191,385 research outputs found

    Unplugged Coding Activities for Early Childhood Problem-Solving Skills

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    Problem solving skills are very important in supporting social development. Children with problem solving skills can build healthy relationships with their friends, understand the emotions of those around them, and see events with other people's perspectives. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of playing unplugged coding programs in improving early childhood problem solving skills. This study used a classroom action research design, using the Kemmis and Taggart cycle models. The subjects of this study were children aged 5-6 years in Shafa Marwah Kindergarten. Research can achieve the target results of increasing children's problem-solving abilities after going through two cycles. In the first cycle, the child's initial problem-solving skills was 67.5% and in the second cycle it increased to 80.5%. The initial skills of children's problem-solving increases because children tend to be enthusiastic and excited about the various play activities prepared by the teacher. The stimulation and motivation of the teacher enables children to find solutions to problems faced when carrying out play activities. So, it can be concluded that learning unplugged coding is an activity that can attract children's interest and become a solution to bring up children's initial problem-solving abilities. Keywords: Early Childhood, Unplugged Coding, Problem solving skills References: Akyol-Altun, C. (2018). Algorithm and coding education in pre-school teaching program integration the efectiveness of problem-solving skills in students. Angeli, C., Smith, J., Zagami, J., Cox, M., Webb, M., Fluck, A., & Voogt, J. (2016). A K-6 Computational Thinking Curriculum Framework: Implications for Teacher Knowledge. Educational Technology & Society, 12. Anlıak, ƞ., & Dinçer, Ç. (2005). 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    Pensamento computacional no ensino fundamental anos iniciais : possibilidades por meio da robĂłtica educacional

