780 research outputs found

    Laser Pointer Tracking in Projector-Augmented Architectural Environments

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    We present a system that applies a custom-built pan-tilt-zoom camera for laser-pointer tracking in arbitrary real environments. Once placed in a building environment, it carries out a fully automatic self-registration, registrations of projectors, and sampling of surface parameters, such as geometry and reflectivity. After these steps, it can be used for tracking a laser spot on the surface as well as an LED marker in 3D space, using inter-playing fisheye context and controllable detail cameras. The captured surface information can be used for masking out areas that are critical to laser-pointer tracking, and for guiding geometric and radiometric image correction techniques that enable a projector-based augmentation on arbitrary surfaces. We describe a distributed software framework that couples laser-pointer tracking for interaction, projector-based AR as well as video see-through AR for visualizations with the domain specific functionality of existing desktop tools for architectural planning, simulation and building surveying

    Variable Resolution & Dimensional Mapping For 3d Model Optimization

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    Three-dimensional computer models, especially geospatial architectural data sets, can be visualized in the same way humans experience the world, providing a realistic, interactive experience. Scene familiarization, architectural analysis, scientific visualization, and many other applications would benefit from finely detailed, high resolution, 3D models. Automated methods to construct these 3D models traditionally has produced data sets that are often low fidelity or inaccurate; otherwise, they are initially highly detailed, but are very labor and time intensive to construct. Such data sets are often not practical for common real-time usage and are not easily updated. This thesis proposes Variable Resolution & Dimensional Mapping (VRDM), a methodology that has been developed to address some of the limitations of existing approaches to model construction from images. Key components of VRDM are texture palettes, which enable variable and ultra-high resolution images to be easily composited; texture features, which allow image features to integrated as image or geometry, and have the ability to modify the geometric model structure to add detail. These components support a primary VRDM objective of facilitating model refinement with additional data. This can be done until the desired fidelity is achieved as practical limits of infinite detail are approached. Texture Levels, the third component, enable real-time interaction with a very detailed model, along with the flexibility of having alternate pixel data for a given area of the model and this is achieved through extra dimensions. Together these techniques have been used to construct models that can contain GBs of imagery data

    Imaging methods for understanding and improving visual training in the geosciences

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    Experience in the field is a critical educational component of every student studying geology. However, it is typically difficult to ensure that every student gets the necessary experience because of monetary and scheduling limitations. Thus, we proposed to create a virtual field trip based off of an existing 10-day field trip to California taken as part of an undergraduate geology course at the University of Rochester. To assess the effectiveness of this approach, we also proposed to analyze the learning and observation processes of both students and experts during the real and virtual field trips. At sites intended for inclusion in the virtual field trip, we captured gigapixel resolution panoramas by taking hundreds of images using custom built robotic imaging systems. We gathered data to analyze the learning process by fitting each geology student and expert with a portable eye- tracking system that records a video of their eye movements and a video of the scene they are observing. An important component of analyzing the eye-tracking data requires mapping the gaze of each observer into a common reference frame. We have made progress towards developing a software tool that helps automate this procedure by using image feature tracking and registration methods to map the scene video frames from each eye-tracker onto a reference panorama for each site. For the purpose of creating a virtual field trip, we have a large scale semi-immersive display system that consists of four tiled projectors, which have been colorimetrically and photometrically calibrated, and a curved widescreen display surface. We use this system to present the previously captured panoramas, which simulates the experience of visiting the sites in person. In terms of broader geology education and outreach, we have created an interactive website that uses Google Earth as the interface for visually exploring the panoramas captured for each site

    Automated calibration of multi-sensor optical shape measurement system

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    A multi-sensor optical shape measurement system (SMS) based on the fringe projection method and temporal phase unwrapping has recently been commercialised as a result of its easy implementation, computer control using a spatial light modulator, and fast full-field measurement. The main advantage of a multi-sensor SMS is the ability to make measurements for 360° coverage without the requirement for mounting the measured component on translation and/or rotation stages. However, for greater acceptance in industry, issues relating to a user-friendly calibration of the multi-sensor SMS in an industrial environment for presentation of the measured data in a single coordinate system need to be addressed. The calibration of multi-sensor SMSs typically requires a calibration artefact, which consequently leads to significant user input for the processing of calibration data, in order to obtain the respective sensor's optimal imaging geometry parameters. The imaging geometry parameters provide a mapping from the acquired shape data to real world Cartesian coordinates. However, the process of obtaining optimal sensor imaging geometry parameters (which involves a nonlinear numerical optimization process known as bundle adjustment), requires labelling regions within each point cloud as belonging to known features of the calibration artefact. This thesis describes an automated calibration procedure which ensures that calibration data is processed through automated feature detection of the calibration artefact, artefact pose estimation, automated control point selection, and finally bundle adjustment itself. [Continues.

