10 research outputs found


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    Proses penilaian keterampilan Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) khususnya di Indonesia masih jarang ditemukan. Studi ini menggunakan metode online untuk menggali karakteristik keterampilan CPS peserta didik melalui penilaian berbasis web interaktif pada laman webcps.site. Peserta didik bekerja secara berpasangan menyelesaikan dua task tentang materi listrik dinamis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey. Data aliran proses diambil dari 15 grup yang dikelompokkan secara acak dari 30 peserta didik (17 diantaranya peserta didik laki-laki dan 13 peserta didik perempuan) di salah satu Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Pulau Bengkalis di provinsi Riau. Data ditransformasikan menjadi indikator keterampilan Collaborative Problem Solving berdasarkan kata kunci dengan bantuan software Nvivo 12 Plus, kemudian dikategorikan berdasarkan empat level yaitu Beginner (level 1), Emerging (level 2), intermediate (level 3), dan advance (level 4). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa berada di berbagai level dengan karakteristik yang berbeda di kedua domain sosial dan domain kognitif dalam keterampilan CPS. Penilaian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai instrumen pengukuran keterampilan pemecahan masalah kolaboratif. The process of assessing Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) skills, especially in Indonesia, is still rare. This study uses an online method to explore the characteristics of students' CPS skills through interactive web-based assessments on the webcps.site page. Students work in pairs to complete two tasks about dynamic electrical material. The method used in this research is a survey method. Process flow data were taken from 15 groups randomly grouped from 30 students (17 of whom were male students and 13 were female students) in one of the Bengkalis Island Vocational High Schools in Riau province. The data is transformed into indicators of Collaborative Problem Solving skills based on keywords with the help of Nvivo 12 Plus software, then categorized based on four levels, namely Beginner (level 1), Emerging (level 2), intermediate (level 3), and advanced (level 4). The results showed that students were at various levels with different characteristics in both the social domain and the cognitive domain in CPS skills. The assessment used in this study can be used as an instrument for measuring collaborative problem solving skills

    Kutatási készségek fejlesztése digitálisjáték-alapú tanulással tantárgyi tartalmon

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    The development of 21st century skills in a learning environment that is inquiry-centered and technology-rich is a highly researched field. This is due to comprehensive skills like problem solving and critical thinking having become emphasized in public education. The standards aiming to develop these 21st century skills support inquiry-based approaches. In an inquiry-based learning environment, students employ their inquiry skills, which are closely connected to both problem solving and critical thinking. Skills of scientific investigation and problem solving are: analysis of problems and phenomena; formulating questions and hypotheses; observation, investigation, designing and performing experiments; identification and control of variables; method selection; data gathering; data presentation and analysis; evaluation, interpretation, communication and presentation of results; and drawing conclusions. Thus, inquiry skills are 21st century skills, so their development is an important task of public education. However, the integration of game elements into inquiry-based learning environment aiming the enhancement of learning outcomes is a new approach. Because of the increased interest, several researchers have proven that a correctly chosen and implemented game can increase students’ content knowledge, is beneficial to attitude and motivation, and can be used for capability development. In this study, inquiry skills, domestic demand for the measurement of inquiry skills, and some possibilities for the development of inquiry skills are discussed first. In the second part, the interpretation of digital game-based learning (DGBL) is reviewed. In the third part, the theory of digital game construction and the connection between digital game-based learning and inquiry skills are presented.Az oktatás egyik leginkább kutatott területe jelenleg a 21. századi készségek fejlesztése technológia-gazdag, kutatás-központú tanulási környezetben. Ennek oka az, hogy napjainkban olyan átfogó készségek fejlesztése vált hangsúlyossá a közoktatásban, mint például a problémamegoldás és a kritikai gondolkodás. Ezek olyan 21. századi készségek, amelyek fejlesztését célzó standardok leginkább a kutatás-központú megközelítéseket támogatják. A kutatás-központú tanulási környezetben a tanulók kutatási készégeiket alkalmazzák, amelyek szorosan kapcsolódnak a problémamegoldáshoz és a kritikai gondolkodáshoz egyaránt. A tudományos vizsgálódás és a problémamegoldás készségei közé tartoznak: a jelenségek, problémák elemzése, kérdések, hipotézisek megfogalmazása, megfigyelés, vizsgálat, kísérlet megtervezése és kivitelezése, változók azonosítása és kontrollja, módszerek kiválasztása, adatgyűjtés, adatok megjelenítése és elemzése, eredmények értékelése, értelmezése, kommunikálása és prezentálása, valamint következtetések megfogalmazása. Mindebből következik, hogy a kutatási készégek olyan 21. századi készségeknek tekinthetők, amelyek fejlesztése fontos feladata a közoktatásnak. Mindemellett új irányzat a játékelemek beemelése a kutatás-központú tanulási környezetbe a tanulási eredmények javítása céljából. Az oktatásban alkalmazott játékok iránti megnövekedett érdeklődés nyomán számos kutató bizonyította, hogy egy helyesen megválasztott és kivitelezett játék képes a tanulók tartalmi tudásának növelésére, kedvezően hat az attitűdre és motivációra, valamint képességfejlesztésre is alkalmazható. Az áttekintés első részében ismertetjük a kutatási készségeket, a kutatási készségek mérésének hazai igényét, valamint a kutatási készségek fejlesztésének néhány lehetőségét. A második részben kitérünk a digitális játék-alapú tanulás értelmezésére, a digitális játékok tervezésének elméletére. A harmadik részben a digitális játék-alapú tanulás és a kutatási készségek kapcsolatát mutatjuk be

