10 research outputs found

    A tight analysis of Kierstead-Trotter algorithm for online unit interval coloring

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    Kierstead and Trotter (Congressus Numerantium 33, 1981) proved that their algorithm is an optimal online algorithm for the online interval coloring problem. In this paper, for online unit interval coloring, we show that the number of colors used by the Kierstead-Trotter algorithm is at most 3ω(G)33 \omega(G) - 3, where ω(G)\omega(G) is the size of the maximum clique in a given graph GG, and it is the best possible.Comment: 4 page

    Lower Bounds for On-line Interval Coloring with Vector and Cardinality Constraints

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    We propose two strategies for Presenter in the on-line interval graph coloring games. Specifically, we consider a setting in which each interval is associated with a dd-dimensional vector of weights and the coloring needs to satisfy the dd-dimensional bandwidth constraint, and the kk-cardinality constraint. Such a variant was first introduced by Epstein and Levy and it is a natural model for resource-aware task scheduling with dd different shared resources where at most kk tasks can be scheduled simultaneously on a single machine. The first strategy forces any on-line interval coloring algorithm to use at least (5m3)dlogd+3(5m-3)\frac{d}{\log d + 3} different colors on an m(dk+logd+3)m(\frac{d}{k} + \log{d} + 3)-colorable set of intervals. The second strategy forces any on-line interval coloring algorithm to use at least 5m2dlogd+3\lfloor\frac{5m}{2}\rfloor\frac{d}{\log d + 3} different colors on an m(dk+logd+3)m(\frac{d}{k} + \log{d} + 3)-colorable set of unit intervals

    Improved Algorithms for Scheduling Unsplittable Flows on Paths

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    In this paper, we investigate offline and online algorithms for Round-UFPP, the problem of minimizing the number of rounds required to schedule a set of unsplittable flows of non-uniform sizes on a given path with non-uniform edge capacities. Round-UFPP is NP-hard and constant-factor approximation algorithms are known under the no bottleneck assumption (NBA), which stipulates that maximum size of a flow is at most the minimum edge capacity. We study Round-UFPP without the NBA, and present improved online and offline algorithms. We first study offline Round-UFPP for a restricted class of instances called alpha-small, where the size of each flow is at most alpha times the capacity of its bottleneck edge, and present an O(log(1/(1 - alpha)))-approximation algorithm. Our main result is an online O(log log cmax)-competitive algorithm for Round-UFPP for general instances, where cmax is the largest edge capacities, improving upon the previous best bound of O(log cmax) due to [16]. Our result leads to an offline O(min(log n, log m, log log cmax))- approximation algorithm and an online O(min(log m, log log cmax))-competitive algorithm for Round-UFPP, where n is the number of flows and m is the number of edges

    Online coloring of short intervals

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    We study the online graph coloring problem restricted to the intersection graphs of intervals withlengths in[1,σ]. Forσ= 1it is the class of unit interval graphs, and forσ=∞the class of allinterval graphs. Our focus is on intermediary classes. We present a(1 +σ)-competitive algorithm,which beats the state of the art for11, nor better than7/4-competitive for anyσ >2, and that no algorithm beats the5/2asymptotic competitive ratio for all, arbitrarily large,values ofσ. That last result shows that the problem we study can be strictly harder than unitinterval coloring. Our main technical contribution is a recursive composition of strategies, whichseems essential to prove any lower bound higher than2

