435 research outputs found

    A Survey of Non-conventional Techniques for Low-voltage Low-power Analog Circuit Design

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    Designing integrated circuits able to work under low-voltage (LV) low-power (LP) condition is currently undergoing a very considerable boom. Reducing voltage supply and power consumption of integrated circuits is crucial factor since in general it ensures the device reliability, prevents overheating of the circuits and in particular prolongs the operation period for battery powered devices. Recently, non-conventional techniques i.e. bulk-driven (BD), floating-gate (FG) and quasi-floating-gate (QFG) techniques have been proposed as powerful ways to reduce the design complexity and push the voltage supply towards threshold voltage of the MOS transistors (MOST). Therefore, this paper presents the operation principle, the advantages and disadvantages of each of these techniques, enabling circuit designers to choose the proper design technique based on application requirements. As an example of application three operational transconductance amplifiers (OTA) base on these non-conventional techniques are presented, the voltage supply is only ±0.4 V and the power consumption is 23.5 µW. PSpice simulation results using the 0.18 µm CMOS technology from TSMC are included to verify the design functionality and correspondence with theory

    Nonlinear time-domain macromodeling of OTA circuits

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    The authors present an accurate nonlinear macromodel of the operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) which is suitable for the transient simulation of OTA-based CMOS analog integrated circuits. As compared to device-level OTA models, the proposed macromodel is advantageous in terms of CPU time. Also, in circuits with many OTAs, it does not have the problems of convergence that the device-level MODEL has. All the macromodel parameters can be calculated from measurements made at the OTA terminals. Experimental results from a 3-μm CMOS OTA prototype as well as simulation results from device-level models are included and compared to simulation results from the macromodel

