161 research outputs found

    Comparative Study of Sensorless Control Methods of PMSM Drives

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    Recently, permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) are increasingly used in high performance variable speed drives of many industrial applications. This is because the PMSM has many features, like high efficiency, compactness, high torque to inertia ratio, rapid dynamic response, simple modeling and control, and maintenance-free operation. In most applications, the presence of such a position sensor presents several disadvantages, such as reduced reliability, susceptibility to noise, additional cost and weight and increased complexity of the drive system. For these reasons, the development of alternative indirect methods for speed and position control becomes an important research topic. Many advantages of sensorless control such as reduced hardware complexity, low cost, reduced size, cable elimination, increased noise immunity, increased reliability and decreased maintenance. The key problem in sensorless vector control of ac drives is the accurate dynamic estimation of the stator flux vector over a wide speed range using only terminal variables (currents and voltages). The difficulty comprises state estimation at very low speeds where the fundamental excitation is low and the observer performance tends to be poor. The reasons are the observer sensitivity to model parameter variations, unmodeled nonlinearities and disturbances, limited accuracy of acquisition signals, drifts, and dc offsets. Poor speed estimation at low speed is attributed to data acquisition errors, voltage distortion due the PWM inverter and stator resistance drop which degrading the performance of sensorless drive. Moreover, the noises of system and measurements are considered other main problems. This paper presents a comprehensive study of the different methods of speed and position estimations for sensorless PMSM drives. A deep insight of the advantages and disadvantages of each method is investigated. Furthermore, the difficulties faced sensorless PMSM drives at low speeds as well as the reasons are highly demonstrated. Keywords: permanent magnet, synchronous motor, sensorless control, speed estimation, position estimation, parameter adaptation

    High Frequency Injection Sensorless Control for a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Driven by an FPGA Controlled SiC Inverter

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    As motor drive inverters continue to employ Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) devices for power density improvements, sensorless motor control strategies can be developed with field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA) to take advantage of high inverter switching frequencies. Through the FPGA’s parallel processing capabilities, a high control bandwidth sensorless control algorithm can be employed. Sensorless motor control offers cost reductions through the elimination of mechanical position sensors or more reliable electric drive systems by providing additional position and speed information of the electric motor. Back electromotive force (EMF) estimation or model-based methods used for motor control provide precise sensorless control at high speeds; however, they are unreliable at low speeds. High frequency injection (HFI) sensorless control demonstrates an improvement at low speeds through magnetic saliency tracking. In this work, a sinusoidal and square-wave high frequency injection sensorless control method is utilized to examine the impact an interior permanent magnet synchronous machine’s (IPMSM) fundamental frequency, injection frequency, and switching frequency have on the audible noise spectrum and electrical angle estimation. The audible noise and electrical angle estimation are evaluated at different injection voltages, injection frequencies, switching frequencies, and rotor speeds. Furthermore, a proposed strategy for selecting the proper injection frequency, injection voltage, and switching frequency is given to minimize the electrical angle estimation error

    Industrial applications of the Kalman filter:a review

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    International audienc

    Some Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) Sensorless Control Methods based on Operation Speed Area

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    This paper compares some sensorless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) controls for driving an electric vehicle in terms of operating speed. Sensorless control is a type of control method in which sensors, such as speed and position sensors, are not used to measure controlled variables.  The controlled variable value is estimated from the stator current measurement. Sensorless control performance is not as good as a sensor-based system. This paper aims are to recommend a control method for the PMSM sensorless controls that would be used to drive an electric vehicle. The methods that we will discuss are divided into four categories based on the operation speed area.  They are a startup, low speed, high speed, and low and high-speed areas. The low and high-speed area will be divided into with and without switching.  If PMSM more work at high speed, the most speed area that is used, we prefer to choose the method that works at high speed, that is, the modification or combination of two or more conventional methods

    High-frequency issues using rotating voltage injections intended for position self-sensing

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    The rotor position is required in many control schemes in electrical drives. Replacing position sensors by machine self-sensing estimators increases reliability and reduces cost. Solutions based on tracking magnetic anisotropies through the monitoring of the incremental inductance variations are efficient at low-speed and standstill operations. This inductance can be estimated by measuring the response to the injection of high-frequency signals. In general however, the selection of the optimal frequency is not addressed thoroughly. In this paper, we propose discrete-time operations based on a rotating voltage injection at frequencies up to one third of the sampling frequency used by the digital controller. The impact on the rotation-drive, the computational requirement, the robustness and the effect of the resistance on the position estimation are analyzed regarding the signal frequency

    Field weakening and sensorless control solutions for synchronous machines applied to electric vehicles.

