1,508 research outputs found

    Diverse intrusion-tolerant database replication

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    Tese de mestrado em Segurança Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2012A combinação da replicação de bases de dados com mecanismos de tolerância a falhas bizantinas ainda é um campo de pesquisa recente com projetos a surgirem nestes últimos anos. No entanto, a maioria dos protótipos desenvolvidos ou se focam em problemas muito específicos, ou são baseados em suposições que são muito difíceis de garantir numa situação do mundo real, como por exemplo ter um componente confiável. Nesta tese apresentamos DivDB, um sistema de replicação de bases de dados diverso e tolerante a intrusões. O sistema está desenhado para ser incorporado dentro de um driver JDBC, o qual irá abstrair o utilizador de qualquer complexidade adicional dos mecanismos de tolerância a falhas bizantinas. O DivDB baseia-se na combinação de máquinas de estados replicadas com um algoritmo de processamento de transações, a fim de melhorar o seu desempenho. Para além disso, no DivDB é possível ligar cada réplica a um sistema de gestão de base de dados diferente, proporcionando assim diversidade ao sistema. Propusemos, resolvemos e implementamos três problemas em aberto, existentes na conceção de um sistema de gestão de base de dados replicado: autenticação, processamento de transações e transferência de estado. Estas características torna o DivDB exclusivo, pois é o único sistema que compreende essas três funcionalidades implementadas num sistema de base de dados replicado. A nossa implementação é suficientemente robusta para funcionar de forma segura num simples sistema de processamento de transações online. Para testar isso, utilizou-se o TPC-C, uma ferramenta de benchmarking que simula esse tipo de ambientes.The combination of database replication with Byzantine fault tolerance mechanism is a recent field of research with projects appearing in the last few years. However most of the prototypes produced are either focused on very specific problems or are based on assumptions that are very hard to accomplish in a real world scenario (e.g., trusted component). In this thesis we present DivDB, a Diverse Intrusion-Tolerant Database Replication system. It is designed to be incorporated inside a JDBC driver so that it abstracts the user from any added complexity from Byzantine Fault Tolerance mechanism. DivDB is based in State Machine Replication combined with a transaction handling algorithm in order to enhance its performance. DivDB is also able to have different database systems connected at each replica, enabling to achieve diversity. We proposed, solved and implemented three open problems in the design of a replicated database system: authentication, transaction handling and state-transfer. This makes DivDB unique since it is the only system that comprises all these three features in a single database replication system. Our implementation is robust enough to operate reliably in a simple Online Transaction Processing system. To test that, we used TPC-C, a benchmark tool that simulates that kind of environments

    The Blockchain Of Oz : Specifying Blockchain Failures for Scalable Protocols Offering Unprecedented Safety and Decentralization

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    Blockchains have starred an outstanding increase in interest from both business and research since Nakamoto’s 2008 Bitcoin. Unfortunately, many questions in terms of results that establish upper-bounds, and of proposals that approach these bounds. Furthermore, the sudden hype surrounding the blockchain world has led to several proposals that are either only partially public, informal, or not proven correct. The main contribution of this dissertation is to build upon works that steer clear of blockchain puffery, following research methodology. The works of this dissertation converge towards a blockchain that for the first time formally proves and empirically shows deterministic guarantees in the presence of classical Byzantine adversaries, while at the same time pragmatically resolves unlucky cases in which the adversary corrupts an unprecedented percentage of the system. This blockchain is decentralized and scalable, and needs no strong assumptions like synchrony. For this purpose, we build upon previous work and propose a novel attack of synchronous offchain protocols. We then introduce Platypus, an offchain protocol without synchrony. Secondly, we present Trap, a Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus protocol for blockchains that also tolerates up to less than half of the processes deviating. Thirdly, we present Basilic, a class of protocols that solves consensus both against a resilient-optimal Byzantine adversary and against an adversary controlling up to less than 2/3 of combined liveness and safety faults. Then, we use Basilic to present Zero-loss Blockchain (ZLB), a blockchain that tolerates less than 2/3 of safety faults of which less than 1/3 can be Byzantine. Finally, we present two random beacon protocols for committee sortition: Kleroterion and Kleroterion+ , that improve previous works in terms of communication complexity and in the number of faults tolerated, respectively

