9 research outputs found

    High Performance of CSI Fed IM Drives at Low Speed operation with MRAS Based Estimation of Stator Resistance

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    This paper is proposed to improve the performance of sensorless vector controlled CSI fed induction motor drives during low-speed operations. In general the performance of sensorless vector controlled induction motor drives is poor at very low speed due to stator resistance variations and the estimated flux and torque deviates from its set value. Therefore online tuning of the stator resistance is necessary at very low speed. The performance and efficiency of an induction motor drive system can be enhanced by online tuning of stator resistance. A novel model reference adaptive system (MRAS)-based algorithm for simultaneous identification of stator resistance (Rs) and rotor speed (ðŽr) implemented in sensorless Field oriented controlled CSI fed induction motor. The reference model and adjustable model are interchangeable for concurrent ðŽr and Rs estimation in the low-speed operating region is investigated. The simulation and experimental results are proved that the proposed method is improving the performance of the drive system at low speed operation

    Sintonia do Ganho de Escorregamento de Um Servoacionamento por Controle Vetoriade Um Motor de Inducao Trifasico

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    Aplicações envolvendo controle de posição necessitam de respostas dinâmicas muito rápidas do motor. O avanço nas áreas de eletrônica de potência e de microprocessadores permitiu a utilização de motores de corrente alternada em aplicações de alto desempenho, como é o caso de servoacionamento. Entre esses motores, o de indução trifásico tipo gaiola se destaca por sua robustez e baixo custo. Acionado pelo método de controle vetorial, o motor de indução apresenta resposta dinâmica superior ao motor de corrente contínua. O acionamento de motores CA por controle vetorial já apresenta uma grande complexidade inerente ao método. Além disso, o controle é sensível à variações de parâmetros da máquina por aquecimento e saturação magnética. O método de controle vetorial indireto, explorado na presente dissertação, apresenta sensibilidade à variação da constante de tempo rotórica. A perda de sintonia devido à variação deste parâmetro prejudica a dinâmica e o desempenho da máquina. O objetivo do presente trabalho é implementar o método de estimação de parâmetros do motor utilizando o observador de Luenberger, que por se tratar de um observador em malha fechada, utiliza a planta real como modelo de referência e estima parâmetros que convergem para os valores reais. Utilizou-se Matlab/Simulink para simulação do observador que, posteriormente foi implementado num DSP da Texas Instruments para validação experimental

    İndüksiyon motorlarda yinelemeli YSA tabanlı durum kestirimi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Vektör kontrolü olarak da bilenen alan uyumlu kontrol, yüksek performanslı indüksiyon motor (İM) kontrolü için oldukça kullanışlı bir tekniktir. Alan uyumlu kontrollü sürücülerin kullanıldığı yüksek performanslı İM kontrolünde, rotor akısı, stator akısı ve rotor akımı gibi durum değişkenlerine ihtiyaç duyulur. Özellikle hız sensörsüz İM kontrolünde doğrudan ölçülemeyen rotor akısının kestirimi oldukça önemlidir. Yüksek performanslı kontrol için İM’nin ölçülemeyen durum değişkenlerinin kestiriminin yanı sıra parametre adaptasyonu veya değişen parametrelerinin kestirimi de önem arz etmektedir. Bu tez çalışmasında öncelikle durum değişkenlerini esas alan indüksiyon motorun dq eksen sistemi durum uzayı matematiksel modelleri düzenlenmiştir. Ardından yüksek performanslı alan uyumlu İM kontrolü için uygun durum uzay modellerinin kullanıldığı asimtotik gözlemleyicilere, KF ve GKF algoritmalarına ve Yapay Sinirsel Ağ (YSA) dayalı durum kestirim algoritmaları ayrıntılı olarak ele alınıp değişik çalışma koşulları için incelenmiştir. Özellikle dolaylı alan uyumlu kontrol için önem arz eden rotor akı bileşenlerinin kestirimi için Elman Yapay Sinirsel Ağ (EYSA) ve PI-EYSA’ya dayalı iki yeni kestirim algoritması önerilmiştir. Önerilen algoritmalar ve GKF algoritması değişik çalışma koşulları altında ve farklı dalga biçimli besleme gerilimleri için İM’den elde edilen benzetim ve deneysel çıkış ölçümlerine dayalı çevrim içi ve çevrim dışı olarak ayrı ayrı test edilmiştir. Geliştirilen kestirim algoritmaları ve GKF ile elde edilen kestirim sonuçları birbirleri ve gerçek sonuçlar ile karşılaştırılarak gerekli irdelemeler yapılmıştır.The field oriented control also known as the vector control is a useful highperformance technique to control an induction motor (IM). With high-performance control of IM are used field oriented controlled drives where there are needed state variables as rotor fluxes, stator fluxes and rotor currents to be known. In particular for speed sensorless IM control, estimation of the rotor fluxes that can not be measured directly is very important. For high-performance IM control, estimation of unmeasurable state variables as well as estimation of changing parameters or the parameter adaptation is also of great importance. In this thesis study, state variables of state space mathematical models of the induction motor based on d-q axis system has been organized primarily. After, asymtotic observers, Kalman Filter (KF) and Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) algorithms and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithms based on the state estimation has been investigated for different operating conditions for the high performance field compatible IM control. To estimate the rotor flux components especially for indirect field oriented control there has been proposed two new estimation algorithms based on Elman Artificial Neural Network (ENN) and PIENN. Proposed algorithms and EKF algorithm has been tested separately with online and off-line simulational and experimental IM measurements based on under different working conditions with different waveformed supply voltages. For estimation and actual results obtained by the devoloped algorithms and EKF are compared with each other with making the necessary examinations

