68 research outputs found

    Stabbing line segments with disks: complexity and approximation algorithms

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    Computational complexity and approximation algorithms are reported for a problem of stabbing a set of straight line segments with the least cardinality set of disks of fixed radii r>0r>0 where the set of segments forms a straight line drawing G=(V,E)G=(V,E) of a planar graph without edge crossings. Close geometric problems arise in network security applications. We give strong NP-hardness of the problem for edge sets of Delaunay triangulations, Gabriel graphs and other subgraphs (which are often used in network design) for r[dmin,ηdmax]r\in [d_{\min},\eta d_{\max}] and some constant η\eta where dmaxd_{\max} and dmind_{\min} are Euclidean lengths of the longest and shortest graph edges respectively. Fast O(ElogE)O(|E|\log|E|)-time O(1)O(1)-approximation algorithm is proposed within the class of straight line drawings of planar graphs for which the inequality rηdmaxr\geq \eta d_{\max} holds uniformly for some constant η>0,\eta>0, i.e. when lengths of edges of GG are uniformly bounded from above by some linear function of r.r.Comment: 12 pages, 1 appendix, 15 bibliography items, 6th International Conference on Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts (AIST-2017

    Computational Geometry Column 42

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    A compendium of thirty previously published open problems in computational geometry is presented.Comment: 7 pages; 72 reference

    Minimizing the stabbing number of matchings, trees, and triangulations

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    The (axis-parallel) stabbing number of a given set of line segments is the maximum number of segments that can be intersected by any one (axis-parallel) line. This paper deals with finding perfect matchings, spanning trees, or triangulations of minimum stabbing number for a given set of points. The complexity of these problems has been a long-standing open question; in fact, it is one of the original 30 outstanding open problems in computational geometry on the list by Demaine, Mitchell, and O'Rourke. The answer we provide is negative for a number of minimum stabbing problems by showing them NP-hard by means of a general proof technique. It implies non-trivial lower bounds on the approximability. On the positive side we propose a cut-based integer programming formulation for minimizing the stabbing number of matchings and spanning trees. We obtain lower bounds (in polynomial time) from the corresponding linear programming relaxations, and show that an optimal fractional solution always contains an edge of at least constant weight. This result constitutes a crucial step towards a constant-factor approximation via an iterated rounding scheme. In computational experiments we demonstrate that our approach allows for actually solving problems with up to several hundred points optimally or near-optimally.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, Latex. To appear in "Discrete and Computational Geometry". Previous version (extended abstract) appears in SODA 2004, pp. 430-43

    On the hausdorff and other cluster Voronoi diagrams

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    The Voronoi diagram is a fundamental geometric structure that encodes proximity information. Given a set of geometric objects, called sites, their Voronoi diagram is a subdivision of the underlying space into maximal regions, such that all points within one region have the same nearest site. Problems in diverse application domains (such as VLSI CAD, robotics, facility location, etc.) demand various generalizations of this simple concept. While many generalized Voronoi diagrams have been well studied, many others still have unsettled questions. An example of the latter are cluster Voronoi diagrams, whose sites are sets (clusters) of objects rather than individual objects. In this dissertation we study certain cluster Voronoi diagrams from the perspective of their construction algorithms and algorithmic applications. Our main focus is the Hausdorff Voronoi diagram; we also study the farthest-segment Voronoi diagram, as well as certain special cases of the farthest-color Voronoi diagram. We establish a connection between cluster Voronoi diagrams and the stabbing circle problem for segments in the plane. Our results are as follows. (1) We investigate the randomized incremental construction of the Hausdorff Voronoi diagram. We consider separately the case of non-crossing clusters, when the combinatorial complexity of the diagram is O(n) where n is the total number of points in all clusters. For this case, we present two construction algorithms that require O(n log2 n) expected time. For the general case of arbitrary clusters, we present an algorithm that requires O((m + n log n) log n) expected time and O(m + n log n) expected space, where m is a parameter reflecting the number of crossings between clusters' convex hulls. (2) We present an O(n) time algorithm to construct the farthest-segment Voronoi diagram of n segments, after the sequence of its faces at infinity is known. This augments the well-known linear-time framework for Voronoi diagram of points in convex position, with the ability to handle disconnected Voronoi regions. (3) We establish a connection between the cluster Voronoi diagrams (the Hausdorff and the farthest-color Voronoi diagram) and the stabbing circle problem. This implies a new method to solve the latter problem. Our method results in a near-optimal O(n log2 n) time algorithm for a set of n parallel segments, and in an optimal O(n log n) time algorithm for a set of n segments satisfying some other special conditions. (4) We study the farthest-color Voronoi diagram in special cases considered by the stabbing circle problem. We prove O(n) bound for its combinatorial complexity and present an O(nlogn) time algorithm to construct it

    Dense point sets have sparse Delaunay triangulations

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    The spread of a finite set of points is the ratio between the longest and shortest pairwise distances. We prove that the Delaunay triangulation of any set of n points in R^3 with spread D has complexity O(D^3). This bound is tight in the worst case for all D = O(sqrt{n}). In particular, the Delaunay triangulation of any dense point set has linear complexity. We also generalize this upper bound to regular triangulations of k-ply systems of balls, unions of several dense point sets, and uniform samples of smooth surfaces. On the other hand, for any n and D=O(n), we construct a regular triangulation of complexity Omega(nD) whose n vertices have spread D.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figures. Full version of SODA 2002 paper. Also available at http://www.cs.uiuc.edu/~jeffe/pubs/screw.htm

    On some geometric optimization problems.

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    An optimization problem is a computational problem in which the objective is to find the best of all possible solutions. A geometric optimization problem is an optimization problem induced by a collection of geometric objects. In this thesis we study two interesting geometric optimization problems. One is the all-farthest-segments problem in which given n points in the plane, we have to report for each point the segment determined by two other points that is farthest from it. The principal motive for studying this problem was to investigate if this problem could be solved with a worst-case time-complexity that is of lower order than O(n 2), which is the time taken by the solution of Duffy et al. (13) for the all-closest version of the same problem. If h be the number of points on the convex hull of the point set, we show how to do this in O(nh + n log n) time. Our solution to this problem has also triggered off research into the hitherto unexplored problem of determining the farthest-segment Voronoi Diagram of a given set of n line segments in the plane, leading to an O(n log n) time solution for the all-farthest-segments problem (12). For the second problem, we have revisited the problem of computing an area-optimal convex polygon stabbing a set of parallel line segments studied earlier by Kumar et al. (30). The primary motive behind this was to inquire if the line of attack used for the parallel-segments version can be extended to the case where the line segments are of arbitrary orientation. We have provided a correctness proof of the algorithm, which was lacking in the above-cited version. Implementation of geometric algorithms are of great help in visualizing the algorithms, we have implemented both the algorithms and trial versions are available at www.davinci.newcs.uwindsor.ca/ ∼asishm.Dept. of Computer Science. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2006 .C438. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 45-01, page: 0349. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2006