9 research outputs found

    Opportunities and challenges of mobile learning for promoting mathematical literacy

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    Mathematical literacy plays an important role in supporting individuals to fulfil their professional roles in modern society. The affordances of mobile technologies as well as the emergence of new theories in mobile learning have the potential to promote mathematical literacy. However, implementation of mobile learning in Indonesian society faces challenges related to perceived ethical and learning issues in curriculum-based educational settings. This study aims to investigate the preparedness of teachers in integrating mathematics subject content with mobile technologies, especially in promoting mathematical literacy. An exploratory study has been conducted using mixed methods. Questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews were conducted to understand teachersā€™ knowledge in mathematical literacy and to identify opportunities and challenges for mobile learning within instruction. Findings indicate that teachers mostly do not know about mathematical literacy, indicating that the concept of mathematical literacy needs to be promoted. Further, most schools prohibit the use of mobile devices in classrooms as they are wary of inappropriate use of mobile devices which may harm studentsā€™ mental health and distract them from learning. Study finds this to be the most common cause for teachersā€™ reluctance in using mobile learning

    Penerapan media pembelajaran Quipper School untuk mengatasi Miskonsepsi siswa pada Aljabar

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    Miskonsepsi merupakan kesalahpahaman dan salah menafsirkan sesuatu. Hal ini disebabkan oleh teori dasar yang tidak sesuai dengan penalaran rasional siswa. Untuk mengatasi miskonsepsi tersebut, dapat diterapkan media pembelajaran berbasis Learning Management System (LMS). Quipper School merupakan media pembelajaran berbasis LMS yang dapat menunjang proses aktifitas pembelajaran matematika. Sehingga Quipper School dapat digunakan sebagai sarana dan aktifitas proses belajar untuk mengatasi miskonsepsi .Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan miskonsepsi pada materi aljabar yang dialami siswa sebelum diterapkan Quipper School. Selanjutnya untuk mengetahui keberhasilan penerapan Quipper School untuk mengatasi miskonsepsi siswa pada materi aljabar. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu adalah penelitian campuran dengan desain penelitian the one group pretest posttest design dengan subyek siswa kelas VII-C SMP Negeri 25 Surabaya tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara memberikan tes diagnosis miskonsepsi siswa pada materi aljabar. Data berupa hasil diagnosis miskonsepsi, dianalisis secara deskriptif untuk mengetahui jenis miskonsepsi yang dialami siswa dan seberapa besar siswa yang mengalami miskonsepsi tersebut. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisis menggunakan uji Mc-Nemar untuk mengetahui keberhasilan penerapan Quipper School untuk mengatasi miskonsepsi siswa. Hasilnya, sebelum menggunakan media pembelajaran Quipper School, 10% siswa mengalami miskonsepsi aturan (menyederhanakan bentuk pangkat). 30% siswa mengalami miskonsepsi pengertian huruf (mengabaikan keberadaan variabel), 57,5% siswa mengalami miskonsepsi notasi (mengabaikan tanda kurung) dan miskonsepsi aturan (mengabaikan tanda ketika memanipulasi bentuk aljabar), 60% siswa mengalami miskonsepsi tentang generalisasi (ketidakmampuan memfaktorkan). serta 77,5% siswa mengalami miskonsepsi tentang generalisasi (ketidakmampuan menyederhanakan karena kurangnya pemahaman tentang operasi aritmatika). Kemudian, berdasarkan analisis menggunakan uji Mc-Nemar, media pembelajaran Quipper School dinyatakan berhasil untuk mengatasi miskonsepsi siswa pada materi aljabar

    Blood type examination of Cigentur community as efforts to realize community care for health

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    Counseling and early examination of blood type to the community at Cigentur village has not been done before. Blood transfusion from incompatible types can cause immunological transfusion reactions and clinical aspects such as the incompatibility of the blood type systems ABO. The community engagement method consists of direct information to the community by visiting every communities house (door to door). Besides, the engagement was also carried out quietly, namely, the residents came to the post directly located at the Wiswa Anak Yatim Piatu, At-Taqwa. After conducting a health test, people who provide personal information from the results of their blood tests. In addition to identifying blood types, this activity provides more knowledge about the health of each that is related to the utilization that has been identified by the group. The results of this activity can be in the form of initial information to determine the policies of each community in carrying out social activities such as blood transfusion. The types of rhesus tests from the communityof Cigentur must be done for information about blood type identification are complete

