning in vision. In discriminative CNN models, the proposed filter generalizations aid in the design of new neural network architectures that can handle sparse high-dimensional data as well as provide a way for incorporating prior knowledge into CNNs

    Model-based Optical Flow: Layers, Learning, and Geometry

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    The estimation of motion in video sequences establishes temporal correspondences between pixels and surfaces and allows reasoning about a scene using multiple frames. Despite being a focus of research for over three decades, computing motion, or optical flow, remains challenging due to a number of difficulties, including the treatment of motion discontinuities and occluded regions, and the integration of information from more than two frames. One reason for these issues is that most optical flow algorithms only reason about the motion of pixels on the image plane, while not taking the image formation pipeline or the 3D structure of the world into account. One approach to address this uses layered models, which represent the occlusion structure of a scene and provide an approximation to the geometry. The goal of this dissertation is to show ways to inject additional knowledge about the scene into layered methods, making them more robust, faster, and more accurate. First, this thesis demonstrates the modeling power of layers using the example of motion blur in videos, which is caused by fast motion relative to the exposure time of the camera. Layers segment the scene into regions that move coherently while preserving their occlusion relationships. The motion of each layer therefore directly determines its motion blur. At the same time, the layered model captures complex blur overlap effects at motion discontinuities. Using layers, we can thus formulate a generative model for blurred video sequences, and use this model to simultaneously deblur a video and compute accurate optical flow for highly dynamic scenes containing motion blur. Next, we consider the representation of the motion within layers. Since, in a layered model, important motion discontinuities are captured by the segmentation into layers, the flow within each layer varies smoothly and can be approximated using a low dimensional subspace. We show how this subspace can be learned from training data using principal component analysis (PCA), and that flow estimation using this subspace is computationally efficient. The combination of the layered model and the low-dimensional subspace gives the best of both worlds, sharp motion discontinuities from the layers and computational efficiency from the subspace. Lastly, we show how layered methods can be dramatically improved using simple semantics. Instead of treating all layers equally, a semantic segmentation divides the scene into its static parts and moving objects. Static parts of the scene constitute a large majority of what is shown in typical video sequences; yet, in such regions optical flow is fully constrained by the depth structure of the scene and the camera motion. After segmenting out moving objects, we consider only static regions, and explicitly reason about the structure of the scene and the camera motion, yielding much better optical flow estimates. Furthermore, computing the structure of the scene allows to better combine information from multiple frames, resulting in high accuracies even in occluded regions. For moving regions, we compute the flow using a generic optical flow method, and combine it with the flow computed for the static regions to obtain a full optical flow field. By combining layered models of the scene with reasoning about the dynamic behavior of the real, three-dimensional world, the methods presented herein push the envelope of optical flow computation in terms of robustness, speed, and accuracy, giving state-of-the-art results on benchmarks and pointing to important future research directions for the estimation of motion in natural scenes