125 research outputs found

    Algorithms for the Maximum Independent Set Problem

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    This thesis focuses mainly on the Maximum Independent Set (MIS) problem. Some related graph theoretical combinatorial problems are also considered. As these problems are generally NP-hard, we study their complexity in hereditary graph classes, i.e. graph classes defined by a set F of forbidden induced subgraphs. We revise the literature about the issue, for example complexity results, applications, and techniques tackling the problem. Through considering some general approach, we exhibit several cases where the problem admits a polynomial-time solution. More specifically, we present polynomial-time algorithms for the MIS problem in: + some subclasses of S2;j;kS_{2;j;k}-free graphs (thus generalizing the classical result for S1;2;kS_{1;2;k}-free graphs); + some subclasses of treektree_{k}-free graphs (thus generalizing the classical results for subclasses of P5-free graphs); + some subclasses of P7P_{7}-free graphs and S2;2;2S_{2;2;2}-free graphs; and various subclasses of graphs of bounded maximum degree, for example subcubic graphs. Our algorithms are based on various approaches. In particular, we characterize augmenting graphs in a subclass of S2;k;kS_{2;k;k}-free graphs and a subclass of S2;2;5S_{2;2;5}-free graphs. These characterizations are partly based on extensions of the concept of redundant set [125]. We also propose methods finding augmenting chains, an extension of the method in [99], and finding augmenting trees, an extension of the methods in [125]. We apply the augmenting vertex technique, originally used for P5P_{5}-free graphs or banner-free graphs, for some more general graph classes. We consider a general graph theoretical combinatorial problem, the so-called Maximum -Set problem. Two special cases of this problem, the so-called Maximum F-(Strongly) Independent Subgraph and Maximum F-Induced Subgraph, where F is a connected graph set, are considered. The complexity of the Maximum F-(Strongly) Independent Subgraph problem is revised and the NP-hardness of the Maximum F-Induced Subgraph problem is proved. We also extend the augmenting approach to apply it for the general Maximum Π -Set problem. We revise on classical graph transformations and give two unified views based on pseudo-boolean functions and αff-redundant vertex. We also make extensive uses of α-redundant vertices, originally mainly used for P5P_{5}-free graphs, to give polynomial solutions for some subclasses of S2;2;2S_{2;2;2}-free graphs and treektree_{k}-free graphs. We consider some classical sequential greedy heuristic methods. We also combine classical algorithms with αff-redundant vertices to have new strategies of choosing the next vertex in greedy methods. Some aspects of the algorithms, for example forbidden induced subgraph sets and worst case results, are also considered. Finally, we restrict our attention on graphs of bounded maximum degree and subcubic graphs. Then by using some techniques, for example ff-redundant vertex, clique separator, and arguments based on distance, we general these results for some subclasses of Si;j;kS_{i;j;k}-free subcubic graphs

    Maximum Independent Sets in Subcubic Graphs: New Results

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    The maximum independent set problem is known to be NP-hard in the class of subcubic graphs, i.e. graphs of vertex degree at most 3. We present a polynomial-time solution in a subclass of subcubic graphs generalizing several previously known results

    Boundary classes for graph problems involving non-local properties

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    We continue the study of boundary classes for NP-hard problems and focus on seven NP-hard graph problems involving non-local properties: HAMILTONIAN CYCLE, HAMILTONIAN CYCLE THROUGH SPECIFIED EDGE, HAMILTONIAN PATH, FEEDBACK VERTEX SET, CONNECTED VERTEX COVER, CONNECTED DOMINATING SET and GRAPH VCCON DIMENSION. Our main result is the determination of the first boundary class for FEEDBACK VERTEX SET. We also determine boundary classes for HAMILTONIAN CYCLE THROUGH SPECIFIED EDGE and HAMILTONIAN PATH and give some insights on the structure of some boundary classes for the remaining problems

    Maximum Independent Sets in Subcubic Graphs: New Results

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    International audienceWe consider the complexity of the classical Independent Set problem on classes of subcubic graphs characterized by a finite set of forbidden induced subgraphs. It is well-known that a necessary condition for Independent Set to be tractable in such a class (unless P=NP) is that the set of forbidden induced subgraphs includes a subdivided star S k,k,k , for some k. Here, S k,k,k is the graph obtained by taking three paths of length k and identifying one of their endpoints. It is an interesting open question whether this condition is also sufficient: is Independent Set tractable on all hereditary classes of subcu-bic graphs that exclude some S k,k,k ? A positive answer to this question would provide a complete classification of the complexity of Independent Set on all classes of subcubic graphs characterized by a finite set of forbidden induced subgraphs. The best currently known result of this type is tractability for S2,2,2-free graphs. In this paper we generalize this result by showing that the problem remains tractable on S 2,k,k-free graphs, for any fixed k. Along the way, we show that subcubic Independent Set is tractable for graphs excluding a type of graph we call an "apple with a long stem", generalizing known results for apple-free graphs

