128,157 research outputs found

    Investigation and performance optimization of mesh networking in Zigbee

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    The aim of this research paper is to perform a detailed investigation and performance optimization of mesh networking in Zigbee. ZigBee applications are open and global wireless technology that are based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard, it is used for sense and control in many fields like, military, commercial, industrial and medical applications. Extending ZigBee lifetime is a high demand in many ZigBee networks industry and applications, and since the lifetime of ZigBee nodes depends mainly on batteries for their power, the desire for developing a scheme or methodology that support power management and saving battery lifetime is of a great requirement. In this research work, a power sensitive routing Algorithm is proposed Power Sensitive Ad hoc On-Demand (PS-AODV) to develop protocol scheme and methodology of existing on-demand routing protocols, by introducing an algorithm that manages ZigBee operations and construct the route from trusted active nodes. Furthermore, many aspects of routing protocol in ZigBee mesh networks have been researched to concentrate on route discovery, route maintenance, neighbouring table, and shortest paths. PS-AODV routing algorithm is used in two different ZigBee mesh networks, with two different coordinator locations, one used at the centre and the other one at the corner of the networks. The extracted results conclude a better network operation for the coordinator located at the centre with an increase in the network lifetime around 20% percentage, and saved about 32.7% of delay time compare to AODV

    Scalable Lunar Surface Networks and Adaptive Orbit Access

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    Teranovi Technologies, Inc., has developed innovative network architecture, protocols, and algorithms for both lunar surface and orbit access networks. A key component of the overall architecture is a medium access control (MAC) protocol that includes a novel mechanism of overlaying time division multiple access (TDMA) and carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA), ensuring scalable throughput and quality of service. The new MAC protocol is compatible with legacy Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11 networks. Advanced features include efficiency power management, adaptive channel width adjustment, and error control capability. A hybrid routing protocol combines the advantages of ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing and disruption/delay-tolerant network (DTN) routing. Performance is significantly better than AODV or DTN and will be particularly effective for wireless networks with intermittent links, such as lunar and planetary surface networks and orbit access networks

    Experimental analysis of power control and element spacing for unobtrusive MIMO antenna systems

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    With ever-increasing demand for wireless communications, spectral efficiency and power management are of great importance. Mobile nodes in an ad hoc network are limited by the available power, interference, and shared communication resources. Research shows that multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems can increase capacity and mitigate interference by exploiting the multi-path nature of wireless energy. This increase in capacity is realized with an array of antennas that can transmit multiple uncorrelated streams. In order to achieve theoretical gains in capacity, several practical problems must be considered. This dissertation presents solutions to create higher quality communication systems in MIMO ad hoc networks through power management, antenna array spacing, and unobtrusive conductive polymer antennas.To show how co-channel interference can be managed in ad hoc networks, the experimental performance of several power control methods are demonstrated. These experiments were made with a multiple antenna software defined radio (SDR) testbed and verified with electro-magnetic ray tracing. In addition, the spacing between antenna array elements directly impacts the wireless channel. An analysis of the wireless channel is presented to show the impact of the antenna spacing and cochannel interference on the network capacity. A method for selecting the best antenna spacing is also described based upon the channel analysis. Finally, due to the size of mobile devices, it is difficult to incorporate MIMO systems into small form factors. A transparent, conformal antenna array was fabricated to demonstrate that antennas can be developed to fit into small form factors and perform at a high level.Ph.D., Electrical Engineering -- Drexel University, 200

    Securing and enhancing routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks

