166 research outputs found

    On the Use of PU Learning for Quality Flaw Prediction in Wikipedia

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    [EN] In this article we describe a new approach to assess Quality Flaw Prediction in Wikipedia. The partially supervised method studied, called PU Learning, has been successfully applied in classi cations tasks with traditional corpora like Reuters-21578 or 20-Newsgroups. To the best of our knowledge, this is the rst time that it is applied in this domain. Throughout this paper, we describe how the original PU Learning approach was evaluated for assessing quality flaws and the modi cations introduced to get a quality aws predictor which obtained the best F1 scores in the task \Quality Flaw Prediction in Wikipedia" of the PAN challenge.Edgardo Ferretti and Marcelo Errecalde thank Universidad Nacional de San Luis (PROICO 30310). The collaboration of UNSL, INAOE and UPV has been funded by the European Commission as part of the WIQ-EI project (project no. 269180) within the FP7 People Programme. Manuel Montes is partially supported by CONACYT, No. 134186. The work of Paolo Rosso was carried out also in the framework of the MICINN Text-Enterprise (TIN2009-13391-C04-03) research project and the Microcluster VLC/Campus (International Campus of Excellence) on Multimodal Intelligent Systems.Ferretti, E.; Hernández Fusilier, D.; Guzmán Cabrera, R.; Montes Y Gómez, M.; Errecalde, M.; Rosso, P. (2012). On the Use of PU Learning for Quality Flaw Prediction in Wikipedia. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 1178. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/46566S117

    Automatically Assessing the Need of Additional Citations for Information Quality Verification in Wikipedia Articles

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    Quality flaws prediction in Wikipedia is an ongoing research trend. In particular, in this work we tackle the problem of automatically assessing the need of including additional citations for contributing to verify the articles’ content; the so-called Refimprove quality flaw. This information quality flaw, ranks among the five most frequent flaws and represents 12.4% of the flawed articles in the English Wikipedia. Underbagged decision trees, biased-SVM, and centroid-based balanced SVM –three different state-of-the-art approaches– were evaluated, with the aim of handling the existing imbalances between the number of articles’ tagged as flawed content, and the remaining untagged documents that exist in Wikipedia, which can help in the learning stage of the algorithms. Also, a uniformly sampled balanced SVM classifier was evaluated as a baseline. The results showed that under-bagged decision trees with the min rule as aggregation method, perform best achieving an F1 score of 0.96 on the test corpus from the 1st International Competition on Quality Flaw Prediction in Wikipedia; a well-known uniform evaluation corpus from this research field. Likewise, biased-SVM also achieved an F1 score that outperform previously published results.II Track de Gobierno Digital y Ciudades Inteligentes.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Minería de textos y de la web

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    Este artículo describe, brevemente, las tareas de investigación y desarrollo que se están llevando a cabo en la línea de investigación “Minería de Textos y de la Web” en el marco del proyecto “Aprendizaje automático y toma de decisiones en sistemas inteligentes para la Web”. La linea aborda diversas áreas vinculadas a la ingeniería del lenguaje natural, como por ejemplo el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (PLN), la Lingüística Computacional, la Minería de Textos, la Minería de la Web y la recuperación de información de la Web. En el contexto de este proyecto por lo tanto, esta línea se centra en todos los problemas vinculados con el desarrollo de herramientas inteligentes para la extracción, análisis y validación de contenido Web, que incluyen: representación de documentos y usuarios de la Web, medidas de calidad de información para el contenido Web, técnicas abiertas de extracción de información para la Web, algoritmos de categorización supervisados, semi-supervisados y no supervisados y caracterización de usuarios, entre otros.Eje: Bases de Datos y Minería de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Minería de textos y de la web

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    Este artículo describe, brevemente, las tareas de investigación y desarrollo que se están llevando a cabo en la línea de investigación “Minería de Textos y de la Web” en el marco del proyecto “Aprendizaje automático y toma de decisiones en sistemas inteligentes para la Web”. La linea aborda diversas áreas vinculadas a la ingeniería del lenguaje natural, como por ejemplo el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (PLN), la Lingüística Computacional, la Minería de Textos, la Minería de la Web y la recuperación de información de la Web. En el contexto de este proyecto por lo tanto, esta línea se centra en todos los problemas vinculados con el desarrollo de herramientas inteligentes para la extracción, análisis y validación de contenido Web, que incluyen: representación de documentos y usuarios de la Web, medidas de calidad de información para el contenido Web, técnicas abiertas de extracción de información para la Web, algoritmos de categorización supervisados, semi-supervisados y no supervisados y caracterización de usuarios, entre otros.Eje: Bases de Datos y Minería de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Minería de textos y de la web

