1,249 research outputs found

    Actuators for Intelligent Electric Vehicles

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    This book details the advanced actuators for IEVs and the control algorithm design. In the actuator design, the configuration four-wheel independent drive/steering electric vehicles is reviewed. An in-wheel two-speed AMT with selectable one-way clutch is designed for IEV. Considering uncertainties, the optimization design for the planetary gear train of IEV is conducted. An electric power steering system is designed for IEV. In addition, advanced control algorithms are proposed in favour of active safety improvement. A supervision mechanism is applied to the segment drift control of autonomous driving. Double super-resolution network is used to design the intelligent driving algorithm. Torque distribution control technology and four-wheel steering technology are utilized for path tracking and adaptive cruise control. To advance the control accuracy, advanced estimation algorithms are studied in this book. The tyre-road peak friction coefficient under full slip rate range is identified based on the normalized tyre model. The pressure of the electro-hydraulic brake system is estimated based on signal fusion. Besides, a multi-semantic driver behaviour recognition model of autonomous vehicles is designed using confidence fusion mechanism. Moreover, a mono-vision based lateral localization system of low-cost autonomous vehicles is proposed with deep learning curb detection. To sum up, the discussed advanced actuators, control and estimation algorithms are beneficial to the active safety improvement of IEVs

    A Delphi Study of Aviation Maintenance Experts\u27 Recommendations for a Model School Curriculum

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    The program described in this paper is the essential first step in reviving and reinitiating the delivery of aviation maintenance technology instruction. The demand for aviation maintenance technicians (AMTs) is rapidly increasing and there is a need to provide as many as 679,000 AMTs over the next 20 years (Boeing, 2016). Given the high cost of certification, new aviation maintenance schools are unlikely to be certificated in the near future, and ramping up the existing schools to meet the anticipated demand is unlikely without incorporating attractive cost-effective measures such as competency-based and distance education. The purpose of this study is to develop a model curriculum for aviation maintenance technician schools (AMTSs) based upon three federal documents: {Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on Aviation Maintenance Technician Schools, dated 10/02/2015, Advisory and Rulemaking Committees Review Part 147 (Aviation Maintenance Technician Schools Curriculum and Operating Requirements) dated 12/08/2008, and FAA AMT testing standards (draft dated 02/17/2017)}. The model encapsulates college credits and respective clock hour times associated with common subject area groupings within the guidelines of one college credit minimum for each course, approximately 1900 hours of instruction, and recommended objectives for each course. The Delphi methodology was used to collect data from a group of aviation maintenance technology education and regulatory experts

    Optimal Supervisory Control of Hybrid Vehicles

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    Hybrid vehicles (HV), comprising a conventional ICE-based powertrain and a secondary energy source, to be converted into mechanical power as well, represent a well-established alternative to substantially reduce both fuel consumption and tailpipe emissions of passenger cars. Several HV architectures are either being studied or already available on market, e.g. Mechanical, Electric, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Hybrid Vehicles. Among the others, Electric (HEV) and Mechanical (HSF-HV) parallel Hybrid configurations are examined throughout this Thesis. To fully exploit the HVs potential, an optimal choice of the hybrid components to be installed must be properly designed, while an effective Supervisory Control must be adopted to coordinate the way the different power sources are managed and how they interact. Real-time controllers can be derived starting from the obtained optimal benchmark results. However, the application of these powerful instruments require a simplified and yet reliable and accurate model of the hybrid vehicle system. This can be a complex task, especially when the complexity of the system grows, i.e. a HSF-HV system assessed in this Thesis. The first task of the following dissertation is to establish the optimal modeling approach for an innovative and promising mechanical hybrid vehicle architecture. It will be shown how the chosen modeling paradigm can affect the goodness and the amount of computational effort of the solution, using an optimization technique based on Dynamic Programming. The second goal concerns the control of pollutant emissions in a parallel Diesel-HEV. The emissions level obtained under real world driving conditions is substantially higher than the usual result obtained in a homologation cycle. For this reason, an on-line control strategy capable of guaranteeing the respect of the desired emissions level, while minimizing fuel consumption and avoiding excessive battery depletion is the target of the corresponding section of the Thesis

