17,762 research outputs found

    nu-Anomica: A Fast Support Vector Based Novelty Detection Technique

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    In this paper we propose nu-Anomica, a novel anomaly detection technique that can be trained on huge data sets with much reduced running time compared to the benchmark one-class Support Vector Machines algorithm. In -Anomica, the idea is to train the machine such that it can provide a close approximation to the exact decision plane using fewer training points and without losing much of the generalization performance of the classical approach. We have tested the proposed algorithm on a variety of continuous data sets under different conditions. We show that under all test conditions the developed procedure closely preserves the accuracy of standard one-class Support Vector Machines while reducing both the training time and the test time by 5 - 20 times

    Combining support vector machines and segmentation algorithms for efficient anomaly detection: a petroleum industry application

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    Proceedings of: International Joint Conference SOCO’14-CISIS’14-ICEUTE’14, Bilbao, Spain, June 25th–27th, 2014, ProceedingsAnomaly detection is the problem of finding patterns in data that do not conform to expected behavior. Similarly, when patterns are numerically distant from the rest of sample, anomalies are indicated as outliers. Anomaly detection had recently attracted the attention of the research community for real-world applications. The petroleum industry is one of the application contexts where these problems are present. The correct detection of such types of unusual information empowers the decision maker with the capacity to act on the system in order to correctly avoid, correct, or react to the situations associated with them. In that sense, heavy extraction machines for pumping and generation operations like turbomachines are intensively monitored by hundreds of sensors each that send measurements with a high frequency for damage prevention. For dealing with this and with the lack of labeled data, in this paper we propose a combination of a fast and high quality segmentation algorithm with a one-class support vector machine approach for efficient anomaly detection in turbomachines. As result we perform empirical studies comparing our approach to other methods applied to benchmark problems and a real-life application related to oil platform turbomachinery anomaly detection.This work was partially funded by CNPq BJT Project 407851/2012-7 and CNPq PVE Project 314017/2013-

    Anomaly Detection in Dam Behaviour with Machine Learning Classification Models

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    Dam safety assessment is typically made by comparison between the outcome of some predictive model and measured monitoring data. This is done separately for each response variable, and the results are later interpreted before decision making. In this work, three approaches based on machine learning classifiers are evaluated for the joint analysis of a set of monitoring variables: multiclass, two-class and one-class classification. Support vector machines are applied to all prediction tasks, and random forest is also used for multi-class and two-class. The results show high accuracy for multi-class classification, although the approach has limitations for practical use. The performance in two-class classification is strongly dependent on the features of the anomalies to detect and their similarity to those used for model fitting. The one-class classification model based on support vector machines showed high prediction accuracy, while avoiding the need for correctly selecting and modelling the potential anomalies. A criterion for anomaly detection based on model predictions is defined, which results in a decrease in the misclassification rate. The possibilities and limitations of all three approaches for practical use are discussed

    Security in Process: Detecting Attacks in Industrial Process Data

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    Due to the fourth industrial revolution, industrial applications make use of the progress in communication and embedded devices. This allows industrial users to increase efficiency and manageability while reducing cost and effort. Furthermore, the fourth industrial revolution, creating the so-called Industry 4.0, opens a variety of novel use and business cases in the industrial environment. However, this progress comes at the cost of an enlarged attack surface of industrial companies. Operational networks that have previously been phyiscally separated from public networks are now connected in order to make use of new communication capabilites. This motivates the need for industrial intrusion detection solutions that are compatible to the long-term operation machines in industry as well as the heterogeneous and fast-changing networks. In this work, process data is analysed. The data is created and monitored on real-world hardware. After a set up phase, attacks are introduced into the systems that influence the process behaviour. A time series-based anomaly detection approach, the Matrix Profiles, are adapted to the specific needs and applied to the intrusion detection. The results indicate an applicability of these methods to detect attacks in the process behaviour. Furthermore, they are easily integrated into existing process environments. Additionally, one-class classifiers One-Class Support Vector Machines and Isolation Forest are applied to the data without a notion of timing. While Matrix Profiles perform well in terms of creating and visualising results, the one-class classifiers perform poorly

    Anomaly Detection Based on Sensor Data in Petroleum Industry Applications

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    Anomaly detection is the problem of finding patterns in data that do not conform to an a priori expected behavior. This is related to the problem in which some samples are distant, in terms of a given metric, from the rest of the dataset, where these anomalous samples are indicated as outliers. Anomaly detection has recently attracted the attention of the research community, because of its relevance in real-world applications, like intrusion detection, fraud detection, fault detection and system health monitoring, among many others. Anomalies themselves can have a positive or negative nature, depending on their context and interpretation. However, in either case, it is important for decision makers to be able to detect them in order to take appropriate actions. The petroleum industry is one of the application contexts where these problems are present. The correct detection of such types of unusual information empowers the decision maker with the capacity to act on the system in order to correctly avoid, correct or react to the situations associated with them. In that application context, heavy extraction machines for pumping and generation operations, like turbomachines, are intensively monitored by hundreds of sensors each that send measurements with a high frequency for damage prevention. In this paper, we propose a combination of yet another segmentation algorithm (YASA), a novel fast and high quality segmentation algorithm, with a one-class support vector machine approach for efficient anomaly detection in turbomachines. The proposal is meant for dealing with the aforementioned task and to cope with the lack of labeled training data. As a result, we perform a series of empirical studies comparing our approach to other methods applied to benchmark problems and a real-life application related to oil platform turbomachinery anomaly detection.This work was partially funded by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development projects CNPq BJT 407851/2012-7 and CNPq PVE 314017/2013-5 and projects MINECO TEC 2012-37832-C02-01, CICYT TEC 2011-28626-C02-02.Publicad

    Support Vector Machine for Network Intrusion and Cyber-Attack Detection

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Cyber-security threats are a growing concern in networked environments. The development of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) is fundamental in order to provide extra level of security. We have developed an unsupervised anomaly-based IDS that uses statistical techniques to conduct the detection process. Despite providing many advantages, anomaly-based IDSs tend to generate a high number of false alarms. Machine Learning (ML) techniques have gained wide interest in tasks of intrusion detection. In this work, Support Vector Machine (SVM) is deemed as an ML technique that could complement the performance of our IDS, providing a second line of detection to reduce the number of false alarms, or as an alternative detection technique. We assess the performance of our IDS against one-class and two-class SVMs, using linear and non-linear forms. The results that we present show that linear two-class SVM generates highly accurate results, and the accuracy of the linear one-class SVM is very comparable, and it does not need training datasets associated with malicious data. Similarly, the results evidence that our IDS could benefit from the use of ML techniques to increase its accuracy when analysing datasets comprising of non-homogeneous features

    Fault Diagnosis in DSL Networks using Support Vector Machines

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    The adequate operation for a number of service distribution networks relies on the e�ective maintenance and fault management of their underlay DSL infrastructure. Thus, new tools are required in order to adequately monitor and further diagnose anomalies that other segments of the DSL network cannot identify due to the pragmatic issues raised by hardware or software misconfigurations. In this work we present a fundamentally new approach for classifying known DSL-level anomalies by exploiting the properties of novelty detection via the employment of one-class Support Vector Machines (SVMs). By virtue of the imbalance residing in the training samples that consequently lead to problematic prediction outcomes when used within two-class formulations, we adopt the properties of one-class classification and construct models for independently identifying and classifying a single type of a DSL-level anomaly. Given the fact that the greater number of the installed Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexers (DSLAMs) within the DSL network of a large European ISP were misconfigured, thus unable to accurately flag anomalous events, we utilize as inference solutions the models derived by the one-class SVM formulations built by the known labels as flagged by the much smaller number of correctly configured DSLAMs in the same network in order to aid the classification aspect against the monitored unlabelled events. By reaching an average over 95% on a number of classification accuracy metrics such as precision, recall and F-score we show that one-class SVM classifiers overcome the biased classification outcomes achieved by the traditional two-class formulations and that they may constitute as viable and promising components within the design of future network fault management strategies. In addition, we demonstrate their superiority over commonly used two-class machine learning approaches such as Decision Trees and Bayesian Networks that has been used in the same context within past solutions. Keywords: Network management, Support Vector Machines, supervised learning, one-class classifiers, DSL anomalie

    One-Class Classification: Taxonomy of Study and Review of Techniques

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    One-class classification (OCC) algorithms aim to build classification models when the negative class is either absent, poorly sampled or not well defined. This unique situation constrains the learning of efficient classifiers by defining class boundary just with the knowledge of positive class. The OCC problem has been considered and applied under many research themes, such as outlier/novelty detection and concept learning. In this paper we present a unified view of the general problem of OCC by presenting a taxonomy of study for OCC problems, which is based on the availability of training data, algorithms used and the application domains applied. We further delve into each of the categories of the proposed taxonomy and present a comprehensive literature review of the OCC algorithms, techniques and methodologies with a focus on their significance, limitations and applications. We conclude our paper by discussing some open research problems in the field of OCC and present our vision for future research.Comment: 24 pages + 11 pages of references, 8 figure
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