    Laser Pointer Tracking in Projector-Augmented Architectural Environments

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    We present a system that applies a custom-built pan-tilt-zoom camera for laser-pointer tracking in arbitrary real environments. Once placed in a building environment, it carries out a fully automatic self-registration, registrations of projectors, and sampling of surface parameters, such as geometry and reflectivity. After these steps, it can be used for tracking a laser spot on the surface as well as an LED marker in 3D space, using inter-playing fisheye context and controllable detail cameras. The captured surface information can be used for masking out areas that are critical to laser-pointer tracking, and for guiding geometric and radiometric image correction techniques that enable a projector-based augmentation on arbitrary surfaces. We describe a distributed software framework that couples laser-pointer tracking for interaction, projector-based AR as well as video see-through AR for visualizations with the domain specific functionality of existing desktop tools for architectural planning, simulation and building surveying

    Uses of uncalibrated images to enrich 3D models information

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    The decrease in costs of semi-professional digital cameras has led to the possibility for everyone to acquire a very detailed description of a scene in a very short time. Unfortunately, the interpretation of the images is usually quite hard, due to the amount of data and the lack of robust and generic image analysis methods. Nevertheless, if a geometric description of the depicted scene is available, it gets much easier to extract information from 2D data. This information can be used to enrich the quality of the 3D data in several ways. In this thesis, several uses of sets of unregistered images for the enrichment of 3D models are shown. In particular, two possible fields of application are presented: the color acquisition, projection and visualization and the geometry modification. Regarding color management, several practical and cheap solutions to overcome the main issues in this field are presented. Moreover, some real applications, mainly related to Cultural Heritage, show that provided methods are robust and effective. In the context of geometry modification, two approaches are presented to modify already existing 3D models. In the first one, information extracted from images is used to deform a dummy model to obtain accurate 3D head models, used for simulation in the context of three-dimensional audio rendering. The second approach presents a method to fill holes in 3D models, with the use of registered images depicting a pattern projected on the real object. Finally, some useful indications about the possible future work in all the presented fields are given, in order to delineate the developments of this promising direction of research

    Virtual 3D Reconstruction of Archaeological Pottery Using Coarse Registration

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    The 3D reconstruction of objects has not only improved visualisation of digitised objects, it has helped researchers to actively carry out archaeological pottery. Reconstructing pottery is significant in archaeology but is challenging task among practitioners. For one, excavated potteries are hardly complete to provide exhaustive and useful information, hence archaeologists attempt to reconstruct them with available tools and methods. It is also challenging to apply existing reconstruction approaches in archaeological documentation. This limitation makes it difficult to carry out studies within a reasonable time. Hence, interest has shifted to developing new ways of reconstructing archaeological artefacts with new techniques and algorithms. Therefore, this study focuses on providing interventions that will ease the challenges encountered in reconstructing archaeological pottery. It applies a data acquisition approach that uses a 3D laser scanner to acquire point cloud data that clearly show the geometric and radiometric properties of the object’s surface. The acquired data is processed to remove noise and outliers before undergoing a coarse-to-fine registration strategy which involves detecting and extracting keypoints from the point clouds and estimating descriptions with them. Additionally, correspondences are estimated between point pairs, leading to a pairwise and global registration of the acquired point clouds. The peculiarity of the approach of this thesis is in its flexibility due to the peculiar nature of the data acquired. This improves the efficiency, robustness and accuracy of the approach. The approach and findings show that the use of real 3D dataset can attain good results when used with right tools. High resolution lenses and accurate calibration help to give accurate results. While the registration accuracy attained in the study lies between 0.08 and 0.14 mean squared error for the data used, further studies will validate this result. The results obtained are nonetheless useful for further studies in 3D pottery reassembly
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