6,091 research outputs found

    Detection of illicit behaviours and mining for contrast patterns

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    This thesis describes a set of novel algorithms and models designed to detect illicit behaviour. This includes development of domain specific solutions, focusing on anti-money laundering and detection of opinion spam. In addition, advancements are presented for the mining and application of contrast patterns, which are a useful tool for characterising illicit behaviour. For anti-money laundering, this thesis presents a novel approach for detection based on analysis of financial networks and supervised learning. This includes the development of a network model, features extracted from this model, and evaluation of classifiers trained using real financial data. Results indicate that this approach successfully identifies suspicious groups whose collaborative behaviour is indicative of money laundering. For the detection of opinion spam, this thesis presents a model of reviewer behaviour and a method for detection based on statistical anomaly detection. This method considers review ratings, and does not rely on text-based features. Evaluation using real data shows that spammers are successfully identified. Comparison with existing methods shows a small improvement in accuracy, but significant improvements in computational efficiency. This thesis also considers the application of contrast patterns to network analysis and presents a novel algorithm for mining contrast patterns in a distributed system. Contrast patterns may be used to characterise illicit behaviour by contrasting illicit and non-illicit behaviour and uncovering significant differences. However, existing mining algorithms are limited by serial processing making them unsuitable for large data sets. This thesis advances the current state-of-the-art, describing an algorithm for mining in parallel. This algorithm is evaluated using real data and is shown to achieve a high level of scalability, allowing mining of large, high-dimensional data sets. In addition, this thesis explores methods for mapping network features to an item-space suitable for analysis using contrast patterns. Experiments indicate that contrast patterns may become a valuable tool for network analysis

    AI Solutions for MDS: Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Misuse Detection and Localisation in Telecommunication Environments

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    This report considers the application of Articial Intelligence (AI) techniques to the problem of misuse detection and misuse localisation within telecommunications environments. A broad survey of techniques is provided, that covers inter alia rule based systems, model-based systems, case based reasoning, pattern matching, clustering and feature extraction, articial neural networks, genetic algorithms, arti cial immune systems, agent based systems, data mining and a variety of hybrid approaches. The report then considers the central issue of event correlation, that is at the heart of many misuse detection and localisation systems. The notion of being able to infer misuse by the correlation of individual temporally distributed events within a multiple data stream environment is explored, and a range of techniques, covering model based approaches, `programmed' AI and machine learning paradigms. It is found that, in general, correlation is best achieved via rule based approaches, but that these suffer from a number of drawbacks, such as the difculty of developing and maintaining an appropriate knowledge base, and the lack of ability to generalise from known misuses to new unseen misuses. Two distinct approaches are evident. One attempts to encode knowledge of known misuses, typically within rules, and use this to screen events. This approach cannot generally detect misuses for which it has not been programmed, i.e. it is prone to issuing false negatives. The other attempts to `learn' the features of event patterns that constitute normal behaviour, and, by observing patterns that do not match expected behaviour, detect when a misuse has occurred. This approach is prone to issuing false positives, i.e. inferring misuse from innocent patterns of behaviour that the system was not trained to recognise. Contemporary approaches are seen to favour hybridisation, often combining detection or localisation mechanisms for both abnormal and normal behaviour, the former to capture known cases of misuse, the latter to capture unknown cases. In some systems, these mechanisms even work together to update each other to increase detection rates and lower false positive rates. It is concluded that hybridisation offers the most promising future direction, but that a rule or state based component is likely to remain, being the most natural approach to the correlation of complex events. The challenge, then, is to mitigate the weaknesses of canonical programmed systems such that learning, generalisation and adaptation are more readily facilitated

    Risk assessment in centralized and decentralized online social network.