    Positive Versus Negative Agents: The Effects of Emotions on Learning

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    The current study investigates the impact of affect, mood contagion, and linguistic alignment on learning during tutorial conversations between a human student and two artificial pedagogical agents. The study uses an Intelligent Tutoring System known as OperationARIES! to engage students in tutorial conversations with animated agents. In this investigation, 48 college students (N = 48) conversed with pedagogical agents as they displayed 3 different moods (i.e., positive, negative, and neutral) along with a control condition in a within-subjects design. Results indicate that the mood of the agent did not significantly impact student learning even though mood contagion did occur between the artificial agent and the human student. Learning was influenced by the student\u27s self-reported arousal level and the alignment scores that reflected a shared mental representation between the human student and the artificial agents. The results suggest that arousal and linguistic alignment during the tutorial conversations may play a role in learning

    Promoting Learning by Inducing and Scaffolding Cognitive Disequilibrium and Confusion through System Feedback

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    Learners frequently experience uncertainty about how to proceed during learning. These experiences cause learners to enter a state of cognitive disequilibrium and its affiliated affective state of confusion. Cognitive disequilibrium and confusion have been found to frequently occur during complex learning and provide opportunities for deeper learning. In the current thesis, a learning environment that induces confusion was investigated. In the environment, learners engaged in a dialogue on scientific reasoning with an animated pedagogical agent. Confusion was induced through false feedback provided by the tutor agent (e.g., when learners responded correctly and were told their response was incorrect). Self-reports of confusion during the training session indicated that false feedback was an effective method for inducing confusion. False feedback was also found to increase learners’ ability to apply this knowledge to new and novel situations, under certain conditions. Implications for the design of learning environments are also discussed

    Tutores inteligentes en la enseñanza: Una revisión y análisis en la educación secundaria

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación, se aborda la temática de los Sistemas Tutores Inteligentes en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de matemática, en el contexto de la educación secundaria. El trabajo se basa en la revisión bibliográfica de revistas de carácter científico, y publicaciones de actas de congresos, disponibles en las bibliotecas virtuales. Se presentan las experiencias seleccionadas que involucran la utilización de sistemas tutores inteligentes en la educación secundaria. Se describen los criterios de análisis de estas experiencias. Se realiza una síntesis de cada una de ellas y se describen las conclusiones.Facultad de Informátic

