199 research outputs found

    Retrofitting privacy controls to stock Android

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    Android ist nicht nur das beliebteste Betriebssystem für mobile Endgeräte, sondern auch ein ein attraktives Ziel für Angreifer. Um diesen zu begegnen, nutzt Androids Sicherheitskonzept App-Isolation und Zugangskontrolle zu kritischen Systemressourcen. Nutzer haben dabei aber nur wenige Optionen, App-Berechtigungen gemäß ihrer Bedürfnisse einzuschränken, sondern die Entwickler entscheiden über zu gewährende Berechtigungen. Androids Sicherheitsmodell kann zudem nicht durch Dritte angepasst werden, so dass Nutzer zum Schutz ihrer Privatsphäre auf die Gerätehersteller angewiesen sind. Diese Dissertation präsentiert einen Ansatz, Android mit umfassenden Privatsphäreeinstellungen nachzurüsten. Dabei geht es konkret um Techniken, die ohne Modifikationen des Betriebssystems oder Zugriff auf Root-Rechte auf regulären Android-Geräten eingesetzt werden können. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit etabliert Techniken zur Durchsetzung von Sicherheitsrichtlinien für Apps mithilfe von inlined reference monitors. Dieser Ansatz wird durch eine neue Technik für dynamic method hook injection in Androids Java VM erweitert. Schließlich wird ein System eingeführt, das prozessbasierte privilege separation nutzt, um eine virtualisierte App-Umgebung zu schaffen, um auch komplexe Sicherheitsrichtlinien durchzusetzen. Eine systematische Evaluation unseres Ansatzes konnte seine praktische Anwendbarkeit nachweisen und mehr als eine Million Downloads unserer Lösung zeigen den Bedarf an praxisgerechten Werkzeugen zum Schutz der Privatsphäre.Android is the most popular operating system for mobile devices, making it a prime target for attackers. To counter these, Android’s security concept uses app isolation and access control to critical system resources. However, Android gives users only limited options to restrict app permissions according to their privacy preferences but instead lets developers dictate the permissions users must grant. Moreover, Android’s security model is not designed to be customizable by third-party developers, forcing users to rely on device manufacturers to address their privacy concerns. This thesis presents a line of work that retrofits comprehensive privacy controls to the Android OS to put the user back in charge of their device. It focuses on developing techniques that can be deployed to stock Android devices without firmware modifications or root privileges. The first part of this dissertation establishes fundamental policy enforcement on thirdparty apps using inlined reference monitors to enhance Android’s permission system. This approach is then refined by introducing a novel technique for dynamic method hook injection on Android’s Java VM. Finally, we present a system that leverages process-based privilege separation to provide a virtualized application environment that supports the enforcement of complex security policies. A systematic evaluation of our approach demonstrates its practical applicability, and over one million downloads of our solution confirm user demand for privacy-enhancing tools

    AppGuard — fine-grained policy enforcement for untrusted android applications

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    Android’s success makes it a prominent target for malicious software. However, the user has very limited control over security-relevant operations. This work presents AppGuard, a powerful and flexible security system that overcomes these deficiencies. It enforces user-defined security policies on untrusted Android applications without requiring any changes to a smartphone’s firmware, root access, or the like. Finegrained and stateful security policies are expressed in a formal specification language, which also supports secrecy requirements. Our system offers complete mediation of security-relevant methods based on calleesite inline reference monitoring and supports widespread deployment. In the experimental analysis we demonstrate the removal of permissions for overly curious apps as well as how to defend against several recent real-world attacks on Android phones. Our technique exhibits very little space and runtime overhead. The utility of AppGuard has already been demonstrated by more than 1,000,000 downloads

