6,929 research outputs found

    Effective information assurance with risk management

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    Today's businesses base their operation on their IT infrastructure, which consequently demands that it should be protected accordingly. Nevertheless, surveys tend to indicate that the number of IT security incidents is increasing, resulting in significant losses for the organisations concerned. Leading in poor security practices, and therefore frequent victims of related security incidents, are Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Even though there are a number of solutions, ranging from baseline guidelines to a detailed Risk Assessment (which can be followed to guide organisations through systematically selecting appropriate controls and practices to properly secure their networked assets), evidence suggests that these are not being employed by SMEs. Constraints such as lack of budget, security personnel and awareness are amongst the factors that are deterring SMEs from adopting such solutions, and therefore contributing to their continued problem with security incidents. This thesis specifically targets the problem of security risk assessment within SME environments. Following an examination of the aforementioned constraints, the investigation considers the existing solutions, establishing the reasons that they are not appropriate for SME users. The research identifies that SMEs are in need of a solution that represents a progression of current guidelines, but without being as complicated as existing forms of Risk Analysis. Therefore a new methodology is designed, known as PRAM (Profile-based Risk Analysis and Management), which enables SMEs to analyse and manage their risks in a way that is simple to use and understand, as well as providing economic considerations on threats, their likelihood, effect and the spending required to reduce them to an acceptable level. The methodology is then implemented within a working prototype, which is evaluated using a series of test scenarios. These scenarios are also used as the basis for evaluating existing SME-oriented Risk Analysis solutions, and the findings determine that the PRAM approach is able to deliver a more comprehensive solution. In addition, an evaluation of the PRAM prototype by a series of end-users suggests that it also succeeds in providing a more user-friendly solution than the current alternatives. Overall, this thesis presents a solution that can be adopted by SMEs lacking in-house security expertise. It can assist them in understanding the threats they are under, while at the same time presenting appropriate information to enable management to evaluate their organisation's current IT security situation and select appropriate countermeasures.A. G. Leventis foundatio

    Standards and practices necessary to implement a successful security review program for intrusion management systems

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Computer Engineering, Izmir, 2002Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 84-85)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishviii, 91 leavesIntrusion Management Systems are being used to prevent the information systems from successful intrusions and their consequences. They also have detection features. They try to detect intrusions, which have passed the implemented measures. Also the recovery of the system after a successful intrusion is made by the Intrusion Management Systems. The investigation of the intrusion is made by Intrusion Management Systems also. These functions can be existent in an intrusion management system model, which has a four layers architecture. The layers of the model are avoidance, assurance, detection and recovery. At the avoidance layer necessary policies, standards and practices are implemented to prevent the information system from successful intrusions. At the avoidance layer, the effectiveness of implemented measures are measured by some test and reviews. At the detection layer the identification of an intrusion or intrusion attempt is made in the real time. The recovery layer is responsible from restoring the information system after a successful intrusion. It has also functions to investigate the intrusion. Intrusion Management Systems are used to protect information and computer assets from intrusions. An organization aiming to protect its assets must use such a system. After the implementation of the system, continuous reviews must be conducted in order to ensure the effectiveness of the measures taken. Such a review can achieve its goal by using principles and standards. In this thesis, the principles necessary to implement a successful review program for Intrusion Management Systems have been developed in the guidance of Generally Accepted System Security Principles (GASSP). These example principles are developed for tools of each Intrusion Management System layer. These tools are firewalls for avoidance layer, vulnerability scanners for assurance layer, intrusion detection systems for detection layer and integrity checkers for recovery layer of Intrusion Management Systems

    Proposing a secure component-based-application logic and system’s integration testing approach

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    Software engineering moved from traditional methods of software enterprise applications to com-ponent based development for distributed system’s applications. This new era has grown up forlast few years, with component-based methods, for design and rapid development of systems, butfact is that , deployment of all secure software features of technology into practical e-commercedistributed systems are higher rated target for intruders. Although most of research has been con-ducted on web application services that use a large share of the present software, but on the otherside Component Based Software in the middle tier ,which rapidly develops application logic, alsoopen security breaching opportunities .This research paper focus on a burning issue for researchersand scientists ,a weakest link in component based distributed system, logical attacks, that cannotbe detected with any intrusion detection system within the middle tier e-commerce distributed ap-plications. We proposed An Approach of Secure Designing application logic for distributed system,while dealing with logically vulnerability issue

