48 research outputs found

    On the Way to Future's High Energy Particle Physics Transport Code

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    High Energy Physics (HEP) needs a huge amount of computing resources. In addition data acquisition, transfer, and analysis require a well developed infrastructure too. In order to prove new physics disciplines it is required to higher the luminosity of the accelerator facilities, which produce more-and-more data in the experimental detectors. Both testing new theories and detector R&D are based on complex simulations. Today have already reach that level, the Monte Carlo detector simulation takes much more time than real data collection. This is why speed up of the calculations and simulations became important in the HEP community. The Geant Vector Prototype (GeantV) project aims to optimize the most-used particle transport code applying parallel computing and to exploit the capabilities of the modern CPU and GPU architectures as well. With the maximized concurrency at multiple levels the GeantV is intended to be the successor of the Geant4 particle transport code that has been used since two decades successfully. Here we present our latest result on the GeantV tests performances, comparing CPU/GPU based vectorized GeantV geometrical code to the Geant4 version

    Annual report 2015

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    Accessions considered in the study. Overview of the material considered in this study. For all materials, the GenBank identifier, the accession and species name as used in this study (Species) as well as their species synonyms used in the donor seed banks or in the NCBI GenBank (Material source/Reference) are provided. The genome symbol, and the country of origin, where the material was originally collected are given. The ploidy level measured in the scope of this study and the information if a herbarium voucher could be deposited in the herbarium of IPK Gatersleben (GAT) is given. Genomic formulas of tetraploids and hexploids are given as “female x male parent”. The genomes of Aegilops taxa follow Kilian et al. [74] and Li et al. [84]. Genome denominations for Hordeum follow Blattner [107] and Bernhardt [12] for the remaining taxa. (XLS 84 kb

    FIELD, Issue 82, Spring 2010

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    Illinois Technograph v. 080 (1964-1965)

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    Student engineering magazine University of Illinoi

    Agricultural Research Division 111th Annual Report 1997

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    It is a pleasure to provide you with the 111th Annual Report of the University of Nebraska Agricultural Research Division (ARD). Once a year we take the opportunity to assess what has been accomplished by our faculty, students, and staff during the past twelve months. In looking at the report, one cannot help but be impressed with the increasing outputs from our research program, but more important is the new technology and knowledge provided to Nebraskans to improve the profitability and competitiveness of their enterprises, to enhance the environment, and to improve their quality of life. This report provides some highlights of research accomplishments, a listing of our scientists and research associates, outputs from our research projects, awards received by faculty and graduate students, and the ARD financial report for the period July 1, 1996, to June 30,1997. This report was compiled in compliance with the intent of the law of the State of Nebraska that established the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station on March 31, 1887. Mission ... 2 Foreword ... 3 Research Highlights ... 4 Faculty Awards and Recognitions ... 12 Graduate Student Awards and Recognitions ... 14 Variety and Germplasm Releases ... 17 Patents ... 21 Administration ... 23 … Administrative Personnel ... Organizational Chart ... 24 … Administrative Units ... 25 … IANR Research Facilities ... 26 Faculty ... 27 … Agricultural/Natural Resources Departments ... 28 … Human Resources and Family Sciences Departments ... 35 … Off-Campus Research Centers ... 36 … Interdisciplinary Activities ... 38 Visiting Scientists and Research Associates ... 39 Research Projects ... 41 … Agricultural/Natural Resources Departments ... 41 … Human Resources and Family Sciences Departments ... 47 … Off-Campus Research Centers ... 47 … Interdisciplinary Activities ... 48 Publications ... 49 … Agricultural/Natural Resources Departments ... 52 … Human Resources and Family Sciences Departments ... 67 … Off-Campus Research Centers … 69 … Interdisciplinary Activities ... 71 Research Expenditures ... 7

