8 research outputs found

    Towards an intelligent possibilistic web information retrieval using multiagent system.

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    PURPOSE - The purpose of this paper is to make a scientific contribution to web information retrieval (IR). Design/methodolog y/approach – A multiagent system for web IR is proposed based on new technologies: Hierarchical Small-Worlds (HSW) and Possibilistic Networks (PN). This system is based on a possibilistic qualitative approach which extends the quantitative one. FINDINGS – The paper finds that the relevance of the order of documents changes while passing from a profile to another. Even if the selected terms tend to select the relevant document, these terms are not the most frequent of the document. This criterion shows the asset of the qualitative approach of the SARIPOD system in the selection of relevant documents. The insertion of the factors of preference between query terms in the calculations of the possibility and the necessity consists in increasing the scores of possibilistic relevance of the documents containing these terms with an aim of penalizing the scores of relevance of the documents not containing them. The penalization and the increase in the scores are proportional to the capacity of the terms to discriminate between the documents of the collection. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS – It is planned to extend the tests of the SARIPOD system to other grammatical categories, like refining the approach for the substantives by considering for example, the verbal occurrences in names definitions, etc. Also, it is planned to carry out finer measurements of the performances of SARIPOD system by extending the tests with other types of web documents. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS – The system can be useful to help research students find their relevant scientific papers. It must be located in the document server of any research laboratory. ORIGINALITY/VALUE – The paper presents SARIPOD, a new qualitative possibilistic model for web IR using multiagent syste

    New Graphical Model for Computing Optimistic Decisions in Possibility Theory Framework

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    This paper first proposes a new graphical model for decision making under uncertainty based on min-based possibilistic networks. A decision problem under uncertainty is described by means of two distinct min-based possibilistic networks: the first one expresses agent's knowledge while the second one encodes agent's preferences representing a qualitative utility. We then propose an efficient algorithm for computing optimistic optimal decisions using our new model for representing possibilistic decision making under uncertainty. We show that the computation of optimal decisions comes down to compute a normalization degree of the junction tree associated with the graph resulting from the fusion of agent's beliefs and preferences. This paper also proposes an alternative way for computing optimal optimistic decisions. The idea is to transform the two possibilistic networks into two equivalent possibilistic logic knowledge bases, one representing agent's knowledge and the other represents agent's preferences. We show that computing an optimal optimistic decision comes down to compute the inconsistency degree of the union of the two possibilistic bases augmented with a given decision

    Characterizing and Extending Answer Set Semantics using Possibility Theory

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    Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a popular framework for modeling combinatorial problems. However, ASP cannot easily be used for reasoning about uncertain information. Possibilistic ASP (PASP) is an extension of ASP that combines possibilistic logic and ASP. In PASP a weight is associated with each rule, where this weight is interpreted as the certainty with which the conclusion can be established when the body is known to hold. As such, it allows us to model and reason about uncertain information in an intuitive way. In this paper we present new semantics for PASP, in which rules are interpreted as constraints on possibility distributions. Special models of these constraints are then identified as possibilistic answer sets. In addition, since ASP is a special case of PASP in which all the rules are entirely certain, we obtain a new characterization of ASP in terms of constraints on possibility distributions. This allows us to uncover a new form of disjunction, called weak disjunction, that has not been previously considered in the literature. In addition to introducing and motivating the semantics of weak disjunction, we also pinpoint its computational complexity. In particular, while the complexity of most reasoning tasks coincides with standard disjunctive ASP, we find that brave reasoning for programs with weak disjunctions is easier.Comment: 39 pages and 16 pages appendix with proofs. This article has been accepted for publication in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Copyright Cambridge University Pres

    On the transformation between possibilistic logic bases and possibilistic causal networks

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    International audiencePossibilistic logic bases and possibilistic graphs are two different frameworks of interest for representing knowledge. The former ranks the pieces of knowledge (expressed by logical formulas) according to their level of certainty, while the latter exhibits relationships between variables. The two types of representation are semantically equivalent when they lead to the same possibility distribution (which rank-orders the possible interpretations). A possibility distribution can be decomposed using a chain rule which may be based on two different kinds of conditioning that exist in possibility theory (one based on the product in a numerical setting, one based on the minimum operation in a qualitative setting). These two types of conditioning induce two kinds of possibilistic graphs. This article deals with the links between the logical and the graphical frameworks in both numerical and quantitative settings. In both cases, a translation of these graphs into possibilistic bases is provided. The converse translation from a possibilistic knowledge base into a min-based graph is also described

