22 research outputs found

    Numerical Algorithm for the Topology of Singular Plane Curves

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    International audienceWe are interested in computing the topology of plane singular curves. For this, the singular points must be isolated. Numerical methods for isolating singular points are efficient but not certified in general. We are interested in developing certified numerical algorithms for isolating the singularities. In order to do so, we restrict our attention to the special case of plane curves that are projections of smooth curves in higher dimensions. In this setting, we show that the singularities can be encoded by a regular square system whose isolation can be certified by numerical methods. This type of curves appears naturally in robotics applications and scientific visualization

    On the shape of curves that are rational in polar coordinates

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    In this paper we provide a computational approach to the shape of curves which are rational in polar coordinates, i.e. which are defined by means of a parametrization (r(t),θ(t)) where both r(t), θ(t) are rational functions. Our study includes theoretical aspects on the shape of these curves, and algorithmic results which eventually lead to an algorithm for plotting the “interesting parts” of the curve, i.e. the parts showing the main geometrical features

    Numerical Algorithm for the Topology of Singular Plane Curves

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    International audienceWe are interested in computing the topology of plane singular curves. For this, the singular points must be isolated. Numerical methods for isolating singular points are efficient but not certified in general. We are interested in developing certified numerical algorithms for isolating the singularities. In order to do so, we restrict our attention to the special case of plane curves that are projections of smooth curves in higher dimensions. In this setting, we show that the singularities can be encoded by a regular square system whose isolation can be certified by numerical methods. This type of curves appears naturally in robotics applications and scientific visualization

    Measuring the local non-convexity of real algebraic curves

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    The goal of this paper is to measure the non-convexity of compact and smooth connected components of real algebraic plane curves. We study these curves first in a general setting and then in an asymptotic one. In particular, we consider sufficiently small levels of a real bivariate polynomial in a small enough neighbourhood of a strict local minimum at the origin of the real affine plane. We introduce and describe a new combinatorial object, called the Poincare-Reeb graph, whose role is to encode the shape of such curves and to allow us to quantify their non-convexity. Moreover, we prove that in this setting the Poincare-Reeb graph is a plane tree and can be used as a tool to study the asymptotic behaviour of level curves near a strict local minimum. Finally, using the real polar curve, we show that locally the shape of the levels stabilises and that no spiralling phenomena occur near the origin.Comment: 32 pages, 34 figure

    Numeric certified algorithm for the topology of resultant and discriminant curves

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    Let C\mathcal C be a real plane algebraic curve defined by the resultant of two polynomials (resp. by the discriminant of a polynomial). Geometrically such a curve is the projection of the intersection of the surfaces P(x,y,z)=Q(x,y,z)=0P(x,y,z)=Q(x,y,z)=0 (resp. P(x,y,z)=Pz(x,y,z)=0P(x,y,z)=\frac{\partial P}{\partial z}(x,y,z)=0), and generically its singularities are nodes (resp. nodes and ordinary cusps). State-of-the-art numerical algorithms compute the topology of smooth curves but usually fail to certify the topology of singular ones. The main challenge is to find practical numerical criteria that guarantee the existence and the uniqueness of a singularity inside a given box BB, while ensuring that BB does not contain any closed loop of C\mathcal{C}. We solve this problem by first providing a square deflation system, based on subresultants, that can be used to certify numerically whether BB contains a unique singularity pp or not. Then we introduce a numeric adaptive separation criterion based on interval arithmetic to ensure that the topology of C\mathcal C in BB is homeomorphic to the local topology at pp. Our algorithms are implemented and experiments show their efficiency compared to state-of-the-art symbolic or homotopic methods

    Numeric and Certified Isolation of the Singularities of the Projection of a Smooth Space Curve

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    International audienceLet CP ∩Q be a smooth real analytic curve embedded in R 3 , defined as the solutions of real analytic equations of the form P (x, y, z) = Q(x, y, z) = 0 or P (x, y, z) = ∂P ∂z = 0. Our main objective is to describe its projection C onto the (x, y)-plane. In general, the curve C is not a regular submanifold of R 2 and describing it requires to isolate the points of its singularity locus Σ. After describing the types of singularities that can arise under some assumptions on P and Q, we present a new method to isolate the points of Σ. We experimented our method on pairs of independent random polynomials (P, Q) and on pairs of random polynomials of the form (P, ∂P ∂z) and got promising results