454 research outputs found

    Business plan for third-party platform of medical service for the elderly

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    The main purpose of this business plan is to build a third-party platform to help the elderly patients, especially those who live in rural areas, monitor their health situation by using intelligent Smart Watches. On the one hand, if they would like to go to a large 3A hospital in a big city, far from their hometown, for further treatment or surgery, we will help them to find the best suitable hospitals and doctors scientifically. On the other hand, we will integrate some medicines industry chains by cutting out the middlemen to decrease the price of some particular medicines through group-buying for our patients, which will make medical market more efficient. With the rise of third-party medical services, the business model of our business plan to solve healthy problems for the elderly has also begun to rise. Before drawing up a business plan for the third-party medical service platform, medical platform staff and specific service population are surveyed, and the results are analyzed. At the same time, the research methods including questionnaire and observation methods are introduced for obtaining some original data. After analyzing the data, we found what kind of problems the elderly and their families face now and what kind of services they need exactly. Finally, we will make a financial plan for five years to help us to predict the profit , working Capital and Cash Requirements.O objetivo principal deste plano de negócios é construir uma plataforma de ajuda aos pacientes idosos, especialmente aqueles que vivem sozinhos em áreas rurais, a monitorizar a sua situação de saúde por meio de relógios inteligentes. Por exemplo, caso queiram ir a um grande hospital 3A, numa cidade grande, longe do seu local de residência, para tratamento ou cirurgia, a plataforma ajudá-los-á, de uma forma científica, a encontrar os hospitais e os médicos mais adequados. A plataforma integrará também algumas redes da indústria farmacêutica eliminando deste modo alguns intermediários o que permitirá uma redução dos preços de alguns medicamentos. O crescimento dos serviços médicos terceirizados levou ao aparecimento de modelos de negócio parecidos ao nosso, a grande diferença do nosso em relação aos restantes consiste no facto de o nosso mercado alvo ser os idosos que vivem sozinhos. Para a construção do nosso plano de negócios analisamos as equipas de plataformas médicas existentes. Ao mesmo, realizamos questionários para obtenção de dados originais. A análise dos dados, permitiu-nos identificar o tipo de problemas que afectam os idosos e as sua famílias e qual o tipo de serviços que necessitam. Por fim, elaboramos um plano financeiro para cinco anos para nos ajudar a prever o lucro, o capital circulante e as necessidades de caixa

    Open Data, a new approach with GIS components

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesIn this work, we wanted to develop a proposal to improve the Open Data Infrastructure in Universitat Jaume I. To do this, we have studied the definition of Open Data and its principles. In addition, thanks to the rise of GIS technologies, we have studied how to add some GIS components to our proposal. These components are to manage spatial data, to visualize spatial data and to process spatial analysis. We have also made a comparison between different Open Data Infrastructures to get a general idea of how is running today. From a practical perspective, it can give a requirements for an implementation of an Open Data Infrastructure for Universitat Jaume I. Finally, we made a two cases study and we have done a test that has given us some ideas as future work

    Psychotropic drug purchases during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy and their relationship with mobility restrictions

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    Recent literature on the mental health consequences of social distancing measures has found a substantial increase in self-reported sleep disorders, anxiety and depressive symptoms during lockdown periods. We investigate this issue with data on monthly purchases of psychotropic drugs from the universe of Italian pharmacies during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and find that purchases of mental health-related drugs have increased with respect to 2019. However, the excess volumes do not match the massive increase in anxiety and depressive disorders found in survey-based studies. We also study the interplay between mobility, measured with anonymized mobile phone data, and mental health and report no significant effect of mobility restrictions on antidepressants and anxiolytics purchases during 2020. We provide three potential mechanisms that could drive the discrepancy between self-reported mental health surveys and psychotropic drugs prescription registries: (1) stockpiling practices in the early phases of the pandemic; (2) the adoption of compensatory behavior and (3) unexpressed and unmet needs due to both demand- and supply-side shortages in healthcare services

    Sensor-based system for verifying blood-pressure measurement position

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    Mobile maternal-health programs send workers door to door to visit pregnant women in rural India and collect data such as blood pressure or weight, then send that data to doctors for review. Since the doctors do not see the data collection, ensuring correct collection methods is crucial to allow them to make good treatment decisions. However, blood-pressure measurements are sometimes taken with the patient’s arm in the wrong position, which can cause inaccurate readings. This paper describes a system consisting of an automatic blood pressure cuff with an accelerometer and force sensors attached to determine whether the arm is at the correct angle, held still, and properly supported. A user study indicated that the prototype was effective in helping untrained users take a measurement in the correct position

    Prospective on Automation for Omnichannel Services and the Need for New Robotic Solutions for Store Fulfillment Operations

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    As businesses offer omnichannel services, such as buy-online-pickup-in-store, more logistical processes need to be conducted within or close to a retail environment. For retailers who adopt a store fulfillment concept, order picking for online orders is conducted inside a store environment and is in addition to the logistic processes required to support in-store customer requests. A store fulfillment approach has the advantage of enabling inventory, labor, infrastructure, and automation to be pooled for online orders, in-store customers, and return processing. Yet, the design and operation of logistical tasks completed in a retail environment is more challenging and requires considering the salient features that vary from a distribution environment. This work provides an overview of omnichannel logistical processes and connects their unique features to open challenges in automating these processes. A benchmarking and classification study describes the state of the practice in 2022 in automated picking solutions. We find that the current market for automated picking solutions that could support a microfulfillment strategy is more mature than solutions that could support a store fulfillment strategy. We identify a set of design and technical requirements for an automated picking solution deployed in a retail environment to support store fulfillment. Moveable robotic piece-level picking solutions need to become more flexible so that they can accommodate different item types, store shelf designs, facility layouts, logistical tasks, and human interactions, as well as more agile so they can robustly operate in uncertain and new environments