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Valdir RosaCoorientadora: Prof.ÂȘ DrÂȘ Eliana Santana LisbĂŽaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ, Setor Palotina, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em Educação em CiĂȘncias, Educação MatemĂĄtica e Tecnologias Educativas. Defesa : Palotina, 04/04/2023Inclui referĂȘncias: p. 72-79Resumo: O Pensamento Computacional Ă© uma abordagem de ensino que usa tĂ©cnicas e conceitos provindos da CiĂȘncia da Computação e que direcionam para o desenvolvimento de conceitos que auxiliam na resolução de problemas, capacidade fundamental para qualquer ser humano. JĂĄ a robĂłtica educacional aliada Ă  programação, apresenta-se como ferramentas e meios para desenvolvĂȘ-la. Com esta premissa, o objetivo desta investigação foi analisar se as aulas de robĂłtica educacional com a utilização do Kit Atto contribuem para desenvolver habilidades relacionadas ao Pensamento Computacional para a aprendizagem dos alunos do Ensino Fundamental I - Anos Iniciais. Para atingir a meta proposta, elencam-se os objetivos especĂ­ficos: identificar teorias e conceitos sobre Pensamento Computacional no ensino de robĂłtica e programação; avaliar o material de robĂłtica do kit disponibilizado para o ensino; aplicar e avaliar se as atividades de robĂłtica educacional deste kit sĂŁo compatĂ­veis para desenvolver habilidades relacionadas ao Pensamento Computacional. Nesse sentido, como parte integrante da dissertação, realizou-se numa primeira etapa, um mapeamento, seguindo-se uma aproximação do mĂ©todo da revisĂŁo sistemĂĄtica de literatura, sobre a relação entre a RobĂłtica Educacional e o Ensino de Programação, para compreender como essa relação contribui para o desenvolvimento do Pensamento Computacional. Assim, verificou-se quais benefĂ­cios ao se inserir esta abordagem no contexto educacional, quais nĂ­veis da educação jĂĄ foram aplicados estes conceitos, se houve orientação que deu embasamento necessĂĄrio para o desenvolvimento destas habilidades nas aulas e quais foram as estratĂ©gias de ensino adotadas para estimulĂĄ-las. Na segunda etapa realizou-se um levantamento sobre a robĂłtica educacional e sua contribuição para a aprendizagem, pois, por meio dela, busca-se desenvolver o raciocĂ­nio (pensamento) lĂłgico, para organizar, criar, trabalhar em equipe e, sobretudo, resolver situaçÔes problema. Para este propĂłsito, definiu-se o procedimento metodolĂłgico, de carĂĄter qualitativo e exploratĂłrio, levando em consideração a revisĂŁo bibliogrĂĄfica e a pesquisa de campo. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma escola pĂșblica, no municĂ­pio de Toledo/PR, com duas turmas de 5Âș ano das sĂ©ries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental I, totalizando 36 alunos. O intuito Ă© contextualizar experiĂȘncias prĂĄticas do processo de implementação de aulas de robĂłtica educacional da escola, apresentando materiais e mĂ©todos utilizados para esta finalidade. Com base nos resultados iniciais encontrados, pode-se argumentar que o ensino de RobĂłtica Educacional, com a utilização do Kit Atto, aliado ao ensino de Programação contribui com o desenvolvimento do Pensamento Computacional quando trabalhado com os alunos de 5Âș anos das sĂ©ries iniciais, uma vez que permitem o desenvolvimento de indivĂ­duos capazes de solucionar problemas, pois faz com que os alunos observem, pensem e reflitam antes de resolver os desafios que surgem. AlĂ©m disso, no decorrer das aulas, foi possĂ­vel observar que os alunos foram adquirindo habilidades de organização quanto Ă  divisĂŁo de grupos, separação das etapas e tarefas necessĂĄrias para a execução das atividades e foi se tornando evidente aqueles que possuem maior aptidĂŁo para liderança e condução dos trabalhos por eles realizados.Abstract: Computational Thinking is a teaching approach that uses techniques and concepts from Computer Science that guide the development of concepts that help solve problems, a fundamental skill for any human being. On the other hand, educational robotics combined with programming, are presented as tools and means to develop it. With this premise, the objective of this investigation was to analyze whether educational robotics classes with the use of the Atto Kit contribute to the development of Computational Thinking in the learning of Elementary School students - Early Years. To reach the proposed goal, the specific objectives are listed: identifying theories and concepts about Computational Thinking in teaching robotics and programming; evaluating the Atto Kit robotics material for teaching; applying and evaluating whether the educational robotics activities of the Atto Kit are compatible to develop Computational Thinking. In this sense, as a part of the dissertation, a mapping was carried out in a first stage, through a systematic literature review, on the relationship between Educational Robotics and Programming Teaching, to understand how this relationship contributes to the development Computational Thinking. Thus, it was sought to verify what the benefits of inserting this approach in the educational context are, what levels of education these concepts are being worked on, if there is an orientation that gives the necessary basis for the development of these skills in the classes and which teaching strategies are adopted to stimulate them. The second step was to carry out a survey on educational robotics, its significant contributions to learning, since through it, the aim is to develop logical reasoning (thinking), to organize, create, work as a team and, above all, solve situations problem. For this purpose, the methodological procedure was defined, where a case study was chosen, with a qualitative and exploratory character, taking into account the bibliographic review and field research. The case study was carried out in a public school in the city of Toledo/PR, with two 5th grade classes of the initial grades of Elementary School, totaling 36 students involved. The aim is to contextualize practical experiences of the implementation process of educational robotics classes at the school, presenting materials and methods used for this purpose. Based on the initial results found, it can be argued that the teaching of Educational Robotics, using the Atto Kit, combined with the teaching of Programming contributes to the development of Computational Thinking when working with 5th grade students in the initial series, since they allow the development of individuals capable of solving problems, as they make students observe, think and reflect before solving the challenges that arise. In addition, during the classes, it was possible to observe that the students were acquiring organizational skills regarding the division of groups, separation of the steps and tasks necessary for the execution of the activities and it was becoming evident those who have greater aptitude for leadership and conduction of the work done by them

    An empirical investigation of students’ perceptions of self-regulated learning in Online Blended Learning : a case study of a novel E-learning platform