    Very large time constant Gm-C Filters

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    In this study a set of tools for the design of fully integrated transconductor-capacitor (Gm-C) filters, with very large time constants and current consumption under one micro-Ampere are presented. The selected application is a 2nd order bandpass-filter-amplifier, with a gain of 400 from 0.5 to 7Hz, carrying out the signal conditioning of a piezoelectric accelerometer which is part of an implantable cardiac pacemaker. The main challenge is to achieve very large time constants, without using any discrete external component. The chosen circuit technique to fulfill the requirement is series-parallel current division applied to standard symmetrical transconductors (OTAs). These circuits have demonstrated to be an excellent solution regarding their occupied area, power consumption, noise, linearity, and particularly offset. OTAs as low as 33pS -equivalent to a 30G resistor-, with up to 1V linear range, and input referred offset of a few mV, were designed, fabricated in a standard 0.8 micron CMOS technology, and tested. The application requires the series-parallel association of a large number of transistors, and the use of bias currents as low as a few pico-Amperes, which is not very common in analog integrated circuits. In this case the designer should employ maximum care in the selection of the transistor models to be used. A central aspect of this thesis was also to evaluate and develop noise and offset estimation models which was not obvious in the very beginning of the research. In the first two chapters an introduction to the target application is presented, and several MOS transistor characteristics in terms of the inversion coefficient -using the ACM transistor model- are evaluated. In chapter 3 it is discussed whether the usual flicker and thermal noise models are consistent regarding series-parallel association, and adequately represent the expected noise behavior under different bias conditions. A consistent, physics-based, one-equation-all-regions model for flicker noise in the MOS transistor is then presented. Several noise measurements are included demonstrating that the new model accurately fits widely different bias situations. A new model for mismatch offset in MOS transistors is presented, as a corollary of the flicker noise analysis. Finally, the correlation between flicker noise and mismatch offset, that can be seen as a DC noise, is shown. In chapter 4, the design of OTAs with an extended linear range, and very low transconductance, using series-parallel current division is presented. Precise tools are introduced for the estimation of noise and mismatch offset in series-parallel current mirrors, that are shown to help in the reduction of inaccuracies in the copy of currents with a large copy factor. The design and measurement of several OTA examples are presented. In chapter 5, the developed tools, and the OTAs shown, are employed in the design of the above mentioned filter for the piezoelectric accelerometer. A general methodology for the design of Gm-C filters with similar characteristics is established. The filter was fabricated and tested, successfully operating with a total power consumption of 233nA, up to a 2V power supply, with an input noise and mismatch offset of 2-4 Vrms, and 18 V respectively. To summarize the main results obtained were: The development of a new flicker noise model, the study of the effect of mismatch regarding series-parallel association, a new design methodology for OTAs and Gm-C filters. It is our hope that this constitutes a helpful set of tools for the circuit designer.En esta tesis se presenta un conjunto de herramientas para el diseño de circuitos integrados que implementan filtros transconductor-capacitor (Gm-C), de muy altas constantes de tiempo, con bajo ruido, y consumo de corriente por debajo del micro-Ampere. Como ejemplo de aplicación se toma un amplificador-pasabanda 2º orden, de ganancia 400 en la banda de 0.5 a 7Hz, que realiza el acondicionamiento de señal de un acelerómetro piezoeléctrico a ser empleado en un marcapasos implantable. El principal desafío es realizar en dicho filtro de tiempo continuo, muy altas constantes de tiempo sin usar componentes externos. La técnica elegida para alcanzar tal objetivo es la división serie-paralelo de corriente en transconductores (OTAs) simétricos estándar. Estos circuitos demostraron ser una excelente solución en cuanto al área ocupada, su consumo, ruido, linealidad, y en particular offset. Se diseñaron, fabricaron, y midieron, OTAs hasta 33pS -equivalente a una resistencia de 30G -, con hasta 1V de rango de lineal, y offset a la entrada de algunos mV, utilizando una tecnología CMOS de 0.8 micras de largo mínimo de canal. La aplicación requiere la asociación serie-paralelo de un gran número de transistores, y polarización con corrientes de hasta pico-Amperes, lo que constituye una situación poco frecuente en circuitos integrados analógicos. En este marco el diseñador debe elegir los modelos de transistor con sumo cuidado. Un aspecto central de esta tesis es también, el estudio y presentación de modelos adecuados de ruido y offset, que no resultan obvios al principio. En los primeros dos capítulos se realiza una introducción y se revisa, utilizando el modelo ACM, diferentes características del transistor MOS en función del nivel de inversión. En el capítulo 3 revisa la pertinencia y consistencia frente a la asociación serie-paralelo, de los modelos usuales de ruido de flicker o 1/f, y térmico. Luego se presenta, incluyendo medidas, un nuevo modelo físico, consistente, simple, y válido en todas las regiones de operación del transistor MOS, para el ruido de flicker. Como corolario a este estudio se presenta un nuevo modelo para estimar el desapareo entre transistores, en función no solo de la geometría, pero también de la polarización. Se demuestra la correlación, debido a su origen físico análogo, entre el ruido de flicker y el offset por desapareo que puede ser visto como un ruido en DC. En el capítulo 4 se presenta el diseño de OTAs con rango de linealidad extendido, y muy baja transconductancia, utilizando división serie-paralelo de corriente. Se presentan herramientas precisas para la estimación de offset y ruido y se demuestra la utilidad de la técnica para reducir el offset en espejos de corriente. Se presenta el diseño y medida de diversos OTAs. En el capítulo 5, las herramientas desarrolladas, y los OTAs presentados, son empleados en el diseño del filtro descripto para un acelerómetro piezoeléctrico. Se establece una metodología general para el diseño de filtros Gm-C con características similares. El filtro se fabricó y midió, operando en forma satisfactoria, con un consumo total de 230nA y hasta los 2V de tensión de alimentación, con ruido y offset a la entrada de tan solo 2-4 Vrms, y 18 V respectivamente. El desarrollo de un nuevo modelo de ruido 1/f para el transistor MOS, el estudio de la influencia del offset frente a la asociación serie-paralelo y su aplicación en OTAs, la metodología de diseño empleada, la demostración del uso de técnicas novedosas en una aplicación como la elegida que tiene relevancia tecnológica e interés académico; esperamos que todo ello constituya una contribución valiosa para la comunidad científica en microelectrónica y un conjunto de herramientas de utilidad para el diseño de circuitos

    Performance enhancement in the desing of amplifier and amplifier-less circuits in modern CMOS technologies.

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    In the context of nowadays CMOS technology downscaling and the increasing demand of high performance electronics by industry and consumers, analog design has become a major challenge. On the one hand, beyond others, amplifiers have traditionally been a key cell for many analog systems whose overall performance strongly depends on those of the amplifier. Consequently, still today, achieving high performance amplifiers is essential. On the other hand, due to the increasing difficulty in achieving high performance amplifiers in downscaled modern technologies, a different research line that replaces the amplifier by other more easily achievable cells appears: the so called amplifier-less techniques. This thesis explores and contributes to both philosophies. Specifically, a lowvoltage differential input pair is proposed, with which three multistage amplifiers in the state of art are designed, analysed and tested. Moreover, a structure for the implementation of differential switched capacitor circuits, specially suitable for comparator-based circuits, that features lower distortion and less noise than the classical differential structures is proposed, an, as a proof of concept, implemented in a ΔΣ modulator

    Accurate Settling-Time Modeling and Design Procedures for Two-Stage Miller-Compensated Amplifiers for Switched-Capacitor Circuits