    Dynamic Coloring of Unit Interval Graphs with Limited Recourse Budget

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    In this paper we study the problem of coloring a unit interval graph which changes dynamically. In our model the unit intervals are added or removed one at the time, and have to be colored immediately, so that no two overlapping intervals share the same color. After each update only a limited number of intervals are allowed to be recolored. The limit on the number of recolorings per update is called the recourse budget. In this paper we show, that if the graph remains k-colorable at all times, the updates consist of insertions only, and the final instance consists of n intervals, then we can achieve an amortized recourse budget of 1˘d4aa(k7logn)\u1d4aa({k⁷ log n}) while maintaining a proper coloring with k colors. This is an exponential improvement over the result in [Bartłomiej Bosek et al., 2020] in terms of both k and n. We complement this result by showing the lower bound of Ω(n)Ω(n) on the amortized recourse budget in the fully dynamic setting. Our incremental algorithm can be efficiently implemented. As an additional application of our techniques we include a new combinatorial result on coloring unit circular arc graphs. Let L be the maximum number of arcs intersecting in one point for some set of unit circular arcs 1˘d49c\u1d49c. We show that if there is a set 1˘d49c\u1d49c' of non-intersecting unit arcs of size L21L²-1 such that 1˘d49c1˘d49c\u1d49c ∪ \u1d49c' does not contain L+1 arcs intersecting in one point, then it is possible to color 1˘d49c\u1d49c with L colors. This complements the work on circular arc coloring [Belkale and Chandran, 2009; Tucker, 1975; Valencia-Pabon, 2003], which specifies sufficient conditions needed to color 1˘d49c\u1d49c with L+1 colors or more

    The on-line width of various classes of posets.

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    An on-line chain partitioning algorithm receives a poset, one element at a time, and irrevocably assigns the element to one of the chains. Over 30 years ago, Szemer\\u27edi proved that any on-line algorithm could be forced to use (w+12)\binom{w+1}{2} chains to partition a poset of width ww. The maximum number of chains that can be forced on any on-line algorithm remains unknown. In the survey paper by Bosek et al., variants of the problem were studied where the class is restricted to posets of bounded dimension or where the poset is presented via a realizer of size dd. We prove two results for this problem. First, we prove that any on-line algorithm can be forced to use (2o(1))(w+12)(2-o(1))\binom{w+1}{2} chains to partition a 22-dimensional poset of width ww. Second, we prove that any on-line algorithm can be forced to use (21d1o(1))(w+12)(2-\frac{1}{d-1}-o(1))\binom{w+1}{2} chains to partition a poset of width ww presented via a realizer of size dd. Chrobak and \\u27Slusarek considered variants of the on-line chain partitioning problem in which the elements are presented as intervals and intersecting intervals are incomparable. They constructed an on-line algorithm which uses at most 3w23w-2 chains, where ww is the width of the interval order, and showed that this algorithm is optimal. They also considered the problem restricted to intervals of unit-length and while they showed that first-fit needs at most 2w12w-1 chains, over 3030 years later, it remains unknown whether a more optimal algorithm exists. We improve upon previously known bounds and show that any on-line algorithm can be forced to use 32w\lceil\frac{3}{2}w\rceil chains to partition a semi-order presented in the form of its unit-interval representation. As a consequence, we completely solve the problem for w=3w=3. We also consider entirely new variants and present the results for those

    Geometric Approximation Algorithms in the Online and Data Stream Models

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    The online and data stream models of computation have recently attracted considerable research attention due to many real-world applications in various areas such as data mining, machine learning, distributed computing, and robotics. In both these models, input items arrive one at a time, and the algorithms must decide based on the partial data received so far, without any secure information about the data that will arrive in the future. In this thesis, we investigate efficient algorithms for a number of fundamental geometric optimization problems in the online and data stream models. The problems studied in this thesis can be divided into two major categories: geometric clustering and computing various extent measures of a set of points. In the online setting, we show that the basic unit clustering problem admits non-trivial algorithms even in the simplest one-dimensional case: we show that the naive upper bounds on the competitive ratio of algorithms for this problem can be beaten using randomization. In the data stream model, we propose a new streaming algorithm for maintaining "core-sets" of a set of points in fixed dimensions, and also, introduce a new simple framework for transforming a class of offline algorithms to their equivalents in the data stream model. These results together lead to improved streaming approximation algorithms for a wide variety of geometric optimization problems in fixed dimensions, including diameter, width, k-center, smallest enclosing ball, minimum-volume bounding box, minimum enclosing cylinder, minimum-width enclosing spherical shell/annulus, etc. In high-dimensional data streams, where the dimension is not a constant, we propose a simple streaming algorithm for the minimum enclosing ball (the 1-center) problem with an improved approximation factor

    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volum