    Create Cost Effective Post Processing Techniques for Multiple Measured and Simulated Components of CVT Transmissions

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    The automotive industry requires continuous innovation in order to fight the high competitiveness in this sector. More than ever, fuel economy, low emissions and comfort are the main goals when designing a vehicle. Continuously Variable Transmissions (CVT) are a type of transmissions that meet with those features and it can be the future of automatic transmissions. The presented dissertation was developed during an internship in a company, specialist in the development and production of CVT transmissions, designated by Punch Powertrain NV, located in Sint-Truiden, Belgium. The work was incorporated in the Research and Development (R&D) department, in the team of simulation, where it was possible to enhance the academic experience. This work is based on a need to post-process the results of several measured and simulated scenarios. Firstly, it was proposed to analyse the interference between the components of a hydraulic block. After the block is simulated individually, the inside walls can deform and it is important to analyse if there is interference with the movable components. Secondly, there are corrections done on gears. These corrections are evaluated through gear measurements, which need to be processed to determine if the modifications are within the nominal parameters. The last task was to analyse exported data from road load tests. In each transmission, five accelerometers are installed that record the loads subjected in the three coordinates. These files are read and, then, processed using an algorithm of a counting method, that can predict the cycles of each accelerometer for the different loads. All results are validated by the team leader and the specialists of each field. In the end, the internship allowed to increase the knowledge obtained from the Master’s.A indústria automóvel exige uma inovação contínua, de forma a combater a elevada competitividade neste setor. Mais do que nunca, economia de combustível, baixas emissões e conforto são as principais características na hora de desenhar um veículo. Transmissões Continuamente Variáveis (CVT) são um tipo de transmissão que cumpre esses objetivos e pode ser o futuro das transmissões automáticas. A presente dissertação foi desenvolvida durante um estágio numa empresa especialista no desenvolvimento e produção de transmissões CVT, com o nome de Punch Powertrain NV e localizada em Sint-Truiden, Bélgica. O trabalho foi inserido no departamento de Inovação e Desenvolvimento (I&D), na equipa de simulação, onde foi possível enriquecer a experiência académica. Este trabalho teve por base a necessidade de pós-processar os resultados de diversos cenários medidos e simulados. Em primeiro lugar, foi proposto analisar a interferência entre os componentes de um bloco hidráulico. Depois do bloco ser simulado individualmente, as paredes interiores podem deformar e é importante analisar se existe interferência com as componentes móveis. Em segundo lugar, existem correções feitas em rodas dentadas, para que possam trabalhar corretamente. Então, estas correções são analisadas através de medições, que precisam de ser processadas para determinar se as modificações estão dentro dos parâmetros nominais. A última tarefa foi analisar informação exportada dos testes de carga na estrada. Em cada transmissão, são instalados cinco acelerómetros que registam as cargas submetidas nas três coordenadas. Esses ficheiros são lidos e, depois, processados usando um algoritmo de contagem, que consegue prever os ciclos de cada acelerómetro para as diferentes cargas. Todos os resultados são validados pelo líder de equipa e pelos especialistas de cada área. No final, o estágio permitiu aumentar o conhecimento obtido durante o mestrado

    Future Transportation

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    Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with transportation activities account for approximately 20 percent of all carbon dioxide (co2) emissions globally, making the transportation sector a major contributor to the current global warming. This book focuses on the latest advances in technologies aiming at the sustainable future transportation of people and goods. A reduction in burning fossil fuel and technological transitions are the main approaches toward sustainable future transportation. Particular attention is given to automobile technological transitions, bike sharing systems, supply chain digitalization, and transport performance monitoring and optimization, among others