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    1. CONTEXTO1.1. MANETMANET (Mobile and Ad hoc NETworks) (Redes móviles sin cables) son redes formadas por nodos móviles. Se comunican sin cables i lo hacen de manera 'ad hoc'. En este tipo de redes, los protocolos de enrutamiento tienen que ser diferentes de los utilizados en redes fijas.Hoy en día, existen protocolos de enrutamiento capaces de operar en este tipo de redes. No obstante, son completamente inseguras y confían en que los nodos no actuarán de manera malintencionada. En una red donde no se puede contar con la presencia de servidores centrales, se necesita que los nodos puedan comunicarse sin el riesgo de que otros nodos se hagan pasar por aquellos con quien quieren comunicarse. En una red donde todo el mundo es anónimo conceptos como identidad y confianza deben ser redefinidos.1.2. AODVAd Hoc On-Demand Vector Routing (AODV) es un protocolo de enrutamiento reactivo para redes MANET. Esto significa que AODV no hace nada hasta que un nodo necesita transmitir un paquete a otro nodo para el cual no tiene ruta. AODV sólo mantiene rutas entre nodos que necesitan comunicarse. Sus mensajes no contienen información de toda la ruta, solo contienen información sobre el origen i el destino. Por lo tanto los mensajes de AODV tienen tamaño constante independientemente del numero de nodos de la ruta. Utiliza números de secuencia para especificar lo reciente que es una ruta (en relación con otra), lo cual garantiza ausencia de 'loops' (bucles).En AODV, un nodo realiza un descubrimiento de ruta haciendo un 'flooding' de la red con un mensaje llamado 'Route Request' (RREQ). Una vez llega a un nodo que conoce la ruta pedida responde con un 'Route Reply' (RREP) que viaja de vuelta al originador del RREQ. Después de esto, todos los nodos de la ruta descubierta conocen las rutas hacia los dos extremos de la ruta.2. CONTRIBUTIONS2.1. SAODVSAODV (Secure Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) es una extensión de AODV que protege el mecanismo de descubrimiento de ruta. Proporciona funcionalidades de seguridad como ahora integridad i autenticación.Se utilizan firmas digitales para autenticar los campos de los mensajes que no son modificados en ruta y cadenas de hash para proteger el 'hop count' (que es el único campo que se modifica en ruta).2.2. SAKMSAKM (Simple Ad hoc Key Management) proporciona un sistema de gestión de llaves que hace posible para cada nodo obtener las llaves públicas de los otros nodos de la red. Además, permite que cada nodo pueda verificar la relación entre la identidad de un nodo y la llave pública de otro.Esto se consigue a través del uso de direcciones estadísticamente únicas y criptográficamente verificables.2.2.1. Verificación pospuestaEl método 'verificación pospuesta' permite tener rutas pendientes de verificación. Estas serán verificadas cuando el procesador disponga de tiempo para ello y (en cualquier caso) antes de que esas rutas deban ser utilizadas para transmitir paquetes.2.3. Detección de atajosCuando un protocolo de enrutamiento para redes MANET realiza un descubrimiento de ruta, no descubre la ruta más corta sino la ruta a través de la cual el mensaje de petición de ruta viajó más rápidamente. Además, debido a que los nodos son móviles, la ruta que era la más corta en el momento del descubrimiento puede dejar de ser-lo en breve. Esto causa un retraso de transmisión mucho mayor de lo necesario y provoca muchas más colisiones de paquetes.Para evitar esto, los nodos podrían realizar descubrimientos de atajos periódicos para las rutas que están siendo utilizadas. Este mismo mecanismo puede ser utilizado para 'recuperar' rutas que se han roto.1. BACKGROUND1.1. MANETMANET (Mobile and Ad hoc NETworks) are networks formed by nodes that are mobile. They use wireless communication to speak among them and they do it in an ad hoc manner. In this kind of networks, routing protocols have to be different than from the ones used for fixed networks. In addition, nodes use the air to communicate, so a lot of nodes might hear what a node transmits and there are messages that are lost due to collisions.Nowadays, routing in such scenario has been achieved. Nevertheless, if it has to be broadly used, it is necessary to be able to do it in a secure way. In a network where the existance of central servers cannot be expected, it is needed that nodes will be able to communicate without the risk of malicious nodes impersonating the entities they want to communicate with. In a network where everybody is anonymous, identity and trust need to be redefined.1.2. AODVAd Hoc On-Demand Vector Routing (AODV) protocol is a reactive routing protocol for ad hoc and mobile networks. That means that AODV does nothing until a node needs to transmit a packet to a node for which it does not know a route. In addition, it only maintains routes between nodes which need to communicate. Its routing messages do not contain information about the whole route path, but only about the source and the destination. Therefore, routing messages have a constant size, independently of the number of hops of the route. It uses destination sequence numbers to specify how fresh a route is (in relation to another), which is used to grant loop freedom.In AODV, a node does route discovery by flooding the network with a 'Route Request' message (RREQ). Once it reaches a node that knows the requested route, it replies with a 'Route Reply' message (RREP) that travels back to the originator of the RREQ. After this, all the nodes of the discovered path have routes to both ends of the path. 2. CONTRIBUTIONS2.1. SAODVThe Secure Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (SAODV) is an extension of the AODV routing protocol that can be used to protect the route discovery mechanism providing security features like integrity and authentication.Two mechanisms are used to secure the AODV messages: digital signatures to authenticate the non-mutable fields of the messages, and hash chains to secure the hop count information (the only mutable information in the messages).The information relative to the hash chains and the signatures is transmitted with the AODV message as an extension message.2.2. SAKMSimple Ad hoc Key Management (SAKM) provides a key management system that makes it possible for each ad hoc node to obtain public keys from the other nodes of the network. Further, each ad hoc node is capable of securely verifying the association between the identity of a given ad hoc node and the public key of that node.This is achieved by using statistically unique and cryptographically verifiable address.2.2.1. Delayed VerificationDelayed verification allows to have route entries and route entry deletions in the routing table that are pending of verification. They will be verified whenever the node has spared processor time or before these entries should be used to forward data packages.2.3. Short Cut DetectionWhen a routing protocol for MANET networks does a route discovery, it does not discover the shortest route but the route through which the route request flood traveled faster. In addition, since nodes are moving, a route that was the shortest one at discovery time might stop being so in quite a short period of time. This causes, not only a much bigger end-to-end delay, but also more collisions and a faster power consumption.In order to avoid all the performance loss due to these problems, nodes could periodically discover shortcuts to the active routes that can be used with any destination vector routing protocol. The same mechanism can be used also as a bidirectional route recovery mechanism.Postprint (published version