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    Emerging online learning technology such as massive open online courses (MOOCs) is a new trend in learning technology. With the propagation of MOOC as a vast learning platform, very little has been known nowadays about the online blended learning systems and how it improves students’ performance. The blended classroom was conducted using traditional teaching method in a brick-and mortar classroom arrangement and online. The research focuses on the usefulness of blended classroom teaching for a single sample of first year undergraduate students (n = 27) in a computer security module. The sample students participated in this study in an online blended classroom incorporating the orthodox (traditional) class teaching methods. This research investigates the various techniques students used to motivate their studying habit. The computer security module was created in a novel e-learning platform known as eLDa. This is an online platform developed for the delivery of computing concepts, and python programming. This investigation aims at revealing students’ perceptions on self-regulated learning (SRL) skills. Multi-dimensional questionnaires were designed to collate sufficient data on the learning skills and the motivation of the students to study. These surveys analyse the following: (i) the various students’ patterns of motivation (ii) the manner of learning suitable to individual student (iii) the level of improvement attained. The research compared the new introduction of blended class seminar with an initial run of a previous cohort of a traditional class seminar on computer security module. The research approach expanded on an existing Online Selfregulated Learning Questionnaire (OSLQ) as the instrument for measuring the self-regulated learning skills. In order to collect the research data, hard copy questionnaires were distributed during the data collection process in two of the traditional face-to-face learning to obtain the students’ response. Descriptive statistical method was applied for the data analysis and evaluation using a statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) tool. The results indicated the support received from the orthodox methods of teaching and the feedback received help in informing a better blended classroom delivery. The study analysis has provided insights to good practice with respect to the future direction of the online blended course embedded in the eLDaMOOC-learning platform. In summary, the blended learning used in this context was to introduce learners to the 21st century skills in learning, such as critical thinking skills, and self-regulated learning skills. Self-directed learning skills, we presume can lead and encourage learners to the era of autonomous e-learning in education

    Research questions and approaches for computational thinking curricula design

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    Teaching computational thinking (CT) is argued to be necessary but also admitted to be a very challenging task. The reasons for this, are: i) no general agreement on what computational thinking is; ii) no clear idea nor evidential support on how to teach CT in an effective way. Hence, there is a need to develop a common approach and a shared understanding of the scope of computational thinking and of effective means of teaching CT. Thus, the consequent ambition is to utilize the preliminary and further research outcomes on CT for the education of the prospective teachers of secondary, further and higher/adult education curricula

    Teaching programming with computational and informational thinking

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    Computers are the dominant technology of the early 21st century: pretty well all aspects of economic, social and personal life are now unthinkable without them. In turn, computer hardware is controlled by software, that is, codes written in programming languages. Programming, the construction of software, is thus a fundamental activity, in which millions of people are engaged worldwide, and the teaching of programming is long established in international secondary and higher education. Yet, going on 70 years after the first computers were built, there is no well-established pedagogy for teaching programming. There has certainly been no shortage of approaches. However, these have often been driven by fashion, an enthusiastic amateurism or a wish to follow best industrial practice, which, while appropriate for mature professionals, is poorly suited to novice programmers. Much of the difficulty lies in the very close relationship between problem solving and programming. Once a problem is well characterised it is relatively straightforward to realise a solution in software. However, teaching problem solving is, if anything, less well understood than teaching programming. Problem solving seems to be a creative, holistic, dialectical, multi-dimensional, iterative process. While there are well established techniques for analysing problems, arbitrary problems cannot be solved by rote, by mechanically applying techniques in some prescribed linear order. Furthermore, historically, approaches to teaching programming have failed to account for this complexity in problem solving, focusing strongly on programming itself and, if at all, only partially and superficially exploring problem solving. Recently, an integrated approach to problem solving and programming called Computational Thinking (CT) (Wing, 2006) has gained considerable currency. CT has the enormous advantage over prior approaches of strongly emphasising problem solving and of making explicit core techniques. Nonetheless, there is still a tendency to view CT as prescriptive rather than creative, engendering scholastic arguments about the nature and status of CT techniques. Programming at heart is concerned with processing information but many accounts of CT emphasise processing over information rather than seeing then as intimately related. In this paper, while acknowledging and building on the strengths of CT, I argue that understanding the form and structure of information should be primary in any pedagogy of programming

    Using an interactive whiteboard and a computer-programming tool to support the development of the key competencies in the New Zealand curriculum

