101,343 research outputs found

    Fast Estimation of the Median Covariation Matrix with Application to Online Robust Principal Components Analysis

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    The geometric median covariation matrix is a robust multivariate indicator of dispersion which can be extended without any difficulty to functional data. We define estimators, based on recursive algorithms, that can be simply updated at each new observation and are able to deal rapidly with large samples of high dimensional data without being obliged to store all the data in memory. Asymptotic convergence properties of the recursive algorithms are studied under weak conditions. The computation of the principal components can also be performed online and this approach can be useful for online outlier detection. A simulation study clearly shows that this robust indicator is a competitive alternative to minimum covariance determinant when the dimension of the data is small and robust principal components analysis based on projection pursuit and spherical projections for high dimension data. An illustration on a large sample and high dimensional dataset consisting of individual TV audiences measured at a minute scale over a period of 24 hours confirms the interest of considering the robust principal components analysis based on the median covariation matrix. All studied algorithms are available in the R package Gmedian on CRAN

    Online Estimation with Rolling Validation: Adaptive Nonparametric Estimation with Stream Data

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    Online nonparametric estimators are gaining popularity due to their efficient computation and competitive generalization abilities. An important example includes variants of stochastic gradient descent. These algorithms often take one sample point at a time and instantly update the parameter estimate of interest. In this work we consider model selection and hyperparameter tuning for such online algorithms. We propose a weighted rolling-validation procedure, an online variant of leave-one-out cross-validation, that costs minimal extra computation for many typical stochastic gradient descent estimators. Similar to batch cross-validation, it can boost base estimators to achieve a better, adaptive convergence rate. Our theoretical analysis is straightforward, relying mainly on some general statistical stability assumptions. The simulation study underscores the significance of diverging weights in rolling validation in practice and demonstrates its sensitivity even when there is only a slim difference between candidate estimators

    an evaluation of the status quo and the future development

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    Purpose This study examines the competitive position of Nova School of Business and Economics in the international pre-experienced masters market, particularly with regard to its ability to attract international students. Design/methodology/research approach Several analyses are performed. They are based on empirical data collected through a student survey, in-depth interviews with Nova’s program managers and online data collection on multiple university websites. A computation of the volatility index of the industry, a comprehensive analysis of Nova’s resource platform, and benchmarking with close competitors offer insights on the sustainability of Nova’s competitive position. Findings Nova is likely to sustain its solid competitive position in the near future despite the challenging market environment. Key strategic strengths such as its reputation, location or the CEMS program will allow Nova to keep up the strong student demand. On the other hand, several risks are identified that the school management should address to protect the school’s long-term competitive advantage. KEYWORD

    The competitive position of Nova School of Business and Economics in the international pre-experienced masters market: an evaluation of the status quo and the future development

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    Purpose This study examines the competitive position of Nova School of Business and Economics in the international pre-experienced masters market, particularly with regard to its ability to attract international students. Design/methodology/research approach Several analyses are performed. They are based on empirical data collected through a student survey, in-depth interviews with Nova’s program managers and online data collection on multiple university websites. A computation of the volatility index of the industry, a comprehensive analysis of Nova’s resource platform, and benchmarking with close competitors offer insights on the sustainability of Nova’s competitive position. Findings Nova is likely to sustain its solid competitive position in the near future despite the challenging market environment. Key strategic strengths such as its reputation, location or the CEMS program will allow Nova to keep up the strong student demand. On the other hand, several risks are identified that the school management should address to protect the school’s long-term competitive advantage. KEYWORD