    A pattern-based development of secure business processes

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    Iga andmeturbest huvitatud äriettevõte valib iseendale sobilikud turvameetmed, et vältida ootamatuid sündmusi ja õnnetusi. Nende turvameetmete esmane ülesanne on kaitsta selle äriettevõtte ressursse ja varasid. Äriettevõtetes aset leidvad õnnetused (vähemtähtsad või katastroofilised) on enamikel juhtudel oma olemuselt sarnased ning põhjustatud sarnaste turvariskide poolt. Paljudel andmeturbe spetsialistidel on raskusi leidmaks õiget lahendust konkreetsetele probleemidele, kuna eelmiste samalaadsete probleemide lahendused ei ole korrektselt dokumenteeritud. Selles kontekstis on turvalisuse mustrid (Security Patterns) kasulikud, kuna nad esitavad tõestatud lahendusi spetsiifiliste probleemide jaoks. Käesolevas väitekirjas arendasime välja kümme turvariskidele suunatud mustrit (SRP ehk Security Risk-oriented Patterns) ja defineerisime, kuidas kasutada neid mustreid vastumeetmetena turvariskidele äriprotsesside mudelite sees. Oma olemuselt on need mustrid sõltumatud modelleerimiskeelest. Lihtsustamaks nende rakendamist, on mudelid esitatud graafilises vormingus äriprotsesside modelleerimise keeles (BPMN). Me demonstreerime turvariskidele suunatud mustrite (SRP) kasutatavust kahe tööstusettevõtte ärimudeli näite põhjal. Esitame mustrite rakendamise kohta kvantitatiivsed analüüsid ja näitame, kuidas turvariskidele suunatud mustrid (SRP) aitavad demonstreerida andmeturbe nõrku kohti ärimudelites ning pakume välja lahendusi andmeturvalisusega seotud probleemidele. Selle uurimistöö tulemused võivad julgustada andmeturvalisusega tegelevaid analüütikuid jälgima mustritel-põhinevaid lähenemisi oma äriettevõtete kaitsmiseks, et aidata seeläbi kaasa ka infosüsteemide (Information Systems (IS)) kaitsmisele.Every security concerned enterprise selects its own security measures in order to avoid unexpected events and accidents. The main objective of these security measures is to protect the enterprise’s own resources and assets from damage. Most of the time, the accidents or disasters take place in enterprise are similar in nature, and are caused by similar kind of vulnerabilities. However, many security analysts find it difficult to select the right security measure for a particular problem because the previous proven solutions are not properly documented. In this context Security Patterns could be helpful since they present the proven solutions that potentially could be reused in the similar situations. In this thesis, we develop a set of ten Security Risk-oriented Patterns (SRP) and define the way how they could be used to define security countermeasures within the business process models. In principle, patterns are modelling language-independent. Moreover, to ease their application, we represent them in a graphical form using the Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) modelling approach. We demonstrate the usability of the Security Risk-oriented Patterns (SRP) by applying them on two industrial business models. We present the quantitative analysis of their application. We show that Security Risk-oriented Patterns (SRP) help to determine security risks in business models and suggest rationale for security solutions. The results of this research could potentially encourage the security analysts to follow pattern-based approach to develop secure business processes, thus, contributing to secure Information Systems (IS)

    A Tool for Supporting Multi-Perspective System Development Through Security Risk Management

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    Infosüsteemid leiavad tänapäeval järjest enam ja enam kasutust erinevates valdkondades.Laialdane infosüsteemide kasutamine tähendab, et nende süsteemideturvalisus on ülimalt oluline. On saadud aru, et tähtis on turvalisuse peale mõelda juba süsteemide varajases arenguprotsessis. Üks võimalik lähenemine on modelleerida turvalisus mudelitesse juba süsteemi disainimise faasis.Käesolev magistritöö annab ülevaate, mis on infosüsteemi turvariski haldamisedomeenimudel ja kuidas erinevate modelleerimiskeelte turvalaiendused on selledomeeni mudeliga joondatud. Töö põhiväljund on arendatud rakendus, mis aitab kasutajatel õppida ja mõista eelpool mainitud joondusi ning õppida, kuidas transformeerida sama süsteemi mudeleid erinevatesse modelleerimiskeeltesse. Töö viimases osas valideeritakse loodud lahendus.Information systems are used more and more in variousFields in everyday life.Broad usage of information systems means that security of these systems is vital.The importance of bearing security in mind in early stages of developing newsystems has been acknowledged. One possible approach is to model security intomodels when designing the system.This master thesis will give an overview what is Information System SecurityRisk Management domain model and how secure extensions of different modelling languages have been aligned to it. The main output of this thesis is a developed tool which helps users learn and understand those alignments as well as learn the process of how to transform models about same system from one secure modelling language to another.In the final part of the thesis, the created solution is validated

    Research and Proof of Concept of Selected ISKE Highest Level Integrity Requirements

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    Informatsiooni turvalisus on saamas üha olulisemaks tänapäeva ühiskonnas, kus üha rohkem protsesse ja tegevusi digitaliseeritakse ja andmed liiguvad paberilt bittideks ja baitideks digitaalsele kujule. Eesti riigi- ja avalikud asutused koguvad ja töötlevad informatsiooni, et tagada kõrgetasemelisi teenuseid, täita põhiseaduse kohustusi või rahvusvahelisi lepinguid. Avalik sektor Eestis peab täitma andmete käitlemisel informatsiooni turvalisuse standardi Infosüsteemide turvameetmete süsteemi ISKE nõudeid kolmes teguris: käideldavus, terviklus ja konfidentsiaalsus.Käesolev töö võtab tervikluse valdkonna detailsema uurimise alla, et saavutada ISKE meetmete täitmine ja turvaeesmärkide saavutamine, millised on nõutud kõrgeima terviklusega andmetele. Analüüsides ISKE tervikluse valdkonda ja luues mitmekülgse kontseptsiooni teostuse tõestamise projekti turvanõuete realiseerimise meetmetele on võimalik suurendada arendajate ja ISKE rakendamise partnerite teadlikkust saavutamaks parem informatsiooni turvalisus.Information security becomes more and more important in today's society, where more processes and operations will be digitised and data moves from paper to bits and bytes and receive digital form. In Estonia state and public institutions are collecting and processing information for providing high level services, fulfilling state needs on constitutional tasks or international contracts. Public sector in Estonia must apply information security standard IT Baseline Security System ISKE requirements in three factors: availability, integrity and confidentiality of processed data.This work takes integrity domain under detail research to meet ISKE requirements and security objectives demanded for data with highest integrity needs. By analysing integrity domain of ISKE and providing versatile proof of concept about solution for implementing security controls, it is possible to increase awareness of software developers and ISKE implementation participants to achieve better security of information