15 research outputs found

    On the Symbolic Reduction of Processes with Cryptographic Functions

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    We study the reachability problem for cryptographic protocols represented as processes relying on perfect cryptographic functions. We introduce a symbolic reduction system that can handle hashing functions, symmetric keys, and public keys. Desirable properties such as secrecy or authenticity are specified by inserting logical assertions in the processes. We show that the symbolic reduction system provides a flexible decision procedure for finite processes and a reference for sound implementations. The symbolic reduction system can be regarded as a variant of syntactic unification which is compatible with certain set-membership constraints. For a significant fragment of our formalism, we argue that a dag implementation of the symbolic reduction system leads to an algorithm running in NPTIME thus matching the lower bound of the problem. In the case of iterated or finite control processes, we show that the problem is undecidable in general and in NPTIME for a subclass of iterated processes that do not rely on pairing. Our technique is based on rational transductions of regular languages and it applies to a class of processes containing the ping-pong protocols presented in [DolevEK-IC82]

    On the Symbolic Reduction of Processes with Cryptographic Functions

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    We study the reachability problem for cryptographic protocols represented as processes relying on perfect cryptographic functions. We introduce a symbolic reduction system that can handle hashing functions, symmetric keys, and public keys. Desirable properties such as secrecy or authenticity are specified by inserting logical assertions in the processes. We show that the symbolic reduction system provides a flexible decision procedure for finite processes and a reference for sound implementations. The symbolic reduction system can be regarded as a variant of syntactic unification which is compatible with certain set-membership constraints. For a significant fragment of our formalism, we argue that a dag implementation of the symbolic reduction system leads to an algorithm running in NPTIME thus matching the lower bound of the problem. In the case of iterated or finite control processes, we show that the problem is undecidable in general and in NPTIME for a subclass of iterated processes that do not rely on pairing. Our technique is based on rational transductions of regular languages and it applies to a class of processes containing the ping-pong protocols presented in [DolevEK-IC82]

    Key Substitution in the Symbolic Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols (extended version)

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    Key substitution vulnerable signature schemes are signature schemes that permit an intruder, given a public verification key and a signed message, to compute a pair of signature and verification keys such that the message appears to be signed with the new signature key. A digital signature scheme is said to be vulnerable to destructive exclusive ownership property (DEO) If it is computationaly feasible for an intruder, given a public verification key and a pair of message and its valid signature relatively to the given public key, to compute a pair of signature and verification keys and a new message such that the given signature appears to be valid for the new message relatively to the new verification key. In this paper, we prove decidability of the insecurity problem of cryptographic protocols where the signature schemes employed in the concrete realisation have this two properties

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    Даже простые процессы π-исчисления трудны для анализа

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    Mathematical models of distributed computations, based on the calculus of mobile processes (π-calculus) are widely used for checking the information security properties of cryptographic protocols. Since π-calculus is Turing-complete, this problem is undecidable in general case. Therefore, the study is carried out only for some special classes of π-calculus processes with restricted computational capabilities, for example, for non-recursive processes, in which all runs have a bounded length, for processes with a bounded number of parallel components, etc. However, even in these cases, the proposed checking procedures are time consuming. We assume that this is due to the very nature of the π -calculus processes. The goal of this paper is to show that even for the weakest model of passive adversary and for relatively simple protocols that use only the basic π-calculus operations, the task of checking the information security properties of these protocols is co-NP-complete.Математические модели распределенных вычислений, построенные на основе исчисления мобильных процессов (ππ-исчисления), широко используются для проверки свойств информационной безопасности криптографических протоколов. Поскольку ππ-исчисление является полной по Тьюрингу моделью вычислений, эта задача в общем случае алгоритмически неразрешима. Поэтому ее исследование проводится лишь для некоторых специальных классов процессов ππ-исчисления с ограниченными вычислительными возможностями, например, для нерекурсивных процессов, в которых все вычисления имеют ограниченную длину, для процессов с ограниченным числом параллельных компонентов и др. Однако и в этих случаях предложенные разрешающие алгоритмы оказываются весьма трудоемкими. Мы полагаем, что это обусловлено самой природой процессов ππ-исчисления. Цель данной работы — показать, что даже для наиболее слабой модели пассивного противника и для сравнительно простых протоколов, в которых используются лишь базовые операции ππ-исчисления, задача проверки свойств информационной безопасности этих протоколов является co-NP-полной

    Hierarchical Combination of Intruder Theories

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    Abstract. Recently automated deduction tools have proved to be very effective for detecting attacks on cryptographic protocols. These analysis can be improved, for finding more subtle weaknesses, by a more accurate modelling of operators employed by protocols. Several works have shown how to handle a single algebraic operator (associated with a fixed intruder theory) or how to combine several operators satisfying disjoint theories. However several interesting equational theories, such as exponentiation with an abelian group law for exponents remain out of the scope of these techniques. This has motivated us to introduce a new notion of hierarchical combination for intruder theories and to show decidability results for the deduction problem in these theories. Under a simple hypothesis, we were able to simplify this deduction problem. This simplification is then applied to prove the decidability of constraint systems w.r.t. an intruder relying on exponentiation theory.

    Monotonic Set-Extended Prefix Rewriting and Verification of Recursive Ping-Pong Protocols

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    Ping-pong protocols with recursive definitions of agents, but without any active intruder, are a Turing powerful model. We show that under the environment sensitive semantics (i.e. by adding an active intruder capable of storing all exchanged messages including full analysis and synthesis of messages) some verification problems become decidable. In particular we give an algorithm to decide control state reachability, a problem related to security properties like secrecy and authenticity. The proof is via a reduction to a new prefix rewriting model called Monotonic Set-extended Prefix rewriting (MSP). We demonstrate further applicability of the introduced model by encoding a fragment of the ccp (concurrent constraint programming) language into MSP

    Monotonic Set-Extended Prefix Rewriting and Verification of Recursive Ping-Pong Protocols

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    Constraint solving for bounded-process cryptographic protocol analysis

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