    SARIPOD : Système multi-Agent de Recherche Intelligente POssibiliste de Documents Web

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    La présente thèse de doctorat en informatique propose un modèle pour une recherche d'information intelligente possibiliste des documents Web et son implémentation. Ce modèle est à base de deux Réseaux Petits Mondes Hiérarchiques (RPMH) et d'un Réseau Possibiliste (RP) : Le premier RPMH consiste à structurer les documents retrouvés en zones denses de pages Web thématiquement liées les unes aux autres. Nous faisons ainsi apparaître des nuages denses de pages qui traitent d'un sujet et des sujets connexes (assez similaires sémantiquement) et qui répondent toutes fortement à une requête. Le second RPMH est celui qui consiste à ne pas prendre les mots-clés tels quels mais à considérer une requête comme multiple en ce sens qu'on ne cherche pas seulement le mot-clé dans les pages Web mais aussi les substantifs qui lui sont sémantiquement proches. Les Réseaux Possibilistes combinent les deux RPMH afin d'organiser les documents recherchés selon les préférences de l'utilisateur. En effet, l'originalité du modèle proposé se décline selon les trois volets suivants qui synthétisent nos contributions. Le premier volet s'intéresse au processus itératif de la reformulation sémantique de requêtes. Cette technique est à base de relations de dépendance entre les termes de la requête. Nous évaluons notamment les proximités des mots du dictionnaire français « Le Grand Robert » par rapport aux termes de la requête. Ces proximités sont calculées par le biais de notre approche de recherche des composantes de sens dans un RPMH de dictionnaire de mots par application d'une méthode basée sur le dénombrement des circuits dans le réseau. En fait, l'utilisateur du système proposé choisit le nombre de mots sémantiquement proches qu'il désire ajouter à chaque terme de sa requête originelle pour construire sa requête reformulée sémantiquement. Cette dernière représente la première partie de son profil qu'il propose au système. La seconde partie de son profil est constituée des choix des coefficients de pertinence possibilistes affectés aux entités logiques des documents de la collection. Ainsi, notre système tient compte des profils dynamiques des utilisateurs au fur et à mesure que ces derniers utilisent le système. Ce dernier est caractérisé par son intelligence, son adaptativité, sa flexibilité et sa dynamicité. Le second volet consiste à proposer des relations de dépendance entre les documents recherchés dans un cadre ordinal. Ces relations de dépendance entre ces documents traduisent les liens sémantiques ou statistiques évaluant les distributions des termes communs à des paires ou ensembles de documents. Afin de quantifier ces relations, nous nous sommes basés sur les calculs des proximités entres ces documents par application d'une méthode de dénombrement de circuits dans le RPMH de pages Web. En effet, les documents peuvent ainsi être regroupés dans des classes communes (groupes de documents thématiquement proches). Le troisième volet concerne la définition des relations de dépendance, entre les termes de la requête et les documents recherchés, dans un cadre qualitatif. Les valeurs affectées à ces relations traduisent des ordres partiels de préférence. En fait, la théorie des possibilités offre deux cadres de travail : le cadre qualitatif ou ordinal et le cadre quantitatif. Nous avons proposé notre modèle dans un cadre ordinal. Ainsi, des préférences entre les termes de la requête se sont ajoutées à notre modèle de base. Ces préférences permettent de restituer des documents classés par préférence de pertinence. Nous avons mesuré aussi l'apport de ces facteurs de préférence dans l'augmentation des scores de pertinence des documents contenant ces termes dans le but de pénaliser les scores de pertinence des documents ne les contenant pas. Pour la mise en place de ce modèle nous avons choisi les systèmes multi-agents. L'avantage de l'architecture que nous proposons est qu'elle offre un cadre pour une collaboration entre les différents acteurs et la mise en œuvre de toutes les fonctionnalités du système de recherche d'information (SRI). L'architecture s'accorde parfaitement avec le caractère intelligent possibiliste et permet de bénéficier des capacités de synergie inhérente entre les différentes composantes du modèle proposé. Dans le présent travail, nous avons donc pu mettre en exergue à travers les expérimentations effectuées l'intérêt de faire combiner les deux RPMH via un réseau possibiliste dans un SRI, ce qui permet d'enrichir le niveau d'exploration d'une collection. Ce dernier n'est pas limité aux documents mais l'étend en considérant les requêtes. En effet, la phase de reformulation sémantique de requête permet à l'utilisateur de profiter des autres documents correspondants