    Modelling of the evolutional methods to satisfy the consumer’s needs in new product development

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    The aim of the article. The aim of the article is development of evolutional models of methods and means of satisfying the consumer needs in a form of corresponding lines of development represented by sets of successive discrete states regularly passed by these methods and means in the process of evolution. Such models are supposed to match demands of the NPD process providing objective appraisal and predicting of the consumer value of innovation taking into account the change of consumer needs of and attitude toward the methods of satisfying them under global market changes and consumer trends that these changes reflect. The results of the analysis. New product correspondence with customer needs is one of the critical terms of their market success. Existing methods of estimation of this correspondence make it possible to estimate only “obvious” needs and demands in the moment or during the period of interaction with the consumer while latent and future needs remain beyond the investigation. Consumers are not static in their needs and behaviour, their demands to level and means of satisfaction of needs change under the influence of volatile environment and as a result of consumer self-development. Collected and proceeded by traditional marketing research technologies data does not provide in-depth and reliable understanding even of present state of consumer needs structure because of difficulties of synchronization and integration of varied consumer inputs and fuzziness of consumer segments; a problem of future needs identification for successful new product development is still left in abeyance. Satisfaction of any need evolves in direction of “idealization” i.e. satisfying in a moment and place of emergence of the need free of charge on the process of satisfying. The idealization trend is realized through: 1) dynamization, integration and specialization of needs; 2) increase of level of satisfaction of every need and number of simultaneously satisfied needs; 3) reduction of consumer expenditure on need satisfaction with decreasing of concomitant to this satisfaction harmful effects. It is obvious that lines of development of methods and means of need satisfaction must match the lines of development of needs and fit the practice of successful NPD. We have distinguished several such lines among which the following ones seem to be the most obvious and robust: a line of specialization (segmentation) of methods and means of need satisfaction according to features of consumers segments; a line of dynamization of satisfaction of needs; a line of coordination of need satisfaction with place / time /conditions of need emergence; a line of reduction of number of intermediate stages in the process of need satisfaction (approaching to the satisfaction of ultimate need); a line of combination (integration) of satisfying the needs (in space, in time etc.); a line of individualization of needs satisfaction; a line of increase of consumer contribution in individualized consumer value creation and a line of simplification of need satisfaction. Main stages were identified for every line; number of stages was unified to 10 in order to simplify the further quantitative appraisal of indicators of new product consumer value [11]. Indicator of the evolutional state of consumer need satisfaction may be considered a vector: I = {Ii}, where Ii are partial indicators of the evolutional state according to certain lines of development. Quantitative value of the partial indicators coincides with the number of the stage on the corresponding line of development of need satisfaction or line of development of methods and means of this satisfaction achievement. In case of evolutionary correct new product the value of these indicators can not diminish as it conflicts with regularities of development of needs. Conclusions and directions of further researches. The evolutionary models presented by the proposed lines of development of needs and means of satisfying them are based on general laws and regularities of needs development. Therefore these models combined with empirical data concerning top achievements in the need satisfaction make it possible to get an objective generalized appraisal of current and future evolutional state of any need and means of satisfying it tolerant to permanent small shifts of individual needs in volatile environment. It means that these methods after approbation and sophistication can be successfully used for the estimation of reasonability of innovation at any stage of NPD process

    A tradução em aplicativo de celular de venda de remédios

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, 2018.Este projeto final apresenta uma versão para o inglês do aplicativo de celular “Qual Farmácia”, um aplicativo de venda online de medicamentos. Esse aplicativo está em operação em duas capitais brasileiras, Brasília e São Paulo; a versão em inglês tem a intenção de prestar o serviço a clientes estrangeiros em ambas as capitais e ambiciona operar fora do Brasil, mais especificamente nos Estados Unidos. A problemática da elaboração desta tradução refere-se à preparação de um texto funcional no sentido de ser passível de adequar-se às expectativas do público-alvo estrangeiro que usa aplicativos de venda e, mais especificamente, de venda de medicamentos em língua inglesa. O desenvolvimento deste projeto de tradução baseou-se na busca de descrição do tipo de texto presente no aplicativo, com ênfase na identificação de características da macroestrutura e da microestrutura (MAGALHÃES, 2006, p.69-112) como estratégia para a preparação da tradução. Em termos de metodologia de elaboração da tradução, foi preparado um corpus comparável na língua de chegada, na língua inglesa, constituído de textos extraídos de sites de farmácias nos Estados Unidos, para auxiliar a realização de escolhas lexicais e gramaticais apropriadas à macroestrutura e, portanto, esperadas pelo público de língua inglesa. Como resultado, chegamos à proposição de uma versão em língua inglesa do aplicativo que será objeto de teste pela empresa operadora do aplicativo “Qual Farmácia”.This final project presents a translation into English from the mobile application "Qual Farmácia", an online drugstore, under operation in two Brazilian capitals, Brasília and São Paulo; the English translation intends to reach foreign customers, speakers of English, in both capitals and intends to expand its operation overseas, mainly in the United States. The problem posed by this translation is to produce a text which is functional to the receiver, that is to say a translation that meets expectations of the customer in terms of the language expected in an online drugstore application. The theoretical framework draws on Magalhães (2006, p.69-112) to describe aspects of the macro and microstructure of the text as a strategy to carry out the translation. In terms of methodology, we gathered a corpus composed of texts extracted from American online drugtores in order to helps us to make appropriate lexical and grammatical choices. As a result we were able to suggest an English version of the mobile application which will be tested in the near future