50 research outputs found

    Essays on the Influence of Review and Reviewer Attributes on Online Review Helpfulness: Attribution Theory Perspective

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    With the emergence of digital technology and the increasing availability of information on the internet, customers rely heavily on online reviews to inform their purchasing decisions. However, not all online reviews are helpful, and the factors that contribute to their helpfulness are complex and multifaceted. This dissertation addresses this gap in the literature by examining the antecedents that determine online review helpfulness using attribution theory. The dissertation consists of three essays. The first essay examines the impact of authenticity (review attribute) on review helpfulness, showing that the expressive authenticity of a review enhances its helpfulness. The second essay investigates the relationship between the reviewer attributes i.e., motivation, activity, and goals in online reviews. The study employs various machine learning techniques to investigate the influence of these factors on reviewers\u27 goal attainment. The third essay explores how the reviewer attributes are related to the helpfulness of online reviews. The dissertation offers significant theoretical and practical implications. Theoretically, the dissertation provides new insights into novel review and reviewer attributes. The study proposes a taxonomy of online reviews using means-ends fusion theory offering a framework for understanding the relationships between different components of online reviewer attributes and their contribution to the attainment of specific goals, such as emotional satisfaction. The study also highlights the importance of understanding the motivations and activities of online reviewers in predicting emotional satisfaction and the conditional effects of complaining behavior on emotional satisfaction. The findings inform review platform owners, business owners, reviewers, and prospective consumers in decision-making through helpful reviews. To review platform owners, the findings help segregate helpful reviews from the humongous number of reviews by determining the authenticity of the review. To business owners, the findings can help in understanding consumer behavior and taking necessary actions to provide better service to their customers. To reviewers, this dissertation can act as a guideline to write helpful reviews and to determine their helpfulness. Finally, to consumers or review readers, this dissertation provides an understanding of helpful reviews, thus allowing them to take product or service purchase decisions

    Strategic corporate communication in the digital age

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    This chapter presents a systematic review of over thirty (30) types of online marketing methods. It describes different methods like email marketing, social network marketing, in-game marketing and augmented reality marketing, among other approaches. The researchers discuss that the rationale for using these online marketing strategies is to increase brand awareness, customer centric marketing and consumer loyalty. They shed light on various personalization methods including recommendation systems and user generated content in their taxonomy of online marketing terms. Hence, they explain how these online marketing methods are related to each other. The researchers contend that the boundaries between online marketing methods have not been clarified enough within the academic literature. Therefore, this chapter provides a better understanding of different online marketing methods. A review of the literature suggests that the ‘oldest’ online marketing methods including the email and the websites are still very relevant for today’s corporate communication. In conclusion, the researchers put forward their recommendations for future research about contemporary online marketing methods.peer-reviewe

    The impact of macroeconomic leading indicators on inventory management

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    Forecasting tactical sales is important for long term decisions such as procurement and informing lower level inventory management decisions. Macroeconomic indicators have been shown to improve the forecast accuracy at tactical level, as these indicators can provide early warnings of changing markets while at the same time tactical sales are sufficiently aggregated to facilitate the identification of useful leading indicators. Past research has shown that we can achieve significant gains by incorporating such information. However, at lower levels, that inventory decisions are taken, this is often not feasible due to the level of noise in the data. To take advantage of macroeconomic leading indicators at this level we need to translate the tactical forecasts into operational level ones. In this research we investigate how to best assimilate top level forecasts that incorporate such exogenous information with bottom level (at Stock Keeping Unit level) extrapolative forecasts. The aim is to demonstrate whether incorporating these variables has a positive impact on bottom level planning and eventually inventory levels. We construct appropriate hierarchies of sales and use that structure to reconcile the forecasts, and in turn the different available information, across levels. We are interested both at the point forecast and the prediction intervals, as the latter inform safety stock decisions. Therefore the contribution of this research is twofold. We investigate the usefulness of macroeconomic leading indicators for SKU level forecasts and alternative ways to estimate the variance of hierarchically reconciled forecasts. We provide evidence using a real case study

    Data analytics 2016: proceedings of the fifth international conference on data analytics

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    Forecast combinations: an over 50-year review