    Comparative fuel economy, cost and emissions analysis of a novel mild hybrid and conventional vehicles

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    © IMechE 2017. Mild hybrid vehicles have been explored as a potential pathway to reduce vehicle emissions cost-effectively. The use of manual transmissions to develop novel hybrid vehicles provides an alternate route to producing low cost electrified powertrains. In this paper, a comparative analysis examining a conventional vehicle and a mild hybrid electric vehicle is presented. The analysis considers fuel economy, capital and ongoing costs and environmental emissions, and includes developmental analysis and simulation using mathematical models. Vehicle emissions (nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons) and fuel economy are computed, analysed and compared using a number of alternative driving cycles and their weighted combination. Different driver styles are also evaluated. Studying the relationship between the fuel economy and driveability, where driveability is addressed using fuel-economical gear shift strategies. Our simulation suggests the hybrid concept presented can deliver fuel economy gains of between 5 and 10%, as compared to the conventional powertrain

    Gear shift strategies for automotive transmissions

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    The development history of automotive engineering has shown the essential role of transmissions in road vehicles primarily powered by internal combustion engines. The engine with its physical constraints on the torque and speed requires a transmission to have its power converted to the drive power demand at the vehicle wheels. Under dynamic driving conditions, the transmission is required to shift in order to match the engine power with the changing drive power. Furthermore, a gear shift decision is expected to be consistent such that vehicle can remain in the next gear for a period of time without deteriorating the acceleration capability. Therefore, an optimal conversion of the engine power plays a key role in improving the fuel economy and driveability. Moreover, the consequences of the assumptions related to the discrete state variable-dependent losses, e.g. gear shifting, clutch slippage and engine starting, and their e¿ect on the gear shift control strategy are necessary to be analyzed to yield insights into the fuel usage. The ¿rst part of the thesis deals with the design of gear shift strategies for electronically controlled discrete ratio transmissions used in both conventional vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs). For conventional vehicles, together with the fuel economy, the driveability is systematically addressed in a Dynamic Programming (DP) based optimal gear shift strategy by three methods: i) the weighted inverse of the power re¬serve, ii) the constant power reserve, and iii) the variable power reserve. In addition, a Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP) algorithm is utilized to optimize the gear shift strategy, subject to a stochastic distribution of the power request, in order to minimize the expected fuel consumption over an in¿nite horizon. Hence, the SDP-based gear shift strategy intrinsically respects the driveability and is realtime implementable. By per¬forming a comparative analysis of all proposed gear shift methods, it is shown that the variable power reserve method achieves the highest fuel economy without deteriorating the driveability. Moreover, for HEVs, a novel fuel-optimal control algorithm, consist-ing of the continuous power split and discrete gear shift, engine on-o¿ problems, based on a combination of DP and Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle (PMP) is developed for the corresponding hybrid dynamical system. This so-called DP-PMP gear shift control approach benchmarks the development of an online implementable control strategy in terms of the optimal tradeo¿ between calculation accuracy and computational e¿ciency. Driven by an ultimate goal of realizing an online gear shift strategy, a gear shift map design methodology for discrete ratio transmissions is developed, which is applied for both conventional vehicles and HEVs. The design methodology uses an optimal gear shift algorithm as a basis to derive the optimal gear shift patterns. Accordingly, statis¬tical theory is applied to analyze the optimal gear shift pattern in order to extract the time-invariant shift rules. This alternative two-step design procedure makes the gear shift map: i) respect the fuel economy and driveability, ii) be consistent and robust with respect to shift busyness, and iii) be realtime implementation. The design process is ¿exible and time e¿cient such that an applicability to various powertrain systems con¿gured with discrete ratio transmissions is possible. Furthermore, the study in this thesis addresses the trend of utilizing the route information in the powertrain control system by proposing an integrated predictive gear shift strategy concept, consisting of a velocity algorithm and a predictive algorithm. The velocity algorithm improves the fuel economy in simulation considerably by proposing a fuel-optimal velocity trajectory over a certain driving horizon for the vehicle to follow. The predictive algorithm suc¬cessfully utilizes a prede¿ned velocity pro¿le over a certain horizon in order to realize a fuel economy improvement very close to that of the globally optimal algorithm (DP). In the second part of the thesis, the energetic losses, involved with the gear shift and engine start events in an automated manual transmission-based HEV, are modeled. The e¿ect of these losses on the control strategies and fuel consumption for (non-)powershift transmission technologies is investigated. Regarding the gear shift loss, the study ¿rstly ever discloses a perception of a fuel-e¿cient advantage of the powershift transmissions over the non-powershift ones applied for commercial vehicles. It is also shown that the engine start loss can not be ignored in seeking for a fair evaluation of the fuel economy. Moreover, the sensitivity study of the fuel consumption with respect to the prediction horizon reveals that a predictive energy management strategy can realize the highest achievable fuel economy with a horizon of a few seconds ahead. The last part of the thesis focuses on investigating the sensitivity of an optimal gear shift strategy to the relevant control design objectives, i.e. fuel economy, driveability and comfort. A singu¬lar value decomposition based method is introduced to analyze the possible correlations and interdependencies among the design objectives. This allows that some of the pos¬sible dependent design objective(s) can be removed from the objective function of the corresponding optimal control problem, hence thereby reducing the design complexity

