1,935 research outputs found

    Throughput analysis for cognitive radio networks with multiple primary users and imperfect spectrum sensing

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    In cognitive radio networks, the licensed frequency bands of the primary users (PUs) are available to the secondary user (SU) provided that they do not cause significant interference to the PUs. In this study, the authors analysed the normalised throughput of the SU with multiple PUs coexisting under any frequency division multiple access communication protocol. The authors consider a cognitive radio transmission where the frame structure consists of sensing and data transmission slots. In order to achieve the maximum normalised throughput of the SU and control the interference level to the legal PUs, the optimal frame length of the SU is found via simulation. In this context, a new analytical formula has been expressed for the achievable normalised throughput of SU with multiple PUs under prefect and imperfect spectrum sensing scenarios. Moreover, the impact of imperfect sensing, variable frame length of SU and the variable PU traffic loads, on the normalised throughput has been critically investigated. It has been shown that the analytical and simulation results are in perfect agreement. The authors analytical results are much useful to determine how to select the frame duration length subject to the parameters of cognitive radio network, such as network traffic load, achievable sensing accuracy and number of coexisting PUs

    Non-convex distributed power allocation games in cognitive radio networks

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    In this thesis, we explore interweave communication systems in cognitive radio networks where the overall objective is to maximize the sum-rate of each cognitive radio user by optimizing jointly both the detection operation based on sensing and the power allocation across channels, taking into account the influence of the sensing accuracy and the interference limitation to the primary users. The optimization problem is addressed in single and multiuser cognitive radio networks for both single-input single-output and multi-input multi-output channels. Firstly, we study the resource allocation optimization problem for single-input single-output single user cognitive radio networks, wherein the cognitive radio aims at maximizing its own sum-rate by jointly optimizing the sensing information and power allocation over all the channels. In this framework, we consider an opportunistic spectrum access model under interweave systems, where a cognitive radio user detects active primary user transmissions over all the channels, and decides to transmit if the sensing results indicate that the primary user is inactive at this channel. However, due to the sensing errors, the cognitive users might access the channel when it is still occupied by active primary users, which causes harmful interference to both cognitive radio users and primary users. This motivates the introduction of a novel interference constraint, denoted as rate-loss gap constraint, which is proposed to design the power allocation, ensuring that the performance degradation of the primary user is bounded. The resulting problem is non-convex, thus, an exhaustive optimization algorithm and an alternating direction optimization algorithm are proposed to solve the problem efficiently. Secondly, the resource allocation problem for a single-input single-output multiuser cognitive radio network under a sensing-based spectrum sharing scheme is analyzed as a strategic non-cooperative game, where each cognitive radio user is selfish and strives to use the available spectrum in order to maximize its own sum-rate by considering the effect of imperfect sensing information. The resulting game-theoretical formulations belong to the class of non-convex games. A distributed cooperative sensing scheme based on a consensus algorithm is considered in the proposed game, where all the cognitive radio users can share their sensing information locally. We start with the alternating direction optimization algorithm, and prove that the local Nash equilibrium is achieved by the alternating direction optimization algorithm. In the next step, we use a new relaxed equilibrium concept, namely, quasi-Nash equilibrium for the non-convex game. The analysis of the sufficient conditions for the existence of the quasi-Nash equilibrium for the proposed game is provided. Furthermore, an iterative primal-dual interior point algorithm that converges to a quasi-Nash equilibrium of the proposed game is also proposed. From the simulation results, the proposed algorithm is shown to yield a considerable performance improvement in terms of the sum-rate of each cognitive radio user, with respect to previous state-of-the-art algorithms. Finally, we investigate a multiple-input multiple-output multiuser cognitive radio network under the opportunistic spectrum access scheme. We focus on the throughput of each cognitive radio user under correct sensing information, and exclude the throughput due to the erroneous decision of the cognitive radio users to transmit over occupied channels. The optimization problem is analyzed as a strategic non-cooperative game, where the transmit covariance matrix, sensing time, and detection threshold are considered as multidimensional variables to be optimized jointly. We also use the new relaxed equilibrium concept quasi-Nash equilibrium and prove that the proposed game can achieve a quasi-Nash equilibrium under certain conditions, by making use of the variational inequality method. In particular, we prove theoretically the sufficient condition of the existence and the uniqueness of the quasi-Nash equilibrium for this game. Furthermore, a possible extension of this work considering equal sensing time is also discussed. Simulation results show that the iterative primal-dual interior point algorithm is an efficient solution that converges to the quasi-Nash equilibrium of the proposed game