    Observateur de flux pour la commande vectorielle de la machine asynchrone : conception et implantation

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    Непряме векторне керування асинхронними двигунами з властивостями робастності та адаптації до змін активного опору ротора

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    У монографії представлено результати подальшого розвитку теорії систем векторного керування моментом і потоком асинхронних двигунів. Розвинуто метод синтезу алгоритмів непрямого векторного керування асинхронними двигунами, з використанням якого можливо з єдиних теоретичних позицій проводити синтез основних алгоритмів непрямого векторного керування моментом і потоком асинхронних двигунів (стандартного непрямого векторного керування, керування на основі принципу пасивності, поліпшеного непрямого векторного керування), а також нового робастного непрямого векторного керування. Розроблено метод формування зворотних зв'язків адаптивних до варіацій активного опору ротора спостерігачів вектора потокозчеплення ротора, що дозволяють забезпечити локальну експоненційну стійкість для структури, що складається з типового спостерігача Вергезе та алгоритму ідентифікації Матсусе. Теоретично обґрунтовано правомірність застосування нелінійного принципу розділення для побудови адаптивних систем на основі синтезованих алгоритму робастного непрямого векторного керування та адаптивного спостерігача вектора потокозчеплення ротора. Розроблено аналітичний метод дослідження робастності алгоритмів непрямого векторного керування моментом і потоком асинхронних двигунів до зміни активного опору ротора. Представлено результати досліджень розроблених структур векторного керування методом математичного моделювання та на експериментальних установках. Для фахівців, які займаються розробкою і дослідженням електричних приводів, аспірантів і студентів відповідних спеціальностей.В монографии представлены результаты дальнейшего развития теории систем векторного управления моментом и потоком асинхронных двигателей. Развит метод синтеза алгоритмов косвенного векторного управления асинхронными двигателями, с использованием которого возможно с единых теоретических позиций выполнять синтез основных алгоритмов косвенного векторного управления моментом и потоком асинхронных двигателей (стандартного косвенного векторного управления, управления на основе принципа пассивности, улучшенного косвенного управления), а также нового робастного косвенного векторного управления. Разработан метод формирования обратных связей адаптивных к вариациям активного сопротивления ротора наблюдателей вектора потокосцепления ротора, которые позволяют обеспечить локальную экспоненциальную устойчивость для структуры, состоящей из типового наблюдателя Вергезе и алгоритма идентификации Матсусе. Теоретически обоснована правомочность использования нелинейного принципа разделения для построения адаптивных систем на основе синтезированных алгоритма робастного косвенного векторного управления и адаптивного наблюдателя вектора потокосцепления ротора. Разработан аналитический метод исследования робастности алгоритмов косвенного векторного управления моментом и потокосцеплением асинхронных двигателей к изменениям активного сопротивления ротора. Представлены результаты исследований разработанных структур векторного управления методом математического моделирования и на экспериментальных установках. Для специалистов, которые занимаются разработкой и исследованием электрических приводов, аспирантов и студентов соответствующих специальностей

