11 research outputs found

    Simultaneous diagonalisation of the covariance and complementary covariance matrices in quaternion widely linear signal processing

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    Recent developments in quaternion-valued widely linear processing have established that the exploitation of complete second-order statistics requires consideration of both the standard covariance and the three complementary covariance matrices. Although such matrices have a tremendous amount of structure and their decomposition is a powerful tool in a variety of applications, the non-commutative nature of the quaternion product has been prohibitive to the development of quaternion uncorrelating transforms. To this end, we introduce novel techniques for a simultaneous decomposition of the covariance and complementary covariance matrices in the quaternion domain, whereby the quaternion version of the Takagi factorisation is explored to diagonalise symmetric quaternion-valued matrices. This gives new insights into the quaternion uncorrelating transform (QUT) and forms a basis for the proposed quaternion approximate uncorrelating transform (QAUT) which simultaneously diagonalises all four covariance matrices associated with improper quaternion signals. The effectiveness of the proposed uncorrelating transforms is validated by simulations on both synthetic and real-world quaternion-valued signals.Comment: 41 pages, single column, 10 figure

    Novel quaternion matrix factorisations

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    The recent introduction of η-Hermitian matrices A = AηH has opened a new avenue of research in quaternion signal processing. However, the exploitation of this matrix structure has been limited, perhaps due to the lack of joint diagonalisation methodologies of these matrices. As such, we propose novel decompositions of η- Hermitian matrices to address this shortcoming in the literature. As an application, we consider a blind source separation problem in the form of an Alamouti-based communication system. Simulation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed joint diagonalisation technique and indicate that our approach is particularly useful when the sources are correlated

    Diagonalisation conjointe de tenseurs d'ordre 3 Application à la séparation de signaux non-circulaires

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    On considère la diagonalisation conjointe de tenseurs complexes d'ordre trois symétriques. Nous proposons un algorithme de type Jacobi pour la réaliser et la solution optimale dans le cas 2 × 2 est donnée. Nous illustrons le lien entre cette décomposition conjointe et la séparation de sources non circulaires par l'intermédiaire d'une fonction de contraste. Des simulations illustrent l'approche proposée

    Latent variable regression and applications to planetary seismic instrumentation

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    The work presented in this thesis is framed by the concept of latent variables, a modern data analytics approach. A latent variable represents an extracted component from a dataset which is not directly measured. The concept is first applied to combat the problem of ill-posed regression through the promising method of partial least squares (PLS). In this context the latent variables within a data matrix are extracted through an iterative algorithm based on cross-covariance as an optimisation criterion. This work first extends the PLS algorithm, using adaptive and recursive techniques, for online, non-stationary data applications. The standard PLS algorithm is further generalised for complex-, quaternion- and tensor-valued data. In doing so it is shown that the multidimensional algebras facilitate physically meaningful representations, demonstrated through smart-grid frequency estimation and image-classification tasks. The second part of the thesis uses this knowledge to inform a performance analysis of the MEMS microseismometer implemented for the InSight mission to Mars. This is given in terms of the sensor's intrinsic self-noise, the estimation of which is achieved from experimental data with a colocated instrument. The standard coherence and proposed delta noise estimators are analysed with respect to practical issues. The implementation of algorithms for the alignment, calibration and post-processing of the data then enabled a definitive self-noise estimate, validated from data acquired in ultra-quiet, deep-space environment. A method for the decorrelation of the microseismometer's output from its thermal response is proposed. To do so a novel sensor fusion approach based on the Kalman filter is developed for a full-band transfer-function correction, in contrast to the traditional ill-posed frequency division method. This algorithm was applied to experimental data which determined the thermal model coefficients while validating the sensor's performance at tidal frequencies 1E-5Hz and in extreme environments at -65C. This thesis, therefore, provides a definitive view of the latent variables perspective. This is achieved through the general algorithms developed for regression with multidimensional data and the bespoke application to seismic instrumentation.Open Acces

