608 research outputs found

    EdgeDASH: Exploiting Network-Assisted Adaptive Video Streaming for Edge Caching

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    While edge video caching has great potential to decrease the core network traffic as well as the users' experienced latency, it is often challenging to exploit the caches in current client-driven video streaming solutions due to two key reasons. First, even those clients interested in the same content might request different quality levels as a video content is encoded into multiple qualities to match a wide range of network conditions and device capabilities. Second, the clients, who select the quality of the next chunk to request, are unaware of the cached content at the network edge. Hence, it becomes imperative to develop network-side solutions to exploit caching. This can also mitigate some performance issues, in particular for the scenarios in which multiple video clients compete for some bottleneck capacity. In this paper, we propose a network-side control logic running at a WiFi AP to facilitate the use of cached video content. In particular, an AP can assign a client station a different video quality than its request, in case the alternative quality provides a better utility. We formulate the quality assignment problem as an optimization problem and develop several heuristics with polynomial complexity. Compared to the baseline where the clients determine the quality adaptation, our proposals, referred to as EdgeDASH, offer higher video quality, higher cache hits, and lower stalling ratio which are essential for user's satisfaction. Our simulations show that EdgeDASH facilitates significant cache hits and decreases the buffer stalls only by changing the client's request by one quality level. Moreover, from our analysis, we conclude that the network assistance provides significant performance improvement, especially when the clients with identical interests compete for a bottleneck link's capacity

    FlexStream: SDN-Based Framework for Programmable and Flexible Adaptive Video Streaming

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    With the tremendous increase in video traffic fueled by smartphones, tablets, 4G LTE networks, and other mobile devices and technologies, providing satisfactory services to end users in terms of playback quality and a fair share of network resources become challenging. As a result, an HTTP video streaming protocol was invented and widely adopted by most video providers today with the goal of maximizing the user’s quality of experience. However, despite the intensive efforts of major video providers such as YouTube and Netflix to improve their players, several studies as well as our measurements indicate that the players still suffer from several performance issues including instability and sub-optimality in the video bitrate, stalls in the playback, unfairness in sharing the available bandwidth, and inefficiency with regard to network utilization, considerably degrading the user’s QoE. These issues are frequently experienced when several players start competing over a common bottleneck. Interestingly, the root cause of these issues is the intermittent traffic pattern of the HTTP adaptive protocol that causes the players to over-estimate the available bandwidth and stream unsustainable video bitrates. In addition, the wireless network standards today do not allow the network to have a fine-grain control over individual devices which is necessary for providing resource usage coordination and global policy enforcement. We show that enabling such a network-side control would drive each device to fairly and efficiently utilize the network resources based on its current context, which would result in maximizing the overall viewing experience in the network and optimizing the bandwidth utilization. In this dissertation, we propose FlexStream, a flexible and programmable Software-Defined Network (SDN) based framework that solves all the adaptive streaming problems mentioned above. We develop FlexStream on top of the SDN-based framework that extends SDN functionality to mobile end devices, allowing for a fine-grained control and management of bandwidth based on real time context-awareness and specified policy. We demonstrate that FlexStream can be used to manage video delivery for a set of end devices over WiFi and cellular links and can effectively alleviate common problems such as player instability, playback stalls, large startup delay, and inappropriate bandwidth allocation. FlexStream offloads several tasks such as monitoring and policy enforcement to end-devices, while a network element (i.e., Global Controller), which has a global view of a network condition, is primarily employed to manage the resource allocation. This also alleviates the need for intrusive, large and costly traffic management solutions within the network, or modifications to servers that are not feasible in practice. We define an optimization method within the global controller for resource allocation to maximize video QoE considering context information, such as screen size and user priority. All features of FlexStream are implemented and validated on real mobile devices over real Wi-Fi and cellular networks. To the best of our knowledge, FlexStream is the first implementation of SDN-based control in a live cellular network that does not require any internal network support for SDN functionality