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    Este artículo describe, brevemente, las tareas de investigación y desarrollo que se están llevando a cabo en la línea de investigación “Minería de Textos y de la Web” en el marco del proyecto “Aprendizaje automático y toma de decisiones en sistemas inteligentes para la Web”. La linea aborda diversas áreas vinculadas a la ingeniería del lenguaje natural, como por ejemplo el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (PLN), la Lingüística Computacional, la Minería de Textos, la Minería de la Web y la recuperación de información de la Web. En el contexto de este proyecto por lo tanto, esta línea se centra en todos los problemas vinculados con el desarrollo de herramientas inteligentes para la extracción, análisis y validación de contenido Web, que incluyen: representación de documentos y usuarios de la Web, medidas de calidad de información para el contenido Web, técnicas abiertas de extracción de información para la Web, algoritmos de categorización supervisados, semi-supervisados y no supervisados y caracterización de usuarios, entre otros.Eje: Bases de Datos y Minería de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Modeling Non-Standard Text Classification Tasks

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    Text classification deals with discovering knowledge in texts and is used for extracting, filtering, or retrieving information in streams and collections. The discovery of knowledge is operationalized by modeling text classification tasks, which is mainly a human-driven engineering process. The outcome of this process, a text classification model, is used to inductively learn a text classification solution from a priori classified examples. The building blocks of modeling text classification tasks cover four aspects: (1) the way examples are represented, (2) the way examples are selected, (3) the way classifiers learn from examples, and (4) the way models are selected. This thesis proposes methods that improve the prediction quality of text classification solutions for unseen examples, especially for non-standard tasks where standard models do not fit. The original contributions are related to the aforementioned building blocks: (1) Several topic-orthogonal text representations are studied in the context of non-standard tasks and a new representation, namely co-stems, is introduced. (2) A new active learning strategy that goes beyond standard sampling is examined. (3) A new one-class ensemble for improving the effectiveness of one-class classification is proposed. (4) A new model selection framework to cope with subclass distribution shifts that occur in dynamic environments is introduced

    Analyzing and Predicting Quality Flaws in User-generated Content: The Case of Wikipedia

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    Web applications that are based on user-generated content are often criticized for containing low-quality information; a popular example is the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. The major points of criticism pertain to the accuracy, neutrality, and reliability of information. The identification of low-quality information is an important task since for a huge number of people around the world it has become a habit to first visit Wikipedia in case of an information need. Existing research on quality assessment in Wikipedia either investigates only small samples of articles, or else deals with the classification of content into high-quality or low-quality. This thesis goes further, it targets the investigation of quality flaws, thus providing specific indications of the respects in which low-quality content needs improvement. The original contributions of this thesis, which relate to the fields of user-generated content analysis, data mining, and machine learning, can be summarized as follows: (1) We propose the investigation of quality flaws in Wikipedia based on user-defined cleanup tags. Cleanup tags are commonly used in the Wikipedia community to tag content that has some shortcomings. Our approach is based on the hypothesis that each cleanup tag defines a particular quality flaw. (2) We provide the first comprehensive breakdown of Wikipedia's quality flaw structure. We present a flaw organization schema, and we conduct an extensive exploratory data analysis which reveals (a) the flaws that actually exist, (b) the distribution of flaws in Wikipedia, and, (c) the extent of flawed content. (3) We present the first breakdown of Wikipedia's quality flaw evolution. We consider the entire history of the English Wikipedia from 2001 to 2012, which comprises more than 508 million page revisions, summing up to 7.9 TB. Our analysis reveals (a) how the incidence and the extent of flaws have evolved, and, (b) how the handling and the perception of flaws have changed over time. (4) We are the first who operationalize an algorithmic prediction of quality flaws in Wikipedia. We cast quality flaw prediction as a one-class classification problem, develop a tailored quality flaw model, and employ a dedicated one-class machine learning approach. A comprehensive evaluation based on human-labeled Wikipedia articles underlines the practical applicability of our approach