    Ontologies for automatic question generation

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    Assessment is an important tool for formal learning, especially in higher education. At present, many universities use online assessment systems where questions are entered manually into a question bank system. This kind of system requires the instructor’s time and effort to construct questions manually. The main aim of this thesis is, therefore, to contribute to the investigation of new question generation strategies for short/long answer questions in order to allow for the development of automatic factual question generation from an ontology for educational assessment purposes. This research is guided by four research questions: (1) How well can an ontology be used for generating factual assessment questions? (2) How can questions be generated from course ontology? (3) Are the ontological question generation strategies able to generate acceptable assessment questions? and (4) Do the topic-based indexing able to improve the feasibility of AQGen. We firstly conduct ontology validation to evaluate the appropriateness of concept representation using a competency question approach. We used revision questions from the textbook to obtain keyword (in revision questions) and a concept (in the ontology) matching. The results show that only half of the ontology concepts matched the keywords. We took further investigation on the unmatched concepts and found some incorrect concept naming and later suggest a guideline for an appropriate concept naming. At the same time, we introduce validation of ontology using revision questions as competency questions to check for ontology completeness. Furthermore, we also proposed 17 short/long answer question templates for 3 question categories, namely definition, concept completion and comparison. In the subsequent part of the thesis, we develop the AQGen tool and evaluate the generated questions. Two Computer Science subjects, namely OS and CNS, are chosen to evaluate AQGen generated questions. We conduct a questionnaire survey from 17 domain experts to identify experts’ agreement on the acceptability measure of AQGen generated questions. The experts’ agreements for acceptability measure are favourable, and it is reported that three of the four QG strategies proposed can generate acceptable questions. It has generated thousands of questions from the 3 question categories. AQGen is updated with question selection to generate a feasible question set from a tremendous amount of generated questions before. We have suggested topic-based indexing with the purpose to assert knowledge about topic chapters into ontology representation for question selection. The topic indexing shows a feasible result for filtering question by topics. Finally, our results contribute to an understanding of ontology element representation for question generations and how to automatically generate questions from ontology for education assessment

    Applying science of learning in education: Infusing psychological science into the curriculum

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    The field of specialization known as the science of learning is not, in fact, one field. Science of learning is a term that serves as an umbrella for many lines of research, theory, and application. A term with an even wider reach is Learning Sciences (Sawyer, 2006). The present book represents a sliver, albeit a substantial one, of the scholarship on the science of learning and its application in educational settings (Science of Instruction, Mayer 2011). Although much, but not all, of what is presented in this book is focused on learning in college and university settings, teachers of all academic levels may find the recommendations made by chapter authors of service. The overarching theme of this book is on the interplay between the science of learning, the science of instruction, and the science of assessment (Mayer, 2011). The science of learning is a systematic and empirical approach to understanding how people learn. More formally, Mayer (2011) defined the science of learning as the “scientific study of how people learn” (p. 3). The science of instruction (Mayer 2011), informed in part by the science of learning, is also on display throughout the book. Mayer defined the science of instruction as the “scientific study of how to help people learn” (p. 3). Finally, the assessment of student learning (e.g., learning, remembering, transferring knowledge) during and after instruction helps us determine the effectiveness of our instructional methods. Mayer defined the science of assessment as the “scientific study of how to determine what people know” (p.3). Most of the research and applications presented in this book are completed within a science of learning framework. Researchers first conducted research to understand how people learn in certain controlled contexts (i.e., in the laboratory) and then they, or others, began to consider how these understandings could be applied in educational settings. Work on the cognitive load theory of learning, which is discussed in depth in several chapters of this book (e.g., Chew; Lee and Kalyuga; Mayer; Renkl), provides an excellent example that documents how science of learning has led to valuable work on the science of instruction. Most of the work described in this book is based on theory and research in cognitive psychology. We might have selected other topics (and, thus, other authors) that have their research base in behavior analysis, computational modeling and computer science, neuroscience, etc. We made the selections we did because the work of our authors ties together nicely and seemed to us to have direct applicability in academic settings

    Situated at a Distance: A Framework for Teaching Reflexive Inquiry through Digital Games

