66 research outputs found

    Contribution to the knowledge of the family Mymaridae Haliday (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) in Navarra, North of Iberian peninsula

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    Thirteen species of the family Mymaridae Haliday (Hymenoptera, ChaIcidoidea) are added to the faunal list of Navarra (North of Iberian Peninsula): Alaptus fusculus Walker, A. pallidicornis Forster, Anaphes diana (Girault), Cleruchus sp., Dicopus minutissima Enock, Erythmelus flavovarius (Walker), E. panis (Enock), Eustochus atripennis Curtis, Litus cynipseus Haliday, Mymar taprobanicum Ward, Ooctonus vulgatus Haliday, Stephanodes similis (Forster) and Stethynium triclavatum Enock. Details about their European distribution and biology are also included. The specimens were collected with a Malaise trap in the locality of Cadreita, in the South of Navarra, and with a sweep net from corn fields in sixty localities around Navarra

    The Genus Gonatocerus Nees (Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea Mymaridae) in Corn Fields of Navarra, North Spain

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    Eight species of Gonatocerus Nees, 1834 (Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea Mymaridae) are added to the faunallist of Spain: G. li/oralis (Haliday, 1833 ), G. chrysis Debauche, 1848, G. /hyrides Debauche, 1848, G. longior Soyka, 1946, G. sulphuripes (Forster, 1847), G. pic/us (Haliday, 1833 ), G. minor Matthews, 1986 and G. Dvicena/us Leonard and Crosby, 1915. Species descriptions and details about their distribution and biology are also included. The name G. tremulae Bakkendorf, 1934 is synonymized under G. Dvicena/us. The specimens were collected with a Malaise trap in Cadreita, and with a sweep net in sixty corn fields from 23 localities around Navarra

    Contribution to the study of the egg parasitic Hymenoptera of the Azores Islands.

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    3rd International Symposium "Trichogramma and other egg parasitoids", San Antonio (Texas, USA), September 23-27, 1990.During the summer of 1989, several Hymenoptera egg and non egg parasitoids were captured in the island of Sao Miguel, Azores. The non egg parasitoids belong to the Ichneumonoidea, Cynipoidea, Ceraphronoidea, Proctotrupoidea (Diapriidae and Plastygasteridae) and Chalcidoidea (Aphelinidae and Eulophidae). The egg parasites are Proctotrupoidea (Scelionidae) and Chalcidoidea (Mymaridae and Trichogrammatidae). These last ones belong to the genera: Gryon, Telenomus, Ooctonus, Anaphes and Trichogramma. They are the first egg parasitoids to be recorded from the Azores. The Trichogramma is T. cordubensis, only known from Spain and North Africa

    Remarques sur la musculature thoracique d’Oncojapyx (Aptérygotes, Diploures)

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    O contributo do projecto INTERFRUTA II para o desenvolvimento da fruticultura na ilha Terceira, Açores

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    13º Congresso da APDR (Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Rural). Angra do Heroísmo, Julho de 2007.O Projecto Interfruta II é um projecto apoiado pelo programa Interreg III-B, desenvolvido nas Ilhas da Madeira, Tenerife (Canárias) e Terceira (Açores) destinado a contribuir para a promoção da fruticultura e viticultura nestas três regiões insulares, procurando uma melhoria dos conhecimentos sobre os problemas fitossanitários que afectam as macieiras, bananeiras, castanheiros e a vinha, aplicando técnicas que contribuam decisivamente para o conhecimento e procura de soluções, numa vertente de prospecção das pragas-chave, fauna auxiliar, doenças e vírus que afectam essas culturas. Destaca-se o facto de inicialmente se ter procedido à realização de 160 inquéritos aos produtores e ao levantamento e identificação, através de SIG, das áreas de produção frutícola da Ilha. Para a análise dos factores climáticos ao nível da parcela, foram instaladas nas três zonas em estudo, estações meteorológicas de leitura automática.ABSTRACT: The INTERFRUTA project is financed by the European Commission Interreg III-B Programme and was developed for the islands of Madeira, Tenerife and Terceira for the improvement of fruit and vineyard production in these three Atlantic regions. The project goal is a better knowledge of the phytossanitary problems that affect apples, bananas, chestnut and vineyards, applying methods that will contribute to solutions based on the survey of key pests, diseases and beneficial organisms. All these work began with a survey to 160 producers and those data permitted, applying GIS techniques to them to identify the Terceira island fruit and vineyard production areas. To register the climate conditions in each area studied fully automatic meteorological stations were put in each of the three studied areas

    Populations and host/non-host plants of Spittlebugs Nymphs in olive orchards from Northeastern Portugal

