121 research outputs found

    An Ontology Model to Support the Automated Evaluation of Software

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    Even though previous research has tried to model Software Engineering knowledge, focusing either on the entire discipline or on parts of it, we lack an integrated conceptual model for representing software evaluations, and we also lack the information related to them that supports their definition and enables their automation and reproducibility. This paper presents an extensible ontology model for representing software evaluations and evaluation campaigns, i.e., worldwide activities where a group of tools is evaluated according to a certain evaluation specification using common test data. During the development of the ontologies, we have reused current standards and models and have linked these ontologies with some renowned ones

    Towards a Formalization of a Framework to Express and Reason about Software Engineering Methods

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    Software Engineering is considered a knowledge-intensive discipline, in which knowledge creation, collection and sharing is an uninterrupted process. However, a large part of this knowledge exists in a tacit form and depends on practitioners. Therefore defining a mechanism to transform tacit knowledge into explicit one is of upmost importance. This paper presents a formalization approach to represent Software Engineering practitioners' tacit knowledge, which is related to their ways of working, as a set of explicit statements. The formalization is based on KUALI-BEH, which is a normative kernel extension of ESSENCE formal specification, and consists of three parts: an ontology to share a common representation of knowledge as a set of concepts; a Situational Method Engineering based algebra that represents well-defined method properties and operations; and a knowledge representation of the ontology and algebra using Description Logics. The main objectives of this initial formalization are to improve communication among humans and machines, computational inference and reuse of knowledge

    Using Ontologies for the Design of Data Warehouses

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    Obtaining an implementation of a data warehouse is a complex task that forces designers to acquire wide knowledge of the domain, thus requiring a high level of expertise and becoming it a prone-to-fail task. Based on our experience, we have detected a set of situations we have faced up with in real-world projects in which we believe that the use of ontologies will improve several aspects of the design of data warehouses. The aim of this article is to describe several shortcomings of current data warehouse design approaches and discuss the benefit of using ontologies to overcome them. This work is a starting point for discussing the convenience of using ontologies in data warehouse design.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Протоколи для інтеграції мобільних пристроїв із станціями по наданню послуг через бездротові електронні канали

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    Запропоновано новий метод в області інформаційних технологій по наданню локальних послуг через безшовну інтеграцію мобільних пристроїв. Підхід базується на класі протоколів XDEP (XML data exchange protocol). Основним завданням цього підходу є заміна існуючих методів надання інформації, які функціонують завдяки спеціалізованим пристроям. Пропонується перенести цю функціональність на пристрої масового використання – персональні електронні записники, мобільні телефони, MP3 плеєри, та інші.A new approach in the area of information technologies of providing local services via seamless integration of mobile devices has been proposed. The approach resides on the basis of XDEP (XML data exchange protocol). The solution is intended to substitute existing methods of information services providing, which reside on a specialized hardware. The functionality is to migrate to the commonly used devices like PDAs, Mobile Phones, MP3 players, etc

    ECIS 2010 Panel Report: Humanities-Enriched Information Systems

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    This article builds on a panel on Humanities-Enriched Information Systems presented at the 2010 European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), held in Pretoria, South Africa, June 6–9, 2010. The aim of the panel discussion was to stimulate a meta-theoretical discussion about the relationship between the Humanities and Information Systems in a way opposite to the usual. A lot of research has been conducted on the application of computing in the Humanities, but this panel explored the reverse process of enrichment that takes place. The purpose was to give recognition to work that has already been done in this regard by means of identifying a substantial sub-discipline, but also to inspire more and deliberate research that explores ways to enhance Information Systems by interweaving insights and methods from the Humanities. Such an endeavor may enhance ICT to empower the communities using these technologies