    Exploring the use of technology-based teaching methods when teaching shape and space in grade 10 Mathematical Literacy.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.It is increasingly essential to the South African education system that effective curriculum delivery is intensified. The integration of technology in the teaching and learning process has become increasingly important in view of the advent and accessibility of technology in the school milieu. The South African government has embarked on the rollout of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to align the country to the technological advancements that occur internationally. This study explored how technology-based teaching and learning impacted grade 10 Mathematical Literacy learners whilst teaching shape and space in a suburban public school. The recent changes in the mathematics curriculum in South Africa is an important endeavour by the Department of Basic Education to ensure that no learner is left behind in the quest to produce mathematically literate learners countrywide. Mathematical Literacy was introduced as a subject in South Africa in 2006 at grade 10 level. Technical Mathematics was introduced at grade 10 level in 2016.The rationale to such inclusions in the curriculum was that mathematical skills become available to all learners. The challenges experienced in the Mathematical Literacy classroom resulted in the quality of the Mathematical Literacy passes declining instead of improving. The exploratory nature of this research study is informed by strategies recommended by educational researchers and literature on the use of technology in teaching and learning. The intention of this study was to explore what technology is being used currently in a Mathematical Literacy classroom and whether the use of technology based teaching methods when teaching shape and space in a grade 10 Mathematical Literacy class has an impact on the learning process. Activity Theory was used as the framework in which the study was located. All activities were interrogated within the interpretive paradigm. The interpretative study engaged with a mixed-method approach to generate data. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collate and analyse the data collected. The data generation tools consisted of two sets of questionnaires, focus group interviews, a pre and post-task and reflections sheets. All the data were aggregated and then analysed thematically. A key finding to this research study is that technology-based teaching and learning did indeed impact the teaching and learning process positively. The learnersā€™ ability to consolidate their understanding of the concepts taught on shape and space, which were taught using the YouTube videos, Powerpoint presentations and worksheets, helped to improve learner performance when they handled the tasks covering shape and space. The technological tools utilised in the delivery of the lessons were a computer, a white board, a data projector and the internet facilities. The study offers suggestions on how technology can be integrated with the teaching and learning process to meet the needs of the millennial learner especially when teaching concepts such as shape and space in Mathematical Literacy. It recommends that teacher retraining and reskilling is imperative to equip teachers to integrate the use of technology effectively in the classroom situation. Teaching methods and techniques need to be refreshed and aligned to the dynamic nature of curricula and the context in which the school finds itself. The findings of the study showed that although technology is available at this public high school, it is currently not being adequately integrated in the classroom. Although the small sample used in this research prevents the studyā€™s results from being generalized, these findings may influence the education sector particularly curriculum managers responsible for teacher development. A veiled finding is this study suggests that a school cannot function in isolation and that it needs the support and the collegiality of all government departments and the support of communities in order to function effectively and efficiently. This exploratory study concludes with recommendations for further research

    Using Educational Applications on tablets to Support Science Learning Among First-Grade Saudi Primary School Children

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    Multi-touch tablets and educational apps provide young learners with opportunities to support science learning, rarely offered by traditional science teaching methods such as the chalk and talk method, which is heavily employed in Saudi schools. In many developed countries such as United States and Canada the use of tablets in classrooms has increased when compared with other mobile devices due to the educational advantages of tabletsā€™ unique affordances (Fritschi & Wolf, 2012). To date, research conducted on using tablets as educational tools and the potential of educational apps, especially with reference to science learning among children, is insufficient. The aim of this research therefore, was to explore the role of educational apps on tabletsā€™ potential to support science learning and engagement among first-grade Saudi children, as well as to investigate the challenges encountered in implementing mobile learning to support science education. To fulfil this aim, I designed and carried out an interpretative study in a first-grade class in a private school in Riyadh, the capital city of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I employed a qualitative approach to obtain deep and extensive understanding of mobile learning. I adopted social-constructivist theory to underpin my study. To collect data, I utilized semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and participant observation. The current study involved 17 female students between 6 and 7 years old. The data was examined by inductive thematic analysis. The findings indicated that these young learnersā€™ experiences of learning using educational and gamified apps was both personally enjoyable and meaningful. It highly engaged them emotionally and cognitively. Furthermore, social interactions between peers regarding appsā€™ contents and activities scaffolded their science learning and constructed their personal understanding. Also, these findings suggest that animations and multimodal apps provided children with unique learning experiences regarding abstract scientific concepts and assisted them in gaining new knowledge. Mobile apps afforded the children scaffolds and challenges in proper balance, which maintained their motivation, helped them solve problems, and promoted persistence and risk-taking. The findings of this thesis will provide science teachers, policymakers, researchers, and app developers with an understanding of the potential impact of tabletsā€™ affordances and appsā€™ educational advantages in supporting and facilitating science learning and their roles in encouraging engagement and scaffolding. Which might encourage science teachers to change the traditional methods that they use in teaching science and employ mobile learning and other modern methods