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    Forecast combinations have flourished remarkably in the forecasting community and, in recent years, have become part of the mainstream of forecasting research and activities. Combining multiple forecasts produced from single (target) series is now widely used to improve accuracy through the integration of information gleaned from different sources, thereby mitigating the risk of identifying a single "best" forecast. Combination schemes have evolved from simple combination methods without estimation, to sophisticated methods involving time-varying weights, nonlinear combinations, correlations among components, and cross-learning. They include combining point forecasts and combining probabilistic forecasts. This paper provides an up-to-date review of the extensive literature on forecast combinations, together with reference to available open-source software implementations. We discuss the potential and limitations of various methods and highlight how these ideas have developed over time. Some important issues concerning the utility of forecast combinations are also surveyed. Finally, we conclude with current research gaps and potential insights for future research

    Sentiment Analysis of Textual Content in Social Networks. From Hand-Crafted to Deep Learning-Based Models

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    Aquesta tesi proposa diversos mètodes avançats per analitzar automàticament el contingut textual compartit a les xarxes socials i identificar les opinions, emocions i sentiments a diferents nivells d’anàlisi i en diferents idiomes. Comencem proposant un sistema d’anàlisi de sentiments, anomenat SentiRich, basat en un conjunt ric d’atributs, inclosa la informació extreta de lèxics de sentiments i models de word embedding pre-entrenats. A continuació, proposem un sistema basat en Xarxes Neurals Convolucionals i regressors XGboost per resoldre una sèrie de tasques d’anàlisi de sentiments i emocions a Twitter. Aquestes tasques van des de les tasques típiques d’anàlisi de sentiments fins a determinar automàticament la intensitat d’una emoció (com ara alegria, por, ira, etc.) i la intensitat del sentiment dels autors a partir dels seus tweets. També proposem un nou sistema basat en Deep Learning per solucionar el problema de classificació de les emocions múltiples a Twitter. A més, es va considerar el problema de l’anàlisi del sentiment depenent de l’objectiu. Per a aquest propòsit, proposem un sistema basat en Deep Learning que identifica i extreu l'objectiu dels tweets. Tot i que alguns idiomes, com l’anglès, disposen d’una àmplia gamma de recursos per permetre l’anàlisi del sentiment, a la majoria de llenguatges els hi manca. Per tant, utilitzem la tècnica d'anàlisi de sentiments entre idiomes per desenvolupar un sistema nou, multilingüe i basat en Deep Learning per a llenguatges amb pocs recursos lingüístics. Proposem combinar l’ajuda a la presa de decisions multi-criteri i anàlisis de sentiments per desenvolupar un sistema que permeti als usuaris la possibilitat d’explotar tant les opinions com les seves preferències en el procés de classificació d’alternatives. Finalment, vam aplicar els sistemes desenvolupats al camp de la comunicació de les marques de destinació a través de les xarxes socials. Amb aquesta finalitat, hem recollit tweets de persones locals, visitants i els gabinets oficials de Turisme de diferents destinacions turístiques i es van analitzar les opinions i les emocions compartides en ells. En general, els mètodes proposats en aquesta tesi milloren el rendiment dels enfocaments d’última generació i mostren troballes apassionants.Esta tesis propone varios métodos avanzados para analizar automáticamente el contenido textual compartido en las redes sociales e identificar opiniones, emociones y sentimientos, en diferentes niveles de análisis y en diferentes idiomas. Comenzamos proponiendo un sistema de análisis de sentimientos, llamado SentiRich, que está basado en un conjunto rico de características, que incluyen la información extraída de léxicos de sentimientos y modelos de word embedding previamente entrenados. Luego, proponemos un sistema basado en redes neuronales convolucionales y regresores XGboost para resolver una variedad de tareas de análisis de sentimientos y emociones en Twitter. Estas tareas van desde las típicas tareas de análisis de sentimientos hasta la determinación automática de la intensidad de una emoción (como alegría, miedo, ira, etc.) y la intensidad del sentimiento de los autores de los tweets. También proponemos un novedoso sistema basado en Deep Learning para abordar el problema de clasificación de emociones múltiples en Twitter. Además, consideramos el problema del análisis de sentimientos dependiente del objetivo. Para este propósito, proponemos un sistema basado en Deep Learning que identifica y extrae el objetivo de los tweets. Si bien algunos idiomas, como el inglés, tienen una amplia gama de recursos para permitir el análisis de sentimientos, la mayoría de los idiomas carecen de ellos. Por lo tanto, utilizamos la técnica de Análisis de Sentimiento Inter-lingual para desarrollar un sistema novedoso, multilingüe y basado en Deep Learning para los lenguajes con pocos recursos lingüísticos. Proponemos combinar la Ayuda a la Toma de Decisiones Multi-criterio y el análisis de sentimientos para desarrollar un sistema que brinde a los usuarios la capacidad de explotar las opiniones junto con sus preferencias en el proceso de clasificación de alternativas. Finalmente, aplicamos los sistemas desarrollados al campo de la comunicación de las marcas de destino a través de las redes sociales. Con este fin, recopilamos tweets de personas locales, visitantes, y gabinetes oficiales de Turismo de diferentes destinos turísticos y analizamos las opiniones y las emociones compartidas en ellos. En general, los métodos propuestos en esta tesis mejoran el rendimiento de los enfoques de vanguardia y muestran hallazgos interesa.This thesis proposes several advanced methods to automatically analyse textual content shared on social networks and identify people’ opinions, emotions and feelings at a different level of analysis and in different languages. We start by proposing a sentiment analysis system, called SentiRich, based on a set of rich features, including the information extracted from sentiment lexicons and pre-trained word embedding models. Then, we propose an ensemble system based on Convolutional Neural Networks and XGboost regressors to solve an array of sentiment and emotion analysis tasks on Twitter. These tasks range from the typical sentiment analysis tasks, to automatically determining the intensity of an emotion (such as joy, fear, anger, etc.) and the intensity of sentiment (aka valence) of the authors from their tweets. We also propose a novel Deep Learning-based system to address the multiple emotion classification problem on Twitter. Moreover, we considered the problem of target-dependent sentiment analysis. For this purpose, we propose a Deep Learning-based system that identifies and extracts the target of the tweets. While some languages, such as English, have a vast array of resources to enable sentiment analysis, most low-resource languages lack them. So, we utilise the Cross-lingual Sentiment Analysis technique to develop a novel, multi-lingual and Deep Learning-based system for low resource languages. We propose to combine Multi-Criteria Decision Aid and sentiment analysis to develop a system that gives users the ability to exploit reviews alongside their preferences in the process of alternatives ranking. Finally, we applied the developed systems to the field of communication of destination brands through social networks. To this end, we collected tweets of local people, visitors, and official brand destination offices from different tourist destinations and analysed the opinions and the emotions shared in these tweets

