16 research outputs found

    On traced monoidal closed categories

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    Operational theories and Categorical quantum mechanics

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    A central theme in current work in quantum information and quantum foundations is to see quantum mechanics as occupying one point in a space of possible theories, and to use this perspective to understand the special features and properties which single it out, and the possibilities for alternative theories. Two formalisms which have been used in this context are operational theories, and categorical quantum mechanics. The aim of the present paper is to establish strong connections between these two formalisms. We show how models of categorical quantum mechanics have representations as operational theories. We then show how nonlocality can be formulated at this level of generality, and study a number of examples from this point of view, including Hilbert spaces, sets and relations, and stochastic maps. The local, quantum, and no-signalling models are characterized in these terms.Comment: 37 pages, updated bibliograph

    Rewriting Modulo Traced Comonoid Structure

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    In this paper we adapt previous work on rewriting string diagrams using hypergraphs to the case where the underlying category has a traced comonoid structure, in which wires can be forked and the outputs of a morphism can be connected to its input. Such a structure is particularly interesting because any traced Cartesian (dataflow) category has an underlying traced comonoid structure. We show that certain subclasses of hypergraphs are fully complete for traced comonoid categories: that is to say, every term in such a category has a unique corresponding hypergraph up to isomorphism, and from every hypergraph with the desired properties, a unique term in the category can be retrieved up to the axioms of traced comonoid categories. We also show how the framework of double pushout rewriting (DPO) can be adapted for traced comonoid categories by characterising the valid pushout complements for rewriting in our setting. We conclude by presenting a case study in the form of recent work on an equational theory for sequential circuits: circuits built from primitive logic gates with delay and feedback. The graph rewriting framework allows for the definition of an operational semantics for sequential circuits

    On the Lattice of Program Metrics

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    In this paper we are concerned with understanding the nature of program metrics for calculi with higher-order types, seen as natural generalizations of program equivalences. Some of the metrics we are interested in are well-known, such as those based on the interpretation of terms in metric spaces and those obtained by generalizing observational equivalence. We also introduce a new one, called the interactive metric, built by applying the well-known Int-Construction to the category of metric complete partial orders. Our aim is then to understand how these metrics relate to each other, i.e., whether and in which cases one such metric refines another, in analogy with corresponding well-studied problems about program equivalences. The results we obtain are twofold. We first show that the metrics of semantic origin, i.e., the denotational and interactive ones, lie in between the observational and equational metrics and that in some cases, these inclusions are strict. Then, we give a result about the relationship between the denotational and interactive metrics, revealing that the former is less discriminating than the latter. All our results are given for a linear lambda-calculus, and some of them can be generalized to calculi with graded comonads, in the style of Fuzz

    A compositional theory of digital circuits

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    A theory is compositional if complex components can be constructed out of simpler ones on the basis of their interfaces, without inspecting their internals. Digital circuits, despite being studied for nearly a century and used at scale for about half that time, have until recently evaded a fully compositional theoretical understanding. The sticking point has been the need to avoid feedback loops that bypass memory elements, the so called 'combinational feedback' problem. This requires examining the internal structure of a circuit, defeating compositionality. Recent work remedied this theoretical shortcoming by showing how digital circuits can be presented compositionally as morphisms in a freely generated Cartesian traced (or dataflow) category. The focus was to support a better syntactical understanding of digital circuits, culminating in the formulation of novel operational semantics for digital circuits. In this paper we shift the focus onto the denotational theory of such circuits, interpreting them as functions on streams with to certain properties. These ensure that the model is fully abstract, i.e. the equational theory and the semantic model are in perfect agreement. To support this result we introduce two key equations: the first can reduce circuits with combinational feedback to circuits without combinational feedback via finite unfoldings of the loop, and the second can translate between open circuits with the same behaviour syntactically by reducing the problem to checking a finite number of closed circuits. The most important consequence of this new semantics is that we can now give a recipe that ensures a circuit always produces observable output, thus using the denotational model to inform and improve the operational semantics.Comment: Restructured and refined presentation, 21 page

    On the Relation of Interaction Semantics to Continuations and Defunctionalization

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    In game semantics and related approaches to programming language semantics, programs are modelled by interaction dialogues. Such models have recently been used in the design of new compilation methods, e.g. for hardware synthesis or for programming with sublinear space. This paper relates such semantically motivated non-standard compilation methods to more standard techniques in the compilation of functional programming languages, namely continuation passing and defunctionalization. We first show for the linear {\lambda}-calculus that interpretation in a model of computation by interaction can be described as a call-by-name CPS-translation followed by a defunctionalization procedure that takes into account control-flow information. We then establish a relation between these two compilation methods for the simply-typed {\lambda}-calculus and end by considering recursion

    Coinduction in Flow: The Later Modality in Fibrations

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    This paper provides a construction on fibrations that gives access to the so-called later modality, which allows for a controlled form of recursion in coinductive proofs and programs. The construction is essentially a generalisation of the topos of trees from the codomain fibration over sets to arbitrary fibrations. As a result, we obtain a framework that allows the addition of a recursion principle for coinduction to rather arbitrary logics and programming languages. The main interest of using recursion is that it allows one to write proofs and programs in a goal-oriented fashion. This enables easily understandable coinductive proofs and programs, and fosters automatic proof search. Part of the framework are also various results that enable a wide range of applications: transportation of (co)limits, exponentials, fibred adjunctions and first-order connectives from the initial fibration to the one constructed through the framework. This means that the framework extends any first-order logic with the later modality. Moreover, we obtain soundness and completeness results, and can use up-to techniques as proof rules. Since the construction works for a wide variety of fibrations, we will be able to use the recursion offered by the later modality in various context. For instance, we will show how recursive proofs can be obtained for arbitrary (syntactic) first-order logics, for coinductive set-predicates, and for the probabilistic modal mu-calculus. Finally, we use the same construction to obtain a novel language for probabilistic productive coinductive programming. These examples demonstrate the flexibility of the framework and its accompanying results

    An Algebraic Account of References in Game Semantics

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    AbstractWe study the algebraic structure of a programming language with higher-order store, in the style of ML references. Instead of working directly on the operational semantics of the language, we consider its fully abstract game semantics defined by Abramsky, Honda and McCusker one decade ago. This alternative description of the language is nice and conceptual, except on one significant point: the interactive behavior of the higher-order memory cell is reflected in the model by a strategy cell whose definition remains slightly enigmatic. The purpose of our work is precisely to clarify this point, by providing a neat algebraic definition of the strategy. This conceptual reconstruction of the memory cell is based on the idea that a general reference behaves essentially as a linear feedback (or trace operator) in an ambient category of Conway games and strategies. This analysis leads to a purely axiomatic proof of soundness of the model, based on a natural refinement of the replication modality of tensor logic