79 research outputs found

    Automatic 3D modeling by combining SBFEM and transfinite element shape functions

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    The scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) has recently been employed as an efficient means to model three-dimensional structures, in particular when the geometry is provided as a voxel-based image. To this end, an octree decomposition of the computational domain is deployed and each cubic cell is treated as an SBFEM subdomain. The surfaces of each subdomain are discretized in the finite element sense. We improve on this idea by combining the semi-analytical concept of the SBFEM with certain transition elements on the subdomains' surfaces. Thus, we avoid the triangulation of surfaces employed in previous works and consequently reduce the number of surface elements and degrees of freedom. In addition, these discretizations allow coupling elements of arbitrary order such that local p-refinement can be achieved straightforwardly


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    As numerical techniques for solving PDE or integral equations become more sophisticated, treatments of the generation of the geometric inputs should also follow that numerical advancement. This document describes the preparation of CAD data so that they can later be applied to hierarchical BEM or FEM solvers. For the BEM case, the geometric data are described by surfaces which we want to decompose into several curved foursided patches. We show the treatment of untrimmed and trimmed surfaces. In particular, we provide prevention of smooth corners which are bad for diffeomorphism. Additionally, we consider the problem of characterizing whether a Coons map is a diffeomorphism from the unit square onto a planar domain delineated by four given curves. We aim primarily at having not only theoretically correct conditions but also practically efficient methods. As for FEM geometric preparation, we need to decompose a 3D solid into a set of curved tetrahedra. First, we describe some method of decomposition without adding too many Steiner points (additional points not belonging to the initial boundary nodes of the boundary surface). Then, we provide a methodology for efficiently checking whether a tetrahedral transfinite interpolation is regular. That is done by a combination of degree reduction technique and subdivision. Along with the method description, we report also on some interesting practical results from real CAD data

    High order transition elements: The xNy-element concept -- Part I: Statics

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    Advanced transition elements are of utmost importance in many applications of the finite element method (FEM) where a local mesh refinement is required. Considering problems that exhibit singularities in the solution, an adaptive hp-refinement procedure must be applied. Even today, this is a very demanding task especially if only quadrilateral/hexahedral elements are deployed and consequently the hanging nodes problem is encountered. These element types, are, however, favored in computational mechanics due to the improved accuracy compared to triangular/tetrahedral elements. Therefore, we propose a compatible transition element - xNy-element - which provides the capability of coupling different element types. The adjacent elements can exhibit different element sizes, shape function types, and polynomial orders. Thus, it is possible to combine independently refined h- and p-meshes. The approach is based on the transfinite mapping concept and constitutes an extension/generalization of the pNh-element concept. By means of several numerical examples, the convergence behavior is investigated in detail, and the asymptotic rates of convergence are determined numerically. Overall, it is found that the proposed approach provides very promising results for local mesh refinement procedures.Comment: 51 pages, 44 figures, 4 table

    Modeling and Visualization of Multi-material Volumes

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    The terminology of multi-material volumes is discussed. The classification of the multi-material volumes is given from the spatial partitions, spatial domain for material distribution, types of involved scalar fields and types of models for material distribution and composition of several materials points of view. In addition to the technical challenges of multi-material volume representations, a range of key challenges are considered before such representations can be adopted as mainstream practice

    Evaluation and generic application scenarios for curved hexahedral adaptive mesh refinement

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    In (dynamic) adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) an input mesh is refined or coarsened to the need of the numerical application. This refinement happens with no respect to the originally meshed domain and is therefore limited to the geometrical accuracy of the original input mesh. We presented a novel approach to equip this input mesh with additional geometry information, to allow refinement and high-order cells based on the geometry of the original domain. We already showed a limited implementation of this algorithm. Now we evaluate this prototype with a numerical application and we prove its influence on the accuracy of certain numerical results. To be as practical as possible, we implement the ability to import meshes generated by Gmsh and equip them with the needed geometry information. Furthermore, we improve the mapping algorithm, which maps the geometry information of the boundary of a cell into the cell's volume. With these preliminary steps done, we use out new approach in a simulation of the advection of a concentration along the boundary of a sphere shell and past the boundary of a rotating cylinder. We evaluate the accuracy of our approach in comparison to the conventional refinement of cells to answer our research question: How does the performance and accuracy of the hexahedral curved domain AMR algorithm compare to linear AMR when solving the advection equation with the linear finite volume method? To answer this question, we show the influence of curved AMR on our simulation results and see, that it is even able to outperform far finer linear meshes in terms of accuracy. We also see that the current implementation of this approach is too slow for practical usage. We can therefore prove the benefits of curved AMR in certain, geometry-related application scenarios and show possible improvements to make it more feasible and practical in the future

    Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Two Savonius-Type Ocean Current Turbines with Augmentation Techniques

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    Ocean current turbines are one of many environmentally friendly, prospective energy sources out there, however, it is still at an embryonic stage in development. This thesis aims to build on the existing knowledge in the field, by investigating the design of two Savonius type ocean current turbines, both with- and without surrounding structures that augment their performances. The two profiles evaluated were the semi circular- and the elliptic blade profile. For this purpose, the computational fluid dynamics software, OpenFOAM, was utilised, with the geometry and mesh created in \textsc{Solidworks} and Gmsh, respectively. The Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes equations were used, employing the k−ωk-\omega SST turbulence closure model, together with the PIMPLE pressure-velocity coupling algorithm. Wall functions were implemented to estimate the flow parameters in the wall boundaries, using an average y+y^+ value of 300. However, results show that this approach provided inaccurate results, most likely due to poor estimations of flow separation. Augmentations increased the power coefficient of the semi circular turbine by 50.78\%, from 0.258 to 0.389, whereas the elliptic profile saw a 79.71\% increase in power coefficient, from 0.276 to 0.496. Future work regarding this thesis should look at further enhancement of the elliptic profile, optimizing the augmentation around it. Moreover, a finer grid should be implemented

    Stability inequalities and universal Schubert calculus of rank 2

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    The goal of the paper is to introduce a version of Schubert calculus for each dihedral reflection group W. That is, to each "sufficiently rich'' spherical building Y of type W we associate a certain cohomology theory and verify that, first, it depends only on W (i.e., all such buildings are "homotopy equivalent'') and second, the cohomology ring is the associated graded of the coinvariant algebra of W under certain filtration. We also construct the dual homology "pre-ring'' of Y. The convex "stability'' cones defined via these (co)homology theories of Y are then shown to solve the problem of classifying weighted semistable m-tuples on Y in the sense of Kapovich, Leeb and Millson equivalently, they are cut out by the generalized triangle inequalities for thick Euclidean buildings with the Tits boundary Y. Quite remarkably, the cohomology ring is obtained from a certain universal algebra A by a kind of "crystal limit'' that has been previously introduced by Belkale-Kumar for the cohomology of flag varieties and Grassmannians. Another degeneration of A leads to the homology theory of Y.Comment: 55 pages, 1 figur
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