1,591 research outputs found

    Advances in Stereo Vision

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    Stereopsis is a vision process whose geometrical foundation has been known for a long time, ever since the experiments by Wheatstone, in the 19th century. Nevertheless, its inner workings in biological organisms, as well as its emulation by computer systems, have proven elusive, and stereo vision remains a very active and challenging area of research nowadays. In this volume we have attempted to present a limited but relevant sample of the work being carried out in stereo vision, covering significant aspects both from the applied and from the theoretical standpoints

    Page layout analysis and classification in complex scanned documents

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    Page layout analysis has been extensively studied since the 1980`s, particularly after computers began to be used for document storage or database units. For efficient document storage and retrieval from a database, a paper document would be transformed into its electronic version. Algorithms and methodologies are used for document image analysis in order to segment a scanned document into different regions such as text, image or line regions. To contribute a novel approach in the field of page layout analysis and classification, this algorithm is developed for both RGB space and grey-scale scanned documents without requiring any specific document types, and scanning techniques. In this thesis, a page classification algorithm is proposed which mainly applies wavelet transform, Markov random field (MRF) and Hough transform to segment text, photo and strong edge/ line regions in both color and gray-scale scanned documents. The algorithm is developed to handle both simple and complex page layout structures and contents (text only vs. book cover that includes text, lines and/or photos). The methodology consists of five modules. In the first module, called pre-processing, image enhancements techniques such as image scaling, filtering, color space conversion or gamma correction are applied in order to reduce computation time and enhance the scanned document. The techniques, used to perform the classification, are employed on the one-fourth resolution input image in the CIEL*a*b* color space. In the second module, the text detection module uses wavelet analysis to generate a text-region candidate map which is enhanced by applying a Run Length Encoding (RLE) technique for verification purposes. The third module, photo detection, initially uses block-wise segmentation which is based on basis vector projection technique. Then, MRF with maximum a-posteriori (MAP) optimization framework is utilized to generate photo map. Next, Hough transform is applied to locate lines in the fourth module. Techniques for edge detection, edge linkages, and line-segment fitting are used to detect strong-edges in the module as well. After those three classification maps are obtained, in the last module a final page layout map is generated by using K-Means. Features are extracted to classify the intersection regions and merge into one classification map with K-Means clustering. The proposed technique is tested on several hundred images and its performance is validated by utilizing Confusion Matrix (CM). It shows that the technique achieves an average of 85% classification accuracy rate in text, photo, and background regions on a variety of scanned documents like articles, magazines, business-cards, dictionaries or newsletters etc. More importantly, it performs independently from a scanning process and an input scanned document (RGB or gray-scale) with comparable classification quality

    The image processing for the target centre detection in digital image

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    This thesis comprises of five chapters. Chapter one describes basic principles of the digital image, digital image construction and the present status of the digital photogrammetry system, named PHOENICS (PHOtogrammetric ENgineering and Industrial digital Camera System), as developed by H. Rüther (1989). The target's shape analysis in the digital image are presented in chapter two. Chapter three presents the algorithms to detect and locate target on the digital image. These are the least squares adjustment technique, moment method, moment-preserving for edge detection as well as test methods for the evaluation of the various alglorithms. The novel RG method is presented in chapter four. Chapter five introduces the theory of some image processing methods

    Automatic Main Road Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Imagery

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    Road information is essential for automatic GIS (geographical information system) data acquisition, transportation and urban planning. Automatic road (network) detection from high resolution satellite imagery will hold great potential for significant reduction of database development/updating cost and turnaround time. From so called low level feature detection to high level context supported grouping, so many algorithms and methodologies have been presented for this purpose. There is not any practical system that can fully automatically extract road network from space imagery for the purpose of automatic mapping. This paper presents the methodology of automatic main road detection from high resolution satellite IKONOS imagery. The strategies include multiresolution or image pyramid method, Gaussian blurring and the line finder using 1-dimemsional template correlation filter, line segment grouping and multi-layer result integration. Multi-layer or multi-resolution method for road extraction is a very effective strategy to save processing time and improve robustness. To realize the strategy, the original IKONOS image is compressed into different corresponding image resolution so that an image pyramid is generated; after that the line finder of 1-dimemsional template correlation filter after Gaussian blurring filtering is applied to detect the road centerline. Extracted centerline segments belong to or do not belong to roads. There are two ways to identify the attributes of the segments, the one is using segment grouping to form longer line segments and assign a possibility to the segment depending on the length and other geometric and photometric attribute of the segment, for example the longer segment means bigger possibility of being road. Perceptual-grouping based method is used for road segment linking by a possibility model that takes multi-information into account; here the clues existing in the gaps are considered. Another way to identify the segments is feature detection back-to-higher resolution layer from the image pyramid

    Computer vision

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    The field of computer vision is surveyed and assessed, key research issues are identified, and possibilities for a future vision system are discussed. The problems of descriptions of two and three dimensional worlds are discussed. The representation of such features as texture, edges, curves, and corners are detailed. Recognition methods are described in which cross correlation coefficients are maximized or numerical values for a set of features are measured. Object tracking is discussed in terms of the robust matching algorithms that must be devised. Stereo vision, camera control and calibration, and the hardware and systems architecture are discussed

    Segmentation of Football Video Broadcast

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    In this paper a novel segmentation system for football player detection in broadcasted video is presented. Proposed detection system is a complex solution incorporating a dominant color based segmentation technique of a football playfield, a 3D playfield modeling algorithm based on Hough transform and a dedicated algorithm for player tracking, player detection system based on the combination of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) descriptors with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification. For the shot classification the several classification technique SVM, artificial neural network and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) are used. Evaluation of the system is carried out using HD (1280×720) resolution test material. Additionally, performance of the proposed system is tested with different lighting conditions (including non-uniform pith lightning and multiple player shadows) and various camera positions. Experimental results presented in this paper show that combination of these techniques seems to be a promising solution for locating and segmenting objects in a broadcasted video

    Segmentation of Photovoltaic Module Cells in Electroluminescence Images

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    High resolution electroluminescence (EL) images captured in the infrared spectrum allow to visually and non-destructively inspect the quality of photovoltaic (PV) modules. Currently, however, such a visual inspection requires trained experts to discern different kinds of defects, which is time-consuming and expensive. Automated segmentation of cells is therefore a key step in automating the visual inspection workflow. In this work, we propose a robust automated segmentation method for extraction of individual solar cells from EL images of PV modules. This enables controlled studies on large amounts of data to understanding the effects of module degradation over time-a process not yet fully understood. The proposed method infers in several steps a high-level solar module representation from low-level edge features. An important step in the algorithm is to formulate the segmentation problem in terms of lens calibration by exploiting the plumbline constraint. We evaluate our method on a dataset of various solar modules types containing a total of 408 solar cells with various defects. Our method robustly solves this task with a median weighted Jaccard index of 94.47% and an F1F_1 score of 97.54%, both indicating a very high similarity between automatically segmented and ground truth solar cell masks