    Intelligent traction motor control techniques for hybrid and electric vehicles

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    This thesis presents the research undertaken by the author within the field of intelligent traction motor control for Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) and Electric Vehicle (EV) applications. A robust Fuzzy Logic (FL) based traction motor field-orientated control scheme is developed which can control multiple motor topologies and HEV/EV powertrain architectures without the need for re-tuning. This control scheme can aid in the development of an HEV/EV and for continuous control of the traction motor/s in the final production vehicle. An overcurrent-tolerant traction motor sizing strategy is developed to gauge if a prospective motor’s torque and thermal characteristics can fulfil a vehicle’s target dynamic and electrical objectives during the early development stages of an HEV/EV. An industrial case study is presented. An on-line reduced switching multilevel inverter control scheme is investigated which increases the inverter’s efficiency while maintaining acceptable levels of output waveform harmonic distortion. A FL based vehicle stability control system is developed that improves the controllability and stability of an HEV/EV during an emergency braking manoeuvre. This system requires minimal vehicle parameters to be used within the control system, is insensitive to variable vehicle parameters and can be tuned to meet a vehicle’s target dynamic objectives

    Investigations on Direct Torque and Flux Control of Speed Sensorless Induction Motor Drive

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    The Induction motors (IM) are used worldwide as the workhorse in most of the industrial applications due to their simplicity, high performance, robustness and capability of operating in hazardous as well as extreme environmental conditions. However, the speed control of IM is complex as compared to the DC motor due to the presence of coupling between torque and flux producing components. The speed of the IM can be controlled using scalar control and vector control techniques. The most commonly used technique for speed control of IM is scalar control method. In this method, only the magnitude and frequency of the stator voltage or current is regulated. This method is easy to implement, but suffers from the poor dynamic response. Therefore, the vector control or field oriented control (FOC) is used for IM drives to achieve improved dynamic performance. In this method, the IM is operated like a fully compensated and separately excited DC motor. However, it requires more coordinate transformations, current controllers and modulation schemes. In order to get quick dynamic performance, direct torque and flux controlled (DTFC) IM drive is used. The DTFC is achieved by direct and independent control of flux linkages and electromagnetic torque through the selection of optimal inverter switching which gives fast torque and flux response without the use of current controllers, more coordinate transformations and modulation schemes. Many industries have marked various forms of IM drives using DTFC since 1980. The linear fixed-gain proportional-integral (PI) based speed controller is used in DTFC of an IM drive (IMD) under various operating modes. However, The PI controller (PIC) requires proper and accurate gain values to get high performance. The PIC gain values are tuned for a specific operating point and which may not be able to perform satisfactorily when the load torque and operating point changes. Therefore, the PIC is replaced by Type-1 fuzzy logic controller (T1FLC) to improve the dynamic performance over a wide speed range and also load torque disturbance rejections. The T1FLC is simple, easy to implement and effectively deals with the nonlinear control system without requiring complex mathematical equations using simple logical rules, which are decided by the expert. In order to further improve the controller performance, the T1FLC is replaced by Type-2 fuzzy logic controller (T2FLC). The T2FLC effectively handles the large footprint of uncertainties compared to the T1FLC due to the availability of three-dimensional control with type-reduction technique (i.e. Type-2 fuzzy sets and Type-2 reducer set) in the defuzzification process, whereas the T1FLC consists only a Type-1 fuzzy sets and single membership function. The training data for T1FLC and T2FLC is selected based on the PIC scheme