    Deep Content: Unveiling video streaming content from encrypted WiFi Traffic

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    © 2018 IEEE. The proliferation of smart devices has led to an exponential growth in digital media consumption, especially mobile video for content marketing. The vast majority of the associated Internet traffic is now end-to-end encrypted, and while encryption provides better user privacy and security, it has made network surveillance an impossible task. The result is an unchecked environment for exploiters and attackers to distribute content such as fake, radical and propaganda videos. Recent advances in machine learning techniques have shown great promise in characterising encrypted traffic captured at the end points. However, video fingerprinting from passively listening to encrypted traffic, especially wireless traffic, has been reported as a challenging task due to the difficulty in distinguishing retransmissions and multiple flows on the same link. We show the potential of fingerprinting videos by passively sniffing WiFi frames in air, even without connecting to the WiFi network. We have developed Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) that are able to identify streamed YouTube videos from a closed set, by sniffing WiFi traffic encrypted at both Media Access Control (MAC) and Network layers. We compare these models to the state-of-the-art wired traffic classifier based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), and show that our models obtain similar results while requiring significantly less computational power and time (approximately a threefold reduction)

    A Survey of Machine Learning Techniques for Video Quality Prediction from Quality of Delivery Metrics

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    A growing number of video streaming networks are incorporating machine learning (ML) applications. The growth of video streaming services places enormous pressure on network and video content providers who need to proactively maintain high levels of video quality. ML has been applied to predict the quality of video streams. Quality of delivery (QoD) measurements, which capture the end-to-end performances of network services, have been leveraged in video quality prediction. The drive for end-to-end encryption, for privacy and digital rights management, has brought about a lack of visibility for operators who desire insights from video quality metrics. In response, numerous solutions have been proposed to tackle the challenge of video quality prediction from QoD-derived metrics. This survey provides a review of studies that focus on ML techniques for predicting the QoD metrics in video streaming services. In the context of video quality measurements, we focus on QoD metrics, which are not tied to a particular type of video streaming service. Unlike previous reviews in the area, this contribution considers papers published between 2016 and 2021. Approaches for predicting QoD for video are grouped under the following headings: (1) video quality prediction under QoD impairments, (2) prediction of video quality from encrypted video streaming traffic, (3) predicting the video quality in HAS applications, (4) predicting the video quality in SDN applications, (5) predicting the video quality in wireless settings, and (6) predicting the video quality in WebRTC applications. Throughout the survey, some research challenges and directions in this area are discussed, including (1) machine learning over deep learning; (2) adaptive deep learning for improved video delivery; (3) computational cost and interpretability; (4) self-healing networks and failure recovery. The survey findings reveal that traditional ML algorithms are the most widely adopted models for solving video quality prediction problems. This family of algorithms has a lot of potential because they are well understood, easy to deploy, and have lower computational requirements than deep learning techniques

    Bookmarking and Seeking Tool for Online Videos

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    At 2014, 66% of internet traffic was related to video content [1]. This number and everyday experience shows that by improving handheld device capabilities, social networks and internet speed, the video content which has been seen and posted is taking up most internet traffic. As a result, this thesis focuses on improving the user experience with videos in two supplementary features: Bookmarking videos and enhanced seeking. There have been many cases, such as CCTV and medical cases, where making a video summary and video synopsis does not serve the purpose and the whole video must be available. However, the user is only interested in certain moments in the video. Usually in these cases either a video summary is generated along the main video, interesting moments in the video is kept as a note, or the user finds it manually by making seeking forward and backward. Video bookmarking, which means keeping the original video and makes a list of interesting moments in the video, so that the user can seek toward them by selecting them solves this issue. The bookmarks are standardized JSON objects in a JSON array that can be added, deleted or modified. In their simplest form, they have a relative start time, duration and a caption. Having bookmarks available in the cases mentioned above, user behavior can be predicted. The user is highly likely to request a seek for a bookmarked moment. By caching the video content, which has the bookmarked content, the user does not need to wait for buffering to see the video playing from the seek target. Currently, the user must wait for buffering. It has a major impact in cases such as CCTV and medical cases, where different cameras have recorded a scene from different angles and a seek action must seek all the video content, at the same time. In this thesis, an application has been developed as proof of concept which has met both requirements. It has been developed over an existing application, which is used for treatment of epilepsy by using automated seizure detection

