6 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Robust Control of Unknown MIMO Nonlinear System Subject to Input Saturations and Disturbances

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    This paper presented a new data-driven robust control scheme for unknown nonlinear systems in the presence of input saturation and external disturbances. According to the input and output data of the nonlinear system, a recurrent neural network (RNN) data-driven model is established to reconstruct the dynamics of the nonlinear system. An adaptive output-feedback controller is developed to approximate the unknown disturbances and a novel input saturation compensation method is used to attenuate the effect of the input saturation. Under the proposed adaptive control scheme, the uniformly ultimately bounded convergence of all the signals of the closed-loop nonlinear system is guaranteed via Lyapunov analysis. The simulation results are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed data-driven robust controller

    Chiller Load Forecasting Using Hyper-Gaussian Nets

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    Energy load forecasting for optimization of chiller operation is a topic that has been receiving increasing attention in recent years. From an engineering perspective, the methodology for designing and deploying a forecasting system for chiller operation should take into account several issues regarding prediction horizon, available data, selection of variables, model selection and adaptation. In this paper these issues are parsed to develop a neural forecaster. The method combines previous ideas such as basis expansions and local models. In particular, hyper-gaussians are proposed to provide spatial support (in input space) to models that can use auto-regressive, exogenous and past errors as variables, constituting thus a particular case of NARMAX modelling. Tests using real data from different world locations are given showing the expected performance of the proposal with respect to the objectives and allowing a comparison with other approaches.Unión Europea RTI2018-101897-B-I00Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación RTI2018-101897-B-I0

    Efficient least angle regression for identification of linear-in-the-parameters models

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    Least angle regression, as a promising model selection method, differentiates itself from conventional stepwise and stagewise methods, in that it is neither too greedy nor too slow. It is closely related to L1 norm optimization, which has the advantage of low prediction variance through sacrificing part of model bias property in order to enhance model generalization capability. In this paper, we propose an efficient least angle regression algorithm for model selection for a large class of linear-in-the-parameters models with the purpose of accelerating the model selection process. The entire algorithm works completely in a recursive manner, where the correlations between model terms and residuals, the evolving directions and other pertinent variables are derived explicitly and updated successively at every subset selection step. The model coefficients are only computed when the algorithm finishes. The direct involvement of matrix inversions is thereby relieved. A detailed computational complexity analysis indicates that the proposed algorithm possesses significant computational efficiency, compared with the original approach where the well-known efficient Cholesky decomposition is involved in solving least angle regression. Three artificial and real-world examples are employed to demonstrate the effectiveness, efficiency and numerical stability of the proposed algorithm

    Bio-Inspired Robotics

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    Modern robotic technologies have enabled robots to operate in a variety of unstructured and dynamically-changing environments, in addition to traditional structured environments. Robots have, thus, become an important element in our everyday lives. One key approach to develop such intelligent and autonomous robots is to draw inspiration from biological systems. Biological structure, mechanisms, and underlying principles have the potential to provide new ideas to support the improvement of conventional robotic designs and control. Such biological principles usually originate from animal or even plant models, for robots, which can sense, think, walk, swim, crawl, jump or even fly. Thus, it is believed that these bio-inspired methods are becoming increasingly important in the face of complex applications. Bio-inspired robotics is leading to the study of innovative structures and computing with sensory–motor coordination and learning to achieve intelligence, flexibility, stability, and adaptation for emergent robotic applications, such as manipulation, learning, and control. This Special Issue invites original papers of innovative ideas and concepts, new discoveries and improvements, and novel applications and business models relevant to the selected topics of ``Bio-Inspired Robotics''. Bio-Inspired Robotics is a broad topic and an ongoing expanding field. This Special Issue collates 30 papers that address some of the important challenges and opportunities in this broad and expanding field

