3 research outputs found

    Parsing Unary Boolean Grammars Using Online Convolution

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    In contrast to context-free grammars, the extension of these grammars by explicit conjunction, the so-called conjunctive grammars can generate (quite complicated) non-regular languages over a single-letter alphabet (DLT 2007). Given these expressibility results, we study the parsability of Boolean grammars, an extension of context-free grammars by conjunction and negation, over a unary alphabet and show that they can be parsed in time O(|G| log^2(n) M(n)) where M(n) is the time to multiply two n-bit integers. This multiplication algorithm is transformed into a convolution algorithm which in turn is converted to an online convolution algorithm which is used for the parsing

    Compressed Membership for NFA (DFA) with Compressed Labels is in NP (P)

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    In this paper, a compressed membership problem for finite automata, both deterministic and non-deterministic, with compressed transition labels is studied. The compression is represented by straight-line programs (SLPs), i.e. context-free grammars generating exactly one string. A novel technique of dealing with SLPs is introduced: the SLPs are recompressed, so that substrings of the input text are encoded in SLPs labelling the transitions of the NFA (DFA) in the same way, as in the SLP representing the input text. To this end, the SLPs are locally decompressed and then recompressed in a uniform way. Furthermore, such recompression induces only small changes in the automaton, in particular, the size of the automaton remains polynomial. Using this technique it is shown that the compressed membership for NFA with compressed labels is in NP, thus confirming the conjecture of Plandowski and Rytter and extending the partial result of Lohrey and Mathissen; as it is already known, that this problem is NP-hard, we settle its exact computational complexity. Moreover, the same technique applied to the compressed membership for DFA with compressed labels yields that this problem is in P; for this problem, only trivial upper-bound PSPACE was known