    Integrated Prognostics Observer for Condition Monitoring of an Automated Manual Transmission Dry Clutch System

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    The closed loop feedback control system of an Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) electro-pneumatic clutch actuator is used for intelligent real time condition monitoring, enhanced diagnostics and prognostic health management of the dry clutch system, by integrating with the existing gearbox prognostics observer. The real-time sensor data of the clutch actuator piston position is analyzed for monitoring the condition of the clutch system. Original parameters of the new clutch are stored in the Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-only Memory (EEPROM) of the AMT controller and the real-time data is used by the observer for assessing the degradation/wear of the frictional clutch parts. Also, clutch slip during torque transmission is monitored, using the engine speed and the gearbox input shaft speed from Controller Area Network (CAN). Condition monitoring of clutch system provides enhanced prognostic functionality for AMT system which ensures consistent clutch performance, gear shift quality and timely warning for recalibration, repair and/or replacement of the critical wear and tear parts. Also, systematic analysis of the monitored data provides an accurate diagnosis of a developing fault. Thus, with the advanced control systems in place for AMT, a closed loop feedback based condition monitoring system is modelled for improved diagnostics and prognostics of AMT clutch system

    Mechatronic Systems

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    Mechatronics, the synergistic blend of mechanics, electronics, and computer science, has evolved over the past twenty five years, leading to a novel stage of engineering design. By integrating the best design practices with the most advanced technologies, mechatronics aims at realizing high-quality products, guaranteeing at the same time a substantial reduction of time and costs of manufacturing. Mechatronic systems are manifold and range from machine components, motion generators, and power producing machines to more complex devices, such as robotic systems and transportation vehicles. With its twenty chapters, which collect contributions from many researchers worldwide, this book provides an excellent survey of recent work in the field of mechatronics with applications in various fields, like robotics, medical and assistive technology, human-machine interaction, unmanned vehicles, manufacturing, and education. We would like to thank all the authors who have invested a great deal of time to write such interesting chapters, which we are sure will be valuable to the readers. Chapters 1 to 6 deal with applications of mechatronics for the development of robotic systems. Medical and assistive technologies and human-machine interaction systems are the topic of chapters 7 to 13.Chapters 14 and 15 concern mechatronic systems for autonomous vehicles. Chapters 16-19 deal with mechatronics in manufacturing contexts. Chapter 20 concludes the book, describing a method for the installation of mechatronics education in schools