aux termes sémantiquement proches des termes de la requête originelle. Ces documents peuvent exister dans d'autres classes des thèmes. En conséquence, une reclassification proposée par le système s'avère pertinente afin d'adapter les résultats d'une requête aux nouveaux besoins des utilisateurs. ABSTRACT : This Ph.D. thesis proposes a new model for a multiagent possibilistic Web information retrieval and its implementation. This model is based on two Hierarchical Small-Worlds (HSW) Networks and a Possibilistic Networks (PN): The first HSW consists in structuring the founded documents in dense zones of Web pages which strongly depend on each other. We thus reveal dense clouds of pages which "speak" more or less about the same subject and related subjects (semantically similar) and which all strongly answer user's query. The second HSW consists in considering the query as multiple in the sense that we don't seek only the keyword in the Web pages but also its semantically close substantives. The PN generates the mixing of these two HSW in order to organize the searched documents according to user's preferences. Indeed, the originality of the suggested model is declined according to three following shutters' which synthesize our contributions. The first shutter is interested in the iterative process of query semantic reformulation. This technique is based on relationship dependence between query's terms. We evaluate in particular the semantics proximities between the words of the French dictionary "Le Grand Robert" and query's terms. These proximities are calculated via our approach of research of the semantics components in the HSW of dictionary of words by application of our method of enumeration of circuits in the HSW of dictionary. In fact, the user of the suggested system chooses the number of close words that he desire to add to each word of his initial query to build his semantically reformulated query. This one represents the first part of user's profile which he proposes to the system. The second part of its profile makes up of its choices of the coefficients of relevance possibilistic of the logical entities of the documents of the collection. Thus, our system takes account of the dynamic profiles of its users progressively they use the system, which proves its intelligence, its adaptability, its flexibility and its dynamicity. The second shutter consists in proposing relationship dependence between documents of the collection within an ordinal framework. These relationships dependence between these documents represent the semantic or statistical links evaluating the distributions of the general terms to pairs or sets of documents.  In order to quantify these relationships, we are based on the calculations of the proximities between these documents by application of a method enumerating of circuits in the HSW of Web pages. Indeed, the documents can thus be clustered in common classes (groups of close documents). The third shutter is related to the definition of the relationships dependence between query's terms and documents of the collection, within a qualitative framework. The assigned values to these relations translate preferably partial orders. In fact, possibilistic theory offers two working frameworks:  the qualitative or ordinal framework and the numerical framework.  We proposed our model within an ordinal framework. Thus, we add to our basic model preferences between query's terms. These preferences make it possible to restore documents classified by relevance's preference. We also measured the contribution of these preferably factors in the increase of the relevance's scores of  documents containing these terms with an aim of penalizing the relevance's scores of the documents not containing them. For the installation of this model we chose multiagent systems. The advantage of the proposed architecture is that it offers a framework for collaboration between the various actors and the implementation of all the functionalities of the information retrieval system. Architecture agrees perfectly with the possibilistic intelligent character and makes it possible to profit from the capacities of inherent synergy in the suggested model. We thus could put forward, through the carried out experiments, the goal of combining the two HSW via a possibilistic network in an information retrieval system, which makes it possible to enrich the exploration level of a collection. This exploration is not only limited to the documents but it extends by considering also the query. Indeed, the semantic query reformulation phase makes it possible to benefit user from other documents which contain some close terms of the initial query. These documents can exist in other topics classes. Consequently, a reclassification suggested by the system proves its relevance in order to adapt query's results to new user's needs