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    We present modeling techniques for accurate estimation of settling errors in switched-capacitor (SC) circuits built with Miller-compensated operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs). One distinctive feature of the proposal is the computation of the impact of signal levels (on both the model parameters and the model structure) as they change during transient evolution. This is achieved by using an event-driven behavioral approach that combines small- and large-signal behavioral descriptions and keeps track of the amplifier state after each clock phase. Also, SC circuits are modeled under closed-loop conditions to guarantee that the results remain close to those obtained by electrical simulation of the actual circuits. Based on these models, which can be regarded as intermediate between the more established small-signal approach and full-fledged simulations, design procedures for dimensioning SC building blocks are presented whose targets are system-level specifications (such as ENOB and SNDR) instead of OTA specifications. The proposed techniques allow to complete top-down model-based designs with 0.3-b accuracy.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2006-03022Junta de Andalucía TIC-0281

    Operational transconductance amplifier-based nonlinear function syntheses

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    It is shown that the operational transconductance amplifier, as the active element in basic building blocks, can be efficiently used for programmable nonlinear continuous-time function synthesis. Two efficient nonlinear function synthesis approaches are presented. The first approach is a rational approximation, and the second is a piecewise-linear approach. Test circuits have been fabricated using a 3- mu m p-well CMOS process. The flexibility of the designed and tested circuits was confirme

    Digitally Interfaced Analog Correlation Filter System for Object Tracking Applications

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    Advanced correlation filters have been employed in a wide variety of image processing and pattern recognition applications such as automatic target recognition and biometric recognition. Among those, object recognition and tracking have received more attention recently due to their wide range of applications such as autonomous cars, automated surveillance, human-computer interaction, and vehicle navigation.Although digital signal processing has long been used to realize such computational systems, they consume extensive silicon area and power. In fact, computational tasks that require low to moderate signal-to-noise ratios are more efficiently realized in analog than digital. However, analog signal processing has its own caveats. Mainly, noise and offset accumulation which degrades the accuracy, and lack of a scalable and standard input/output interface capable of managing a large number of analog data.Two digitally-interfaced analog correlation filter systems are proposed. While digital interfacing provided a standard and scalable way of communication with pre- and post-processing blocks without undermining the energy efficiency of the system, the multiply-accumulate operations were performed in analog. Moreover, non-volatile floating-gate memories are utilized as storage for coefficients. The proposed systems incorporate techniques to reduce the effects of analog circuit imperfections.The first system implements a 24x57 Gilbert-multiplier-based correlation filter. The I/O interface is implemented with low-power D/A and A/D converters and a correlated double sampling technique is implemented to reduce offset and lowfrequency noise at the output of analog array. The prototype chip occupies an area of 3.23mm2 and demonstrates a 25.2pJ/MAC energy-efficiency at 11.3 kVec/s and 3.2% RMSE.The second system realizes a 24x41 PWM-based correlation filter. Benefiting from a time-domain approach to multiplication, this system eliminates the need for explicit D/A and A/D converters. Careful utilization of clock and available hardware resources in the digital I/O interface, along with application of power management techniques has significantly reduced the circuit complexity and energy consumption of the system. Additionally, programmable transconductance amplifiers are incorporated at the output of the analog array for offset and gain error calibration. The prototype system occupies an area of 0.98mm2 and is expected to achieve an outstanding energy-efficiency of 3.6pJ/MAC at 319kVec/s with 0.28% RMSE

    A fully integrated physical activity sensing circuit for implantable pacemakers

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    PostprintThis paper shows the implementation of a fully integrated Gm-C 0.5-7Hz bandpass filter-amplifier with gain G=400, for a piezoelectric accelerometer which is part of a rate adaptive pacemaker. The fabricated circuit operates up to 2V power supply, consumes only 230nA current, and achives 2.1μVrms input noise. Detailed circuit specifications, measurements, and a comparative analysis of the system performance are presented

    A Novel differential to single-ended converter for ultra-low-voltage inverter-based OTAs

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    For the design of inverter-based OTAs with differential input and single-ended output, the differential to single-ended (D2S) converter is a key building block. In fact, the performance of the D2S strongly affects the overall common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) and input common-mode range (ICMR) of the whole OTA. In recent literature, inverter-based OTAs rely on a D2S topology based on an inverter driving another inverter with the input and output tight together which behaves as a “diode" connected device to implement a voltage gain approximately equal to -1. However, since this approach is based on the matching of the inverters, the performance of this D2S results sensitive to PVT variations if the bias point of the inverters is not properly stabilized. In this paper we present a novel topology of inverterbased D2S converter, exploiting an auxiliary, standard-cell-based, error amplifier and a local feedback loop. The proposed D2S, compared to the conventional one, exhibits higher CMRR, improved ICMR and better robustness with respect to PVT variations.We present also an ULV, standard-cell-based OTA, which exploits the proposed D2S converter and shows excellent performance figures of merit with low area footprint