    Identifying and diagnosing video streaming performance issues

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    On-line video streaming is an ever evolving ecosystem of services and technologies, where content providers are on a constant race to satisfy the users' demand for richer content and higher bitrate streams, updated set of features and cross-platform compatibility. At the same time, network operators are required to ensure that the requested video streams are delivered through the network with a satisfactory quality in accordance with the existing Service Level Agreements (SLA). However, tracking and maintaining satisfactory video Quality of Experience (QoE) has become a greater challenge for operators than ever before. With the growing popularity of content engagement on handheld devices and over wireless connections, new points-of-failure have added to the list of failures that can affect the video quality. Moreover, the adoption of end-to-end encryption by major streaming services has rendered previously used QoE diagnosis methods obsolete. In this thesis, we identify the current challenges in identifying and diagnosing video streaming issues and we propose novel approaches in order to address them. More specifically, the thesis initially presents methods and tools to identify a wide array of QoE problems and the severity with which they affect the users' experience. The next part of the thesis deals with the investigation of methods to locate under-performing parts of the network that lead to drop of the delivered quality of a service. In this context, we propose a data-driven methodology for detecting the under performing areas of cellular network with sub-optimal Quality of Service (QoS) and video QoE. Moreover, we develop and evaluate a multi-vantage point framework that is capable of diagnosing the underlying faults that cause the disruption of the user's experience. The last part of this work, further explores the detection of network performance anomalies and introduces a novel method for detecting such issues using contextual information. This approach provides higher accuracy when detecting network faults in the presence of high variation and can benefit providers to perform early detection of anomalies before they result in QoE issues.La distribución de vídeo online es un ecosistema de servicios y tecnologías, donde los proveedores de contenidos se encuentran en una carrera continua para satisfacer las demandas crecientes de los usuarios de más riqueza de contenido, velocidad de transmisión, funcionalidad y compatibilidad entre diferentes plataformas. Asimismo, los operadores de red deben asegurar que los contenidos demandados son entregados a través de la red con una calidad satisfactoria según los acuerdos existentes de nivel de servicio (en inglés Service Level Agreement o SLA). Sin embargo, la monitorización y el mantenimiento de un nivel satisfactorio de la calidad de experiencia (en inglés Quality of Experience o QoE) del vídeo online se ha convertido en un reto mayor que nunca para los operadores. Dada la creciente popularidad del consumo de contenido con dispositivos móviles y a través de redes inalámbricas, han aparecido nuevos puntos de fallo que se han añadido a la lista de problemas que pueden afectar a la calidad del vídeo transmitido. Adicionalmente, la adopción de sistemas de encriptación extremo a extremo, por parte de los servicios más importantes de distribución de vídeo online, ha dejado obsoletos los métodos existentes de diagnóstico de la QoE. En esta tesis se identifican los retos actuales en la identificación y diagnóstico de los problemas de transmisión de vídeo online, y se proponen nuevas soluciones para abordar estos problemas. Más concretamente, inicialmente la tesis presenta métodos y herramientas para identificar un conjunto amplio de problemas de QoE y la severidad con los que estos afectan a la experiencia de los usuarios. La siguiente parte de la tesis investiga métodos para localizar partes de la red con un rendimiento bajo que resultan en una disminución de la calidad del servicio ofrecido. En este contexto, se propone una metodología basada en el análisis de datos para detectar áreas de la red móvil que ofrecen un nivel subóptimo de calidad de servicio (en inglés Quality of Service o QoS) y QoE. Además, se