    Securing and enhancing routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks

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    1. CONTEXTO1.1. MANETMANET (Mobile and Ad hoc NETworks) (Redes móviles sin cables) son redes formadas por nodos móviles. Se comunican sin cables i lo hacen de manera 'ad hoc'. En este tipo de redes, los protocolos de enrutamiento tienen que ser diferentes de los utilizados en redes fijas.Hoy en día, existen protocolos de enrutamiento capaces de operar en este tipo de redes. No obstante, son completamente inseguras y confían en que los nodos no actuarán de manera malintencionada. En una red donde no se puede contar con la presencia de servidores centrales, se necesita que los nodos puedan comunicarse sin el riesgo de que otros nodos se hagan pasar por aquellos con quien quieren comunicarse. En una red donde todo el mundo es anónimo conceptos como identidad y confianza deben ser redefinidos.1.2. AODVAd Hoc On-Demand Vector Routing (AODV) es un protocolo de enrutamiento reactivo para redes MANET. Esto significa que AODV no hace nada hasta que un nodo necesita transmitir un paquete a otro nodo para el cual no tiene ruta. AODV sólo mantiene rutas entre nodos que necesitan comunicarse. Sus mensajes no contienen información de toda la ruta, solo contienen información sobre el origen i el destino. Por lo tanto los mensajes de AODV tienen tamaño constante independientemente del numero de nodos de la ruta. Utiliza números de secuencia para especificar lo reciente que es una ruta (en relación con otra), lo cual garantiza ausencia de 'loops' (bucles).En AODV, un nodo realiza un descubrimiento de ruta haciendo un 'flooding' de la red con un mensaje llamado 'Route Request' (RREQ). Una vez llega a un nodo que conoce la ruta pedida responde con un 'Route Reply' (RREP) que viaja de vuelta al originador del RREQ. Después de esto, todos los nodos de la ruta descubierta conocen las rutas hacia los dos extremos de la ruta.2. CONTRIBUTIONS2.1. SAODVSAODV (Secure Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) es una extensión de AODV que protege el mecanismo de descubrimiento de ruta. Proporciona funcionalidades de seguridad como ahora integridad i autenticación.Se utilizan firmas digitales para autenticar los campos de los mensajes que no son modificados en ruta y cadenas de hash para proteger el 'hop count' (que es el único campo que se modifica en ruta).2.2. SAKMSAKM (Simple Ad hoc Key Management) proporciona un sistema de gestión de llaves que hace posible para cada nodo obtener las llaves públicas de los otros nodos de la red. Además, permite que cada nodo pueda verificar la relación entre la identidad de un nodo y la llave pública de otro.Esto se consigue a través del uso de direcciones estadísticamente únicas y criptográficamente verificables.2.2.1. Verificación pospuestaEl método 'verificación pospuesta' permite tener rutas pendientes de verificación. Estas serán verificadas cuando el procesador disponga de tiempo para ello y (en cualquier caso) antes de que esas rutas deban ser utilizadas para transmitir paquetes.2.3. Detección de atajosCuando un protocolo de enrutamiento para redes MANET realiza un descubrimiento de ruta, no descubre la ruta más corta sino la ruta a través de la cual el mensaje de petición de ruta viajó más rápidamente. Además, debido a que los nodos son móviles, la ruta que era la más corta en el momento del descubrimiento puede dejar de ser-lo en breve. Esto causa un retraso de transmisión mucho mayor de lo necesario y provoca muchas más colisiones de paquetes.Para evitar esto, los nodos podrían realizar descubrimientos de atajos periódicos para las rutas que están siendo utilizadas. Este mismo mecanismo puede ser utilizado para 'recuperar' rutas que se han roto.1. BACKGROUND1.1. MANETMANET (Mobile and Ad hoc NETworks) are networks formed by nodes that are mobile. They use wireless communication to speak among them and they do it in an ad hoc manner. In this kind of networks, routing protocols have to be different than from the ones used for fixed networks. In addition, nodes use the air to communicate, so a lot of nodes might hear what a node transmits and there are messages that are lost due to collisions.Nowadays, routing in such scenario has been achieved. Nevertheless, if it has to be broadly used, it is necessary to be able to do it in a secure way. In a network where the existance of central servers cannot be expected, it is needed that nodes will be able to communicate without the risk of malicious nodes impersonating the entities they want to communicate with. In a network where everybody is anonymous, identity and trust need to be redefined.1.2. AODVAd Hoc On-Demand Vector Routing (AODV) protocol is a reactive routing protocol for ad hoc and mobile networks. That means that AODV does nothing until a node needs to transmit a packet to a node for which it does not know a route. In addition, it only maintains routes between nodes which need to communicate. Its routing messages do not contain information about the whole route path, but only about the source and the destination. Therefore, routing messages have a constant size, independently of the number of hops of the route. It uses destination sequence numbers to specify how fresh a route is (in relation to another), which is used to grant loop freedom.In AODV, a node does route discovery by flooding the network with a 'Route Request' message (RREQ). Once it reaches a node that knows the requested route, it replies with a 'Route Reply' message (RREP) that travels back to the originator of the RREQ. After this, all the nodes of the discovered path have routes to both ends of the path. 2. CONTRIBUTIONS2.1. SAODVThe Secure Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (SAODV) is an extension of the AODV routing protocol that can be used to protect the route discovery mechanism providing security features like integrity and authentication.Two mechanisms are used to secure the AODV messages: digital signatures to authenticate the non-mutable fields of the messages, and hash chains to secure the hop count information (the only mutable information in the messages).The information relative to the hash chains and the signatures is transmitted with the AODV message as an extension message.2.2. SAKMSimple Ad hoc Key Management (SAKM) provides a key management system that makes it possible for each ad hoc node to obtain public keys from the other nodes of the network. Further, each ad hoc node is capable of securely verifying the association between the identity of a given ad hoc node and the public key of that node.This is achieved by using statistically unique and cryptographically verifiable address.2.2.1. Delayed VerificationDelayed verification allows to have route entries and route entry deletions in the routing table that are pending of verification. They will be verified whenever the node has spared processor time or before these entries should be used to forward data packages.2.3. Short Cut DetectionWhen a routing protocol for MANET networks does a route discovery, it does not discover the shortest route but the route through which the route request flood traveled faster. In addition, since nodes are moving, a route that was the shortest one at discovery time might stop being so in quite a short period of time. This causes, not only a much bigger end-to-end delay, but also more collisions and a faster power consumption.In order to avoid all the performance loss due to these problems, nodes could periodically discover shortcuts to the active routes that can be used with any destination vector routing protocol. The same mechanism can be used also as a bidirectional route recovery mechanism

