16 research outputs found

    Analysing the relative importance of robot brains and bodies

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    The evolution of robots, when applied to both the morphologies and the controllers, is not only a means to obtain high-quality robot designs, but also a process that results in many body-brain-fitness data points. Inspired by this perspective, in this paper we investigate the relative importance of robot bodies and brains for a good fitness. We introduce a method to isolate and quantify the effect of the bodies and brains on the quality of the robots and perform a case study. The method is general in that it is not restricted to evolutionary systems. For the case study, we use a system of modular robots, where the bodies are evolvable and the brains are evolvable and learnable. These case studies validate the usefulness of our method and deliver interesting insights into the interplay between bodies and brains in evolutionary robotics

    Unshackling evolution: evolving soft robots with multiple materials and a powerful generative encoding

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    In 1994 Karl Sims showed that computational evolution can produce interesting morphologies that resemble natural organisms. Despite nearly two decades of work since, evolved morphologies are not obviously more complex or natural, and the field seems to have hit a complexity ceiling. One hypothesis for the lack of increased complexity is that most work, including Sims’, evolves morphologies composed of rigid elements, such as solid cubes and cylinders, limiting the design space. A second hypothesis is that the encodings of previous work have been overly regular, not allowing complex regularities with variation. Here we test both hypotheses by evolving soft robots with multiple materials and a powerful generative encoding called a compositional pattern-producing network (CPPN). Robots are selected for locomotion speed. We find that CPPNs evolve faster robots than a direct encoding and that the CPPN morphologies appear more natural. We also find that locomotion performance increases as more materials are added, that diversity of form and behavior can be increased with di↵erent cost functions without stifling performance, and that organisms can be evolved at di↵erent levels of resolution. These findings suggest the ability of generative soft-voxel systems to scale towards evolving a large diversity of complex, natural, multi-material creatures. Our results suggest that future work that combines the evolution of CPPNencoded soft, multi-material robots with modern diversityencouraging techniques could finally enable the creation of creatures far more complex and interesting than those produced by Sims nearly twenty years ago

    The Role of Environmental and Controller Complexity in the Distributed Optimization of Multi-Robot Obstacle Avoidance

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    The ability to move in complex environments is a fundamental requirement for robots to be a part of our daily lives. Increasing the controller complexity may be a desirable choice in order to obtain an improved performance. However, these two aspects may pose a considerable challenge on the optimization of robotic controllers. In this paper, we study the trade-offs between the complexity of reactive controllers and the complexity of the environment in the optimization of multi-robot obstacle avoidance for resource-constrained platforms. The optimization is carried out in simulation using a distributed, noise-resistant implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization, and the resulting controllers are evaluated both in simulation and with real robots. We show that in a simple environment, linear controllers with only two parameters perform similarly to more complex non-linear controllers with up to twenty parameters, even though the latter ones require more evaluation time to be learned. In a more complicated environment, we show that there is an increase in performance when the controllers can differentiate between front and backwards sensors, but increasing further the number of sensors and adding non-linear activation functions provide no further benefit. In both environments, augmenting reactive control laws with simple memory capabilities causes the highest increase in performance. We also show that in the complex environment the performance measurements are noisier, the optimal parameter region is smaller, and more iterations are required for the optimization process to converge

    Learning directed locomotion in modular robots with evolvable morphologies

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    The vision behind this paper looks ahead to evolutionary robot systems where morphologies and controllers are evolved together and ‘newborn’ robots undergo a learning process to optimize their inherited brain for the inherited body. The specific problem we address is learning controllers for the task of directed locomotion in evolvable modular robots. To this end, we present a test suite of robots with different shapes and sizes and compare two learning algorithms, Bayesian optimization and HyperNEAT. The experiments in simulation show that both methods obtain good controllers, but Bayesian optimization is more effective and sample efficient. We validate the best learned controllers by constructing three robots from the test suite in the real world and observe their fitness and actual trajectories. The obtained results indicate a reality gap, but overall the trajectories are adequate and follow the target directions successfully

    Soft Cells for Programmable Self-Assembly of Robotic Modules

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    Programmable self-assembly of chained robotic systems holds potential for the automatic construction of complex robots from a minimal set of building blocks. However, current robotic platforms are limited to modules of uniform rigidity, which results in a limited range of obtainable morphologies and thus functionalities of the system. To address these challenges, we investigate in this paper the role of softness in a programmed self-assembling chain system. We rely on a model system consisting of “soft cells” as modules that can obtain different mechanical softness presettings. Starting from a linear chain configuration, the system self-folds into a target morphology based on the intercellular interactions. We systematically investigate the influence of mechanical softness of the individual cells on the self-assembly process. Also, we test the hypothesis that a mixed distribution of cells of different softness enhances the diversity of achievable morphologies at a given resolution compared to systems with modules of uniform rigidity. Finally, we illustrate the potential of our system by the programmable self-assembly of complex and curvilinear morphologies that state-of-the-art systems can only achieve by significantly increasing their number of modules

    Environmental Influence on the Evolution of Morphological Complexity in Machines

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    Whether, when, how, and why increased complexity evolves in biological populations is a longstanding open question. In this work we combine a recently developed method for evolving virtual organisms with an information-theoretic metric of morphological complexity in order to investigate how the complexity of morphologies, which are evolved for locomotion, varies across different environments. We first demonstrate that selection for locomotion results in the evolution of organisms with morphologies that increase in complexity over evolutionary time beyond what would be expected due to random chance. This provides evidence that the increase in complexity observed is a result of a driven rather than a passive trend. In subsequent experiments we demonstrate that morphologies having greater complexity evolve in complex environments, when compared to a simple environment when a cost of complexity is imposed. This suggests that in some niches, evolution may act to complexify the body plans of organisms while in other niches selection favors simpler body plans