desarrolla y se evalúa una solución basada en múltiples puntos de medida que es capaz de diagnosticar los problemas subyacentes que causan la alteración de la experiencia de usuario. La última parte de este trabajo explora adicionalmente la detección de anomalías de rendimiento de la red y presenta un nuevo método para detectar estas situaciones utilizando información contextual. Este enfoque proporciona una mayor precisión en la detección de fallos de la red en presencia de alta variabilidad y puede ayudar a los proveedores a la detección precoz de anomalías antes de que se conviertan en problemas de QoE.La distribució de vídeo online és un ecosistema de serveis i tecnologies, on els proveïdors de continguts es troben en una cursa continua per satisfer les demandes creixents del usuaris de més riquesa de contingut, velocitat de transmissió, funcionalitat i compatibilitat entre diferents plataformes. A la vegada, els operadors de xarxa han d’assegurar que els continguts demandats són entregats a través de la xarxa amb una qualitat satisfactòria segons els acords existents de nivell de servei (en anglès Service Level Agreement o SLA). Tanmateix, el monitoratge i el manteniment d’un nivell satisfactori de la qualitat d’experiència (en anglès Quality of Experience o QoE) del vídeo online ha esdevingut un repte més gran que mai per als operadors. Donada la creixent popularitat del consum de contingut amb dispositius mòbils i a través de xarxes sense fils, han aparegut nous punts de fallada que s’han afegit a la llista de problemes que poden afectar a la qualitat del vídeo transmès. Addicionalment, l’adopció de sistemes d’encriptació extrem a extrem, per part dels serveis més importants de distribució de vídeo online, ha deixat obsolets els mètodes existents de diagnòstic de la QoE. En aquesta tesi s’identifiquen els reptes actuals en la identificació i diagnòstic dels problemes de transmissió de vídeo online, i es proposen noves solucions per abordar aquests problemes. Més concretament, inicialment la tesi presenta mètodes i eines per identificar un conjunt ampli de problemes de QoE i la severitat amb la que aquests afecten a la experiència dels usuaris. La següent part de la tesi investiga mètodes per localitzar parts de la xarxa amb un rendiment baix que resulten en una disminució de la qualitat del servei ofert. En aquest context es proposa una metodologia basada en l’anàlisi de dades per detectar àrees de la xarxa mòbil que ofereixen un nivell subòptim de qualitat de servei (en anglès Quality of Service o QoS) i QoE. A més, es desenvolupa i s’avalua una solució basada en múltiples punts de mesura que és capaç de diagnosticar els problemes subjacents que causen l’alteració de l’experiència d’usuari. L’última part d’aquest treball explora addicionalment la detecció d’anomalies de rendiment de la xarxa i presenta un nou mètode per detectar aquestes situacions utilitzant informació contextual. Aquest enfoc proporciona una major precisió en la detecció de fallades de la xarxa en presencia d’alta variabilitat i pot ajudar als proveïdors a la detecció precoç d’anomalies abans de que es converteixin en problemes de QoE.Postprint (published version

    Cloud-Based Mobile Video Streaming Techniques

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    Reasoning processing is changing the landscape of the electronic digital multi-media market by moving the end customers concentrate from possession of video to buying entry to them in the form of on-demand delivery solutions At the same time the cloud is also being used to store possessed video paths and create solutions that help audience to discover a whole new range of multi-media Cellular devices are a key car owner of this change due to their natural mobility and exclusively high transmission rate among end customers This document investigates cloud centered video streaming methods particularly from the mobile viewpoint The qualitative part of the research contains explanations of current video development methods streaming methods and third celebration cloud centered streaming solutions for different mobile which shows my realistic work relevant to streaming methods with RTMP protocols family and solutions for iPhone Android Smart mobile phones Window and BalackBerry phones et
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