    Agricultural Research Division 111th Annual Report 1997

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    It is a pleasure to provide you with the 111th Annual Report of the University of Nebraska Agricultural Research Division (ARD). Once a year we take the opportunity to assess what has been accomplished by our faculty, students, and staff during the past twelve months. In looking at the report, one cannot help but be impressed with the increasing outputs from our research program, but more important is the new technology and knowledge provided to Nebraskans to improve the profitability and competitiveness of their enterprises, to enhance the environment, and to improve their quality of life. This report provides some highlights of research accomplishments, a listing of our scientists and research associates, outputs from our research projects, awards received by faculty and graduate students, and the ARD financial report for the period July 1, 1996, to June 30,1997. This report was compiled in compliance with the intent of the law of the State of Nebraska that established the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station on March 31, 1887. Mission ... 2 Foreword ... 3 Research Highlights ... 4 Faculty Awards and Recognitions ... 12 Graduate Student Awards and Recognitions ... 14 Variety and Germplasm Releases ... 17 Patents ... 21 Administration ... 23 … Administrative Personnel ... Organizational Chart ... 24 … Administrative Units ... 25 … IANR Research Facilities ... 26 Faculty ... 27 … Agricultural/Natural Resources Departments ... 28 … Human Resources and Family Sciences Departments ... 35 … Off-Campus Research Centers ... 36 … Interdisciplinary Activities ... 38 Visiting Scientists and Research Associates ... 39 Research Projects ... 41 … Agricultural/Natural Resources Departments ... 41 … Human Resources and Family Sciences Departments ... 47 … Off-Campus Research Centers ... 47 … Interdisciplinary Activities ... 48 Publications ... 49 … Agricultural/Natural Resources Departments ... 52 … Human Resources and Family Sciences Departments ... 67 … Off-Campus Research Centers … 69 … Interdisciplinary Activities ... 71 Research Expenditures ... 7

    Future Implications of Emerging Disruptive Technologies on Weapons of Mass Destruction

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    This report asks the questions: What are the future implications of Emerging Disruptive Technologies (EDTs) on the future of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) warfare? How might EDTs increase the lethality and effectiveness of WMDs in kinetic warfare in 2040? How can civic leaders and public servants prepare for and mitigate projected threats? Problem  In the coming decade, state and non-state adversaries will use EDTs to attack systems and populations that may initiate and accelerate existing geopolitical conflict escalation. EDTs are expected to be used both in the initial attack or escalation as well as a part of the detection and decision-making process. Due to the speed of EDTs, expected confusion, and common lack of human oversight, attacks will also be incorrectly attributed, which has the capacity to escalate rapid geopolitical conflict to global military conflict, and ultimately, to the use of nuclear WMDs. The use of EDTs in the shadow of nuclear WMDs is also expected to create an existential threat to possible adversaries, pushing them to “lower the bar” of acceptability for using nuclear WMDs. EDTs will enable and embolden insider threats, both willing and unknowing, to effect geopolitical conflict on a global scale. In addition, the combination of multiple EDTs when used together for attacks will create WMD effects on populations and governments. Furthermore, EDTs will be used by adversaries to target and destabilize critical infrastructure systems, such as food, energy, and transportation, etc. that will have a broader effect on populations and governments. EDTs will enable adversaries to perpetrate a long-game attack, where the effect and attribution of the attack may not be detected for an extended period -- if ever. Solution  To combat these future threats, organizations will need to conduct research and intelligence gathering paired with exploratory research and development to better understand the state of EDTs and their potential impacts. With this information, organizations will need to conduct collaborative “wargaming” and planning to explore a range of possible and potential threats of EDTs. The knowledge gained from all of these activities will inform future training and best practices to prepare for and address these threats. Organizations will also need to increase their investments in EDT related domains, necessitating countries to not only change how they fight, but also evolve their thinking about deterrence. Expanded regulation, policy making, and political solidarity among members will take on an increasingly more significant and expanded role. Broader government, military, and civilian cooperation will be needed to disrupt and mitigate some of these future threats in conjunction with broader public awareness. All of these actions will place a higher value on cooperation and shared resiliency among NATO members

    Fourth NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies

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    This report contains copies of all those technical papers received in time for publication just prior to the Fourth Goddard Conference on Mass Storage and Technologies, held March 28-30, 1995, at the University of Maryland, University College Conference Center, in College Park, Maryland. This series of conferences continues to serve as a unique medium for the exchange of information on topics relating to the ingestion and management of substantial amounts of data and the attendant problems involved. This year's discussion topics include new storage technology, stability of recorded media, performance studies, storage system solutions, the National Information infrastructure (Infobahn), the future for storage technology, and lessons learned from various projects. There also will be an update on the IEEE Mass Storage System Reference Model Version 5, on which the final vote was taken in July 1994