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    As science and technology (technoscience) grow increasingly complicit in systemic injustice, there is an urgent need for practitioners to conduct scientific inquiry as a reflexive process. Reflexivity in technoscience entails critically examining how one’s position in material, political, and cultural structures of practice relates to their process of scientific inquiry. For example, it can involve examining how one’s position as a researcher at a large for-profit corporation affects their framing of research problems. Teaching scientific inquiry as a reflexive process is necessary as it enables one to understand how values and assumptions permeate inquiry, and how one’s positionality can embody or transform them. However, teaching it is also a paradoxical challenge: it requires students to be positioned in the structures of practice, while also at a distance from them. Being positioned in practice is necessary because the structures of practice differ significantly from those of education. Simultaneously, being at a distance is also necessary because those structures can bind one’s understanding of a problem according to shared cultural norms. This raises two research problems: How do we design educational environments that position students in practice, at a distance? How can these environments support inquiry as a reflexive process? This dissertation makes two primary contributions towards addressing these research problems. First, I draw upon feminist STS and pragmatist scholarship to propose a framework that brings one’s positionality in structures of distribution, power, and culture into relation with the process of inquiry. The framework explores positionality in four ways: as one’s means, status, culture, and experience and brings them into relation to three interdependent processes of inquiry: problematizing, hypothesizing-experimenting, and resolving. By providing a systematic means of examining positionality and inquiry, the framework lays the grounds to analyze and develop responses to each question. This, I hypothesize, allows it to function both as an analytical tool to examine educational environments as well as a design space for educational environments that aim to teach scientific inquiry. Second, I hypothesize that digital games can approach these research questions because they can simulate the structures of practice, one’s position in them, and the processes of inquiry as they relate to those positions, all at a distance from real practice. I investigate this potential of digital games by using the framework to conduct case studies and design-based inquiry into multiple digital games. This process demonstrated how the framework can be a source of design possibilities for approaching the two research questions. Simultaneously, it also surfaced key strengths and constraints of digital games as environments to support inquiry as a reflexive process. Particularly, I highlight how the procedural, evaluative, and artificial affordances of digital games can support but also constrain them from teaching scientific inquiry as a reflexive process (as stand-alone environments), and how such games can be complemented.Ph.D

    Earthquake: Game-Based Learning for 21st Century STEM Education

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    To play is to learn. A lack of empirical research within game-based learning literature, however, has hindered educational stakeholders to make informed decisions about game-based learning for 21st century STEM education. In this study, I modified a research and development (R&D) process to create a collaborative-competitive educational board game illuminating elements of earthquake engineering. I oriented instruction- and game-design principles around 21st century science education to adapt the R&D process to develop the educational game, Earthquake. As part of the R&D, I evaluated Earthquake for empirical evidence to support the claim that game-play results in student gains in critical thinking, scientific argumentation, metacognitive abilities, and earthquake engineering content knowledge. I developed Earthquake with the aid of eight focus groups with varying levels of expertise in science education research, teaching, administration, and game-design. After developing a functional prototype, I pilot-tested Earthquake with teacher-participants (n=14) who engaged in semi-structured interviews after their game-play. I analyzed teacher interviews with constant comparison methodology. I used teachers’ comments and feedback from content knowledge experts to integrate game modifications, implementing results to improve Earthquake. I added player roles, simplified phrasing on cards, and produced an introductory video. I then administered the modified Earthquake game to two groups of high school student-participants (n = 6), who played twice. To seek evidence documenting support for my knowledge claim, I analyzed videotapes of students’ game-play using a game-based learning checklist. My assessment of learning gains revealed increases in all categories of students’ performance: critical thinking, metacognition, scientific argumentation, and earthquake engineering content knowledge acquisition. Players in both student-groups improved mostly in critical thinking, having doubled the number of exhibited instances of critical thinking between games. Players in the first group exhibited about a third more instances of metacognition between games, while players in the second group doubled such instances. Between games, players in both groups more than doubled the number of exhibited instances of using earthquake engineering content knowledge. The student-players expanded use of scientific argumentation for all game-based learning checklist categories. With empirical evidence, I conclude play and learning can connect for successful 21st century STEM education

    The Nature of Problem Solving

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    Solving non-routine problems is a key competence in a world full of changes, uncertainty and surprise where we strive to achieve so many ambitious goals. But the world is also full of solutions because of the extraordinary competences of humans who search for and find them. We must explore the world around us in a thoughtful way, acquire knowledge about unknown situations efficiently, and apply new and existing knowledge creatively. The Nature of Problem Solving presents the background and the main ideas behind the development of the PISA 2012 assessment of problem solving, as well as results from research collaborations that originated within the group of experts who guided the development of this assessment. It illustrates the past, present and future of problem-solving research and how this research is helping educators prepare students to navigate an increasingly uncertain, volatile and ambiguous world