    A Review of the Energy Efficient and Secure Multicast Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Networks

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    This paper presents a thorough survey of recent work addressing energy efficient multicast routing protocols and secure multicast routing protocols in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). There are so many issues and solutions which witness the need of energy management and security in ad hoc wireless networks. The objective of a multicast routing protocol for MANETs is to support the propagation of data from a sender to all the receivers of a multicast group while trying to use the available bandwidth efficiently in the presence of frequent topology changes. Multicasting can improve the efficiency of the wireless link when sending multiple copies of messages by exploiting the inherent broadcast property of wireless transmission. Secure multicast routing plays a significant role in MANETs. However, offering energy efficient and secure multicast routing is a difficult and challenging task. In recent years, various multicast routing protocols have been proposed for MANETs. These protocols have distinguishing features and use different mechanismsComment: 15 page

    An Overview of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks for the Existing Protocols and Applications

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    Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of two or more devices or nodes or terminals with wireless communications and networking capability that communicate with each other without the aid of any centralized administrator also the wireless nodes that can dynamically form a network to exchange information without using any existing fixed network infrastructure. And it's an autonomous system in which mobile hosts connected by wireless links are free to be dynamically and some time act as routers at the same time, and we discuss in this paper the distinct characteristics of traditional wired networks, including network configuration may change at any time, there is no direction or limit the movement and so on, and thus needed a new optional path Agreement (Routing Protocol) to identify nodes for these actions communicate with each other path, An ideal choice way the agreement should not only be able to find the right path, and the Ad Hoc Network must be able to adapt to changing network of this type at any time. and we talk in details in this paper all the information of Mobile Ad Hoc Network which include the History of ad hoc, wireless ad hoc, wireless mobile approaches and types of mobile ad Hoc networks, and then we present more than 13 types of the routing Ad Hoc Networks protocols have been proposed. In this paper, the more representative of routing protocols, analysis of individual characteristics and advantages and disadvantages to collate and compare, and present the all applications or the Possible Service of Ad Hoc Networks.Comment: 24 Pages, JGraph-Hoc Journa
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