    Автоматизированное рецензирование исходного кода на основе онтологии правил

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    В статті коротко розглянута проблема рецензування вихідного коду. Проведен огляд прикладної програми FxCop, яка дозволяє автоматизувати процес реценцування. Показані скландності існуючого процесу та запропоноване рішення на основі викорситання онтології правил. Представлені його переваги та запропоновані майбутні напрямки роботи.In the paper the problem of code review is briefly reviewed. The survey on FxCop tool that allows automating the process of code review is conducted. The difficulties of the existent process are shown; solution based on the use of rules’ ontology is presented. Its advantages are emphasized and future directions ofwork are outlined

    SEMA4A: An ontology for emergency notification systems accessibility

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Expert Systems with Applications. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2009 Elsevier B.V.Providing alert communication in emergency situations is vital to reduce the number of victims. Reaching this goal is challenging due to users’ diversity: people with disabilities, elderly and children, and other vulnerable groups. Notifications are critical when an emergency scenario is going to happen (e.g. a typhoon approaching) so the ability to transmit notifications to different kind of users is a crucial feature for such systems. In this work an ontology was developed by investigating different sources: accessibility guidelines, emergency response systems, communication devices and technologies, taking into account the different abilities of people to react to different alarms (e.g. mobile phone vibration as an alarm for deafblind people). We think that the proposed ontology addresses the information needs for sharing and integrating emergency notification messages over distinct emergency response information systems providing accessibility under different conditions and for different kind of users.Ministerio de Educación y Cienci

    Модель связи структурных свойств онтологии со структурой модели требований системы, основанной на редактируемых знаниях

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    Предлагается модель связи онтологии, лежащей в основе разработки системы, с набором требований к ней. Минимальный набор требований формируется на основе онтологии предметной области и с учетом традиционного распределения функций между подсистемами такой системы. Модель обеспечивает возможность автоматического формирования таких требований.Пропонується модель зв’язку онтології, що лежить в основі розробки системи, з набором вимог до неї. Мінімальний набір вимог формується на основі онтології предметної області та з урахуванням традиційного розподілу функцій між підсистемами такої системи. Модель забезпечує можливість автоматичного формування таких вимог.The model of linkage which is at the heart of a system development and system requirements set is offered. Minimal requirements set is formulated on the basis of domain and and taking into account traditional functions distributing between subsystems. The model gives an opportunity for automatic requirements formulation

    An ontological framework to manage the relative conflicts between security and usability requirements

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    Non Functional Requirements (NFRs) are relative, so are the conflicts among them. In our previously developed catalogue of NFRs conflicts it can be observed that a number of specific pairs of NFRs are claimed to be in conflicts in some cases but they are also claimed not to be in conflict in the other cases. These relative conflicts occur because the positive or negative relationships among NFRs are not always clear and obvious. These relationships might change depending on the meaning of NFRs within the system being developed. This paper focuses on the application of ontology in managing the relative conflicts among NFRs, particularly the relative conflicts between security and usability requirements. The aim is to develop a framework to identify, characterize, and define corresponding resolution strategies for the security-usability conflicts. This paper thus describes the sureCM framework to manage these conflicts; summarizes the security-usability conflicts ontology; and demonstrates how the ontology will be used as a basis to assist analysts in managing conflicts between security and usability requirements. ©2010 IEEE

    Infraestructura tecnológica de servicios semánticos para la Web Semántica

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    This project aims at creating a network of distributed interoperable semantic services for building more complex ones. These services will be available in semantic Web service libraries, so that they can be invoked by other systems (e.g., semantic portals, software agents, etc.). Thus, to accomplish this objective, the project proposes: a) To create specific technology for developing and composing Semantic Web Services. b) To migrate the WebODE ontology development workbench to this new distributed interoperable semantic service architecture. c) To develop new semantic services (ontology learning, ontology mappings, incremental ontology evaluation, and ontology evolution). d) To develop technological support that eases semantic portal interoperability, using Web services and Semantic Web Services. The project results will be open source, so as to improve their technological transfer. The quality of these results is ensured by a benchmarking process. Keywords: Ontologies and Semantic We