8 research outputs found

    Window Functions and Their Applications in Signal Processing

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    Window functions—otherwise known as weighting functions, tapering functions, or apodization functions—are mathematical functions that are zero-valued outside the chosen interval. They are well established as a vital part of digital signal processing. Window Functions and their Applications in Signal Processing presents an exhaustive and detailed account of window functions and their applications in signal processing, focusing on the areas of digital spectral analysis, design of FIR filters, pulse compression radar, and speech signal processing. Comprehensively reviewing previous research and recent developments, this book: Provides suggestions on how to choose a window function for particular applications Discusses Fourier analysis techniques and pitfalls in the computation of the DFT Introduces window functions in the continuous-time and discrete-time domains Considers two implementation strategies of window functions in the time- and frequency domain Explores well-known applications of window functions in the fields of radar, sonar, biomedical signal analysis, audio processing, and synthetic aperture rada

    Window Functions and Their Applications in Signal Processing

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    Window functions—otherwise known as weighting functions, tapering functions, or apodization functions—are mathematical functions that are zero-valued outside the chosen interval. They are well established as a vital part of digital signal processing. Window Functions and their Applications in Signal Processing presents an exhaustive and detailed account of window functions and their applications in signal processing, focusing on the areas of digital spectral analysis, design of FIR filters, pulse compression radar, and speech signal processing. Comprehensively reviewing previous research and recent developments, this book: Provides suggestions on how to choose a window function for particular applications Discusses Fourier analysis techniques and pitfalls in the computation of the DFT Introduces window functions in the continuous-time and discrete-time domains Considers two implementation strategies of window functions in the time- and frequency domain Explores well-known applications of window functions in the fields of radar, sonar, biomedical signal analysis, audio processing, and synthetic aperture rada

    New Approaches in Automation and Robotics

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    The book New Approaches in Automation and Robotics offers in 22 chapters a collection of recent developments in automation, robotics as well as control theory. It is dedicated to researchers in science and industry, students, and practicing engineers, who wish to update and enhance their knowledge on modern methods and innovative applications. The authors and editor of this book wish to motivate people, especially under-graduate students, to get involved with the interesting field of robotics and mechatronics. We hope that the ideas and concepts presented in this book are useful for your own work and could contribute to problem solving in similar applications as well. It is clear, however, that the wide area of automation and robotics can only be highlighted at several spots but not completely covered by a single book

    A cumulative index to the 1977 issues of a continuing bibliography on aerospace medicine and biology

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    This publication is a cumulative index to the abstracts contained in the Supplements 164 through 175 of Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A Continuing Bibliography. It includes three indexes-- subject, personal author, and corporate source

    Aeronautical Engineering: A cumulative index to the 1980 issue

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    This bibliography is a cumulative index to reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system. Abstracts for the entries cited appeared in issues 119 through 130 of Aeronautical Engineering: A Continuing Bibliography (NASA SP-7037). Subject, personal author, corporate author, contract number, and report/accession number indexes are provided

    Évolution de l'expression du NPY et de ses récepteurs dans l'endothélium endocardique au cours du développement foetal chez l'humain rôle du NPY dans l'homéostasie calcique intracellulaire

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    Le Neuropeptide Y (NPY) est un peptide de 36 acides aminés qui est hautement conservé au cours de l'évolution et qui joue un rôle très important dans plusieurs fonctions physiologiques. Son effet sur le système cardiovasculaire, incluant le coeur et les vaisseaux sanguins a été bien étudié. Cependant, son effet sur l'endothélium endocardique n'a pas encore été élucidé. La réponse pharmacologique induite par le NPY dans différents tissus est relayée par au moins cinq types de récepteurs, soient les récepteurs Y[indice inférieur 1], Y[indice inférieur 2], Y[indice inférieur 4], Y[indice inférieur 5]et [gamma][indice inférieur 6]. Plusieurs études ont rapporté que le récepteur Y[indice inférieur 1] joue un rôle majeur dans le système cardiovasculaire. Dans la première partie de ce projet de recherche, nous avons étudié l'expression et la distribution du NPY et du récepteur Y[indice inférieur 1] au niveau des cellules endothéliales endocardiques isolées du côté ventriculaire gauche (CEEGs) et droit (CEEDs) du coeur foetal humain âgé de 13, 17 et 20 semaines. Nos résultats ont démontré que la distribution et la densité relative du récepteur Y[indice inférieur 1] et du NPY sont très différents dans les CEEGs par rapport aux CEEDs. L'expression du récepteur Y[indice inférieur 1] augmente en fonction de l'âge dans les CEEGs et les CEEDs. À 13 et 17 semaines, la densité du récepteur Y[indice inférieur 1] est plus élevée au niveau des CEEDs par rapport au CEEGs. Cependant, à 20 semaines, la densité de ce récepteur devient plus élevée au niveau des CEEGs par rapport au CEEDs. En ce qui concerne le NPY, au niveau des CEEDs, son expression augmente en fonction de l'âge pour atteindre un maximum d'intensité à 20 semaines. Par contre, au niveau des CEEGs, le maximum d'immunoréactivité du NPY est observé à 13 semaines, diminue à 17 semaines et augmente de nouveau à 20 semaines sans toutefois atteindre le niveau observé à 13 semaines. Dans la deuxième partie de cette étude, nous avons évalué l'effet du NPY sur les niveaux de base du [Ca][indice inférieur c] et [Ca][indice inférieur n] dans les CEEGs et les CEEDs isolées à partir des coeurs foetaux humains âgés de 13, 17 et 20 semaines et de rats adultes. Nos résultats montrent que le NPY induit une augmentation dose-dépendante de la concentration du [Ca][indice inférieur c] et [Ca][indice inférieur n] à la fois dans les CEEGs et les CEEDs âgées de 13, 17 et 20 semaines."--Résumé abrégé par UMI

    Modelling and Adaptive Control; Proceedings of an IIASA Conference, Sopron, Hungary, July 1986

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    One of the main purposes of the workshop on Modelling and Adaptive Control at Sopron, Hungary, was to give an overview of both traditional and recent approaches to the twin theories of modelling and control which ultimately must incorporate some degree of uncertainty. The broad spectrum of processes for which solutions of some of these problems were proposed was itself a testament to the vitality of research on these fundamental issues. In particular, these proceedings contain new methods for the modelling and control of discrete event systems, linear systems, nonlinear dynamics and stochastic processes

    Reliability Abstracts and Technical Reviews January - December 1970

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    Reliability Abstracts and Technical Reviews is an abstract and critical analysis service covering published and report literature on reliability. The service is designed to provide information on theory and practice of reliability as applied to aerospace and an objective appraisal of the quality, significance, and applicability of the literature abstracted