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    One of the main concerns in centralized and decentralized OSNs is related to the fact that OSNs users establish new relationships with unknown people with the result of exposing a huge amount of personal data. This can attract the variety of attackers that try to propagate malwares and malicious items in the network to misuse the personal information of users. Therefore, there have been several research studies to detect specific kinds of attacks by focusing on the topology of the graph [159, 158, 32, 148, 157]. On the other hand, there are several solutions to detect specific kinds of attackers based on the behavior of users. But, most of these approaches either focus on just the topology of the graph [159, 158] or the detection of anomalous users by exploiting supervised learning techniques [157, 47, 86, 125]. However, we have to note that the main issue of supervised learning is that they are not able to detect new attacker's behaviors, since the classifier is trained based on the known behavioral patterns. Literature also offers approaches to detect anomalous users in OSNs that use unsupervised learning approaches [150, 153, 36, 146] or a combination of supervised and unsupervised techniques [153]. But, existing attack defenses are designed to cope with just one specific type of attack. Although several solutions to detect specific kinds of attacks have been recently proposed, there is no general solution to cope with the main privacy/security attacks in OSNs. In such a scenario, it would be very beneficial to have a solution that can cope with the main privacy/security attacks that can be perpetrated using the social network graph. Our main contribution is proposing a unique unsupervised approach that helps OSNs providers and users to have a global understanding of risky users and detect them. We believe that the core of such a solution is a mechanism able to assign a risk score to each OSNs account. Over the last three years, we have done significant research efforts in analyzing user's behavior to detect risky users included some kinds of well known attacks in centralized and decentralized online social networks. Our research started by proposing a risk assessment approach based on the idea that the more a user behavior diverges from normal behavior, the more it should be considered risky. In our proposed approach, we monitor and analyze the combination of interaction or activity patterns and friendship patterns of users and build the risk estimation model in order to detect and identify those risky users who follow the behavioral patterns of attackers. Since, users in OSNs follow different behavioral patterns, it is not possible to define a unique standard behavioral model that fits all OSNs users' behaviors. Towards this goal, we propose a two-phase risk assessment approach by grouping users in the first phase to find similar users that share the same behavioral patterns and, then in the second phase, for each identified group, building some normal behavior models and compute for each user the level of divergency from these normal behaviors. Then, we extend this approach for Decentralized Online Social Networks (i.e., DOSNs). In the following of this approach, we propose a solution in defining a risk measure to help users in OSNs to judge their direct contacts so as to avoid friendship with malicious users. Finally, we monitor dynamically the friendship patterns of users in a large social graph over time for any anomalous changes reflecting attacker's behaviors. In this thesis, we will describe all the solutions that we proposed

    Risk assessment in centralized and decentralized online social network.

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    One of the main concerns in centralized and decentralized OSNs is related to the fact that OSNs users establish new relationships with unknown people with the result of exposing a huge amount of personal data. This can attract the variety of attackers that try to propagate malwares and malicious items in the network to misuse the personal information of users. Therefore, there have been several research studies to detect specific kinds of attacks by focusing on the topology of the graph [159, 158, 32, 148, 157]. On the other hand, there are several solutions to detect specific kinds of attackers based on the behavior of users. But, most of these approaches either focus on just the topology of the graph [159, 158] or the detection of anomalous users by exploiting supervised learning techniques [157, 47, 86, 125]. However, we have to note that the main issue of supervised learning is that they are not able to detect new attacker's behaviors, since the classifier is trained based on the known behavioral patterns. Literature also offers approaches to detect anomalous users in OSNs that use unsupervised learning approaches [150, 153, 36, 146] or a combination of supervised and unsupervised techniques [153]. But, existing attack defenses are designed to cope with just one specific type of attack. Although several solutions to detect specific kinds of attacks have been recently proposed, there is no general solution to cope with the main privacy/security attacks in OSNs. In such a scenario, it would be very beneficial to have a solution that can cope with the main privacy/security attacks that can be perpetrated using the social network graph. Our main contribution is proposing a unique unsupervised approach that helps OSNs providers and users to have a global understanding of risky users and detect them. We believe that the core of such a solution is a mechanism able to assign a risk score to each OSNs account. Over the last three years, we have done significant research efforts in analyzing user's behavior to detect risky users included some kinds of well known attacks in centralized and decentralized online social networks. Our research started by proposing a risk assessment approach based on the idea that the more a user behavior diverges from normal behavior, the more it should be considered risky. In our proposed approach, we monitor and analyze the combination of interaction or activity patterns and friendship patterns of users and build the risk estimation model in order to detect and identify those risky users who follow the behavioral patterns of attackers. Since, users in OSNs follow different behavioral patterns, it is not possible to define a unique standard behavioral model that fits all OSNs users' behaviors. Towards this goal, we propose a two-phase risk assessment approach by grouping users in the first phase to find similar users that share the same behavioral patterns and, then in the second phase, for each identified group, building some normal behavior models and compute for each user the level of divergency from these normal behaviors. Then, we extend this approach for Decentralized Online Social Networks (i.e., DOSNs). In the following of this approach, we propose a solution in defining a risk measure to help users in OSNs to judge their direct contacts so as to avoid friendship with malicious users. Finally, we monitor dynamically the friendship patterns of users in a large social graph over time for any anomalous changes reflecting attacker's behaviors. In this thesis, we will describe all the solutions that we proposed

    Features extraction using random matrix theory.

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    Representing the complex data in a concise and accurate way is a special stage in data mining methodology. Redundant and noisy data affects generalization power of any classification algorithm, undermines the results of any clustering algorithm and finally encumbers the monitoring of large dynamic systems. This work provides several efficient approaches to all aforementioned sides of the analysis. We established, that notable difference can be made, if the results from the theory of ensembles of random matrices are employed. Particularly important result of our study is a discovered family of methods based on projecting the data set on different subsets of the correlation spectrum. Generally, we start with traditional correlation matrix of a given data set. We perform singular value decomposition, and establish boundaries between essential and unimportant eigen-components of the spectrum. Then, depending on the nature of the problem at hand we either use former or later part for the projection purpose. Projecting the spectrum of interest is a common technique in linear and non-linear spectral methods such as Principal Component Analysis, Independent Component Analysis and Kernel Principal Component Analysis. Usually the part of the spectrum to project is defined by the amount of variance of overall data or feature space in non-linear case. The applicability of these spectral methods is limited by the assumption that larger variance has important dynamics, i.e. if the data has a high signal-to-noise ratio. If it is true, projection of principal components targets two problems in data mining, reduction in the number of features and selection of more important features. Our methodology does not make an assumption of high signal-to-noise ratio, instead, using the rigorous instruments of Random Matrix Theory (RNIT) it identifies the presence of noise and establishes its boundaries. The knowledge of the structure of the spectrum gives us possibility to make more insightful projections. For instance, in the application to router network traffic, the reconstruction error procedure for anomaly detection is based on the projection of noisy part of the spectrum. Whereas, in bioinformatics application of clustering the different types of leukemia, implicit denoising of the correlation matrix is achieved by decomposing the spectrum to random and non-random parts. For temporal high dimensional data, spectrum and eigenvectors of its correlation matrix is another representation of the data. Thus, eigenvalues, components of the eigenvectors, inverse participation ratio of eigenvector components and other operators of eigen analysis are spectral features of dynamic system. In our work we proposed to extract spectral features using the RMT. We demonstrated that with extracted spectral features we can monitor the changing dynamics of network traffic. Experimenting with the delayed correlation matrices of network traffic and extracting its spectral features, we visualized the delayed processes in the system. We demonstrated in our work that broad range of applications in feature extraction can benefit from the novel RMT based approach to the spectral representation of the data

    Profiling user interactions on online social networks.

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    Over the last couple of years, there has been signi_cant research e_ort in mining user behavior on online social networks for applications ranging from sentiment analysis to marketing. In most of those applications, usually a snapshot of user attributes or user relationships are analyzed to build the data mining models, without considering how user attributes and user relationships can be utilized together. In this thesis, we will describe how user relationships within a social network can be further augmented by information gathered from user generated texts to analyze large scale dynamics of social networks. Speci_cally, we aim at explaining social network interactions by using information gleaned from friendships, pro_les, and status posts of users. Our approach pro_les user interactions in terms of shared similarities among users, and applies the gained knowledge to help users in understanding the inherent reasons, consequences and bene_ts of interacting with other social network users
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