    Program analysis for android security and reliability

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    The recent, widespread growth and adoption of mobile devices have revolutionized the way users interact with technology. As mobile apps have become increasingly prevalent, concerns regarding their security and reliability have gained significant attention. The ever-expanding mobile app ecosystem presents unique challenges in ensuring the protection of user data and maintaining app robustness. This dissertation expands the field of program analysis with techniques and abstractions tailored explicitly to enhancing Android security and reliability. This research introduces approaches for addressing critical issues related to sensitive information leakage, device and user fingerprinting, mobile medical score calculators, as well as termination-induced data loss. Through a series of comprehensive studies and employing novel approaches that combine static and dynamic analysis, this work provides valuable insights and practical solutions to the aforementioned challenges. In summary, this dissertation makes the following contributions: (1) precise identifier leak tracking via a novel algebraic representation of leak signatures, (2) identifier processing graphs (IPGs), an abstraction for extracting and subverting user-based and device-based fingerprinting schemes, (3) interval-based verification of medical score calculator correctness, and (4) identifying potential data losses caused by app termination

    Towards Principled Dynamic Analysis on Android

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    The vast amount of information and services accessible through mobile handsets running the Android operating system has led to the tight integration of such devices into our daily routines. However, their capability to capture and operate upon user data provides an unprecedented insight into our private lives that needs to be properly protected, which demands for comprehensive analysis and thorough testing. While dynamic analysis has been applied to these problems in the past, the corresponding literature consists of scattered work that often specializes on sub-problems and keeps on re-inventing the wheel, thus lacking a structured approach. To overcome this unsatisfactory situation, this dissertation introduces two major systems that advance the state-of-the-art of dynamically analyzing the Android platform. First, we introduce a novel, fine-grained and non-intrusive compiler-based instrumentation framework that allows for precise and high-performance modification of Android apps and system components. Second, we present a unifying dynamic analysis platform with a special focus on Android’s middleware in order to overcome the common challenges we identified from related work. Together, these two systems allow for a more principled approach for dynamic analysis on Android that enables comparability and composability of both existing and future work.Die enorme Menge an Informationen und Diensten, die durch mobile Endgeräte mit dem Android Betriebssystem zugänglich gemacht werden, hat zu einer verstärkten Einbindung dieser Geräte in unseren Alltag geführt. Gleichzeitig erlauben die dabei verarbeiteten Benutzerdaten einen beispiellosen Einblick in unser Privatleben. Diese Informationen müssen adäquat geschützt werden, was umfassender Analysen und gründlicher Prüfung bedarf. Dynamische Analysetechniken, die in der Vergangenheit hier bereits angewandt wurden, fokussieren sich oftmals auf Teilprobleme und reimplementieren regelmäßig bereits existierende Komponenten statt einen strukturierten Ansatz zu verfolgen. Zur Überwindung dieser unbefriedigenden Situation stellt diese Dissertation zwei Systeme vor, die den Stand der Technik dynamischer Analyse der Android Plattform erweitern. Zunächst präsentieren wir ein compilerbasiertes, feingranulares und nur geringfügig eingreifendes Instrumentierungsframework für präzises und performantes Modifizieren von Android Apps und Systemkomponenten. Anschließend führen wir eine auf die Android Middleware spezialisierte Plattform zur Vereinheitlichung von dynamischer Analyse ein, um die aus existierenden Arbeiten extrahierten, gemeinsamen Herausforderungen in diesem Gebiet zu überwinden. Zusammen erlauben diese beiden Systeme einen prinzipienorientierten Ansatz zur dynamischen Analyse, welcher den Vergleich und die Zusammenführung existierender und zukünftiger Arbeiten ermöglicht

    Malware Analysis and Privacy Policy Enforcement Techniques for Android Applications

