10 research outputs found

    Erdos-Szekeres-type statements: Ramsey function and decidability in dimension 1

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    A classical and widely used lemma of Erdos and Szekeres asserts that for every n there exists N such that every N-term sequence a of real numbers contains an n-term increasing subsequence or an n-term nondecreasing subsequence; quantitatively, the smallest N with this property equals (n-1)^2+1. In the setting of the present paper, we express this lemma by saying that the set of predicates Phi={x_1<x_2,x_1\ge x_2}$ is Erdos-Szekeres with Ramsey function ES_Phi(n)=(n-1)^2+1. In general, we consider an arbitrary finite set Phi={Phi_1,...,Phi_m} of semialgebraic predicates, meaning that each Phi_j=Phi_j(x_1,...,x_k) is a Boolean combination of polynomial equations and inequalities in some number k of real variables. We define Phi to be Erdos-Szekeres if for every n there exists N such that each N-term sequence a of real numbers has an n-term subsequence b such that at least one of the Phi_j holds everywhere on b, which means that Phi_j(b_{i_1},...,b_{i_k}) holds for every choice of indices i_1,i_2,...,i_k, 1<=i_1<i_2<... <i_k<= n. We write ES_Phi(n) for the smallest N with the above property. We prove two main results. First, the Ramsey functions in this setting are at most doubly exponential (and sometimes they are indeed doubly exponential): for every Phi that is Erd\H{o}s--Szekeres, there is a constant C such that ES_Phi(n) < exp(exp(Cn)). Second, there is an algorithm that, given Phi, decides whether it is Erdos-Szekeres; thus, one-dimensional Erdos-Szekeres-style theorems can in principle be proved automatically.Comment: minor fixes of the previous version. to appear in Duke Math.

    Extending the Centerpoint Theorem to Multiple Points

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    The centerpoint theorem is a well-known and widely used result in discrete geometry. It states that for any point set P of n points in R^d, there is a point c, not necessarily from P, such that each halfspace containing c contains at least n/(d+1) points of P. Such a point c is called a centerpoint, and it can be viewed as a generalization of a median to higher dimensions. In other words, a centerpoint can be interpreted as a good representative for the point set P. But what if we allow more than one representative? For example in one-dimensional data sets, often certain quantiles are chosen as representatives instead of the median. We present a possible extension of the concept of quantiles to higher dimensions. The idea is to find a set Q of (few) points such that every halfspace that contains one point of Q contains a large fraction of the points of P and every halfspace that contains more of Q contains an even larger fraction of P. This setting is comparable to the well-studied concepts of weak epsilon-nets and weak epsilon-approximations, where it is stronger than the former but weaker than the latter. We show that for any point set of size n in R^d and for any positive alpha_1,...,alpha_k where alpha_1 <= alpha_2 <= ... <= alpha_k and for every i,j with i+j <= k+1 we have that (d-1)alpha_k+alpha_i+alpha_j <= 1, we can find Q of size k such that each halfspace containing j points of Q contains least alpha_j n points of P. For two-dimensional point sets we further show that for every alpha and beta with alpha <= beta and alpha+beta <= 2/3 we can find Q with |Q|=3 such that each halfplane containing one point of Q contains at least alpha n of the points of P and each halfplane containing all of Q contains at least beta n points of P. All these results generalize to the setting where P is any mass distribution. For the case where P is a point set in R^2 and |Q|=2, we provide algorithms to find such points in time O(n log^3 n)

    Tverberg's theorem is 50 Years Old: A survey

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    This survey presents an overview of the advances around Tverberg's theorem, focusing on the last two decades. We discuss the topological, linear-algebraic, and combinatorial aspects of Tverberg's theorem and its applications. The survey contains several open problems and conjectures. © 2018 American Mathematical Society

    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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    One-sided epsilon-approximants

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    Suppose AA and PP are sets in Rd\mathbb{R}^d such that every convex set containing α-fraction of points P contains at least (α−ϵ)(\alpha -\epsilon)-fraction of points of AA, for every α\alpha. In such a case, set AA is called a one-sided ϵ\epsilon-approximant to PP. We show that every PP admits a one-sided ϵ\epsilon-approximant of size depending only on ϵ\epsilon and on dd. (Joint work with Gariel Nivasch.)Non UBCUnreviewedAuthor affiliation: Carnegie Mellon UniversityFacult