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    Does children’s use of the software Scratch provide potential for the enhancement of key competencies as they work in pairs at the interactive whiteboard (IWB)? This article looks at how children using Scratch collaborated and managed their projects as they set about designing, constructing, testing and evaluating a game for others to play, a task that provided a sustained challenge over six weeks and beyond. The findings showed that the key competencies of participating, contributing, and relating to others were enhanced by the collaborative use of Scratch at the IWB, and that creative and conceptual thinking processes were sustained. Children became increasingly adept at using Scratch, and some children, previously thought to have poor social skills, began to articulate their understandings to others. While a guiding and scaffolding role was evident in teachers’ actions, close monitoring of group progress and direct input from teachers is required to keep the challenge high but achievable, and to extend children’s knowledge and thinking as they use Scratch at the IWB

    Introducing Java : the case for fundamentals-first

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    Java has increasingly become the language of choice for teaching introductory programming. In this paper, we examine the different approaches to teaching Java (Objects-first, Fundamentals-first and GUI-first) to ascertain whether there exists an agreed ordering of topics and difficulty levels between nine relatively basic Java topics. The results of our literature survey and student questionnaire suggests that the Fundamentals-first approach may have benefits from the student's point of view and an agreed ordering of the Java topics accompanying this approach has been established

    Masters Students' Experiences of Learning to Program: An Empirical Model

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    The investigation reported here examined how Masters students experience learning to program. The phenomenographic research approach adopted permitted the analysis of 1) how students go about learning to program, that is the ‘Act’ of learning to program, and 2) what students understand by ‘programming’, that is the ‘Object’ of learning to program. Analysis of data from twenty-three participants identified five different experiences of the Act of learning to program and five different experiences of the Object of learning to program. Together the findings comprise an empirical model of the learning to program experience amongst the participating students. We suggest how our findings are significant for programming teachers and offer tools to explore students’ views

    Pirate plunder: game-based computational thinking using scratch blocks

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    Policy makers worldwide argue that children should be taught how technology works, and that the ‘computational thinking’ skills developed through programming are useful in a wider context. This is causing an increased focus on computer science in primary and secondary education. Block-based programming tools, like Scratch, have become ubiquitous in primary education (5 to 11-years-old) throughout the UK. However, Scratch users often struggle to detect and correct ‘code smells’ (bad programming practices) such as duplicated blocks and large scripts, which can lead to programs that are difficult to understand. These ‘smells’ are caused by a lack of abstraction and decomposition in programs; skills that play a key role in computational thinking. In Scratch, repeats (loops), custom blocks (procedures) and clones (instances) can be used to correct these smells. Yet, custom blocks and clones are rarely taught to children under 11-years-old. We describe the design of a novel educational block-based programming game, Pirate Plunder, which aims to teach these skills to children aged 9-11. Players use Scratch blocks to navigate around a grid, collect items and interact with obstacles. Blocks are explained in ‘tutorials’; the player then completes a series of ‘challenges’ before attempting the next tutorial. A set of Scratch blocks, including repeats, custom blocks and clones, are introduced in a linear difficulty progression. There are two versions of Pirate Plunder; one that uses a debugging-first approach, where the player is given a program that is incomplete or incorrect, and one where each level begins with an empty program. The game design has been developed through iterative playtesting. The observations made during this process have influenced key design decisions such as Scratch integration, difficulty progression and reward system. In future, we will evaluate Pirate Plunder against a traditional Scratch curriculum and compare the debugging-first and non-debugging versions in a series of studies

    Hiding in Plain Sight: Identifying Computational Thinking in the Ontario Elementary School Curriculum

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    Given a growing digital economy with complex problems, demands are being made for education to address computational thinking (CT) – an approach to problem solving that draws on the tenets of computer science. We conducted a comprehensive content analysis of the Ontario elementary school curriculum documents for 44 CT-related terms to examine the extent to which CT may already be considered within the curriculum. The quantitative analysis strategy provided frequencies of terms, and a qualitative analysis provided information about how and where terms were being used. As predicted, results showed that while CT terms appeared mostly in Mathematics, and concepts and perspectives were more frequently cited than practices, related terms appeared across almost all disciplines and grades. Findings suggest that CT is already a relevant consideration for educators in terms of concepts and perspectives; however, CT practices should be more widely incorporated to promote 21st century skills across disciplines. Future research would benefit from continued examination of the implementation and assessment of CT and its related concepts, practices, and perspectives