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    The rapid increase in mobile malware and deployment of over-privileged applications over the years has been of great concern to the security community. Encroaching on user’s privacy, mobile applications (apps) increasingly exploit various sensitive data on mobile devices. The information gathered by these applications is sufficient to uniquely and accurately profile users and can cause tremendous personal and financial damage. On Android specifically, the security and privacy holes in the operating system and framework code has created a whole new dynamic for malware and privacy exploitation. This research work seeks to develop novel analysis techniques that monitor Android applications for possible unwanted behaviors and then suggest various ways to deal with the privacy leaks associated with them. Current state-of-the-art static malware analysis techniques on Android-focused mainly on detecting known variants without factoring any kind of software obfuscation. The dynamic analysis systems, on the other hand, are heavily dependent on extending the Android OS and/or runtime virtual machine. These methodologies often tied the system to a single Android version and/or kernel making it very difficult to port to a new device. In privacy, accesses to the database system’s objects are not controlled by any security check beyond overly-broad read/write permissions. This flawed model exposes the database contents to abuse by privacy-agnostic apps and malware. This research addresses the problems above in three ways. First, we developed a novel static analysis technique that fingerprints known malware based on three-level similarity matching. It scores similarity as a function of normalized opcode sequences found in sensitive functional modules and application permission requests. Our system has an improved detection ratio over current research tools and top COTS anti-virus products while maintaining a high level of resiliency to both simple and complex obfuscation. Next, we augment the signature-related weaknesses of our static classifier with a hybrid analysis system which incorporates bytecode instrumentation and dynamic runtime monitoring to examine unknown malware samples. Using the concept of Aspect-oriented programming, this technique involves recompiling security checking code into an unknown binary for data flow analysis, resource abuse tracing, and analytics of other suspicious behaviors. Our system logs all the intercepted activities dynamically at runtime without the need for building custom kernels. Finally, we designed a user-level privacy policy enforcement system that gives users more control over their personal data saved in the SQLite database. Using bytecode weaving for query re-writing and enforcing access control, our system forces new policies at the schema, column, and entity levels of databases without rooting or voiding device warranty


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    Android’s design philosophy encourages the integration of resources and functionalities from multiple parties, even with different levels of trust. Such program integrations, on one hand, connect every party in the Android ecosystem tightly on one single device. On the other hand, they can also pose severe security problems, if the security design of the underlying integration schemes is not well thought-out. This dissertation systematically evaluates the security design of three integration schemes on Android, including framework module, framework proxy and 3rd-party code embedding. With the security risks identified in each scheme, it concludes that program integrations on Android are unsafe. Furthermore, new frameworks have been designed and implemented to detect and mitigate the threats. The evaluation results on the prototypes have demonstrated their effectiveness

    Preventing Supply Chain Vulnerabilities in Java with a Fine-Grained Permission Manager

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    Integrating third-party packages accelerates modern software engineering, but introduces the risk of software supply chain vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities in applications' dependencies are being exploited worldwide. Often, these exploits leverage features that are present in a package, yet unneeded by an application. Unfortunately, the current generation of permission managers, such as SELinux, Docker containers, and the Java Security Manager, are too coarse-grained to usefully support engineers and operators in mitigating these vulnerabilities. Current approaches offer permissions only at the application's granularity, lumping legitimate operations made by safe packages with illegitimate operations made by exploited packages. This strategy does not reflect modern engineering practice. we need a permission manager capable of distinguishing between actions taken by different packages in an application's supply chain. In this paper, we describe Next-JSM, the first fine-grained ("supply chain aware") permission manager for Java applications. Next-JSM supports permission management at package-level granularity. Next-JSM faces three key challenges: operating on existing JVMs and without access to application or package source code, minimizing performance overhead in applications with many packages, and helping operators manage finer-grained permissions. We show that these challenges can be addressed through bytecode rewriting; appropriate data structures and algorithms; and an expressive permission notation plus automated tooling to establish default permission. In our evaluation, we report that Next-JSM mitigates 11 of the 12 package vulnerabilities we evaluated and incurs an average 2.72% overhead on the Dacapobench benchmark. Qualitatively, we argue that Next-JSM addresses the shortcomings of the (recently deprecated) Java Security Manager (JSM).Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    Dynamic User Defined Permissions for Android Devices

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    Mobile computing devices have become an essential part of everyday life and are becoming the primary means for collecting and storing sensitive personal and corporate data. Android is, by far, the dominant mobile platform, which makes its permissions model responsible for securing the vast majority of this sensitive data. The current model falls well short of actual user needs, as permission assignments are made statically at installation time. Therefore, it is impossible to implement dynamic security policies that could be applied selectively depending on context. Users are forced to unconditionally trust installed apps without means to isolate them from sensitive data. We describe a new approach, app sanitization, which automatically instruments apps at installation time, such that users can dynamically grant and revoke individual permissions. The main advantage of our technique is that it runs in userspace and utilizes standard aspect-oriented methods to incorporate custom security controls into the app
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