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    184 p.La polución es uno de los mayores problemas en los países industrializados. Por ello, la electrificación del transporte por carretera está en pleno auge, favoreciendo la investigación y el desarrollo industrial. El desarrollo de sistemas de propulsión eficientes, fiables, compactos y económicos juega un papel fundamental para la introducción del vehículo eléctrico en el mercado.Las máquinas síncronas de imanes permanentes son, a día de hoy la tecnología más empleada en vehículos eléctricos e híbridos por sus características. Sin embargo, al depender del uso de tierras raras, se están investigando alternativas a este tipo de máquina, tales como las máquinas de reluctancia síncrona asistidas por imanes. Para este tipo de máquinas síncronas es necesario desarrollar estrategias de control eficientes y robustas. Las desviaciones de parámetros son comunes en estas máquinas debido a la saturación magnética y a otra serie de factores, tales como tolerancias de fabricación, dependencias en función de la temperatura de operación o envejecimiento. Las técnicas de control convencionales, especialmente las estrategias de debilitamiento de campo dependen, en general, del conocimiento previo de dichos parámetros. Si no son lo suficientemente robustos, pueden producir problemas de control en las regiones de debilitamiento de campo y debilitamiento de campo profundo. En este sentido, esta tesis presenta dos nuevas estrategias de control de debilitamiento de campo híbridas basadas en LUTs y reguladores VCT.Por otro lado, otro requisito indispensable para la industria de la automoción es la detección de faltas y la tolerancia a fallos. En este sentido, se presenta una nueva estrategia de control sensorless basada en una estructura PLL/HFI híbrida que permite al vehículo continuar operando de forma pseudo-óptima ante roturas en el sensor de posición y velocidad de la máquina eléctrica. En esta tesis, ambas propuestas se validan experimentalmente en un sistema de propulsión real para vehículo eléctrico que cuenta con una máquina de reluctancia síncrona asistidas por imanes de 51 kW

    Linearizing speed control and self-commissioning of interior permanent magnet synchronous motor

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    В роботі синтезовано лінеаризуючий зворотнім зв'язком алгоритм відпрацювання заданих траєкторій кутової швидкості і прямої компоненти струму статора явнополюсного двигуна зі збудженням від постійних магнітів. Також запропоновано триетапну процедуру початкової ідентифікації параметрів синхронного двигуна для реалізації функції "self-commissioning". Синтезовані адаптивні алгоритми дозволяють послідовно оцінювати всі сім параметрів синхронного двигуна в умовах сформованих тестів. Ефективність синтезованих алгоритмів підтверджено результатами математичного моделювання.Vector-controlled Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (IPMSM) is dominating in high-precision speed/position tracking applications. Precise knowledge of the six motor parameters and load torque is required for the control implementation. The problem of IPMSM parameters identification has still not been fully solved even for "self - commissioning" procedure despite of the significant amount of research activities in the field. In this paper a new speed tracking control algorithm with decoupling of the direct current component and angular velocity control is presented. Due to this feature it is possible to freely regulate the direct current component in order to achieve more efficient control without degradation of the speed dynamics. A novel three stages "self - commissioning" procedure is proposed for IPMSM parameters identification. For each testing stage the adaptive algorithms are designed using the second Lyapunov’s method. First two stages are based on adaptive current control. The mechanical parameters are estimated by adaptive speed observer. Presented algorithms allow to estimate all seven IPMSM parameters under test conditions consistently.Simulation results proof the effectiveness of the proposed procedure