5 research outputs found

    On the relation between fuzzy closing morphological operators, fuzzy consequence operators induced by fuzzy preorders and fuzzy closure and co-closure systems

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    In a previous paper, Elorza and Burillo explored the coherence property in fuzzy consequence operators. In this paper we show that fuzzy closing operators of mathematical morphology are always coherent operators. We also show that the coherence property is the key to link the four following families: fuzzy closing morphological operators, fuzzy consequence operators, fuzzy preorders and fuzzy closure and co-closure systems. This will allow to translate important well-known properties from the field of approximate reasoning to the field of image processing

    Elementos de lógica difusa y operadores morfológicos aplicados al filtro de imágenes médicas

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    En el estudio de las imágenes diagnósticas, la lógica difusa y los operadores morfológicos difusos son una opción para obtener información relevante. En el cursillo se estudian la génesis de los conjuntos difusos y los conceptos necesarios para trabajar con operadores morfológicos, se define la versión clásica y difusa de esta herramienta de análisis de imágenes, se aborda la interpretación de la herramienta por medio del lenguaje de programación Python y se da una corta explicación del algoritmo implementado

    Fuzzy closure systems: Motivation, definition and properties

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    The aim of this paper is to extend closure systems from being crisp sets with certain fuzzy properties to proper fuzzy sets. The presentation of the paper shows a thorough discussion on the different alternatives that could be taken to define the desired fuzzy closure systems. These plausible alternatives are discarded if they are proven impossible to be in a bijective correspondence with closure operators. Finally, a definition of fuzzy closure system is established and a one-to-one relation with closure operators is proved.The aim of this paper is to extend closure systems from being crisp sets with certain fuzzy properties to proper fuzzy sets. The presentation of the paper shows a thorough discussion on the different alternatives that could be taken to define the desired fuzzy closure systems. These plausible alternatives are discarded if they are proven impossible to be in a bijective correspondence with closure operators. Finally, a definition of fuzzy closure system is established and a one-to-one relation with closure operators is proved. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Fuzzy closure relations

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    The concept of closure operator is key in several branches of mathematics. In this paper, closure operators are extended to relational structures, more specifically to fuzzy relations in the framework of complete fuzzy lattices. The core of the work is the search for a suitable definition of (strong) fuzzy closure relation, that is, a fuzzy relation whose relation with fuzzy closure systems is one-to-one. The study of the properties of fuzzy closure systems and fuzzy relations helps narrow down this exploration until an appropriate definition is settled.This research is partially supported by the State Agency of Research (AEI), the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU), the European Social Fund (FEDER), the Junta de Andalucía (JA), and the Universidad de Málaga (UMA) through the FPU19/01467 (MCIU) internship and the research projects with reference PGC2018-095869-B-I00, TIN2017-89023-P (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) and UMA2018-FEDERJA-001 (JA/UMA/FEDER, UE). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga

    On the relation between fuzzy closing morphological operators, fuzzy consequence operators induced by fuzzy preorders and fuzzy closure and co-closure systems

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    In a previous paper, Elorza and Burillo explored the coherence property in fuzzy consequence operators. In this paper we show that fuzzy closing operators of mathematical morphology are always coherent operators. We also show that the coherence property is the key to link the four following families: fuzzy closing morphological operators, fuzzy consequence operators, fuzzy preorders and fuzzy closure and co-closure systems. This will allow to translate important well-known properties from the field of approximate reasoning to the field of image processing