    Spectral and Energy Efficiency in Cognitive Radio Systems with Unslotted Primary Users and Sensing Uncertainty

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    This paper studies energy efficiency (EE) and average throughput maximization for cognitive radio systems in the presence of unslotted primary users. It is assumed that primary user activity follows an ON-OFF alternating renewal process. Secondary users first sense the channel possibly with errors in the form of miss detections and false alarms, and then start the data transmission only if no primary user activity is detected. The secondary user transmission is subject to constraints on collision duration ratio, which is defined as the ratio of average collision duration to transmission duration. In this setting, the optimal power control policy which maximizes the EE of the secondary users or maximizes the average throughput while satisfying a minimum required EE under average/peak transmit power and average interference power constraints are derived. Subsequently, low-complexity algorithms for jointly determining the optimal power level and frame duration are proposed. The impact of probabilities of detection and false alarm, transmit and interference power constraints on the EE, average throughput of the secondary users, optimal transmission power, and the collisions with primary user transmissions are evaluated. In addition, some important properties of the collision duration ratio are investigated. The tradeoff between the EE and average throughput under imperfect sensing decisions and different primary user traffic are further analyzed.Comment: This paper is accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Error Rate Analysis of Cognitive Radio Transmissions with Imperfect Channel Sensing

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    This paper studies the symbol error rate performance of cognitive radio transmissions in the presence of imperfect sensing decisions. Two different transmission schemes, namely sensing-based spectrum sharing (SSS) and opportunistic spectrum access (OSA), are considered. In both schemes, secondary users first perform channel sensing, albeit with possible errors. In SSS, depending on the sensing decisions, they adapt the transmission power level and coexist with primary users in the channel. On the other hand, in OSA, secondary users are allowed to transmit only when the primary user activity is not detected. Initially, for both transmission schemes, general formulations for the optimal decision rule and error probabilities are provided for arbitrary modulation schemes under the assumptions that the receiver is equipped with the sensing decision and perfect knowledge of the channel fading, and the primary user's received faded signals at the secondary receiver has a Gaussian mixture distribution. Subsequently, the general approach is specialized to rectangular quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). More specifically, optimal decision rule is characterized for rectangular QAM, and closed-form expressions for the average symbol error probability attained with the optimal detector are derived under both transmit power and interference constraints. The effects of imperfect channel sensing decisions, interference from the primary user and its Gaussian mixture model, and the transmit power and interference constraints on the error rate performance of cognitive transmissions are analyzed

    Joint Optimization of Detection Threshold and Resource Allocation in Infrastructure-based Multi-band Cognitive Radio Networks

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    [EN] Consider an infrastructure-based multi-band cognitive radio network (CRN) where secondary users (SUs) opportunistically access a set of sub-carriers when sensed as idle. The carrier sensing threshold which affects the access opportunities of SUs is conventionally regarded as static and treated independently from the resource allocation in the model. In this article, we study jointly the optimization of detection threshold and resource allocation with the goal of maximizing the total downlink capacity of SUs in such CRNs. The optimization problem is formulated considering three sets of variables, i.e., detection threshold, sub-carrier assignment and power allocation, with constraints on the PUs¿ rate loss and the power budget of the CR base station. Two schemes, referred to as offline and online algorithms respectively, are proposed to solve the optimization problem. While the offline algorithm finds the global optimal solution with high complexity, the online algorithm provides a close-to-optimal solution with much lower complexity and realtime capability. The performance of the proposed schemes is evaluated by extensive simulations and compared with the conventional static threshold selection algorithm specified in the IEEE 802.22 standard.This work is supported by the EU FP7 S2EuNet project (247083), the National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSF61121001), Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET) and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under project (TIN2008-06739-C04-02).Shi, C.; Wang, Y.; Wang, T.; Zhang, P.; Martínez Bauset, J.; Li, FY. (2012). Joint Optimization of Detection Threshold and Resource Allocation in Infrastructure-based Multi-band Cognitive Radio Networks. 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