9 research outputs found

    Regular Implementability and Stabilization Using Controllers With Pre-Specified Input/Output Partition

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    This paper deals with the problems of regular imple- mentability and stabilization of a given plant in the context of finite- dimensional linear differential system behaviors. In particular we solve the problems of regular implementability and stabilization using controllers in which a pre-specified subset of the plant con- trol variables is free. We will also extend the results to the situation in which the set of plant control variables is partitioned into two complementary subsets. Variables from one subset should become controller inputs, while variables from the other should become controller outputs. In other words, we consider the problems of regular implementability and stabilization using controllers with a priori given input/output structure

    Control of 2D behaviors by partial interconnection

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    Abstract-In this paper we study the stability of two dimensional (2D) behaviors with two types of variables: the variables that we are interested to control (the to-be-controlled variables) and the variables on which we are allowed to enforce restrictions (the control variables). We derive conditions for the stabilization of the to-be-controlled variables by regular partial interconnection, i.e., by imposing non-redundant additional restrictions to the control variables

    Implementation of behavioral systems

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    In this chapter, we study control by interconnection of a given linear differential system (the plant behavior) with a suitable controller. The problem formulations and their solutions are completely representation free, and specified only in terms of the system dynamics. A controller is a system that constrains the plant behavior through a certain set of variables. In this context, there are two main situations to be considered: either all the system variables are available for control, i.e., are control variables (full control) or only some of the variables are control variables (partial control). For systems evolving over a time domain (1D) the problems of implementability by partial (regular) interconnection are well understood. In this chapter, we study why similar results are not valid in themultidimensional (nD) case. Finally, we study two important classes of controllers, namely, canonical controllers and regular controllers

    Regulation and robust stabilization: a behavioral approach

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    In this thesis we consider a number of control synthesis problems within the behavioral approach to systems and control. In particular, we consider the problem of regulation, the H! control problem, and the robust stabilization problem. We also study the problems of regular implementability and stabilization with constraints on the input/output structure of the admissible controllers. The systems in this thesis are assumed to be open dynamical systems governed by linear constant coefficient ordinary differential equations. The behavior of such system is the set of all solutions to the differential equations. Given a plant with its to-be-controlled variable and interconnection variable, control of the plant is nothing but restricting the behavior of the to-be-controlled plant variable to a desired subbehavior. This restriction is brought about by interconnecting the plant with a controller (that we design) through the plant interconnection variable. In the interconnected system the plant interconnection variable has to obey the laws of both the plant and the controller. The interconnected system is also called the controlled system, in which the controller is an embedded subsystem. The interconnection of the plant and the controller is said to be regular if the laws governing the interconnection variable are independent from the laws governing the plant. We call a specification regularly implementable if there exists a controller acting on the plant interconnection variable, such that, in the interconnected system, the behavior of the to-becontrolled variable coincides with the specification and the interconnection is regular. Within the framework of regular interconnection we solve the control problems listed in the first paragraph. Solvability conditions for these problems are independent of the particular representations of the plant and the desired behavior.

    On the regular implementability of nD systems

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    In this short paper we study the problem of finding necessary and sufficient conditions for regular implementability by partial interconnection for nD system behaviors. Such conditions were obtained in the context of 1D systems. In the present paper we show that the obtained conditions are no longer valid in general in the nD context. We also show that under additional assumptions, the conditions still remain relevant. We also reinvestigate the conditions for regular implementability by partial interconnection in terms of the canonical controller that were obtained elsewhere. Using the geometry of the underlying modules we generalize a result on regular implementability from the 1D to the nD case. Finally, we study how, in the 1D context, the conditions are connected.

    Regular implementation in the space of compactly supported functions

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    This article extends results on regular implementability in [P. Rocha, Canonical controllers and regular implementation of nd behaviors, in: Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, 20051 and [H.L. Trentelman, D. Napp Avelli, On the regular implementability of nD systems, Systems Control Lett. 56 (4) (2007) 265-271] to the case when the signal space is not an injective cogenerator, for instance, the space D of compactly supported smooth functions on R-n. In this case the bijective correspondence between behaviors and modules fails to hold; also projections and sums of behaviors need not in general be behaviors. A more general version of implementability is introduced and necessary and sufficient conditions are established for the implementation and regular implementation of a given desired behavior. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved