4 research outputs found

    A Framework for Exploiting Internet of Things for Context-Aware Trust-based Personalized Services

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    In the last years, we have witnessed the introduction of Internet of Things as an integral part of the Internet with billions of interconnected and addressable everyday objects. On the one hand, these objects generate massive volume of data that can be exploited to gain useful insights into our day-to-day needs. On the other hand, context-aware recommender systems (CARSs) are intelligent systems that assist users to make service consumption choices that satisfy their preferences based on their contextual situations. However, one of the major challenges in developing CARSs is the lack of functionality providing dynamic and reliable context information required by the recommendation decision process based on the objects that users interact with in their environments. Thus, contextual information obtained from IoT objects and other sources can be exploited to build CARSs that satisfy users’ preferences, improve quality of experience and recommendation accuracy. This article describes various components of a conceptual IoT based framework for context-aware personalized recommendations. The framework addresses the weakness whereby CARSs rely on static and limited contextual information from user’s mobile phone, by providing additional components for reliable and dynamic contextual information, using IoT context sources. The core of the framework consists of context recognition and reasoning management, dynamic user profile model incorporating trust to improve accuracy of context-aware personalized recommendations. Experimental evaluations show that incorporating context and trust in personalized recommendations can improve its accuracy

    Ontological user modelling and semantic rule-based reasoning for personalisation of Help-On-Demand services in pervasive environments

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Existing context-aware applications are limited in their support of user personalisation. Nevertheless, the increase in the use of context-aware technologies has sparked the growth in assistive applications resulting in a need to enable adaptation to reflect the changes in user behaviours. This paper introduces a systematic approach to service personalisation for mobile users in pervasive environments and presents a service-oriented distributed system architecture. The developed approach makes use of semantic technologies for user modelling and personalisation reasoning. In the paper we characterise user behaviours and needs in pervasive environments upon which ontological user models are created with special emphasis being placed on ontological modelling of dynamic and adaptive user profiles. We develop a rule-based personalisation mechanism that exploits semantic web rule mark-up language for rule design and a combination of semantic and rule-based reasoning for personalisation. We use two case studies focusing on providing personalised travel assistance for people using Help-on-Demand services deployed on a smart-phone to contextualise the discussions within the paper. The proposed approach is implemented in a prototype system, which includes Help-on-Demand services, content management services, user models and personalisation mechanisms in addition to application specific rules. Experiments have been designed and conducted to test and evaluate the approach with initial results demonstrating the functionality of the approach

    Diseño, Especificación, Validación y Aplicación de una Arquitectura modular de gestión de Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores

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    Durante los últimos años las redes de sensores inalámbricas han sido objeto, como consecuencia de un creciente interés comercial, de una intensa actividad de investigación que ha determinado relevantes avances tanto en la tecnología base como en los aspectos de ingeniería a todos los niveles. Las redes de sensores inalámbricas se basan en el concepto de nodo sensor autónomo de bajo coste que proporciona recursos limitados en términos de cálculo y capacidad de almacenamiento de información, baja potencia de transmisión y sensorica avanzada. Se caracterizan por el tamaño extremadamente reducido y una ingeniería orientada a la eficiencia energética. A pesar de la disponibilidad de soluciones altamente avanzadas, caracterizadas por la eficiencia y la flexibilidad, la difusión comercial masiva se ha planteado más veces como hipótesis plausible y además parece tardar en concretarse de forma definitiva. Las principales causas están relacionadas, directamente o indirectamente, con dos factores: coste elevado y falta de suficiente fiabilidad/robustez. Una de las consecuencias del desarrollo de arquitecturas "ad-hoc" que caracteriza actualmente las redes de sensores inalámbricas es la de garantizar una gran cantidad de óptimos locales siendo la causa principal de una preocupante ausencia de estándares tanto en términos de protocolos de comunicación como en términos de organización y representación de información. También nuevos modelos de negocio y de explotación dentro de las organizaciones virtuales de última generación son actualmente temas de atención en el seno de la comunidad científica internacional. Este trabajo se sitúa en el marco de las últimas líneas de investigación orientadas a conciliar soluciones avanzadas, caracterizadas por una ingeniería innovadora, con su aplicación efectiva en el mundo realPileggi ., SF. (2011). Diseño, Especificación, Validación y Aplicación de una Arquitectura modular de gestión de Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/10740Palanci