    Self-generated neural activity : models and perspective

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    Poster presentation: The brain is autonomously active and this self-sustained neural activity is in general modulated, but not driven, by the sensory input data stream [1,2]. Traditionally one has regarded this eigendynamics as resulting from inter-modular recurrent neural activity [3]. Understanding the basic modules for cognitive computation is, in this view, the primary focus of research and the overall neural dynamics would be determined by the the topology of the intermodular pathways. Here we examine an alternative point of view, asking whether certain aspects of the neural eigendynamics have a central functional role for overall cognitive computation [4,5]. Transiently stable neural activity is regularly observed on the cognitive time-scale of 80–100 ms, with indications that neural competition [6] plays an important role in the selection of the transiently stable neural ensembles [7], also denoted winning coalitions [8]. We report on a theory approach which implements these two principles, transient-state dynamics and neural competition, in terms of an associative neural network with clique encoding [9]. A cognitive system [10] with a non-trivial internal eigendynamics has two seemingly contrasting tasks to fulfill. The internal processes need to be regular and not chaotic on one side, but sensitive to the afferent sensory stimuli on the other side. We show, that these two contrasting demands can be reconciled within our approach based on competitive transient-state dynamics, when allowing the sensory stimuli to modulate the competition for the next winning coalition. By testing the system with the bars problem, we find an emerging cognitive capability. Only based on the two basic architectural principles, neural competition and transient-state dynamics, with no explicit algorithmic encoding, the system performs on its own a non-linear independent component analysis of input data stream. The system has rudimentary biological features. All learning is local Hebbian-style, unsupervised and online. It exhibits an ever-ongoing eigendynamics and at no time is the state or the value of synaptic strengths reset or the system restarted; there is no separation between training and performance. We believe that this kind of approach – cognitive computation with autonomously active neural networks – to be an emerging field, relevant both for system neuroscience and synthetic cognitive systems

    Online Computation with Untrusted Advice

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    The advice model of online computation captures the setting in which the online algorithm is given some partial information concerning the request sequence. This paradigm allows to establish tradeoffs between the amount of this additional information and the performance of the online algorithm. However, unlike real life in which advice is a recommendation that we can choose to follow or to ignore based on trustworthiness, in the current advice model, the online algorithm treats it as infallible. This means that if the advice is corrupt or, worse, if it comes from a malicious source, the algorithm may perform poorly. In this work, we study online computation in a setting in which the advice is provided by an untrusted source. Our objective is to quantify the impact of untrusted advice so as to design and analyze online algorithms that are robust and perform well even when the advice is generated in a malicious, adversarial manner. To this end, we focus on well- studied online problems such as ski rental, online bidding, bin packing, and list update. For ski-rental and online bidding, we show how to obtain algorithms that are Pareto-optimal with respect to the competitive ratios achieved; this improves upon the framework of Purohit et al. [NeurIPS 2018] in which Pareto-optimality is not necessarily guaranteed. For bin packing and list update, we give online algorithms with worst-case tradeoffs in their competitiveness, depending on whether the advice is trusted or not; this is motivated by work of Lykouris and Vassilvitskii [ICML 2018] on the paging problem, but in which the competitiveness depends on the reliability of the advice. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to prove lower bounds, within this model, on the tradeoff between the number of advice bits and the competitiveness of any online algorithm. Last, we study the effect of randomization: here we show that for ski-rental there is a randomized algorithm that Pareto-dominates any deterministic algorithm with advice of any size. We also show that a single random bit is not always inferior to a single advice bit, as it happens in the standard model

    Online Computation with Untrusted Advice

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    The advice model of online computation captures a setting in which the algorithm is given some partial information concerning the request sequence. This paradigm allows to establish tradeoffs between the amount of this additional information and the performance of the online algorithm. However, if the advice is corrupt or, worse, if it comes from a malicious source, the algorithm may perform poorly. In this work, we study online computation in a setting in which the advice is provided by an untrusted source. Our objective is to quantify the impact of untrusted advice so as to design and analyze online algorithms that are robust and perform well even when the advice is generated in a malicious, adversarial manner. To this end, we focus on well-studied online problems such as ski rental, online bidding, bin packing, and list update. For ski-rental and online bidding, we show how to obtain algorithms that are Pareto-optimal with respect to the competitive ratios achieved; this improves upon the framework of Purohit et al. [NeurIPS 2018] in which Pareto-optimality is not necessarily guaranteed. For bin packing and list update, we give online algorithms with worst-case tradeoffs in their competitiveness, depending on whether the advice is trusted or not; this is motivated by work of Lykouris and Vassilvitskii [ICML 2018] on the paging problem, but in which the competitiveness depends on the reliability of the advice. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to prove lower bounds, within this model, on the tradeoff between the number of advice bits and the competitiveness of any online algorithm. Last, we study the effect of randomization: here we show that for ski-rental there is a randomized algorithm that Pareto-dominates any deterministic algorithm with advice of any size. We also show that a single random bit is not always inferior to a single advice bit, as it happens in the standard model
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