    Beyond Task Performance: Evaluating and Reducing the Flaws of Large Multimodal Models with In-Context Learning

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    Following the success of Large Language Models (LLMs), Large Multimodal Models (LMMs), such as the Flamingo model and its subsequent competitors, have started to emerge as natural steps towards generalist agents. However, interacting with recent LMMs reveals major limitations that are hardly captured by the current evaluation benchmarks. Indeed, task performances (e.g., VQA accuracy) alone do not provide enough clues to understand their real capabilities, limitations, and to which extent such models are aligned to human expectations. To refine our understanding of those flaws, we deviate from the current evaluation paradigm, and (1) evaluate 10 recent open-source LMMs from 3B up to 80B parameter scale, on 5 different axes; hallucinations, abstention, compositionality, explainability and instruction following. Our evaluation on these axes reveals major flaws in LMMs. While the current go-to solution to align these models is based on training, such as instruction tuning or RLHF, we rather (2) explore the training-free in-context learning (ICL) as a solution, and study how it affects these limitations. Based on our ICL study, (3) we push ICL further and propose new multimodal ICL variants such as; Multitask-ICL, Chain-of-Hindsight-ICL, and Self-Correcting-ICL. Our findings are as follows. (1) Despite their success, LMMs have flaws that remain unsolved with scaling alone. (2) The effect of ICL on LMMs flaws is nuanced; despite its effectiveness for improved explainability, answer abstention, ICL only slightly improves instruction following, does not improve compositional abilities, and actually even amplifies hallucinations. (3) The proposed ICL variants are promising as post-hoc approaches to efficiently tackle some of those flaws. The code is available here: https://github.com/mshukor/EvALign-ICL.Comment: ICLR 2024. Project Page: https://evalign-icl.github.io

    Understanding the structure and meaning of Finnish texts: From corpus creation to deep language modelling

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    Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a cross-disciplinary field combining elements of computer science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics, with the objective of developing means for computational analysis, understanding or generation of human language. The primary aim of this thesis is to advance natural language processing in Finnish by providing more resources and investigating the most effective machine learning based practices for their use. The thesis focuses on NLP topics related to understanding the structure and meaning of written language, mainly concentrating on structural analysis (syntactic parsing) as well as exploring the semantic equivalence of statements that vary in their surface realization (paraphrase modelling). While the new resources presented in the thesis are developed for Finnish, most of the methodological contributions are language-agnostic, and the accompanying papers demonstrate the application and evaluation of these methods across multiple languages. The first set of contributions of this thesis revolve around the development of a state-of-the-art Finnish dependency parsing pipeline. Firstly, the necessary Finnish training data was converted to the Universal Dependencies scheme, integrating Finnish into this important treebank collection and establishing the foundations for Finnish UD parsing. Secondly, a novel word lemmatization method based on deep neural networks is introduced and assessed across a diverse set of over 50 languages. And finally, the overall dependency parsing pipeline is evaluated on a large number of languages, securing top ranks in two competitive shared tasks focused on multilingual dependency parsing. The overall outcome of this line of research is a parsing pipeline reaching state-of-the-art accuracy in Finnish dependency parsing, the parsing numbers obtained with the latest pre-trained language models approaching (at least near) human-level performance. The achievement of large language models in the area of dependency parsing— as well as in many other structured prediction tasks— brings up the hope of the large pre-trained language models genuinely comprehending language, rather than merely relying on simple surface cues. However, datasets designed to measure semantic comprehension in Finnish have been non-existent, or very scarce at the best. To address this limitation, and to reflect the general change of emphasis in the field towards task more semantic in nature, the second part of the thesis shifts its focus to language understanding through an exploration of paraphrase modelling. The second contribution of the thesis is the creation of a novel, large-scale, manually annotated corpus of Finnish paraphrases. A unique aspect of this corpus is that its examples have been manually extracted from two related text documents, with the objective of obtaining non-trivial paraphrase pairs valuable for training and evaluating various language understanding models on paraphrasing. We show that manual paraphrase extraction can yield a corpus featuring pairs that are both notably longer and less lexically overlapping than those produced through automated candidate selection, the current prevailing practice in paraphrase corpus construction. Another distinctive feature in the corpus is that the paraphrases are identified and distributed within their document context, allowing for richer modelling and novel tasks to be defined