    The affordances of mobile learning for an undergraduate nursing programme: A design-based study

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDThe global use of mobile devices, and their connectivity capacity, integrated with the affordances of social media networks, provides a resource-rich platform for innovative student-directed learning experiences. Technology has become embedded in the daily lives of students, who become more approachable when technology is used within the higher education context. In 2014 the Educause Centre for Analysis and Research partnered with 213 higher education institutions across the United States of America. It was established that 86 percent of undergraduate information technology students owned a smartphone and half of that percentage owned a tablet. A systematic review on mobile learning in higher education focusing on the African Perspective in 2017 concluded that there was an increase in the use of mobile learning in higher education. Higher education institutions continue to move away from traditional, lecture-based lessons towards new, innovative teaching and learning methodologies to facilitate emerging pedagogies and strategies, thereby enhancing student learning. The adoption of technological innovation could promote the unfolding of a social process that over time could enhance social connectedness among young students and their older adult educators. Mobile learning is fundamentally defined as ā€œlearning with mobile devicesā€ and it has the potential to extend the philosophies of learning through innovation It was identified that research in the field of m-learning can be divided into four areas, namely: pedagogy; administrative issues and technological challenges; ensuring sustainable development in education using m-learning; and the impact of new applications. With the increased need for nursing professionals, promoting the quality and effectiveness of nursing education has become crucial. It is thus important to establish learning environments in which personalised guidance and feedback to students regarding their practical skills and the application of their theoretical knowledge within clinical learning environments is provided

    Proceeding International Conference on University-Community Engagement

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    The 3rd International Conference on University-Community Engagement 2018 is administered by Ministry of Religious Affairs in cooperation with UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang as this yearā€™s host institution. This conference may provide more opportunities not only related to the submissions of academic papers or articles, but also related to various activities in creating partnership involving the elements of academicians, researchers, social activists, policy makers, CSR mangers and others. ICONUCE conference includes numbers of advanced activities: 1) Community Service Expo which is a place to promote the community service activities conducted by LP2M/P3M PTKIN throughout Indonesia. Various facilitates are provided by the committee including the exhibition stands, 2) Community Service Clinic which is fully supported by KOMPAK, a non-profit organization focusing on mentoring field. The realization of this clinic thanks to Universitas Membangun Desa (Universities in developing the villages). The participants are heads of LP2M/P3M, 3) Community Service Journal Clinic which aims at strengthening and developing the ability to write articles and then submit them to various reputable journals. The materials ICONUCE conference is a significant step, which will, in the long run, contribute towards social changes. It is expected to facilitate the necessary changes to University-Community Engagement, to diminish the gaps between university and community

    Research Participatory Action On Management Of Child Friendly Mosque In North Sumatera

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    The issue of child-friendly mosques is crucial when the phenomenon of the problem of violence against children emerges. Violence against children not only occurs in the household, school, but also various places, in cities, and villages, even in the mosques. The concept program of child-friendly mosque capacity building for BKM in Perumnas Simalingkar Village, Pancurbatu sub-district, carried out with Participatory Action Research approach. The mentoring strategies used in this study are three strategies, are, raising awareness, building commitment and capacity as well as participating groups and stakeholders. The findings of this study indicate that the critical thing to note in the problem identification process is the tendency to look at the socio-religious issues that exist at the site. From extracting the information facilitated by the Research Team, almost all participants directed the problem that was not directly related to the management of child-friendly mosques. In the activity of extracting opinions on actions and important steps carried out in the framework of managing child-friendly mosques in Simalingkar Housing, there seems to be a strong tendency to answer religious issues which emphasize increasing education and spiritual knowledge among the community, especially children and adolescent