    When Maximum Stable Set Can Be Solved in FPT Time

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    Maximum Independent Set (MIS for short) is in general graphs the paradigmatic W[1]-hard problem. In stark contrast, polynomial-time algorithms are known when the inputs are restricted to structured graph classes such as, for instance, perfect graphs (which includes bipartite graphs, chordal graphs, co-graphs, etc.) or claw-free graphs. In this paper, we introduce some variants of co-graphs with parameterized noise, that is, graphs that can be made into disjoint unions or complete sums by the removal of a certain number of vertices and the addition/deletion of a certain number of edges per incident vertex, both controlled by the parameter. We give a series of FPT Turing-reductions on these classes and use them to make some progress on the parameterized complexity of MIS in H-free graphs. We show that for every fixed t >=slant 1, MIS is FPT in P(1,t,t,t)-free graphs, where P(1,t,t,t) is the graph obtained by substituting all the vertices of a four-vertex path but one end of the path by cliques of size t. We also provide randomized FPT algorithms in dart-free graphs and in cricket-free graphs. This settles the FPT/W[1]-hard dichotomy for five-vertex graphs H

    Fully polynomial FPT algorithms for some classes of bounded clique-width graphs

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    Parameterized complexity theory has enabled a refined classification of the difficulty of NP-hard optimization problems on graphs with respect to key structural properties, and so to a better understanding of their true difficulties. More recently, hardness results for problems in P were achieved using reasonable complexity theoretic assumptions such as: Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH), 3SUM and All-Pairs Shortest-Paths (APSP). According to these assumptions, many graph theoretic problems do not admit truly subquadratic algorithms, nor even truly subcubic algorithms (Williams and Williams, FOCS 2010 and Abboud, Grandoni, Williams, SODA 2015). A central technique used to tackle the difficulty of the above mentioned problems is fixed-parameter algorithms for polynomial-time problems with polynomial dependency in the fixed parameter (P-FPT). This technique was introduced by Abboud, Williams and Wang in SODA 2016 and continued by Husfeldt (IPEC 2016) and Fomin et al. (SODA 2017), using the treewidth as a parameter. Applying this technique to clique-width, another important graph parameter, remained to be done. In this paper we study several graph theoretic problems for which hardness results exist such as cycle problems (triangle detection, triangle counting, girth, diameter), distance problems (diameter, eccentricities, Gromov hyperbolicity, betweenness centrality) and maximum matching. We provide hardness results and fully polynomial FPT algorithms, using clique-width and some of its upper-bounds as parameters (split-width, modular-width and P_4P\_4-sparseness). We believe that our most important result is an O(k4â‹…n+m){\cal O}(k^4 \cdot n + m)-time algorithm for computing a maximum matching where kk is either the modular-width or the P_4P\_4-sparseness. The latter generalizes many algorithms that have been introduced so far for specific subclasses such as cographs, P_4P\_4-lite graphs, P_4P\_4-extendible graphs and P_4P\_4-tidy graphs. Our algorithms are based on preprocessing methods using modular decomposition, split decomposition and primeval decomposition. Thus they can also be generalized to some graph classes with unbounded clique-width

    Solving problems on generalized convex graphs via mim-width

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    A bipartite graph G = (A, B, E) is H-convex, for some family of graphs H, if there exists a graph H ∈ H with V (H) = A such that the set of neighbours in A of each b ∈ B induces a connected subgraph of H. Many NP-complete problems become polynomial-time solvable for H-convex graphs when H is the set of paths. In this case, the class of H-convex graphs is known as the class of convex graphs. The underlying reason is that this class has bounded mim-width. We extend the latter result to families of H-convex graphs where (i) H is the set of cycles, or (ii) H is the set of trees with bounded maximum degree and a bounded number of vertices of degree at least 3. As a consequence, we can reprove and strengthen a large number of results on generalized convex graphs known in the literature. To complement result (ii), we show that the mim-width of H-convex graphs is unbounded if H is the set of trees with arbitrarily large maximum degree or an arbitrarily large number of vertices of degree at least 3. In this way we are able to determine complexity dichotomies for the aforementioned graph problems. Afterwards we perform a more refined width-parameter analysis, which shows even more clearly which width parameters are bounded for classes of H-convex graphs
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