    Statistical signal processing of nonstationary tensor-valued data

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    Real-world signals, such as the evolution of three-dimensional vector fields over time, can exhibit highly structured probabilistic interactions across their multiple constitutive dimensions. This calls for analysis tools capable of directly capturing the inherent multi-way couplings present in such data. Yet, current analyses typically employ multivariate matrix models and their associated linear algebras which are agnostic to the global data structure and can only describe local linear pairwise relationships between data entries. To address this issue, this thesis uses the property of linear separability -- a notion intrinsic to multi-dimensional data structures called tensors -- as a linchpin to consider the probabilistic, statistical and spectral separability under one umbrella. This helps to both enhance physical meaning in the analysis and reduce the dimensionality of tensor-valued problems. We first introduce a new identifiable probability distribution which appropriately models the interactions between random tensors, whereby linear relationships are considered between tensor fibres as opposed to between individual entries as in standard matrix analysis. Unlike existing models, the proposed tensor probability distribution formulation is shown to yield a unique maximum likelihood estimator which is demonstrated to be statistically efficient. Both matrices and vectors are lower-order tensors, and this gives us a unique opportunity to consider some matrix signal processing models under the more powerful framework of multilinear tensor algebra. By introducing a model for the joint distribution of multiple random tensors, it is also possible to treat random tensor regression analyses and subspace methods within a unified separability framework. Practical utility of the proposed analysis is demonstrated through case studies over synthetic and real-world tensor-valued data, including the evolution over time of global atmospheric temperatures and international interest rates. Another overarching theme in this thesis is the nonstationarity inherent to real-world signals, which typically consist of both deterministic and stochastic components. This thesis aims to help bridge the gap between formal probabilistic theory of stochastic processes and empirical signal processing methods for deterministic signals by providing a spectral model for a class of nonstationary signals, whereby the deterministic and stochastic time-domain signal properties are designated respectively by the first- and second-order moments of the signal in the frequency domain. By virtue of the assumed probabilistic model, novel tests for nonstationarity detection are devised and demonstrated to be effective in low-SNR environments. The proposed spectral analysis framework, which is intrinsically complex-valued, is facilitated by augmented complex algebra in order to fully capture the joint distribution of the real and imaginary parts of complex random variables, using a compact formulation. Finally, motivated by the need for signal processing algorithms which naturally cater for the nonstationarity inherent to real-world tensors, the above contributions are employed simultaneously to derive a general statistical signal processing framework for nonstationary tensors. This is achieved by introducing a new augmented complex multilinear algebra which allows for a concise description of the multilinear interactions between the real and imaginary parts of complex tensors. These contributions are further supported by new physically meaningful empirical results on the statistical analysis of nonstationary global atmospheric temperatures.Open Acces

    Algorithmes pour la diagonalisation conjointe de tenseurs sans contrainte unitaire. Application à la séparation MIMO de sources de télécommunications numériques

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    This thesis develops joint diagonalization of matrices and third-order tensors methods for MIMO source separation in the field of digital telecommunications. After a state of the art, the motivations and the objectives are presented. Then the joint diagonalisation and the blind source separation issues are defined and a link between both fields is established. Thereafter, five Jacobi-like iterative algorithms based on an LU parameterization are developed. For each of them, we propose to derive the diagonalization matrix by optimizing an inverse criterion. Two ways are investigated : minimizing the criterion in a direct way or assuming that the elements from the considered set are almost diagonal. Regarding the parameters derivation, two strategies are implemented : one consists in estimating each parameter independently, the other consists in the independent derivation of couple of well-chosen parameters. Hence, we propose three algorithms for the joint diagonalization of symmetric complex matrices or hermitian ones. The first one relies on searching for the roots of the criterion derivative, the second one relies on a minor eigenvector research and the last one relies on a gradient descent method enhanced by computation of the optimal adaptation step. In the framework of joint diagonalization of symmetric, INDSCAL or non symmetric third-order tensors, we have developed two algorithms. For each of them, the parameters derivation is done by computing the roots of the considered criterion derivative. We also show the link between the joint diagonalization of a third-order tensor set and the canonical polyadic decomposition of a fourth-order tensor. We confront both methods through numerical simulations. The good behavior of the proposed algorithms is illustrated by means of computing simulations. Finally, they are applied to the source separation of digital telecommunication signals.Cette thèse développe des méthodes de diagonalisation conjointe de matrices et de tenseurs d’ordre trois, et son application à la séparation MIMO de sources de télécommunications numériques. Après un état, les motivations et objectifs de la thèse sont présentés. Les problèmes de la diagonalisation conjointe et de la séparation de sources sont définis et un lien entre ces deux domaines est établi. Par la suite, plusieurs algorithmes itératifs de type Jacobi reposant sur une paramétrisation LU sont développés. Pour chacun des algorithmes, on propose de déterminer les matrices permettant de diagonaliser l’ensemble considéré par l’optimisation d’un critère inverse. On envisage la minimisation du critère selon deux approches : la première, de manière directe, et la seconde, en supposant que les éléments de l’ensemble considéré sont quasiment diagonaux. En ce qui concerne l’estimation des différents paramètres du problème, deux stratégies sont mises en œuvre : l’une consistant à estimer tous les paramètres indépendamment et l’autre reposant sur l’estimation indépendante de couples de paramètres spécifiquement choisis. Ainsi, nous proposons trois algorithmes pour la diagonalisation conjointe de matrices complexes symétriques ou hermitiennes et deux algorithmes pour la diagonalisation conjointe d’ensembles de tenseurs symétriques ou non-symétriques ou admettant une décomposition INDSCAL. Nous montrons aussi le lien existant entre la diagonalisation conjointe de tenseurs d’ordre trois et la décomposition canonique polyadique d’un tenseur d’ordre quatre, puis nous comparons les algorithmes développés à différentes méthodes de la littérature. Le bon comportement des algorithmes proposés est illustré au moyen de simulations numériques. Puis, ils sont validés dans le cadre de la séparation de sources de télécommunications numériques