    SoK: Understanding BFT Consensus in the Age of Blockchains

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    Blockchain as an enabler to current Internet infrastructure has provided many unique features and revolutionized current distributed systems into a new era. Its decentralization, immutability, and transparency have attracted many applications to adopt the design philosophy of blockchain and customize various replicated solutions. Under the hood of blockchain, consensus protocols play the most important role to achieve distributed replication systems. The distributed system community has extensively studied the technical components of consensus to reach agreement among a group of nodes. Due to trust issues, it is hard to design a resilient system in practical situations because of the existence of various faults. Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) state machine replication (SMR) is regarded as an ideal candidate that can tolerate arbitrary faulty behaviors. However, the inherent complexity of BFT consensus protocols and their rapid evolution makes it hard to practically adapt themselves into application domains. There are many excellent Byzantine-based replicated solutions and ideas that have been contributed to improving performance, availability, or resource efficiency. This paper conducts a systematic and comprehensive study on BFT consensus protocols with a specific focus on the blockchain era. We explore both general principles and practical schemes to achieve consensus under Byzantine settings. We then survey, compare, and categorize the state-of-the-art solutions to understand BFT consensus in detail. For each representative protocol, we conduct an in-depth discussion of its most important architectural building blocks as well as the key techniques they used. We aim that this paper can provide system researchers and developers a concrete view of the current design landscape and help them find solutions to concrete problems. Finally, we present several critical challenges and some potential research directions to advance the research on exploring BFT consensus protocols in the age of blockchains

    Privacy enhancing technologies : protocol verification, implementation and specification

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    In this thesis, we present novel methods for verifying, implementing and specifying protocols. In particular, we focus properties modeling data protection and the protection of privacy. In the first part of the thesis, the author introduces protocol verification and presents a model for verification that encompasses so-called Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs. These ZK proofs are a cryptographic primitive that is particularly suited for hiding information and hence serves the protection of privacy. The here presented model gives a list of criteria which allows the transfer of verification results from the model to the implementation if the criteria are met by the implementation. In particular, the criteria are less demanding than the ones of previous work regarding ZK proofs. The second part of the thesis contributes to the area of protocol implementations. Hereby, ZK proofs are used in order to improve multi-party computations. The third and last part of the thesis explains a novel approach for specifying data protection policies. Instead of relying on policies, this approach relies on actual legislation. The advantage of relying on legislation is that often a fair balancing is introduced which is typically not contained in regulations or policies.In dieser Arbeit werden neue Methoden zur Verifikation, Implementierung und Spezifikation im von Protokollen vorgestellt. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf Datenschutz-Eigenschaften und dem Schutz der Privatsph¨are. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit geht der Author auf die Protokoll- Verifikation ein und stellt ein Modell zur Verifikation vor, dass sogenannte Zero-Knowledge (ZK) Beweise enth¨alt. Diese ZK Beweise sind ein kryptographisches primitiv, dass insbesondere zum Verstecken von Informationen geeignet ist und somit zum Schutz der Privatsph¨are dient. Das hier vorgestellte Modell gibt eine Liste von Kriterien, welche eine Implementierung der genutzten kryptographischen Primitive erf¨ullen muss, damit die verifikationen im Modell sich auf Implementierungen ¨ubertragen lassen. In Bezug auf ZK Beweise sind diese Kriterien sch¨acher als die vorangegangener Arbeiten. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit wendet sich der Implementierung von Protokollen zu. Hierbei werden dann ZK Beweise verwendet um sichere Mehrparteienberechnungen zu verbessern. Im dritten und letzten Teil der Arbeit wird eine neuartige Art der Spezifikation von Datenschutz-Richtlinien erl¨autert. Diese geht nicht von Richtlinien aus, sondern von der Rechtsprechung. Der Vorteil ist, dass in der Rechtsprechung konkrete Abw¨agungen getroffen werden, die Gesetze und Richtlinien nicht enthalten

