29 research outputs found

    Pairwise disjoint perfect matchings in rr-edge-connected rr-regular graphs

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    Thomassen [Problem 1 in Factorizing regular graphs, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 141 (2020), 343-351] asked whether every rr-edge-connected rr-regular graph of even order has r2r-2 pairwise disjoint perfect matchings. We show that this is not the case if r2 mod 4r \equiv 2 \text{ mod } 4. Together with a recent result of Mattiolo and Steffen [Highly edge-connected regular graphs without large factorizable subgraphs, J. Graph Theory, 99 (2022), 107-116] this solves Thomassen's problem for all even rr. It turns out that our methods are limited to the even case of Thomassen's problem. We then prove some equivalences of statements on pairwise disjoint perfect matchings in highly edge-connected regular graphs, where the perfect matchings contain or avoid fixed sets of edges. Based on these results we relate statements on pairwise disjoint perfect matchings of 5-edge-connected 5-regular graphs to well-known conjectures for cubic graphs, such as the Fan-Raspaud Conjecture, the Berge-Fulkerson Conjecture and the 55-Cycle Double Cover Conjecture.Comment: 24 page

    Every graph occurs as an induced subgraph of some hypohamiltonian graph

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    We prove the titular statement. This settles a problem of Chvátal from 1973 and encompasses earlier results of Thomassen, who showed it for K_3, and Collier and Schmeichel, who proved it for bipartite graphs. We also show that for every outerplanar graph there exists a planar hypohamiltonian graph containing it as an induced subgraph


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    Permasalahan dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana hubungan antara conjecture Jackson dan conjecture Thomassen. Untuk membahas hubungan tersebut digunakan metode analisis dari teorema-teorema dalam graph hamilton, graph garis, dan graph-graph yang memenuhi conjecture Jackson dan conjecture Thomassen

    Disjoint isomorphic balanced clique subdivisions

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    A classical result, due to Bollobás and Thomason, and independently Komlós and Szemerédi, states that there is a constant C such that every graph with average degree at least has a subdivision of , the complete graph on k vertices. We study two directions extending this result. • Verstraëte conjectured that a quadratic bound guarantees in fact two vertex-disjoint isomorphic copies of a -subdivision. • Thomassen conjectured that for each there is some such that every graph with average degree at least d contains a balanced subdivision of . Recently, Liu and Montgomery confirmed Thomassen's conjecture, but the optimal bound on remains open. In this paper, we show that a quadratic lower bound on average degree suffices to force a balanced -subdivision. This gives the right order of magnitude of the optimal needed in Thomassen's conjecture. Since a balanced -subdivision trivially contains m vertex-disjoint isomorphic -subdivisions, this also confirms Verstraëte's conjecture in a strong sense

    Arc Reversals in Tournaments.

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    Chords of longest circuits of graphs

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    This thesis is on a long standing open conjecture proposed by one of the most prominent mathematicians, Dr. C. Thomassen: Every longest circuit of 3-connected graph has a chord. In 1987, C. Q. Zhang proved that every longest circuit of a 3-connected planar graph G has a chord if G is cubic or if the minimum degree is at least 4. In 1997, Carsten Thomassen proved that every longest circuit of 3-connected cubic graph has a chord.;In this dissertation, we prove the following three independent partial results: (1) Every longest circuit of a 3-connected graph embedded in a projective plane with minimum degree at least has a chord (Theorem 2.3.1). (2) Every longest circuit of a 3-connected cubic graph has at least two chords. Furthermore if the graph is also a planar, then every longest circuit has at least three chords (Theorem 3.2.6, 3.2.7). (3) Every longest circuit of a 4-connected graph embedded in a torus or Klein bottle has a chord.;We get these three independent results with three totally different approaches: Connectivity (Tutte circuit), second Hamilton circuit, and charge and discharge methods