    Media Analytics for Personalization in Advertisement

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    In the realm of advertising, strategic placement and presentation of advertisements are crucial for attracting potential clients. Media companies employ various tactics, such as visually appealing features and vibrant colors, to capture the attention of consumers. However, achieving this objective is not always straightforward, as some advertising strategies may be perceived as irrelevant or disturbing by recipients. This Master's thesis aims to explore the relationship between audience interaction and the perception of advertisements on media platforms, with the overarching goal of enhancing advertising effectiveness and addressing ethical concerns associated with targeted advertising. To delve into this topic comprehensively, this study utilizes real-time data provided by Amedia, one of the largest media companies in Norway. Through an extensive analysis of this real-world data, the research aims to explore the correlation between audience interaction and the perception of advertisements on media platforms. This investigation involves the extraction of relevant features from advertisement images, leading to the creation of a new dataset. Concurrently, predictive machine learning models are developed to gain insights into effective advertising strategies for media companies, with a focus on personalization. Furthermore, a comprehensive user study is conducted to gain insights into user behavior within media platform advertisements. By uncovering the interplay between visual features, user behavior, and advertising effectiveness, this research contributes to improving personalized advertising strategies in the context of media companies.Masteroppgåve i informasjonsvitskapINFO390MASV-INF

    EDM 2011: 4th international conference on educational data mining : Eindhoven, July 6-8, 2011 : proceedings

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