    Byzantine state machine replication for the masses

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    Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Ciência da Computação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2018The state machine replication technique is a popular approach for building Byzantine fault-tolerant services. However, despite the widespread adoption of this paradigm for crash fault-tolerant systems, there are still few examples of this paradigm for real Byzantine fault-tolerant systems. Our view of this situation is that there is a lack of robust implementations of Byzantine fault-tolerant state machine replication middleware, and that the performance penalty is too high, specially for geo-replication. These hindrances are tightly coupled to the distributed protocols used for enforcing such resilience. This thesis has the objective of finding methodologies for enhancing robustness and performance of state machine replication systems. The first contribution is Mod-SMaRt, a modular protocol that preserves optimal latency in terms of the communications steps exchanged among processes. By being a modular protocol, it becomes simpler to validate and implement, thus resulting in greater robustness; by also preserving optimal message-exchanges among processes, the protocol is capable of delivering desirable performance. The second contribution is concerned with implementing Mod-SMaRt into BFTSMART, a reliable and high-performance codebase that was maintained and improved over the entire course of the PhD that offers multicore-awareness, reconfiguration support, and a flexible API. The third contribution presents WHEAT, a protocol derived from Mod-SMaRt that uses optimizations shown to be effective in reducing latency via a practical evaluation conducted in a geo distributed environment. We additionally conducted an evaluation of both BFT-SMART and WHEAT applied to a relational database middleware and an ordering service for a permissioned blockchain platform. These evaluations revealed encouraging results for both systems and validated our work conducted in the geo-distributed context.A técnica de replicação máquina de estados é um paradigma popular usado em vários sistemas distribuídos modernos. No entanto, apesar da adoção deste paradigma em sistemas reais tolerantes a faltas por paragem, ainda existem poucos exemplos de sistemas reais tolerantes a faltas bizantinas. Segundo a nossa experiência nesta área de investigação, isto deve-se ao fato de existirem poucas concretizações robustas para replicação máquina de estados tolerante a faltas bizantinas, assim como uma perda de desempenho demasiado elevada, especialmente em ambientes geo-replicados. A razão fundamental para a existência destes obstáculos vem dos protocolos distribuídos necessários para assegurar este tipo de resiliência. Esta tese tem como objetivo explorar metodologias para a robustez e eficiência da replicação máquina de estados. A primeira contribuição da tese é o algoritmo Mod-SMaRt, um protocolo modular que preserva latência ótima em termos de passos de comunicação executados pelos processos. Sendo um protocolo modular, torna-se mais simples de validar e concretizar, o que resulta em maior robustez; ao preservar troca de mensagens ótima entre processos, também é capaz de entregar um desempenho desejável. A segunda contribuição consiste em concretizar o protocolo Mod SMaRt na ferramenta BFT-SMART, uma biblioteca fiável de alto desempenho, mantida e melhorada ao longo de todo o período correspondente ao doutoramento, capaz de suportar arquiteturas multi-núcleo, reconfiguração do grupo de réplicas, e uma API de programação flexível. A terceira contribuição consiste em um protocolo derivado do Mod-SMaRt designado WHEAT, que usa otimizações que demostraram serem eficientes na redução da latência segundo uma avaliação prática em ambiente geo-replicado. Adicionalmente, foram também realizadas avaliações de ambos os protocolos quando aplicados num middleware para base de dados relacionais, e num serviço de ordenação para uma plataforma blockchain. Ambas as avaliações revelam resultados encorajadores para ambos os sistemas e validam o trabalho realizado em contexto geo-distribuído.Projeto IRCoC (PTDC/EEI-SCR/6970/2014); Comissão Europeia, FP7 (Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development), projetos FP7/2007-2013, ICT-25724