29 research outputs found

    Ambientes personalizados de e-learning: considerando os contextos dos alunos

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    A personalização em sistemas de e-learning é fundamental, uma vez que esses são utilizados por uma grande variedade de alunos, com características diferentes. Há várias abordagens que visam personalizar ambientes e- learning. No entanto, esses se concentram principalmen- te na tecnologia e / ou em detalhes da rede, sem levar em consideração os aspectos contextuais. Eles consideram apenas uma versão limitada do contexto, proporcionando personalização. Em nosso trabalho, o objetivo é melhorar a personalização do ambiente de aprendizagem e-learning, fazendo uso de uma melhor compreensão e modelagem do contexto educacional e tecnológico do usuário, utilizando ontologias. Mostramos um exemplo do uso da nossa pro- posta no sistema AdaptWeb, na qual o conteúdo e as re- comendações de navegação fornecidas dependem do con- texto do aluno

    The Integrated Environment for Learning Objects Design and Storing in Semantic Web

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    There is a variety of tools and environments for Learning Objects (LOs) design and delivery as well as learning object repositories (LOR) but the researchers could not find a repository that includes both functions: creation and storing of LOs. A number of different integrated learning systems are suggested for users that demonstrate the variety of e-learning methods and semantic capabilities. LO repository oer.ndma.lt/lor, that we are going to present, is very friendly and interoperable to use and assure LO design, search in semantic web, adaptation of the re-used objects and storing. There are no more existing LO repositories with the functionality presented by researchers. Transformation of closed education into open one without existence of well-structured, multifunctional and integrated environment becomes problematic. Authors will present an integrated environment for the LO design, search in semantic web, adaptation and storing of newly designed or re-designed LO. Measures will support the transformation of closed education into open and will assure effective design, re-usability and adaptation of LO in the integrated environment

    Recommander des ressources humaines dans un LMS Exemple du projet OP4L

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    ISBN : 978-2-9813635-1-0 (version PDF) / 978-2-9813635-0-3 (version imprimée)International audienceLa notion de présence virtuelle est reconnue depuis longtemps comme l'un des facteurs de succès pour les formations en ligne. L'arrivée des réseaux sociaux d'une part et des environnements personnalisés d'apprentissage d'autre part amène à actualiser et reconsidérer ces notions de présence en ligne, voire à rejoindre une présence réelle dans certains cas. Ce papier rappelle les approches possibles qui combinent web sémantique et réseaux sociaux en formation en ligne, présente un tel environnement tel que développé dans le projet OP4L et rend compte d'une première étude qualitative réalisée auprès d'un panel d'étudiants de master avec la toute première version du prototype avant de conclure sur les prochaines étapes du travail

    Recommander des ressources humaines dans un LMS Exemple du projet OP4L

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    ISBN : 978-2-9813635-1-0 (version PDF) / 978-2-9813635-0-3 (version imprimée)International audienceLa notion de présence virtuelle est reconnue depuis longtemps comme l'un des facteurs de succès pour les formations en ligne. L'arrivée des réseaux sociaux d'une part et des environnements personnalisés d'apprentissage d'autre part amène à actualiser et reconsidérer ces notions de présence en ligne, voire à rejoindre une présence réelle dans certains cas. Ce papier rappelle les approches possibles qui combinent web sémantique et réseaux sociaux en formation en ligne, présente un tel environnement tel que développé dans le projet OP4L et rend compte d'une première étude qualitative réalisée auprès d'un panel d'étudiants de master avec la toute première version du prototype avant de conclure sur les prochaines étapes du travail

    Using online presence data for recommending human resources in the OP4L project

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    International audienceIn order to help and support learning practices, the development of web-based Personal Learning Environments (PLE) is widely adopted. A PLE is a set of services customized by the student. Among these services, resource (either digital or human) recommendation is a crucial one. The paper briefly reviews existing approaches for recommending resources in PLE. Then it describes a novel approach implemented in the OP4L prototype. OP4L is combining Social Web presence data and semantic web technologies, based on an intensive use of ontological models to represent the learning context. Then the paper reports about qualitative studies that were conducted with students on the currently available version of the OP4L prototype. The aim of the study was to get students' feedbacks about new online presence services offered in a LMS

    Using online presence data for recommending human resources in the OP4L project

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    International audienceIn order to help and support learning practices, the development of web-based Personal Learning Environments (PLE) is widely adopted. A PLE is a set of services customized by the student. Among these services, resource (either digital or human) recommendation is a crucial one. The paper briefly reviews existing approaches for recommending resources in PLE. Then it describes a novel approach implemented in the OP4L prototype. OP4L is combining Social Web presence data and semantic web technologies, based on an intensive use of ontological models to represent the learning context. Then the paper reports about qualitative studies that were conducted with students on the currently available version of the OP4L prototype. The aim of the study was to get students' feedbacks about new online presence services offered in a LMS

    Enriching context descriptions for enhanced LA scalability: a case study

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    Learning analytics (LA) is a field that examines data about learners and their context, for understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs. Integration of multiple data sources, an important dimension of scalability, has the potential to provide rich insights within LA. Using a common standard such as the Experience API (xAPI) to describe learning activity data across multiple sources can alleviate obstacles for data integration. Despite their potential, however, research indicates that standards are seldom used for integration of multiple sources in LA. Our research aims to understand and address the challenges of using current learning activity data standards for describing learning context with regard to interoperability and data integration. In this paper, we present the results of an exploratory case study involving in-depth interviews with stakeholders having used xAPI in a real-world project. Based on the subsequent thematic analysis of interviews, and examination of xAPI, we identified challenges and limitations in describing learning context data, and developed recommendations (provided in this paper in summarized form) for enriching context descriptions and enhancing the expressibility of xAPI. By situating the research in a real-world setting, our research also contributes to bridge the gap between the academic community and practitioners in learning activity data standards and scalability, focusing on description of learning context.publishedVersio