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    The Aphrophoridae family contains important vectors of Xylella fastidiosa, a serious bacterial plant disease. In olive orchards, nymphs usually feed on the ground-cover vegetation. However, detailed information about their populations and host/non-host plants in some regions threatened by Xylella, such as the northeast of Portugal, is very limited. The goal of our work was to identify the vector species, nymphal development period, and their host and non-host herbaceous plants in olive orchards from northeastern Portugal. Ground-cover plant species hosting or not hosting nymphs were identified during the spring of 2017 to 2019 in olive orchards. Nymphal development period, nymph aggregation, and nymph's preferred feeding height of the ground-cover plants were recorded. The most abundant Aphrophoridae species was Philaenus spumarius followed by Neophilaenus sp. Nymphs developed from April to early May and showed a low number of individuals per foam (generally between one and three). They preferred the middle part of the plants. Philaenus spumarius feeds preferentially on Asteraceae and Fabaceae, and Neophilaenus sp. on Poaceae. Some abundant plants, such as Bromus diandrus, Astragalus pelecinus, Chrysanthemum segetum, Trifolium spp., Caryophyllaceae, and Brassicaceae, were barely colonized by Aphrophoridae nymphs. This knowledge is essential for the selection of the species composition of ground-cover vegetation to minimize the presence of vectors of X. fastidiosa in olive groves.This work was funded by European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 727987 XF-ACTORS (Xylella fastidiosa Active Containment Through a multidisciplinary-Oriented Research Strategy), and Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) the financial support by national funds FCT/MCTES to CIMO UIDB/00690/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The woody vine Campsis radicans has extrafloral nectaries on the sepal, pedicel and green fruits. Its nectar attracts abundant Hymenoptera and especially representatives of the Chalcidoidea superfamily. During a six-year study (2012-2017) in the period from July to mid-October, 2117, specimens of Chalcidoidea from 13 families were collected. A total of 116 species were determined, of which 63 were new species to the Serbian fauna, and 11 to the fauna of the Balkan Peninsula. Campsis radicans can be considered as a “bait plant” that attracts many groups of Hymenoptera, which is very important for the study of their fauna, and in particular, for almost all the families of the Chalcidoidea superfamily. Campsis radicans is also significant since its extrafloral nectar is food to many Chalcidoidea species in periods when no other food is available. Given that almost all of the identified Chalcidoidea species are natural enemies of other insects (most commonly of phytophagous insects), C. radicans indirectly provides a natural balance in different terrestrial ecosystems

    Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Chalcidoidea and Mymarommatoidea

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The attached file is the published version of the article.NHM Repositor

    Lista de espécies de artrópodes associados a diferentes culturas frutícolas da ilha Terceira (Açores, Portugal)

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    Copyright © 2010 SEA, Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa.Conhecer a acarifauna e a entomofauna de um habitat agrícola é um dos passos fundamentais para se conseguir uma protecção integrada e sustentável das culturas. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma lista das espécies de artrópodes encontradas em quatro culturas frutícolas da ilha Terceira (bananeiras, citrinos, macieiras e pessegueiros). Os indivíduos foram capturados com recurso a três métodos de amostragem: i) recolha directa das folhas e/ou ramos; ii) técnica dos batimentos; iii) armadilhas Malaise. No total foram estabelecidas 679 morfoespécies, tendo-se identificado 218 morfoespécies até ao nível de género e/ou espécie. Destacam-se 17 espécies que foram encontradas pela primeira vez para a ilha Terceira durante esta amostragem, 12 que constituíam novidades faunísticas para os Açores e uma espécie que foi citada pela primeira vez para Portugal. Finalmente discute-se a importância deste estudo para trabalhos futuros, e a necessidade de desenvolver mais listas faunísticas para estas e outras culturas.RESUMEN: Conocer la acarifauna y la entomofauna de un hábitat agrícola es uno de los primeros pasos necesarios para llegar a una protección más integrada y sostenible de los cultivos. En este trabajo se presenta el listado de especies de artrópodos que habitan en cuatro tipos de frutales en la isla Terceira (plataneros, cítricos, manzanos y melocotoneros). Los individuos fueron capturados mediante tres métodos de colecta: búsqueda directa sobre las hojas y ramas; técnica de batido; y trampas Malaise. En total se han identificado 679 morfoespecies, de las cuales 218 se identificaron hasta el nivel de género y/o espécie. Diecisiete morfoespecies se han encontrado por primera vez en Terceira durante este muestreo, 12 son nuevas para las Azores y una especie es nueva para Portugal. Además se discute la importancia de este estudio para futuros proyectos de investigación, y la necesidad de desarrolla r más listados faunísticos en es tos y otros tipos de frutales.ABSTRACT: Knowing the arthropod fauna associated with agroecosystems is essential to achieve sustainable integrated pest management. Here we present a checklist of the arthropod species found on four types of fruit crops on Terceira Island (bananas, orange-trees, apple-trees and peach-trees). The specimens were collected using three different sampling methods: i) direct collecting from leaves and/or branches; ii) beating technique; iii) Malaise traps. In total, we detected 679 morphospecies, of which 218 were identified to the genus and/or species level. Seventeen species are first records for Terceira Island, 12 for the Azores and one for Portugal. Finally we discuss the importance of this work for future studies, as well as the need to develop more checklists for these and other crops