    Artificial neural network models: data selection and online adaptation

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    Energy consumption has been increasing steadily due to globalization and industrialization. Studies have shown that buildings have the biggest proportion in energy consumption; for example in European Union countries, energy consumption in buildings represents around 40% of the total energy consumption. Hence this PhD was intended towards managing the energy consumed by Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems in buildings benefiting from Model Predictive Control (MPC) technique. To achieve this goal, artificial intelligence models such as neural networks and Support Vector Machines (SVM) have been proposed because of their high potential capabilities of performing accurate nonlinear mappings between inputs and outputs in real environments which are not noise-free. In this PhD, Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNN) as a promising class of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) were considered to model a sequence of time series processes where the RBFNN models were built using Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) as a design platform. Regarding the design of such models, two main challenges were tackled; data selection and model adaptation. Since RBFNNs are data driven models, the performance of such models relies, to a good extent, on selecting proper data throughout the design phase, covering the whole input-output range in which they will be employed. The convex hull algorithms can be applied as methods for data selection; however the use of conventional implementations of these methods in high dimensions, due to their high complexity, is not feasible. As the first phase of this PhD, a new randomized approximation convex hull algorithm called ApproxHull was proposed for high dimensions so that it can be used in an acceptable execution time, and with low memory requirements. Simulation results showed that applying ApproxHull as a filter data selection method (i.e., unsupervised data selection method) could improve the performance of the classification and regression models, in comparison with random data selection method. In addition, ApproxHull was employed in real applications in terms of three case studies. The first two were in association with applying predictive models for energy saving. The last case study was related to segmentation of lesion areas in brain Computed Tomography (CT) images. The evaluation results showed that applying ApproxHull in MOGA could result in models with an acceptable level of accuracy. Specifically, the results obtained from the third case study demonstrated that ApproxHull is capable of being applied on large size data sets in high dimensions. Besides the random selection method, it was also compared with an entropy based unsupervised data selection method and a hybrid method involving ApproxHull and the entropy based method. Based on the simulation results, for most cases, ApproxHull and the hybrid method achieved a better performance than the others. In the second phase of this PhD, a new convex-hull-based sliding window online adaptation method was proposed. The goal was to update the offline predictive RBFNN models used in HVAC MPC technique, where these models are applied to processes in which the data input-output range changes over time. The idea behind the proposed method is capturing a new arriving point at each time instant which reflects a new range of data by comparing the point with current convex hull presented via ApproxHull. In this situation the underlying model’s parameters are updated based on the new point and a sliding window of some past points. The simulation results showed that not only the proposed method could efficiently update the model while a good level of accuracy is kept but also it was comparable with other methods.Devido aos processos de industrialização e globalização o consumo de energia tem aumentado de forma contínua. A investigação sobre o consumo mostra que os edifícios consomem a maior fatia de energia. Por exemplo nos países da União Europeia essa fatia corresponde a cerca de 40% de toda a energia consumida. Assim, esta tese de Doutoramento tem um objetivo prático de contribuir para melhorar a gestão da energia consumida por sistemas Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) em edifícios, no âmbito de uma estratégia de controlo preditivo baseado em modelos. Neste contexto foram já propostos modelos baseados em redes neuronais artificiais e máquinas de vetores de suporte, para mencionar apenas alguns. Estas técnicas têm uma grande capacidade de modelar relações não-lineares entre entradas e saídas de sistemas, e são aplicáveis em ambientes de operação, que, como sabemos, estão sujeitos a várias formas de ruído. Nesta tese foram consideradas redes neuronais de função de base radial, uma técnica consolidada no contexto da modelação de séries temporais. Para desenhar essas redes foi utilizada uma ferramenta baseada num algoritmo genético multi-objectivo. Relativamente ao processo de desenho destes modelos, esta tese versa sobre dois aspetos menos estudados: a seleção de dados e a adaptação em linha dos modelos. Uma vez que as redes neuronais artificiais são modelos baseados em dados, a sua performance depende em boa medida da existência de dados apropriados e representativos do sistema/processo, que cubram toda a gama de valores que a representação entrada/saída do processo/sistema gera. Os algoritmos que determinam a figura geométrica que envolve todos os dados, denominados algoritmos convex hull, podem ser aplicados à tarefa de seleção de dados. Contudo a utilização das implementações convencionais destes algoritmos em problemas de grane dimensionalidade não é viável do ponto de vista prático. Numa primeira fase deste trabalho foi proposto um novo método randomizado de aproximação ao convex hull, cunhado com o nome ApproxHull, apropriado para conjuntos de dados de grande dimensão, de forma a ser viável do ponto de vista das aplicações práticas. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que a aplicação do ApproxHull como método de seleção de dados do tipo filtro, ou seja, não supervisionado, pode melhorar o desempenho de modelos em problemas de classificação e regressão, quando comparado com a seleção aleatória de dados. O ApproxHull foi também aplicado em três casos de estudo relativos a aplicações reais. Nos dois primeiros casos no contexto do desenvolvimento de modelos preditivos para sistemas na área da eficiência energética. O terceiro caso de estudo consiste no desenvolvimento de modelos de classificação para uma aplicação na área da segmentação de lesões em imagens de tomografia computorizada. Os resultados revelaram que da aplicação do método proposto resultaram modelos com uma precisão aceitável. Do ponto de vista da aplicabilidade do método, os resultados mostraram que o ApproxHull pode ser utilizado em conjuntos de dados grandes e com dados de grande dimensionalidade. Para além da comparação com a seleção aleatória de dados, o método foi também comparado com um método de seleção de dados baseado no conceito de entropia e com um método híbrido que resulta da combinação do ApproxHull com o método entrópico. Com base nos resultados experimentais apurou-se que na maioria dos casos estudados o método híbrido conseguiu melhor desempenho que os restantes. Numa segunda fase do trabalho foi proposto um novo método de adaptação em linha com base no algoritmo ApproxHull e numa janela deslizante no tempo. Uma vez que os processos e sistemas na envolvente do sistema HVAC são variantes no tempo e dinâmicos, o objetivo foi aplicar o método proposto para adaptar em linha os modelos que foram primeiramente obtidos fora de linha. A ideia base do método proposto consiste em comparar cada novo par entrada/saída com o convex hull conhecido, e determinar se o novo par tem dados situados fora da gama conhecida. Nessa situação os parâmetros dos modelos são atualizados com base nesse novo ponto e num conjunto de pontos numa determinada janela temporal deslizante. Os resultados experimentais demonstraram não só que o novo método é eficiente na atualização dos modelos e em mantê-los num bom nível de precisão, mas também que era comparável a outros métodos existentes